>kys What is this meme and how did it become popular? It's even more cancerous than dat boi
Sebastian Thomas
Benjamin Bailey
Liz day
Ryder Sanchez
Oh shit waddup.
Benjamin Thompson
What is there to discuss? All the games have already been discussed to death.
tfw no elizabeth in bioshock 4
Benjamin Flores
There will be.
Andrew Hall
I hate Liz.
Adam Reyes
did any of the bsg sing-alongs ever bear fruit?
Anthony Anderson
Eli Perry
Why are you here?
Kayden Allen
He loves Rosalind
Nolan Russell
Why no one posts?
Austin Martinez
Why didn't we carry Sally away and escape Rapture? That would have made a better ending.
Charles Flores
Justin Roberts
Juan Reed
Does Columbia in Bioshock related to real world Columbia by any means? Why did they choose that name?
Cooper Edwards
Why do these generals still exist? please dont stop making them
Caleb Richardson
Have you seen leaked the Moleva nudes yet?
Levi Hall
David Green
The District of Columbia was the former name of Washington DC. The name suits a city representing America and its values.
Aaron Anderson
Henry Wilson
>tfw Elizabeth rule 34 has been replaced with Overwatch rule 34
Brandon Bennett
I want to ravage her tight little pooper, I want to fill her up with my thick cock without using any lube. She will have to wear diapers for the rest of her life.