League of Legends General - /lolg/

Kayle is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us

KayleBro Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to break Riven's spirit! Then, her body!

This is a nice edition

xth for breast waifu


so are the only ones left here the ones that can't afford OW?

Bumping with whatever Kayle I have...

I want to go hammering in Poppy


Is that one writefag from a few weeks ago still around?

Kayle's a pretty good cuckquean.

How do we fix Mordekaiser (aside from just reverting him to pre-rework Mordekaiser)

play nice

We disable him and work on that later once shit like urgot, yorick and Aatrox get some attention.

>team tries to throw

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

morg a shit

>once shit like urgot, yorick and Aatrox get some attention
So after Ryze 11th rework

Urgot is fine, Aatrox just needs actual base stats and his invulnerability mid-Q restored, Yorick should stay in the dumpster forever.

STOP RIGHT THERE! You! yeah, you! Draw on ms paint the last champon you played as! come on, join the fun!


DId i name right? :3

It happened, it finally happened. I thought these were all myths and stereotypes but my last game i was paired with 4 retards that i had only heard about from reading the posts here.

In the top lane I had a Riven who only knew how to hop into opponents no matter how many there were, and even after she was killed a few times that didnt stop her from trying to tower dive her top lane opponent. Looking back at the match i realize she had TP yet i never saw her help out bot or mid.

Jungle was an Udyr who couldnt shut up about openin dem gatez. Somehow he was executed at the raptors camp a couple minutes into the match and his idea of a gank was running into a lane pushed to the enemy turret and feeding the enemy laner 300g as he died for nothing. He ended 0/14, this might be the first time I have ever seen someone not get a single kill in a 40+ minute game.

Mid lane wanted Yasuo but for some odd reason that was banned at champ select. He must have looked at the enemy team comp after with a Nunu and a Volibear and thought "Hey, who is really good at killing tanks? I know, ZED!" Looking at his score he didn't do THAT bad but somehow Orianna ended up with 20 kills late game and outfarmed him by a good amount (Udyr must have camped mid)

(continuing my blog post)

(continued blog post)
Our adc was none other than Ms. Shauna Vayne. From the first wave i knew she was special when she was pinging me away from minions and threatening to go afk if i took another. Guess she's never heard of relic shield? I got to give it to her though, she valued farm knowing we were behind. In fact she loved her farm so much that when objectives were being contested she would run to a pushed lane (without vision of course) just to get 3 or 4 minions. If she wasn't killed there then she would run into the enemy jungle to take a camp and promptly be met by the whole enemy team who she thought she could always 1v5.

I was support and seeing this team comp and having a gut feeling of what was to come i picked Shen so that i could hopefully be everywhere at once with my ult. Needless to say this didnt work after the first couple times i saved one of my team members out of position, the enemy stayed grouped once they caught on. Laning wasn't so bad since i know of these magical thing called wards my team must have forgot about but once it came to team fights everyone else was so ahead that i just wasn't tanky enough to peel for the idiots that went in when we were outnumbered.

I have no idea what i could have done to make this game any different. wanted to dodge but i figured might as well play the game since i was in promos.

TL;DR: The champion memes are true. I'm sorry I didn't believe you /lolg/.


gr8 name
should be a club though

DFT on jhin yeah but you wouldn't go thunderlords on MF and definitely not lucian

got from silver 4 to gold 5 in 4 days AMA


How much did you pay for the shit boost?

>Jogando em pt
absolutamente nojento
não sei nem o nome dos itens em pt para você ter ideia.

When will you join us up in plat/diamond?

>adc that gets to literally cheat with how fasts he stacks fervor
>better take memelords!

People kill me lol.

>Aatrox's ultimate

Hi im ranking up my freinds account for fun. what are some strong picks right now i can win easily with? im an swain main and i played s1-s2

Oooh what should the club be, Traps only? :3

why wont she talk to me .........

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

>tfw have to win lol casino to get mastery 7 for j4

I want to rape her.

nothing my friendo
my true skill is diamond 5 at least, I quit a year ago becuase some asshat dropped me in my best of 5 to dia 5

What champion would this banana play?

Main rank? Smurf rank?

Assuming great difference like plat/diamond boosting in bronze/silver you want to take champs that can splitpush retardedly well and can essentially 1v5 lategame. Top or jungle.

I'm a fan of trynd and jax.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.


i cant even begin to try drawing ahri

>When will you join us up in plat/diamond?
If I keep this pace 2 weeks tops but I have to study for exams

Just place it on top of your right click button and the banana could play any adc champ.

I was plat in s2. my freinds account is a fresh unranked 30. Not really sure what the meta is at all, kinda scared to get rekt

What rank?
If sub silver 1, completely true.

Then nobody gives a single flying fuck until you actually make it up here faggot. Inb4 you hit a brick wall and get 300+ games in a division.

Can you draw a quick Lulu on ms paint !?

Well yeah a banana could click a mouse, but could it blame Support/Jungler in allchat every time it dies?

this game is fucking piss easy if you have at least one non retarded player in a carry role but you

>have two accounts
>use one to try to win honestly and play what I like
>use other to just play cancerous garbage like fizz, zed, lucian, brand, etc.
>first account is gold 2
>second account is diamond 4

>Ouro 2

user assim você vai me fazer vomitar

Se quiser um duo um dia desses me adciona ai: "Misenaive" sou Platina 2, e não tenho ninguém pra jogar comigo ;-;

brand is not cancer and is based

I have my plat border already you mongrel
plat is fucking trash and so is dia it never gets better until high dia 1

gold 1/plat 5 is absolutely hell since shitbags think they are hot shit and don't want to play serious


Yeah, ranked is mostly about who adapts to the meta better

Oh. There's been hella changes since that long ago. I would try out some normals. And what's "strong" doesn't really matter at unranked. It's all about if you can 1v5 (essentially 1v9) or not.

