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1st for this one goes in the book

Is this supposed to be some kind of a joke?

I fucked up, okay? Move along.

Is this cheating :^)?

I pray that multiplayer shitters will play the game instead of shitposting for once.

Sickly, sinful, spectacles stand, shuffle, shamble and saunter shamelessly in mine scandalized sight! I suggest a solution...Surely such sedition should sour and succumb to Sigvald - the salacious, scandalous and sensational servant of Slaanesh! Son of Succubi, scion of sordid acts and slayer of squalid serfs!

See how I stroll, stride, swagger and swirl, spin, and slash and stab at stupid, senseless scum! Soon they shall swoon, shall seek solace and death from sundry and torments wrought on them by my strategic, severing, scintillating shower of shimmering strikes!

Send for the sword - summon Sliverslash!

Daily reminder that Vampire counts treat their people better than any other "human" nation.

>all these marauder horsemen

I wasn't expecting to feel horsefucker rage in this game

They're autism prevents them from playing the campaign for more than 20 turns. All they understand is how to use and counter cookie-cutter death stacks.

What I did/do is immediately deconstruct my marauder camp thing, build a chaos warrior building instead, fire my marauders, recruit a shit ton of chaos warriors, then rape/raze/sack everything as you build up and level the horde increasing talent. .

Its one of the ways the VC deal with attrition and their large number of expendable units.

How'd you do that?

Not that it matters much tho, you're not going to move from Sylvannia for ages

Not under Mannfred, lol

this battle has been going on for quite a bit

so, what names do you guys give your units? nice to see that feature is back in

I got a really good victory against the other vamp counts and it's letting me raise all this heavy units

does it go away btw? it doesnt seem like it is

i feel OP

>playing Call of Warhammer because my PC is shit and I want to play as muh Ratmen
>the attention to detail in the models and combat is amazing, the Skaven even have unique voice lines
>but their campaign game is fucked sideways
>Skavenblight isn't the fucking capital or even a city
>everything is a castle
>fucking everything
>apart from two poor as fuck towns in the arse-end of nowhere Lustria
>turns out Skaven towns don't even have any economic buildings worth a damn
>can't even take the nearby cities because they're defended by niggers in full plate armour with crossbows while you can just barely afford one unit of Clan Rats per turn

Jesus fuck I want to like this but this campaign is goddamn annoying.



after a couple of days of playing here are my thoughts

+ atmosphere and unit flavor is good

- battles are way too fast
- mid/late game management is annoying in larger empires and devolves into entire turns of nothing but moving armies back and forth
- agent spam is retarded and I'm pretty sure the AI is straight up cheating with them
-AI army composition is usually retarded, your allies basically barely aid you
-benny hill army chasing

just had to kill the last couple hell cannon reinforcements and the big guy

>- mid/late game management is annoying in larger empires and devolves into entire turns of nothing but moving armies back and forth
>- agent spam is retarded and I'm pretty sure the AI is straight up cheating with them
>-AI army composition is usually retarded, your allies basically barely aid you
>-benny hill army chasing

Soooo...literally like every unmodded Total War ever.

How do you make the campaign difficulty VH while the battles normal? I hate the AI getting bullshit buffs in combat

mods, find or make them yourself

>I like this game so there can be nothing wrong with it.

I've never had to chase an army across the entire campaign map and not be able to catch them until I hit the border.

Well that's great for you. Doesn't mean it didn't happen in older titles aswell.

so any time I do a custom siege the enemy has like 8 siege towers and I can't even down a single one.

how the fuck are you meant to destroy siege towers?

can't even down a single one as dwarves

>I like this game so there can be nothing wrong with it.

whom r u quoting

get some grudge throwers

they have amazing unit acquisition but you're going to get raped by the Empire. A 5 stack of Demigryphs for example would destroy your entire infantry and not even break a sweat. Your goal is to outlast them by re-raising units and building up cheap armies while swarming them. A lot of people think Vampire Counts are terrible but the reason why they think that is because they lose in straight 1 vs 1 engagements in a lot of cases.
What you need to do is just spam lords with cheap units and fight everything 2 vs 1 or 3 vs 1 and spread corruption as much as possible so a single empire army has to fight on 3 fronts.

>he didnt play any total war with forced march before warhammer

Worst mechanic ever introduced

Build a lot of siege towers and D-Day that shit. You might lose one or two towers but the rest will make it, plus the siege towers only shoot if there are enemy troops within the capture zone for it.


>empire intro vid
>multiple dead steam tanks
Immersion broken

>Beat Archaon/Sarth as VC
>Lose all interest in playing 'em out

Not because I don't think they're fun or whatever but I have absolutely no motivation to see Mannfred win. The more I played as him the more I hated him. Then I read up on his WH fluff to see if there was anything redeemable there and I only hate him more.

Vlad when?

Shaggoths or Chaos Giants? The giant has lower upkeep and recruitment cost by a little bit.

>tfw completely enveloping an entire dwarven army as Chaos
>the few that make it out of the slaughter are swiftly run down by hounds


...Why should you be able to catch them?


Lets do this


Truly, they are the destined master race to lord over the hordes, Morr is a communist who hates the natural order okay? Vlad and Nagash not Sigmar and Ulric


Why not?

>mannfred is a backstabbing turbo edge god with a shitty design
>kemmler is bro tier as fuck and has a great design, voice, lines, everything but is worse than a stock vampire lord

You can't win

Giant is better in the middle of the melee, but I liked Shaggoths more because they're so much faster, so they give you far more tactical options.

