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>How to get autosummon covenants to work on PC:

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imgur.com/a/XhBxC (DeS)

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>get summoned for aldrich
>host gets invaded just before fog gate
>he t-poses through it
>please no
>invader still stuck in the world too
>he attacks me for a bit so I run off
>we end up screwing around until the host eventually dies
fix your shit FROM

So it's clear to me that not a lot, if any people here like Vaati. But what is the general consensus on the other non-pvp people like Dave Control, Terramantis, Hellkite etc?

Sulyvahn did nothing wrong.


he died like a bitch for one


>implying Dark Souls 4 won't be made by the Slashy Souls team

Is there a DS3 equivalent of this image?

souls community as a whole is irredeemable shit
only exceptions are ironpineapple, mr nosec, grimdisaster, and fappingguy69

i want to sniff karla's panties

Post comfy art.

>decide to watch some playthroughs since I've beaten the game plenty of times
>people who have the music volume set to anything but 10 during boss fights


So the event after gladiator will be Warriors vs Mages?

there's a steam page guide for it made by some bitter guy

mostly covers signs of a newb or meta fag

What is a fun weapon/build for sub level 70 invasions /dsg/?

You first

the sound mixing in DaS3 was shit desu even at 10 there was no hype




I don't care about Vaati but I noticed there aren't many interesting lore videos made for DS3 so far.
I like ENB's stuff but I'm not interested in watching a 40h playthrough and it doesn't seem he is uploading much else.

>that fanon of Ciaran as Arty`s gf
>not a single mention of Ciaran in Arty`s cut dialogue
>Ciaran mad at humans, because Artorias probably cucked her with princess Dusk

i love meem

I'm enjoying SL 70 as a pyromancer, doing Aldrich invasions. you just need something to distract people and then you smack a vestige in their face for almost 600 damage.

>get to Archdragon Peak
>find the bonfire
>get invaded moments later
>invader shows up
>he's wearing Havel's
>and using a shield of want
>and dark sword
>and he's literally doing nothing but circling and mashing R1
Is... is this a joke? Am I being memed on?

How would a dual wield farron flashsword build work out?

>sl 100
>get to the forest on ng+
>decide to invade because fuck it
>it actually works
>get an invasions
>its active as fuck

oh shit this is fun



you'll also find "lmao evil solaire" invaders with darkswords

>wants his soul
>gough doesnt give a shit
>ornie getting plowed by nk

shes his fan girl senpai



>those faces

Use different catalysts and you might have something there

I love those pictures of gwyn with his children.

Would you mind posting your stats? Or at least a general notion of them?
I do like that idea but I made a hypothetical build in my mind and I feel it ended up being way too squishy, even for a caster.

Be honest, without DLCs there isn`t much lore potency in DS3. 70% of game is the already known shit, and other 30% is very vague staff like angels or deep.

Holy shit they brought back the father mask?

Raw Dragonslayer Axe

>tfw wild storm appears while dueling in the PC FC and knocks the internet out mid duel

Posting from my phone, feels bad man.


comfy streamer

>only exceptions are neo-afro, ironic mlg memes, literally dead, and one trick ce pony


Ey lads, if you use a giant seed in the Dragon Mausoleum, those Drakeblood knights will keep being spawned while hostile to invaders, right?

That's not even close to looking like the father mask.

>Artorias of the happy merchants

I have mine set at zero, hype music in games got annoying to me.

Are buff durations in DaS3 fixed, or do they scale with stats?

Is there a list of durations anywhere? Both wiki's have nothing for most of them.

pharros mask

it was pretty useful since it drenched you in tears, giving you lots of fire defense but nuking your lightning defense

Are you the guy who has posted Webms of that thing with an extra Lightning buff on top of it?
That shit is crazy, I didn't think it was possible to accomplish below level 70.

I wish this happened

I'm okay with this


probably, but anyone who invades there is going to know how to stop them from spawning


SL 120 FC PC


PASS dsg


I just want to feed Dorkmoons while not doing anything myself. What's a good area to sit around and hide while spamming finger?

If there was one good thing done by the Nameless King, it was allowing this kind of fanart to finally be made.

And yet people are already bad enough about trying to compete to be the next Vaati and spin retarded epileptic trees theories out of that 70% of known shit. I don't even want to think about what'll happen with DLC.

