Car lease vs buying

Girlfriend wants to lease a car but that shit seems like cancer. Can someone explain why this would ever be a good idea?

Leases are great if you want to pretend like you're higher up on the social ladder than you actually are. Or you could just a buy a good, reliable 2 to 4 year old car with decent mileage and resale value. All up to you really.

That's what i was sayin. After your lease you don't own shit and can't resell. I'm trying to find a reason to ever lease a car and I just don't see one

Only worth it if you can write it off as a company expense.

You don't have to pay for repairs or worry about the thing rotting on you. You don't take the financial hit from owning the car for the first year when its value plummets.

It's useful if you're the sort of person that buys a new car and then trades it in after a year or so of driving over and over so you always have a new car.

If you can afford that it's much nicer than driving an old car until the wheels fall off. And honestly anyone that can regularly afford a car payment can probably afford a lease.

also of course if you happen to like the car you can always just buy it when the lease runs out. So it's sorta a test-buy that's easy to get out of if the car isn't what you wanted.

I might be wrong but I think the IRS is still letting companies depreciate fleet vehicles 100% in the year they're purchased, which is a much more attractive write-off. I can buy a whole new fleet of trucks every year and just write off the full cost that year, and then trade them in next year and do it again with adjustments for the sale value.

pretty sweet deal if they're still doing that. I don't know, I haven't bought a company truck in a couple years myself.

Leasing is 100% the best option as long as she stays under her allowed mileage. Only people who buy cars these days are the same people who think driving to the mall to steal toilet paper from the bathrooms is a great way to save money.

Why does it matter what your girlfriend wants to do? You're not going to cosign, are you?

Lease can be a good idea because it keeps your expenditures low, and get the use of a new vehicle for much less investment. Just make sure you only keep it for a few years, then probably trade it in. Talk to a dealership about it, they have much more incentive to be ethical than some guy on craigslist. Do your homework and save thousands.

Nope! I'm just considering if it's financially good or bad for her. I don't know much about leasing but the idea seems bad. But I'm not educated on the topic that's why I asked here.

It's probably 20-30% worse than buying.
Both have advantages and disadvantages.

So here's the deal: Why would the leasing company do it, if they didn't make mad money? They lease out hundreds, maybe thousands of vehicles, so they probably have pretty good statistics to risk-adjust their rates. I have to assume they make a good profit, otherwise, why do it?

So to me it seems, you're paying all the same stuff you'll pay as an owner, plus their interest, opportunity cost and profit on top. Am I missing something obvious? Compared to buying, leasing always seemed like a losing proposition to me. The same way they try to sucker you into buying on credit or on "12 easy payments" or some shit like that. You'll always end up paying more compared to when you had paid the whole thing upfront. Sure, there is a certain easy of use and it'll allow you access to classy vehicles - and those are all fine reasons to pay extra for. But I highly doubt it's financially advantageous to lease.

This. Constant expenses with less risk, shorter balance, less debt, free up money to invest with a sell-and-lease-back, etc. It's still situational, but I can see why businesses do it.

>But I highly doubt it's financially advantageous to lease.

You'd be wrong. Buying > leasing is literally a meme, and you fell for it. Do literally any amount of real research on this and you will quickly realize this.

It is cancer. Leasing is the most expensive way to drive a car.

I haven't fallen for anything, since I'm just using common sense and I'm not advocating for either side. But how would it work? How do leasing companies make their profits if they have to buy a vehicle and their customers pay way less for it than if they had bought it themselves? If this is supposed to make any sense, I can only imagine the classic period transformation business function. The company fronts the lump sum, but makes more than they spent on the rates.

Its definitely advantageous to lease, over the course of my 3 year lease for a 2015 Dodge Charger I will end up paying around 21,000.

At the end of my 3 year lease I will have the option to buy the car for 19,000. It is a 44,000 vehicle with all the options.

It is cheaper for me to be leasing this car even if I decide to buy it at the end of my lease.

>It is cheaper for me to be leasing this car even if I decide to buy it at the end of my lease.

Yup, just one of the many reasons it makes more sense.

Even if this weren't the case, there are still so many advantages to leasing over buying it'd still be the better option to lease.

I feel terrible for people who fell for the meme and now own rapidly depreciating, borderline worthless vehicles that will only be worth their weight in scrap metal.

People who buy cars literally believe they are somehow saving money or being smart with their cash, it's hilarious.

Or you can get a 10 year old Toyota that's just as good for $6000.

