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rate my bloodseeker item build
he's literally the only hero in the game that jungles for absolutely F R E E and he does it really quickly with iron talon so he can get a pretty early midas & radiance which allows him to farm even faster
radiance synergises really well with him since it passively lowers enemy hp so he gets faster & hits harder just by being in a fight and the radiance burn damage is amplified by bloodrage
this item build is full of tanky items because bloodseeker passively gains damage and is really squishy
tell me why this isn't objectively the best bloodseeker build

rate my broodmother item build
she's literally the only hero in the game that jungles for absolutely F R E E and she does it really quickly with iron talon so she can get a pretty early midas & radiance which allows her to farm even faster
radiance synergises really well with her since it passively lowers enemy hp so she gets faster & hits harder
this item build is full of tanky items because broodmother passively gains damage and is really squishy
tell me why this isn't objectively the best broodmother build

We seriously need some esports going on

Radiance is a farming item.
Midas is a farming item.

Bloodseeker is not a farming carry.

rate my shitposting item build
it's literally the only hero in the game that jungles for absolutely F R E E and does it really quickly with iron talon so it can get a pretty early midas & radiance which allows it to farm even faster
radiance synergises really well with it since it passively lowers enemy hp so it gets faster & hits harder
this item build is full of tanky items because shitposting passively gains damage and is really squishy
tell me why this isn't objectively the best shitposting build

rate my undying item build
he's literally the only hero in the game that jungles for absolutely F R E E and he does it really quickly with iron talon so he can get a pretty early midas & radiance which allows him to farm even faster
radiance synergises really well with him since it passively lowers enemy hp so he gets faster & hits harder
this item build is full of tanky items because undying passively gains damage and is really squishy
tell me why this isn't objectively the best undying build

>Nobody to erp with during dota 2 gameplay
It's so sad.

Vanguard or BF first on Magina?

>teammate asks where I live
>say uk
>adds me after game
"Him hi
Me: hey
Me: what'd you want?
Him: im 28 years old and i play dota since 2005
Him: it was a stupid map on warcraft 3
Me: thats cool
Him: so i now the history of the game very well
Me: and?
Himmadar dulow: and today dota is getting very popilar and there are teams
Him: that are gathering for tournaments
Me: I understand this
Him: are you interested in trying to join such team
Me: nah im good
Him: ok i understand you play just for fun
Him: sry to bother"

>trying to recruit literal 3ks to dota 2 teams

is your shit getting pushed in?

talon + midas + radiance in that order

hello madar dulow

It depends, is the a vanguard first sorta game?

You nearly managed to fix it entirely senpai ;^)

>No carry to suck off as he plays his position 4 wisp feeling constantly overcharged


Competitive DotA is fun even if you don't play on a competitive level, you elitist shit lord.

Not right now. I'm just asking for future games
You mean like, Vanguard is poor man's BF?

>teammate asks where I live
>say uk
>adds me after game
"Him hi
Me: hey
Me: what'd you want?
Him: im 28 years old and i play dota since 2005
Him: it was a stupid map on warcraft 3
Me: thats cool
Him: so i now the history of the game very well
Me: and?
Him: and today dota is getting very popilar and there are teams
Him: that are gathering for tournaments
Me: I understand this
Him: are you interested in trying to join such team
Me: nah im good
Him: ok i understand you play just for fun
Him: sry to bother"

>trying to recruit literal 3ks to dota 2 teams

vanguard pretty much secures the laning phase & lets you jungle decently well
if you're doing really well get bf first

19-20 mil is a pretty safe bet, right?

Why not talon, midas, battlefury into radiance manta BoTs so you can be BADalch?


>"Him hi
delete this

it's a meme u dip

My excuse is that I played this game for 2500 hours and they deserve at least 10 dollars for that.

>teammate asks where I live
>say uk
>adds me after game

Him hi
Me: hey
Me: what'd you want?
Him: im 28 years old and i play dota since 2005
Him: it was a stupid map on warcraft 3
Me: thats cool
Him: so i now the history of the game very well
Me: and?
Him: and today dota is getting very popilar and there are teams
Him: that are gathering for tournaments
Me: I understand this
Him: are you interested in trying to join such team
Me: nah im good
Him: ok i understand you play just for fun
Him: sry to bother

>trying to recruit literal 3ks to dota 2 teams

>gameshitting bringing this general to the bring of /sc2g/
Without esports dota will die because the game itself is so TRASH only the top 0.01% hardcore players can play it. And they only play it because they are paid to.

>Vanguard is poor man's BF?
What a stupid fucking question.
Does Vanguard let you farm really fucking fast?
It literally has only one thing in common with BF.


