/rpgmg/ - RPG Maker General #147

Don't Die on Me! Edition

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Trial Mirror: mega.nz/#!HNRDmQKS!6YhUUEA3YpRYEaruDgfUmFD2kZcOB7pv3rSssUOM2bs

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The /rpgmg/ podcast (Updated every other Wednesday):

/rpgmg/ Chain/Collaboration Game!
Status: Pt. 14 (The Real Finale) is in development.

Done with their part:
- RPG Maker Maker !!nHmJbtdk7T2
- Cortop !QqL8nX9URE
- Duwang !yP15zzo8dA
- MEands !!sbyw5zs4GtT
- Alexander Guy !swIUti/LTA
- salt !AOUYhrDYgU
- Double user !WAnon.pOpQ
- Crunch !I1tYcLS8Ts
- Comp !MEJ8qE/3h
- Silent Maid !ztOzYBnEEw
- Joakim Morgen !!4elh6dhvavq
- W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk
- Firgof !aFqhsxkECQ

Currently working:
Bubbles !u696zUYxpM

Version 13B: mediafire.com/download/89tsrb5ka31g36h/rpgmgcollab_v13B.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


1st 4 memes

So I just re-uped this after working on it the last few hours. If the guy in the last thread is still around give it another listen and tell me if that's what you meant? Less buzz moar softer.


Also question for the thread for shits and giggles.

If you could have the rights to any one track from an existing game to use in yours, which one would you want and why?

Game an RPG around memes.
Don't actually do that.

I haven't listened since the first version, but my god that instrument is 1,000x better than what you used before. Instead of harsh synth, it's got just a little bit of brass flare which is much more pleasing on the ears.

nice thumbnail, tc

Oooooo you have no idea how happy I am to hear that! It's a different synth and I've figured out how all the knob things work kinda. Thanks dude.

Also that track you posted last thread was fucking awesome btw. Just thought you should know.

>Don't actually do that.
Well there goes my game.

Thanks user! That means a lot!

Nice /utg/ rip off m8.

Work on your game user

In RPG maker vx ace, how can I make it so if one of my character's HP is below 50%, it regens?

I don't know about regeneration, but you can probably instantly add hp using troop events.

You might be able to use states as well.

is it really worth upgrading to MV?

I'm still using XP

I recall there being a bingo here, I cannot seem to find it, might someone post it please?

You mean the one with rpgmaker game tropes? "silent protagonist", "using over 9 scripts from other devs", etc?




I think, there was one I recall that was mildly demeaning, but either or.

Did it somehow get set to read-only? Also try running MV with administrator rights.
Go through the standard IT stuff. Like restarting RPGM, Steam if you're using it, and your PC.

It was nice knowing you


You have your back up ready, right?

Looking at my own project's Game.rpgproject, all it contains is:
RPGMV 1.1.0



This sucks. Every one of my .json files is corrupted. I'm so put out.

My last backup was weeks ago :(

WIP Walk cycle for my robot protag. Taking sweet time.

Let this be a lesson learned.

My lesson is thoroughly learned. Gotta make backups more frequently.

All you other people out there, don't make the same mistake I did.

Ugh, I was all excited to spend my days off working on my game, but all my motivation is gone now. Gotta redo weeks of work.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>Generic RPG died a generic death

I'm actually sorry man, I know how that feels. Any idea what happened? Did you update your java or something?

Jesus man, I'm sorry that this happened. At least you have a backup of some sort, even if it's really old, so you don't have to redo everything.

Lemme tell you this though- it will go a LOT faster and you'll get back up to where you were pretty quickly. This happens any time there's software failure and you lose progress (with anything, not just RPGM). Plus as you're working, you might discover that you didn't like some ideas or are willing to try new things since you won't have to rework a bunch of stuff.

tl;dr Make the best of it.

It's not dead, but this is a pretty big setback tbqh famalam. I'm not sure what happened! I was testing enemy behaviour, and when I hit the "Test Battle" button, the comp bluescreened... then after a reboot the project wouldn't open again and all the json files were corrupted.

So yeah, dunno. Might try and salvage it somehow, I have backups from a few weeks ago, but I've made some pretty big cutscenes and maps since then and the thought of doing them all again... Fuck, man.

Oh well, I'll make it all again! And even better than last time!

Good thing I use Ace, last time I made backup was more than year ago. MV seems like a mess.
Also anyone know how can I go about making some loot randomized? (something like common event that randomly gives one of few items)

My condolences, but good attitude mang. Thank you for reminding me to get a new backup drive.

So I shrank my game's window size down to 320x320 and I'm trying to shrink the menus with it. How would I go about doing that? I tried shrinking the text size, but it doesn't change anything (except the text size, of course). Using VX Ace.