>I'm trying to find a reason to ever lease a car and I just don't see one

1) Tax write offs. I would lease if my business was generating excess income and and tax exposure was huge. Take the money and have a nice vehicle or give it to the irs.

2) You get more car for your dollar in the immediate. So if you have some reason to need the newest car for work than you don't want to buy a new car every 2 years. Additionally, you have near zero maint costs when leasing as everything is under warranted.

in reality tho, leasing is simply a faggot way to fake your income/social status to the world. You just get a ton more car for your dollar but you are just paying the auto jews to look and act cool for your fat girlfriend.

>le used toyota meme

This one always comes out in these threads, and to be totally fair, it's a solid argument that they are reliable cars that are inexpensive to fix and last a long time.

On the other hand, this is the only brand anyone ever mentions, meaning in order for buying a car to make even the slightest amount of financial sense, you need to buy an old ass, outdated car that will not be suitable for anyone living a normal, adult, social, healthy, practical life. This option is more or less reserved for the frugal guy with asperger's and isn't really suitable for most people.

Not to mention you will still, eventually, need to repair and maintain that outdated, shitty looking car that keeps you from getting laid and, surprise! You will likely have no idea when or how much it will cost you. It's like gambling, but always losing.

>incentive to be ethical

What planet do you live on, user?

Uh no not at all

Dozens of cars make sense for this and you can find plenty of 2013 or 2014 models with 50k or so miles for half of ehat new costs

So leasing isnt dumb its just dumb compared to buying used

>Dozens of cars make sense for this

No not really. Toyota is the least expensive, most reliable used car. Any other vehicle will break down more often and cost much, much more to fix. Toyota is the only manufacturer that really makes sense, which is why it comes up 5-10 times in each one of these threads, without fail.

>spending $7,000 a year on a car


no, you obviously know jack shit about cars.

I bought a 2006 Grand Marque with 60k miles for about $6,000 4 years ago. This car will run for the next ten years with minimal repairs, which are dirt cheap because there are so many spare parts out there.

>He does manual labor on his own car.

Yeah, your opinion doesn't matter here, literally. No one wants to do this shit, if you are going to maintain/work on your car, then that's a completely different conversation, and it's one we currently aren't having. Opinion = discarded.

>year lease for a 2015 Dodge Charger I will end up paying around 21,000.

$600/mo car payment? This is a deal?

if you can't put a downpayment on something and have to finance 100% of something your a turd

$600/mo is breaking your and your average wage earners financial back. If it's paltry relative to your monthly income, you could have afforded to buy or at least put a downpayment down to minimize your monthly exposure.

prankster shill dealership sales manager in this thread for sure

>t. faggot of the household

I thought the purpose was to figure out whether leasing / buying used were fiscally responsible or not? My nigga provided a valid point and you just discarded his opinion because you're a colossal faggot that can't do basic maintenance on his own vehicle.

Opinion = DROPPED. Kill yourself.

I never said I'm fixing it myself, dipshit. Where did you even read that?

my nigga

I never said I'm fixing it myself, dipshit. Where did you even read that?

>which are dirt cheap because there are so many spare parts out there.
>spare parts out there
>spare parts

Is this real life?

Service to a vehicle requires that the mechanic order parts. If there are an abundance of parts, that drives the price down therefore making it cheap to fucking repair.

I'm convinced you're a woman and you need to get the fuck out since you do not even have a rudimentary grasp of basic economics.

Time for the Veeky Forums raid of faggots to prove that if you're willing to buy an outdated shit box and work on it yourself you can indeed save, maybe, perhaps, a thousand bucks or so. Guess buying is the smartest option after all.


>being in debt
>saving 1k+
Pick one.

>I'm convinced you're a woman

No I'm a man, and men don't get their hands dirty unless they have to - they pay plebs for that and have the cost already factored into their monthly, predictable lease payments.

need to put down like 2-5k and still make payments to lease

>confirmed for woman

Dude, the mechanic orders the parts. Then he fixes the car. Since there are so many cars out there of this same or similar model, the parts are cheap and therefore so is the repair bill.

holy shit.

>men don't get their hands dirty

confirmed for ladyboy

>No I'm a man
>men don't get their hands dirty unless they have to
>pay plebs
>not realizing only women justify unnecessary spending

Bend over, faggot.

Can somebody point out how I could save money with leasing?
Let's say over a 4 year timespan. Leasing vs. buying a new vehicle. At which points and why is the leasing company able to provide me an advantage?

