help biz I am just under $300,000 in student loan debt from attending a prestigious art school and graduating last may (I majored in game design)
how do I go about paying this off
help biz I am just under $300,000 in student loan debt from attending a prestigious art school and graduating last may (I majored in game design)
how do I go about paying this off
By getting a job.
Shame that you picked a career that has very limited jobs, but, also low pay and high amounts of competition.
I think your best bet is to take out more loans and go back and study literature and become a slam poet.
>become senator in Vermont
>write essays about women enjoying rape
>accomplish nothing else until you are old
>run for president and start a political revolution rambling about the establishment and the 1%
>get dumb art school and gender studies idiots to donate their savings to you
>lose and immediately endorse the establishment
>buy a summer home for 600k
>use the rest of the donations to pay off student loan debt
>Game design
Your degree is useless. You might as well have went for Gender Studies.
If you want to go for gamedev, better teach yourself one of the technical sides of it. If you apply as an autodidact programmer who happens to have a Game Design degree, maybe you'll have a chance.
You done fucked up and that debt will follow you around for possibly your entire life. Good luck!
What school and what program ends you with $300k debt? Ivy leagues aren't even that much
Suck 300,000 dicks for $1 each.
maybe you should work on that game of yours
Why doesn't everyone do this?
You're gonna need a fucking good pair of kneepads
Ivy leagues cost nothing unless your rich and can pay for it. They have the most money and thus the best financial aid to attract the smartest kids even if they are poor.
im middle class and I'm still getting all my tuition at a school just below ivy
Yeah but I mean even paying out of pocket that's like $50k/yr isn't it?
$300k is like medschool tier I think
Cal? UChicago?
They can be up to around 250k for 4 years.
OP Is bait though. If it wasn't he would be working off that debt for the rest of his life, which would admitidly be a funny and appropriate punishment for his meme degree.
Ausfag here, was curious about that Sanders writing about women enjoying rape line.
Turns out he wrote a single piece, darkly, philosophically, reflecting on the role perceptions of modern man and woman.
Exactly the sort of thing that sounds terrible in a propagandist headline, but is benign in reality.
>~300k debt
>prestigious art school
You already know what I'm going to say. Time to get familiar with some rope, family.
Well, as long its an accredited, legitimate college degree youre not completely fucked. Side note: arent actual game designers programmers?
Nice damage control Bernie
No you still cannot be vp, rapist
h-he could help a lil too... help fetch drinks for the coders at least until they're moved offshore
If it was real he would be living under that debt the rest of his life.
fake your death. Go to Taiwan, pay a scuba guide to tell the police you were pulled out to sea by a freak current, and put those 300K art skills to good use making art in a place with lower cost of living.
...You did learn how to make art for all that money, right user?
Run for president as a democratic socialist
He's a game design major, you retard.
Of course he didn't learn any useful art skills. He probably can't even program above a basic level
>Turns out he wrote a single piece, darkly, philosophically, reflecting
Did he philosophically buy a 600k USD summer home with donation money too?
You guys joke about this, but this student debt thing is the next bubble
I myself am going to college in the next week and by the time I even get my associates in E.Engineering I'll be 15k in debt
Thats just the 2 year degree god knows what I'll have to do to get a 4 year.
>inb4 just get a job
The string of shitty jobs I've had to bust my ass to get in the past year have netted me 4k not including taxes.
College is literally the only way at this point for a stable happy life.
You don't.
After graduation you will file for IBR (Like I did). And from this moment forward you will never need to pay a dime. For you to even qualify for the minimum payments ($30k per year) you will need to have a job making about $100k per year. And your debt will only grow making the IBR qualifier higher and higher.
So basically you're never gonna pay. The only problem you will have is when you go to buy a home, the mortgage people might hold this against you in your attempts to get a loan.
but I think even the banks are gonna change on this issue, as it is becoming more and more common.
I have $50k in student loan debt. Unless I get obscenely wealthy, I'm not going to pay a dime towards it.
This is bait. Fuck all you idiots for posting serious replies to this garbage. Fucking retards.
My roommate deals with people like you at the bank, if you have shown total disregard for your student loan debt youll get nothing from his bank.
If you show you are actively trying to pay it off or show some sense of responsibility they might work with you.
I would send repo men with vans to take every non essential item you own if legally possible.
Im in some 40K worth of debt and I pay more and more every month, DEAL WITH IT.
That's a legit school user. Honestly, can you make connections through alums? That's step one to paying off your debt. Have them help you.
And too add to what I said earlier, dont expect much more than getting a cell phone line opened or a small credit card with an unpaid school loan in default...
You guys are funny.
I offered my kid a full ride, he did a semester and dropped out.
I'd rather he took me up on the offer, but I have to agree at least he's debt free and out earning moneys.
get a degree that pays.
goes double if you're not smart enough or brown enough to get scholarships.
>not paying anything
can't you pay thiat off in like 6 or 7 years by making $15 an hour and being a bit proactive?
not memeing
I am at a top 5 law school and did not get my summer offer. Since I am going to miss out on the 180k starting salary for big law should I just move to silicon valley and work for equity in startups?
its either that or get a cpa and go full tax