Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previously on /tosg/ : Cookie cutter builds:
>Consult thread before using

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.

>Can I play the game now?
If you haven't downloaded the game yet, Win+R then paste: steam://install/372000. Run and download the game.

>English patch for kTOS

- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS: Klaipedia (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>/tosg/ Guilds info
All guilds are full, Either wait for guilds to kick inactives/Wait for someone to roll a templar/roll a templar yourself. You can try to whisper the guild leader if you want to join a guild.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.
Futureproof (Lolipan)
FOE (Jinsae)
Clover (Karga)
CoffeeHouse (Cabyba)
NiceBoat (Tello)
Comfy (Katzenberg)

Other urls found in this thread:

>/tosg/ discord

Stop making threads so early, we are not the only general on the board.

Racism is not cute

What can you expect of self-centered discordshitters.

It's already bump limit at page 7.

And the board got 10 pages. Just take it easy.

On a scale from 1 to Sadhu's prospective PvP career, how dead is this game?

>not on page 10 yet making new thread


Someone complained that people should make another thread when the thread autosages.

So, all the classes that /tosg/ hates are getting buffed over and over, what a good day.

>check bottom of catalogue
>four different guild wars 2 generals with only a handful of replies each
Yeah it's a real fucking travesty that we pushed one of those off the board.

Why the fuck is everything in itos nerfed compared to ktos?

yeah, buffed in ktos. Well just get tooltip fixes, how nice.

Because "optimization is our priority" apparently

Pretty much everything that's nerfed here is "so strong you MUST be this class" on ktos.

/Ohayou/ when?

They fear korean backlash. We have what koreans should have as well but wont get because the last 3 people playing there would quit.

Ohayous of /tosg/ when


>tripled zombie stats
>we'll never get this

Best way to make silver now I can buy TP?

But we got itos-specific nerfs. What the fuck is those gooks' problem?

what is ohayou

Thy why I told you more than five times to take linker.

Necromancer SCREAMS linker.

What's the point in arguing about build efficiency? The game isn't about group content, it's not about solo content. It has no direction. Game is about realizing it has no direction.

> Heal

12/05/2016 kTOS
[Team Battle League] Heal Tile Circle Duration will expire after 10 seconds. ( Previously 40 Seconds )

What does that mean? That the the 2nd cast recovers faster now?
>guardian saint made not as useles
Neat but is it for the target, the caster or both.

>The stats of zombies are now 3x stronger than before.
Give to me IMC!


What is even the point of these things?
At least I got a biscuit.

because theyre gooks, only other gooks get to have fun, we only getfun months later or not at all.

Target i beleive. For heal it doesnt effect recast just makes tiles dissappear quicker. That, the monk buff, and the bokor buff were pretty nice.



12/05/2016 kTOS
This skill will deal 20% more damage when hitting an enemy afflicted with [Stun].

This pleases me greatly because 6% chance to stun with clubs happens way more than one would think.

There will be no match for /tosg/ Ohayous!

Who's going to make it?! How soon?!

place heal tile in arena
it's gone after 10 seconds

R6 nearing rank up soon :^)

One of 50 states in the usa.

that's ok. you read one of them at the very least.

i'm a shitter that reads generic moege #3423438 more often than not anyway because it soothes my miserable soul.

hair buns is OBJECTIVELY the best haircut

I have Australian ping (230) I guess i'm fucked for auto based classes again is the cleric a skill based mele or pure caster? or do I just play a ranged caster again?

Well that's pretty if it was for everything but it is only arena so whatever.

I want to hold hands with a chronomancer!

>Not all kTOS patches are going to be implemented in iTOS, and not all iToS patches were implemented in kToS

Do you need to queue for this thing? Is it a team vs team match?


26/05/2016 kTOS
Fixed the bug where you could retain the 'level-up' buff effect when under the effects of [Melstis]

Shit, so it was useful for something.

Are you sure you use the right server?

>230 is bad
I'm at 390 and I'm playing fencer one of the most ping reliant classes fine.
well okay fine is probably a lie since I've never succesfully used flan's dodge due to delay and any multihits lags me badly

My advice is to stick to healsluts or support wizard

>Not all
Should be honest and say "none"

Why won't IMC let me change my eye colour yet?