>>not realizing only women justify unnecessary spending
>Only people who buy cars these days are the same people who think driving to the mall to steal toilet paper from the bathrooms is a great way to save money.

Crazy how accurate this is. Top kek. Stay pleb!

>you need to spend 50k on a car to live a normal lifestyle
Man (((they))) really got you hard.

>need to put down like 2-5k and still make payments to lease

I put $0 down, lease payment is $225/month, 12k miles a year. Next.

Why are some of the lease people here so insecure about their life choices? Leases are fine if you have a high disposable income and really want a new car for whatever reason. But for those of us who want a reasonable car payment and to only have to pay for it the first few years, buying is a great deal. Especially on used cars to avoid the most of the depreciation.

>Why are some of the lease people here so insecure about their life choices?

Solid 3/10 try at lease shaming, too on the nose though, so I recommend trying again after you reset your IP. I'll be here waiting to give you more constructive feedback.

Nothing wrong with leases. Something wrong with you.

Like I said earlier, I spent about $6k on my 10 year old car. It's in fucking beautiful shape and drives like a dream. I get comments pretty often on how comfortable it is and how nice the ride is. It's not a fucking Lambo but it's clean and classy. What more do you want?

You're a total moron if you think you can only achieve this level of comfort and status with a brand new car you're struggling to pay for. No chick is going to bang you just because you got the 2016 model. No one is going to offer you a job because they saw your nice new car that you don't even own. Stay dreaming.

What kind of car?

Thread literally only veered off after people trying to rationalize paying just as much in the long term for their 10 year old car with cliche meme reasons.

>t-there's something wr-wrong with you

Come on sissy, tell us what kind of car you're getting

>I put $0 down, lease payment is $225/month, 12k miles a year.

probably a total shitbox

just ignore him because he's clearly retarded.


>paying just as much in the long term for their 10 year old car
>cliched meme reasons
Listen woman, we get that you want to try and make your other girlfriends jealous by following year-to-year meme trends that cause you to buy everything brand new.

There is absolutely no way you can argue that someone BUYING a used car is going to pay anywhere even close to someone that is leasing. End of fucking story.

>I'm a man
>men don't get their hands dirty unless they have to

get a load of this fairy

mfw found the car cucks.

Holy Fucking Shit.

Just tried to create this same thread, and went to google and saved the same image to do so.
then I got a Duplicate image error.



im trying to help my parents, who are financially retarded.

lets say they have 10k in savings.
difficult time growing their savings.
they need to get another car.

Buy a 4 to 5k car? which would probably break down multiple times..

what are leasing deals looking like in todays world?


L M A O.

Ok so the car is worth 44k uh huh.

You're going to pay 21k over the life of the lease, and then either have NOTHING to show for it, or pony up
Another 19k to bring total expenditure to 40k. Congrats, you've bought a car that was 44k 3 years ago for 40k. You would not be able to make that 40k back out by selling.

Versus, buying reliable used car for 8k and having it last 8 years.

Listen I don't care if you love to cuckold yourself financially, but please don't open encourage others to follow suit


I don't give a shit about your cock measuring.

can anyone tell me the math.
if I have 4 to 5k what should I do


Read the thread, youre not going to get an unbiased answer

dude hold your fucking horses. Veeky Forums is not the most active board.

How long do you think $5k will get you if you're leasing a car? Maybe one or two years, max? Buy a reliable, used car. Maybe 5-10 years old with under 90k miles. Yes, it may require a little maintenance but it will be worth it.

still haven't seen any good evidence
any explanation of the math

Let's say you get a $200/month lease for two years, that's $4,800. At the end of two years, you are left with nothing. Does this seem like a good plan to you?

pretty much this.

if you think $5k is a lot of money to pay for the privilege of driving a new car, leasing isn't for you.

If you realize you're always going to have a car payment because you LIKE driving new cars and can afford them, then leasing is perfectly fine.

but then if you think $5k is a lot to spend to drive you probably don't have the credit to get a lease anyways.


looking at people getting others to buy their leases.
I see a 195/month
12 months left
and current owner is giving 600 for whoever takes it..

so 2400 - 600
1800 in a year..

Still not worth it?

Brand new car for 150 a month (1800/yr) worth it?

whats would that magic number be..

also taxes? etc?

Ok so since you only have a limited budget, what do you plan on doing once the lease is over? You'll have to find a new car and more money.