The windows are drawn based on pixel size. Go into Scripts and find out where it draws the windows, and reduce them all accordingly

Which should I make today:

Hub Area music,
First Boss Music,
or Practice Drawing

Made a theme for a desert town that I have to make still.

First boss music.



I get how to change window sizes, but how do I change... the cursor size, the distance between each menu option, the mess happening on the right menu window? If anyone could point me to a good tutorial (which I can't find, google thinks I just want the game resolution changed and I've already done that), that'd help.

Boss Music.

Makes me wanna play Shantae. I really like the bongos and the flute changeout. Nice job.


>the cursor size
I believe the height and width are based on the window and text size. The way I figured it out in XP was cranking a random number in the scripts really high or really low and seeing what happened.

>the distance between each menu option
See above. I guarantee its one of the dozens of numbers in that window script

>the mess happening on the right menu window
Even if you don't have it displaying the character graphic, it still sets aside the space. You'll have to tinker with that. Also, the text in the status screen, like everything else, is seperated by pixels. Just more numbers you have to find and adjust

Thank you kind user.

I've been digging through all the .js files, trying to get a feel for how things work. So far so good. I've been working on a little plugin to log the target of particular skills in designated variables.

I thought I had found the function I needed to override a little while ago, but it hasn't been working out yet. Fingers crossed, though.

third'd; i'm always more interested in battle music.

What would be the best system to reflect intense one on one duels?
I'm looking to try my hand at game making- including importing a script, I wanna make a small gladiator themed thing.

Fogs Effects can make things cozy.

I figured out a lot of it over the last hour (yay me). I do need to figure out how to remove the space taken up by the non-displaying actor graphic still :(

Proud of you. Keep it up!

Picture space gone, but a new problem! I need to move the hp/mp/class bars waaaay to the left.

Hallelujah! Now to figure out how to re-position the windows!

I just watched Deadpool, was kinda boring bump

You've come a long way user. Keep up the good work.

Nobody have any ideas?

Make it like a fighting game :p

So the vanilla system from MV?

If you think turn-based combat systems from JRPGs are like fighting games, sure.

Oh, like that- Can rpg maker even do real time stuff?

Why isn't your character a god?

Because piƱatas can't ascend to godhood.

But Zetta isn't a god either.

"Ten...." the dying soldier whispered. "Page ten is coming!"

Knox's second commandment.
>All supernaural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course.

So, god is dead in Famicom Detective Club? Or just assumed uninterested?

I'm not dead, and neither is this thread.

This one's listed in order of newest to oldest. Looks like I clearly have to redo the katana girl. The evolution over the course of a week from my year+ break from drawing is pretty clear.

I don't know about God, but a large part of FDC2 is about the truth being hidden by a ghost story. That's what the subtitle "The Girl Standing Behind You" refers to. The story was made up to mislead people from a crime, so I think Knox would approve of you revealing the lie.


>AND a shield

You're my new favorite.

I prefer things on a smaller scale.

I liked the Rock Paper Scissors systems we were talking about in the previous thread.


Is there a tutorial for RPG maker MV?

It would fit well with a gladiator game as the Romans based their games on a rock paper scissors dynamic, to an extent.
Care to elaborate? I wasn't there.

People explained a few different games with RPS systems. Fate/Extra was one, and some Tekken mobile game was what started the conversation. Also some talk of Pokemon and Mega Man.

Is there a shortcut key for opening the playtest in MV? Pressing F12 (iirc?) would bring it up in Ace, but I can't find the same function in MV.

>Care to elaborate? I wasn't there.
Not that guy, but the thread is still in the archive. The discussion was near the end, so scroll down to the bottom and you'll see it.

Copying a post I made a few threads ago:

MVisioned has some very good video tutorials. They're designed for Ace, but the editor is basically the same as MV.
Link: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJxcybqKV5ZDNZsXhAS0ey4CWvbY81Po8

This gunn3rboi is making tutorials specifically for MV, but I haven't watched them so I can't vouch for their quality. Link: youtube.com/user/gunn3rboi

Echo607 has a ton of tutorial vids for MV, but her voice makes me want to stab pencils into my ears. Good advice though, if you can stand her.
Link: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTcc-t1_NNLUzIUVRDyNWyGkfT-TBRtkG

RPGMweb has some written tutorials, if that's more your sort of thing. They're aimed at Ace users, but again, the engines are very similar.
Link: rpgmakerweb.com/support/products/tutorials

If you need help with a specific function, hit F1. The help file for rpg maker is actually really useful. And if you get really stuck, don't be afraid to ask us for help! Some of us are complete beginners like you, but there are a bunch of veterans here, too. It's likely someone will be able to help you, or point you in the right direction.