>Dr Frobotnik

Reminder that all these people are dead and gone

why different?

Can I low level invade with this?

what a shame

>brother is God of War
>sister married the motherfucking flame god
>no one gives a single fuck about gwyndolin except for anorexic oswiecim victim

Yeah I'm mainly interested in the angel/serpents stuff
I'd also like to hear some people's take on that creepy ass tower with dozens of firekeeper bodies and the firekeeper herself because she doesn't even have a name.

*various drunken belches* "Yes, my son* *BRAAP*
"I have no idea what you're talking about, eat your dragon steak, and dragon fire roasted vegetables"
"I told you once before, the miracle of life is difficult to explain. Well since we have the annals of history, it's not entirely impossible, but still."
"Shut up and eat your steak, son."

Someone with CE, tell me.

I was trying to edit the addresses for my characters name, and I thought I changed a bit to 0 would make it a space but I apparently managed to make myself change from male to female, but I don't know what memeory region it was in. Can someone help me out here?

SmokeMyCrayon literally hosted the latest cosplay event.


I'm using this set-up. you can switch vestiges to great chaos fireball, I just find them to be more fun. the only problem is, is that it takes so much stamina.

For what purpose? What's the benefit over one catalyst?

Veeky Forums seems to have weird issues with human anatomy. Every man's nose is a jewnose and every woman's face is a manface.

For what purpose? What's the benefit over one catalyst?

>tfw no-one will ever miss me if I'm gone

Hey, I'm still alive


Is this comfy enough?

1. to annoy people
2. I would use it one handed but there isnt any weapon I like using one handed

This. I want this.

Player data is all bunched together.
If you don't know what you're looking at, you're going to end up messing with some stuff you shouldn't.

Just download the general table, it has everything laid out for you.

Alright, google didn't help much but tell me Oswiecim is a Polish town. What exactly does that sentence mean?

Thanks bruv
I sort of assumed 30/30 wouldn't cut it, but then again I guess people at this level range may or may not really have all that much HP, so that looks like a pretty solid build.

what build is this best with

That doesn't have any information on your character's gender. Already looked through it.

I'll miss you user. I treasure each and every /dsg/ member who I've had the pleasure of spending time with.

Except those pompous and ignorant Dark Souls 2 lovers, fuck them and their gyroscopic movement.

Most buffs are 60s
Blessed weapon is 45s
Carthus Flame Arc is 90s
Resin Bundles are 7s
Tears of Denial lasts until its popped or you enter a loading screen

I assume virtually every body buff is 60s


Weapon magic mirrors the animation if you swing it from a different side. Mixes up the hitboxes a little.


Most of them were attentionwhoring faggots anyways.

It's under Appearance.

where do the snakes end and the legs begin? what an odd picture

no problem. I'm dealing close to 600 damage with a +6 flame so it does seem to cut it, most phantoms die in two hits, hosts usually take three. the important part is to predict when they roll, or find some random mob to distract them with so they forget about you for a few seconds.

The blade of flashsword starts at the tip of the catalyst, the longer it is the more range you have with your blade. Just make sure the actual blue part hits or it will do no damage.

Honestly you won't need sage ring using solely the flashsword, so replace it with Gundy's Cockring, or any utility ring of your choosing. Other than that, it seems good for that level.

D_Invader is mlg pro

Every lore video I watched were fucking awful

>summury of DS3 lore
>not a single mention of Pope Sully
>in comments Vaati wannabe wrote, that Sully is unimportant character for lore

>Aldrich ate Nito
>Gertrude cursed Lorian
>Yorshka is Priscilla
>Wolnir is DS2 MC
>Dancer is Gwynevere

Even Vaati wasn`t that bad.

>dad set himself on fire
>brother taken off family records because he decided to fuck a dragon
>sister ran away from the whole clusterfuck and too busy reproducing

All in all Gwyndolin didn't have it that bad before, well, he got eaten.

>You will never have strong pars

Low level twink with Lightning resin, or a Faith build with lightning blade.

>Dancer is Gwynevere

I've seen so many people saying Dancer is Ciaran and that Rosaria, Gertrude and Gwynevere are all the same person.

They actually start quite a lot lower. Gwyndolin has legs, mostly, it's the ankle/foot region where things get snakey.
