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/owg/ - Overwatch General
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Delete Widow.
r-rate my potg
>waifus galore
>no write fags to create smutt
Step it up faggots
I wanna marry Metzen
is dolby atmos better for hearing direction?
it sounded muffled at first but then I got used to it
>Japanese Junkrat
>It was 3-1
>attacking on dorado
>defending soldier and lucio pop their ults
>I'm playing lionhardt
>charge and grapple the soldier
>lucio gets blasted back by the shockwave
>slam soldier into torbjorn turret and kill both of them
>lucio sent flying off the edge
when you get to it and you cant go through it and you cant knock it down you know that you found
>playing as worst girl
Overwatch? More like Overturrets. Fuck this game.
Who's the ugliest girl?
top 25 for mercy's big, fat, hulking and wonderfully smelly dick.
Why do people play Torbjorn on Payload Defense? I am tired of watching the cart advance because we're 5v6 since one fucker is setting up a turret halfway down the line that's going to be a mild inconvenience for the three people standing behind the Reinhardt riding the cart. It's not like they're a Bastion who can fucking blow through the shield and murder everyone, then turn into a tank or some shit. It's a dinky little turret.
I had this fucker messing around with a turret vs. a team with Mei, Genji, Hanzo, Reinhardt, and Junkrat. Reinhardt, Genji, and Mei don't give a shit about the turret, and Mei, Hanzo, and Junkrat will blow it up before it even does 50 damage to them. Why the FUCK would you keep respawning as Torbjorn? You're not even using the gun! The gun is the entire point of playing Torbjorn!
>there's only SFM porn of D.Va
anything more annoying than a junkrat on arcade?
>join pub
>loading screen
>robo-buda bring a great debuff
>no-medic bring a revive
>tect support bring a teleport
>lucio bring a sick grind yo
the dyke, duh
six meis
Nth for when senpai notices you b-baka!
Guys I just started playing this shit today. Being a heal slut is the most fun I've had in an fps in years.
Is sucking cock this much fun? Because I might have to try that, if that's what this entails.
What're your settings for dat quality
What did Zarya mean by this
Who's that hero that makes you go "here we go again"?
>watching Literally Who vs Anyone But You
Devil all day
>people that bring Torbjorn to a KotH map
no. stop. please. We don't even have the point yet. You're not an Engineer. It is a 5v6 with you.
>being an OKC fan
>any year
There is not enough porn of her
>playing control
>match begins 5v6
>"oh it's fine, someone will probably be brought in before the game starts anyway"
>2 (lost) rounds later the system has still brought no one in
This game's matchmaking is driving me mad, no other game has managed to infuriate me like this this much.
your mom lmao.
I want to cum in Widowmaker then use her infrared to see if the jizz shows up through her lukewarm body!
Genji and Reaper
>play as tracer
>every time I sneak behind enemy lines there's a Genji ready to double jump mid air and slice through me or a reaper to one shot me in the face 20ft away
Mercy sounds so cute when she melees
The little heal slut actually thinks she good for anything other than healing her man.
Live in ky, can confirm. It's comcast or some local bluegrass shit
>ult and stationary targets
I came in not expecting much from Tracer and I got even less.
Enjoy being 14 while it lasts
>mfw seeing the bulldyke emerge from it's spawn
Was she picked in a pro game or someshit? She was unused in the open beta, now she's fucking everywhere
When you've got Japanese audio on she sounds exactly like Child Link when she melees
How long must we wait until a smoking hot brown girl cosplays best girl?
I'll just be over here with armor refills for the team and a 150 damage shotgun and 75 damage melee
>Everyday until Hanzo stops being labeled just as a sniper.
>playing as best girl
thats an easy 10/10
Weekly brawl changes when
this is how retards actually think.
I also hate Turret Torbjorns.
>It's a 'suck entire team into orb and win the game' episode
Where the fuck in Kentucky do you live that has comcast?
Louisville with TWC
The Valkyrie ones are so much better, why would anyone want the shitty devil ones?
anyone want to play on ps4?
Does Genji's standard melee attack do more damage?
the webm or the game itself?
>4000 roadhog healing in one life
>oh boy an enemy mercy that no one will shoot
Delete ass
i'm assuming he's asking for webm settings
>could have a player contesting the point
>could have another player helping kill enemies on the point
>have a fucking turret babysitter who won't be relevant until the cart gets closer to the end of the stage
Yeah, he sure is useful.
Genji would have great commons if they colored the helmet, but it just looks so awkward.
This, he's not even much use as a fucking sniper, he's incredibly effective if you have the slightest skill with bows in games, just popping headshots nonstop at any range
The Sonar arrow is very good too considering the only other hero that can do that shit is Widowmaker and it's her Ult and not a quickly recharging skill
>50% isn't real
>turret babysitter
you proved his point
Anyone want to play on xbox one?
>31st of May 2016
>Still no QT twink hero in overwatch
Why even live?
Should I get the black or what bird skin for Zen?
>attacking volskaya industries point 2
>there's a camping bastion shooting everyone who gets near the point
>tell my team to shoot the bastion
>no one fucking does it
>even though we have a widowmaker
oh my fuck
saved and going to fap now
Can someone link the making webms for dummies thing again please? It should really be in the OP IMO
What happened to the Discord? I was waiting until the game came out to join it
Go back to making skins for tf2, toten.
>DankKitten switched to Tracer (was Reaper)
>xbox one
I think you're the only one that plays on the xbone, maybe two other people do as well
When I 1v1 an enemy Reinhardt I always tell them "You fought honorably."
webm settings my man
They should remove the voice filter for heroes like Reaper and Genji if they're wearing a skin without their costume
what am i supposed to be looking at
>he doesn't know about the wall run on volskaya on the right side of the last checkpoint.
Daily reminder that D.Va is mtf trans and you should support her
Jesus christ that's awful
Weird question I know but does the game actually run/look this smooth on an actual PC?
I've had a terrible PC for most of my time PC gaming primarily over the past year or two (planning to actually properly build one sometime before the end of the year if all goes well) so I genuinely don't know if this is just what it looks like when not being used on my toaster or if it's that thing where it interpolates(?) the footage to have extra frames.
Post PotG's
>it's her Ult and not a quickly recharging skill
I spotted the shitter who can't aim
I love the scarf she wears with that skin but the helmet is so dumb. Wish it had the regular bird beak one
I just can't keep doing it
I really can't. Every fucking game a teammate lets me down and is the reason we lose. Every god damned game.
I can't keep getting gold/silver medals in every category (except healing unless playing ah ealing character that isn't a support) by what seems like large margins every fucking game. I just can't keep doing it. I want someone to carry me for once. That is all I fucking ask.
So sad because she's my favorite. I hope they release some more skins soon.
Anyone remember that cute blonde female body builder? I'd kill for something like that for her.