I am auscunt too, I play a qs3 and it is only mildly tear inducing but for the most part is quite bearable. I'd say go with whatever you want to play, I found that on my cata that the ping would make me double auto twice with only one hit counting and that was in melee range where I would receive my raping because stuck in place.
I'd recommend a range character that uses more skills than autoing though, just for those times when you do get stuck in place then you aren't in immediate danger.

>what is linker nerf

Very soon!
Keep up the good work! Looking forward to it!

Try chrono

>Orsha tokens @1mil
Wonder what it will look like after this week.

I queued for maybe 30 seconds before it let me in, I don't even know how to bring others in yet.
I'll try testing with a next time.

You don't see the other 'team' at all, you'll never know who you got matched up with unless you lose, and the win message is displayed.

The event just spawns a bunch of mobs to bumrush your statue, I win everytime just by casting Sleep on them, and wait for the other side to get destroyed.

They even recycled a quest item as a useless reward.

>bokors/sorcerers/necromancers get to afk at bees and get free exp and silver for doing nothing but sitting down and looking at their screen
>i have to put actual effort in to make a fraction of what they make
Not cool, famarinos.

>free exp
Is this NIGGER serious

You jelly that some of the most useless classes in the game have an use?

They're shit everywhere else, meanwhile they'll never compete a boss with any other class, for example. This trade off is more than fair.

I want build a cryo3 and alchemist, but what I do with the circle left?

>implying my zombies don't assfuck bees at 160

Get a pet.

Who cares, it's an alchemist


Corsairs make 400-500k per hour as well as plunder cubes (must have flag 15 through as higher levels vastly increase the rate of both silver and item drops), alchemists can make a few hundred k each batch due to people happily accepting the dilgele 1:1 trade where you make a profit of 3 pots each trade of 5, squires can... well squires can earn a tiny bit of revenue near dungeon entrances I guess.

Collect the prettiest custome!

But alchemist is cool.

They're pretty shit, though.

Ok, can I do a Cyro/Chrono and not have a complete shit of a time leveling?

Orsha or Klaipeda for starting city? Does it even matter?

no, have fun

But you're supposed to go 2 pyro 2 thaum for alchemist.

It's the only alch combo that does anything for a party endgame.

>bokors get to afk at bees
Fuck you since when
My zombies die in like 4 minutes, tell me how i get to afk at bees

Klai is easier and no, it doesn't really matter.

Klaip due to it being more complete, namely in the class advancement quests. Doesnt necessarily matter either way, youll be doing quests for both sides ideally.

Since Bokor zombies got 3x stats in kToS

You will suffer when leveling but at least its less suffering than most hahaman lategame.

... I am in my first circle of cryo, what you suggest for a cryo3?

>not have a complete shit of a time leveling

doesn't matter since you'll be doing both branches anyways
klai is slightly easier to start if you're a complete noob

Sadly, this STILL doesn't address the biggest fucking problem facing zombie bokors.

Is there a meetup today?

Zombie HP loss is percentage based though.

Any madman here spent some millions to boost his pet?

than you macro sp pot use just like the sorcs

What is the problem? Legit question, I haven't paid any attention to a few classes and bokor is one of them

no u
Where's my wugushi fixes?

Also what's /tosg/'s opinion on this guy's R7 Rogue build?

>pyro without linker
t. misinfo agent

How does using an sp pot stop your zombies from expiring

How being accepted in every party makes leveling hard?

Thaum or linker

I've spent 400k on my pet just to ensure my alts level faster.
Its still a waste as past level 30-40 even a level 200 or so pet is worthless
nonexistent ai
>he doesn't know
ktos has less linker nerfs than us here in itos and even than pyro2thaum2 is meta
The reason being of course elememe being meta

Klai has better quest rewards but orsha has far better maps. You should do both aynway with teleport scrolls.

Bad ai.
>expecting intelligent moving zombies
ayy lmao



>i have to put actual effort in to make a fraction of what they make


It's not about 'muh nerfs', it's about pyro being unusable without linker.

Theoryshitters please go.

>pyro being unusable

How will I ever live without dealing less damage to less targets..........

Klai has better map level progression.

You think drawfags are going to come back and start making porn for us again?

Asking for a friend.

Without any buffs zombies will easily last 3 mins, not much worse than Sorcerer's 5 mins.

So if I'm trying to be a heal/support cleric, ,do I stack INT and SPR?

Are you retarded? How does linker hit less targets than thaum?

imc with the classic drugseller strategy, give people free tokens so they see how good tokens are and then raises the price