The only thing they have in common is that they both allow AM to farm fast with their sustain. HAHAHHAHAHA NO ESPORTS HAHA HAHA LETS GAMESHIT HAHAHA



It doesn't
Hence why it's poor man's BF

Vanguard doesn't let you farm really fast though you fucking retard.
It gives you enough hp to farm in risky places and turn up to some early fights, enabling you to get your BF.

what if blademail worked on towers?

>vanguard allows am to farm fast because it gives regen
streamcucks once again showing how utterly retarded they are
just go to the twitch hq and blow it up along with yourselves

I can't find esports.What now?

>does bf make you really tanky
>hence why it's poor man's vanguard
this is how retarded you look


Oh boy here we go again

what if towers had an inventory and could buy items with gold from killing creeps?

Heh, gotcha.
thanks for the (You)'s kiddos

manila when?

Phantom Lancer is a fucking garbage hero

I wouldn't mind placing him in the bottom 3

Have another one
the (you) market will crash

what if bristleback's bristleback worked on towers?

No because BF is really expensive
At best it would be rich man's Vanguard, very expensive and fancy but only gives regen and no damage block etc

what if undying couldn't die

what if brewmaster ult turned him into ember spirit, earth spirit, and storm spirit?

>tfw if this was real a tower would have more lasthits than you do at least early game

what if you could deny roshan


what if towers could feel

what if you could deny meepo clones

no pls no

what if you could sell aegis

what if meepo clones could use all the items the initial one purchases

that image is just depressing, why are you posting it user

what if radiance, heart, & abyssal were absolutely F R E E on bloodseeker

Why depressing? Pepe is happy and the other characters look ok, and they're relaxing in a comfy house during the winter
It's 10/10

I would wake up and kill myself because I've lost my memory of being a cute girl. I'm now brain damaged by autism. But this would definitely explain why I love erping and why I feel so attracted to other cute sissy boys. I'm actually straight because I'm a girl.

I will if I can play as female

Where is twitch hq? I don't want to live anymore.

I dont know senpai, maybe its Pepe looking happy and all the others are looking depressing, spurdo sitting in the dark along,the gondola just standing in the shower mindlessly looking into nothing
even wojack looks depressed, comfy
but depressed

Can you carry us as we erp together and suck you off with our defensive suppirt play?

Why don't people rush Bfury on WK ?

Their offices are right next to gaben's

depends on the hero but yeah

Because he's garbage late game

Maybe if they had esports they wouldn't be on suicide watch.


because he doesn't have farming issues, and he needs the slots for core items


Madara literally cannot lose

Why does my team always love to draft zero initiation/stun/teamfight?

>because he doesn't have farming issues

How to play Mortred, the Dark Lady:

R - Q - W - U - E with value point in blur at lvl 4

RoP tangoes shield
Aquila Wand Medaillon
Morbid Solar Crest
Dom Abyssal

>greeks finally have a chance to repay debts

Because he's a snowball carry who's biggest issue is capclosing.

What did he mean by this?

you max blur, idiot, because later it's useless, and early it can save you.

Shut up bitch. U dont now how 2 paly dota

And the wheel says... _______________

use viagra before sex

Shut up bitch or I'll bash your face with the value point in blur it's all I need u bitch

I have 100% wr

>free lifesteal and bonus damage vs neutrals
>farming issues

his only issue is that he gets outfarmed by other hyper carries but that's not because he farms slow

The Idler Wheel Is Wiser than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More than Ropes Will Ever Do

so youve played 2 games as pa?

This doesn't look like a dota 2 related post. Enjoy ur ban. I report for free but I didn't say I reported u bitch

>get battlefury
>1 shot the entire creepwave
honestly i could build it wk every game just for that

some fking slav on here who watches slav streams during esports ratting on VP!!

U dont no how to paly dota u bitch

Which is better with AA 2.1; Misery Style, Absolute Style or Gnomus Style?

say what you must nonbeliever
the battlefury wk will rise

Why doesn't the janitor ban these shitposters? The rules say that posts of low quality can be reasons for bans.

Dude, if it's useless late then buy literally good blur as a cheap ass item early that synergizes with your physical damage and sell it later. Instead invest that into stats that make her tanky against magical damage which is her achileus' heel
There you just shafted Icefrog's balance.

By the way Aquila Medaillon lets keep Q and E on cooldown 100% of the time for very fast jungle farm.

Invoker: the 16 spells to enhance your right click

are you talking about what if posts?

honestly some of the best stuff I've read in these generals, some interesting game ideas put out even if they're just joking

How the fuck do you upload porn instead of that nigga