>the only downside to March is unable to attack and Very Tired if caught
>but you will never be caught because you out range armies unless they also March in which case they can't attack you anyway

Why the fuck doesn't it cause attrition or something.
Or make it a have a duration of 1-3 turns and then a cooldown.

Fuck just any proper downside to it.

I didn't know Sigvald was into that shit.

>Not going with Dragon Ogres and a Chaos Giant

Okay, I've done VC and almost done with Empire so those two are excluded. Re-rolling if I get one of them.

>Sickly, sinful, spectacles stand, shuffle, shamble and saunter shamelessly in mine scandalized sight! I suggest a solution...Surely such sedition should sour and succumb to Sigvald - the salacious, scandalous and sensational servant of Slaanesh! Son of Succubi, scion of sordid acts and slayer of squalid serfs!
>See how I stroll, stride, swagger and swirl, spin, and slash and stab at stupid, senseless scum! Soon they shall swoon, shall seek solace and death from sundry and torments wrought on them by my strategic, severing, scintillating shower of shimmering strikes!
>Send for the sword - summon Sliverslash!

nice alliteration

I could see him as a THICC fag

Oh shit, I got the one thing I really did want. A Thorgrim dwarf run.


Rolling for my next campaign after I finish this Greenskin one.

So what are the rules on character assassination chances? Some chaos sorcerers spawned in my province so I'm trying to get rid of them, and I noticed for example my celestial wizard had a 40% chance against their death warlock, while my light wizard of the same stats couldn't even attempt.

Someone should beg CA for that, that'd be something pretty acceptable and I could forsee happening. I'd like to see a return to the MedII armor system for lords, give them a recruit-tier and veteran-tier skin. If this game is all about heroic leaders, why not?

Its in the campaign options.

If you succeeded in an assassination with the light wizard then he has -50% chance for 2 turns.

Anyone figured out how to fiddle with the awakened clans and deal with Norskin in general as Chaos? Share your methods.

Raze them all.

Isn't it incredibly bizare though? Did nobody at CA mention this during a daily briefing?

"Hey, we have quests that are supposed to give Kholek his weapon, but he's using it from the get-go. Shouldn't we give them models before and after they recieve their gear?"

I mean, it's such huge, but minor detail. How did that get past QA?

What a load of bullshit, get off the internet you fucking retard

Go north into their lands while they fuck about in Kislev.

Oh is that the case for all characters? So there is no rock paper scissors going on?

I lost it at the way he suddenly shouts SLAANESH!

I figure they ran out of time, they did delay the game

Still it's no excuse, there are various little details I would have liked to see, like reload animations for cannons and arquebus

what exactly does the thaumaturge trait do? the description isn't all that informative

What's the logic behind that?

I know it says you get Sigvald for awakening 4 tribes. That means I literally just have to click "awaken" 4 times whilst attacking villages, right?

Yeah if they succeed an assassination they get the debuff to ALL agent actions for 2 turns (i think its 2 turns anyway).

Also if your first agent fails then the target gets +20% defense that turn.

Probably cut for time, the games are huge productions. It takes at least a year after every release before they start getting into stuff that really feels like shit they didn't think about adding in the vanilla.

I imagine AI agents would be even worse if that didn't apply.

Its with any agent I guess to ass-fuck the player some more.


That's how it is with all characters. After a successful assassination they get -50% success for 2 turns. Exhaustion.

Also if you fail an assassination, the target gets "On Guard" which lowers enemy hero success by -50% for a turn.

>Karl becomes Emperor
>almost the entirety of the Reikland secedes

Why do they hate him so much

I think the debuff is called "Exhausted".

Tracking someone down and murdering them is tiresome work user.

>Sigvald "Chosen of Slaanesh" the Magnificent
>does not speak in perfect stage diction everyone is at least given a run-down on in high school drama

We know what's the real reason, so that you don't get assraped by agents spamming the same action every turn

are they actually the only unit in the whole of the dwarf roster that can damage them?

I think you misunderstood the question sir.

I know

he sounds way too pissed

also I just now realized that it's SLIVERslash and not SILVERslash, wow.



Chaos Daemons mod when?

any mods to make the AI siege attack more? they almost never do when the settlement has walls

KARL and GELT not KHOLEK and ARCHAON ok. braised smegma

Wow, it's almost like they expect you to have twice as many units as the enemy. If only there was some way for the Orcs to instantly double their forces...

They can arc over walls and hit the towers

I assume you selected the level of towers in the settings before you start the map, it goes from 1 (arrows) to 4 (magic cannonballs etc.)

>conquering bretonian land turn their trees all grimdark and ruins their pristine castles

I cant wait for bretonia to become playable so I can beautify the empire

The Empire roster is so good I have a hard time playing anything else. It's just so much stronger and interesting than Dorfs, VC or Chaos.

Karl x Archaon fanfic when

Chaos is the worst faction in the game

I doubt anyone is going to go to all of the effort to make something that will be made completely irrelevant in a year or so when the official army is released.

>decide I'll do empire later, they're probably boring since they're like standard total wars
>realize, shit those guys are awesome

It's true, user. Empire is best.

yeah, I selected 4 and they didn't destroy a single siege tower.

obviously the AI will never build 8 siege towers in an actual campaign battle but I didn't get a single one down which was odd.

The AI can't siege battle worth a shit.

>have only a 500 man deficit on the defense as dorfs
>think you're hot shit for beating orcs


>guys guys look at me I beat an army of goblins orc boyz and orc archers!!!!!

Good job buddy it must have been difficult.