Swain god king of top lane. Malz god king of mid. Lucian of adc. Kindred for jungling.

Only kindred can really 1v9 out of them though.

In. a sec

you know what cracks me up
the fucking jayce adc

I love watching high-ranking streamers like qtpie and dyrus because they're constantly called metaslaves and they have no problem with saying that League is entirely about playing what's busted and overpowered.

Because it's the truth. You can't fucking climb with J4 and Singed like you can with Kindred, Lucian, and Ekko.

What support can i 1v9 with?

>has Plat border
>got placed in silver
So you fucking suck? Congratulations.

>it doesn't get better until high dia 1
>I've never actually been in diamond 5 though.

Hurr fucking durr.

how did you not kill yourself so you wouldnt have to deal with trolls, afks, and retards anymore?

>use other to just play cancerous garbage like brand

I don't fucking suck. friendo.
If you stops playing for a WHOLE FUCKING YEAR your elo decay IF you don't know about it.

I hate people saying that League has been killed by Overwatch. Overwatch is shit.

>No comparable stats charts means no one really knows how they did
>Game is based around "Eliminations" instead of kills which are awarded to everyone who touched the enemy. So things like kill streaks mean nothing.
>Too many balance issues.
>Characters are too fragile so there's no room for strategy or planning
>Character personalities are boring with generic, uninteresting dialog
>Too little content for a full-priced game. TF2 is better, more robust and free

This game is so utterly devoid of personality, intrigue or any genuine, human emotion. I feel sick after about 30 minutes of playing it.

Something feels so wrong about this game, it reminds me of League of Legends. It's too syrupy sweet, as if it's rotting my brain just running on my computer.

Is this another unfortunate example of the shiny AAA nu-videogame (see: MOBA) that exists solely to pry open the gentrified middle class 12 year old's parents' wallets with cosmetics and waifu bait?

... none? Is this a joke?

Like you could go kat support and rofl stomp 1v5 but kat can't even win 1v9s.

Believe in the jax/tryndamere top/jungle.

I remember when ekko was considered a niche AP pick

this accursed tank meta ruined literally everything about this season

No one says league is kill bruh.

Because its been dead for 3 seasons LMAO

The border is where you end up at the end of the season.

Assuming you do well in placements next season you'll end up around the same elo.

Since decay isn't a thing in gold and under you're either full of shit or just suck and don't know it.

Tank ekko's been a thing since last year, he just wasn't THAT common because the tank items he uses now wasn't that good.

>if I build Mordekaiser as a tank I do nearly no damage and can't charge my shield
>if I build Mordekaiser AP my shield sucks because it scales with max health and it caps out at too low a value
How do I build Mord, what's my role in a team? Am I the tank? The off tank? The mage (who for some reason is melee range)? Do I just shit damage and make DUDE DRAGONS LMAO?

it has that mobile game aesthetic to it too

you're supposed to be a guy with beeg dommage

problem is until you get rylais you're completely dependent on your support doing all the hard work



You can get to dia 5 with a huge array of champions. I feel like "metashit" doesn't matter unless you're aiming for diamond 1 or higher.

And realistically none of us are except riddler. And riddler mains shen who ain't meta at all.

You realize placements are backweighted and you typically place below where you finished last season regardless of where you finished right?

my hidden elo was about gold 5 since I didn't play since before ekko's release and returned a month ago

I love collecting freelo.

Sure, a plat being placed in gold would be typical.

A plat being placed in silver means that person sucks. Sorry, bro.

>gold 4 last season
>8-2 placements
>get placed in gold 3
>decide to actually try and improve. omw to diamond currently.

Overwatch is a decent game but is the flavor of the month so people and blizzard marketing shills are overhyping it so it can have a smooth transition after its first month and doesn't completely drop dead like HotS, Overwatch doesn't even compete with League, League being a massive accesible MOBA game while Overwatch is a FPS character arena, if anything Overwatch competes with TF2

>Too little content for a full-priced game

Good thing it isn't full priced


>gold 4 last season
>8-2 placements
>get placed in gold 3
>decide to actually try and improve. omw to diamond currently.

literally me, just change gold 4 for plat 5 and gold 3 for plat 2.
I wish you good luck user



late xth for kind foxes

Is Executioner's Calling good on Thresh?

Like, would it be a viable way to shut down healers whatsoever?

it is so easy to climb
it baffles me how people find it difficult

I dunno, I remember playing against a mord / leona bot lane duo.
That shit was annoying as fuck and they were both too tanky to kill 2v2.

>meanwhile the enemy Darius has scored two quadrakills because my teammates are literally walking up to him trying to hit the enemy adc

loving it

Was this recently or just after he came out? Also what was your lane duo?

10/10 taste, sir.

See the post above yours and you will know why

It's incredibly easy to climb until your natural level. Actually improving from there takes effort and most people like to talk about improving instead of putting in the effort.

I'm happy for us man. I just hit Plat 3 friday. Still getting 23+ lp a win. I'm gunna make it coach. Where you at?

>playing ADC
>successfully kiting the tank
>have done 60% of his health without getting hit
>Lee Sin literally Qs into their entire team alone and dies in one second
>? pings me while I'm trying to kill Maokai
>"omg don't focus the tank you noob"

Holy fuck has Morde's health regen always been fucking terrible?
>1.1 at level 6 ( I think)

We already have a club for sissies. Add RuneDice on NA if you want to join.

Mostly for ADCs and supports looking for people to play with.

All i remember was that I was trundle support and the only way to kill the mord was to trap him in between a wall under tower.
It wasn't recent but to this day I don't want to mess with that champ or his stupid ghosts.