I don't really get the reasoning-

to get a lease you have to have excellent credit and enough income to pay for it.

they don't just give leases to crackheads that happen to have $1k in their pocket atm.

so assuming he qualifies, he's probably still going to have the same income and credit when the lease expires. At that point he can go buy a car or lease another, right?

leases aren't something they just hand out to anybody with a little cash.

right, but it makes me wonder.

you buy 4k car, prob pretty shit
say you spend 1k a year for repairs

6k over 2 years..

from there though I guess it can last 4 years or so..

You know what's best? Buy a used car with cash money so you can Jew down the car salesmen. No car payment is the best.

yeah, if it lasts you long enough that initial payment gets spread out over the years, and ends up being a lot cheaper than leasing.

For example my car, say I spend $6k and then put $4k into it for a total of $10k cost. If it lasts for 10 years, that's $1k/year which is about $83 per month. Way cheaper.


appreciate you helping me bounce ideas

thanks all

the problem I had with that is the downtime for repairs and breakdowns.

you need to have two good used cars to keep one on the road all the time.

What? No, you don't need two cars. My car has been in the shop literally one single time since I bought it 4 years ago.

I would guess you're quite a bit luckier than average.

not that 4 years is a significant time frame. But I suppose it's the best you can do when you've only been driving that long.

>buy used car for around 5k and have it run for about 10 years and you are able to trade it in whenever with minimal depreciation
>lease a car and pay monthly payments then have nothing to show after the lease because it isn't even your car

There isn't anything wrong with leasing if you constantly want the newest car, but its pretty clear which decision is more financially responsible.

Buy the 4 to 5k car. If you have a friend that's a mechanic thats the best deal because they can make sure the car works well and stuff before you buy it. Not to mention when you trade the car in you'll still get most of the money back.

and if you have it leased through chrysler capital if you fall a bit behind they will not allow extensions on lease veh vs financed vehicles

so you'd better have it set on autodraft ACH monthly (check every 3 months to make sure it isn't randomly disabled - it happens) and have good savings set aside

>Have $30,000 in bank
>Decide to buy Mazda 6 because reasons
>About $25,000 out the door
>Either buy it and have $5,000 left -or-
>Lease it for 3 years and have $29,780 left after 1st months payment ($220) out the door
>Total payments over 3 years = $8000 approx
Absolutely no hassle or risk associated with private/used car sales from both the perspective of the buyer and then the seller
I dunno what a 2016 Mazda 6 will sell for in 3 years, probably around $20,000

>Can buy a lemon
>Can be stuck with a car no one wants
>No guaranteed resale value

Less than $3,000 per year for the peace of mind of owning a brand new car, all maintenance included, warranty etc.

And as this guy points out, it can even work out cheaper than buying outright if you choose to buy the lease at the end of the 3 years.

I bought a used car, depreciated like a rock, only had it for 2 years but it lost 10k in value because it is a 2011, and I bought it in 2012 right before the new model designs came out.
No one wants an old body style for whatever reason, still looks good in my opinion, gonna keep it for 3 more years.
Cars are a depreciating asset, no matter what you do you will always lose money.

Driving a 2002 Mercedes E W210 since 2 years. Bought it for 3500 Euro @200k km mint condition (no rust), spend 1500 on maintenance in total.

Before that I drove a 1998 Rover 25 for 5 years, picked that up for 2000 Euros. Never gave me any trouble until i parked it in my friends Peugeot 206, still got 800 back from that though.

It's less per month for the same car. However:
> Warranty et al stuck on automatically
> Fined for 'excess mileage'
> Fined for damage
> 'Is this your car sir/maam?' "N-no officer, it's a lease."
> Finish lease, left without a car

Simply financing it is much better.
> Do what you want with it
> Choose extras
> Drive as much as you want
> Cover it in dents
> Modify it
> The bank doesn't care as long as the money comes in
> Finish finance agreement, have a car with resale value
> Still has years left of use without being paid for

I had a temporary lease car from my work untill i was able to get my own. During the lease period i payed 150 euro a month and the company the rest. Now that i have my own car i get 19 cents/km for travel expenses which is enough to pay for fuel, maintenance, insurance and depreciation with 50 euro left over at the end of the month. Admittedly my own car lacks a few features that the lease car had, but i rather have 200 euro more at the end of the month. I don't have much experience with leases or cars in general, but this is something that should be kept in mind.

The lease car was a 2014 Toyota Aygo, and my current car is a 2013 Volkswagen UP!. It had 23k km on it and cost me 7.6k euro.