Good luck and never give up!

Basically a combat engine where you have at least 3 different possible moves and some kind of HP or damage counter.
The first move and most important in such a system is some variant of attack and it is what you use to hurt the opponent (thus win).
The second possible move is something to defeat the regular attack. In the games we were talking about, it was Block and/or Evade.
Then the final move is something that defeats the Block, in the Yomi game it is the Throw that gets around Blocks, and in the Tekken game it is Focus, which lets you draw cards.

Basically, think what Rock, Paper, Scissors would be like if the goal was to achieve 10 victories with Rock, and every time you won using Scissors, your next victory with Rock would count as 3 victories. Or something like that. It becomes some kind of mind game.

Both Tekken and Yomi use cards and character-specific abilities to set up more complex conditions and decide the damage output. Not sure what Fate/Extra uses. I haven't played it yet. Tekken's engine would probably a bit too simple for a RPG, since the matches are balanced to last about 3 minutes, Yomi I think is too complex for a RPG and its matches are designed to last about 30 minutes from what I've seen online. Whatever you develop would have to be somewhere in the middle.

Cards also randomize the battle a lot, but are not really necessary and make programming the computer AI more difficult. In a RPG you could probably give the enemies moves that are easier to "script" and repeat in patterns.

I imagine that if you are going with gladiators you could substitute Attack with using the weapon of choice and have different weapons and equipment affect the combat differently. So the character who wields a Sword and a Shield would have a balanced attack and block abilities, and the character who wields a Lance and Sword would probably have some really shitty Blocks but get more attack options.

>Not sure what Fate/Extra uses.
It uses standard RPG skills, basically. Each turn is 6 rounds of either attack/break/guard/skill. Skills cost mana and can do damage, buff, etc., like in any other game, and they always beat all three normal plays. You also get one action per six-RPS-round that's entirely outside the RPS, and can be either an item or a skill from a different, weaker skillset.

Is there a script available for this?

Actually, what scripts are available for MV currently? I'm thinking this is a better way to go around it as I do not want to build my own.

Not that I know of, but you could actually do a janky copy of the Tekken one with the default engine, some common event-fu and a shit ton of states.

Basically substitute the Magic Command for a Command that gives you a semi-random state (drawing a move) depending on a set of items (techniques) that you carry and the number of other states under which you are. To separate early from later states without having an array of data, you will probably need to make 4 duplicates of all your states.

Substitute the Attack Command for a Command that deals certain amount of damage and applies certain special effects and stats in a specific order, based on the number of states you have, and then clears you of all the states you currently had. Unless the enemy is blocking. In that case your early"states" are all cleared before applying the damage.

You will basically require to limit yourself to 1 Enemy per battle and no party members to do it with Common Events, though. You need to prepare 5 attacks and 5 states for each attack you include in the game. So you need 1000 states in order to make a game with 200 moves (like most SNES RPGs). Not sure if MV's Database handles that many, but I believe so.

And the enemy will almost certainly have to follow a pattern, since doing AIs in common events would be just painful.

Here's a megalist:

But not all plugins are on there. Mostly just stuff posted on rpgmweb, but if I'm looking for something it's the first place I look. Check out other forums like rmrk for more plugins.

>Not sure if MV's Database handles that many, but I believe so.
fyi MV can have (coincidentally) 1000 states.


So, are you going to put your project up on rpgmaker.net for the publicity?

New Aekashic battlers are out!


Do they accept weird porn games

No clue. Don't think it would generate much publicity in a community like that anyway.

I will post it everywhere that will allow me. In RPGM forums, even in itch.io and Steam Workshop for MV.

That thing looks cute

That Voltron inspired battler gives me some nice ideas.

Thanks, it's supposed to be deceiving the player.

huh, do any RPG Makers advertise much? Like website banners or going to conventions.

Well I'm deceived.

How difficult would it be to implement temporary skill stealing?

I have a concept where the main character can "hack" the enemy (Cyberpunk setting) and steal a unique skill from each enemy at the end of battle. They forget the skill once used however. Is there a way to set a skill limit and make it so each individual monster drops a skill if defeated after using the hack skill?

I have no coding experience but if mandatory my friend -might- be able to.

I made a joke game with a OP'd as shit Raccoon enemy, like if you didn't kill the Raccoon first it wiped your whole party 2nd turn. Watching my friend die to it was a crowning moment. Needless to say they are coming back.

Sounds like the simplest implementation is making those "skills" steal-able items.

While that is a undeniably viable option, I know how to make one-use skills. Plus I'm worried if I use items the player will just stock up on the skills and faceroll the bosses.

Then don't let them stockpile.

Like a deceptively powerful battler or like the demon army's second general?