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Soldier 76 is going to die alone and unloved edition

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Requesting cute healslut boy to join my team


>forced 50

why this?

AnimalJayson#1179, but I'm with a group right now, we'll do this in private

>mercy/zarya main on PS4
>everyone fucking hates Zarya
>practically carry games on my back with her on offense/koth because graviton surge + any other ult is a team wipe

>mercy on defense/sometimes offense with a reinhardt, massive sustained heals and damage boost for hanzo/s76 ults
>literally die to the stupidest shit because ps4 players have no idea of 'protect the healer.

I played for 3 hours today. I died to Junkrat tires that came from a mile away, in the open, probably 5 times because the 3 people I was pocketing never shot it.

God damn it's hard to find good pocket players.

>headshotting a McCree as he's HIGH NOONing.
>headshotting a Reaper as he's teleporting in
>headshotting a Mei as she's about to icicle a frozen teammate
>headshotting a Tracer who thinks she's a counter

I fucking love smug blue bitch.

>Playing against Zarya+Roadhog+Lucio pub meta on KotH

Being forced to play Reaper every KotH fucking hurts

why is my soldier winrate so high? i play with 2 friends who almost always play hanzo and mccree

are my friends shitters?

post genji with knife

How do I get used to hitscan weapons? I went into training and noticed that I treat everything like its a projectile. I instinctively lead my shots and aim slightly ahead of majority of my targets. Just keep on practicing or anyone got some tips.

Half the time when I tab out of the game it makes the game glitch, how do I prevent that (aside from not tagging out)?

>tfw it's not enough
>tfw it's never enough


Post the second panel

>two zaryas

what the fuck am I supposed to do

>play for 30 days
>start getting matched up with people who are lv50-60+
>they clearly are better than the people i was getting matched up against earlier
>tracers start becoming a pain in the fucking ass to deal with

How do I counter good tracers? I can only think of McCree but I'm not good at McCree... This is the first thing in this game that is genuinely starting to annoy me. Whenever I run into a duo of Tracers on the opposing team I'm just afraid

i play on pc with a ps4 constroller

>we lose because noone jumped on the payload in overtime while we got a team kill on the enemy


I sexually Identify as Genji. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of dashing through the streets of Hanamura reflecting storms of bullets at disgusting defending teams. People say to me that a person being a cyborg ninja is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded and should switch to a healer but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install a shuriken dispensor into my arm. From now on I want you guys to call me “Genji-sama” and respect my right to kill entire teams with dragonblade and get play of the game. If you can’t accept me you’re a hanzo main and need to check your 2-dragons privilege. Arigatou for being so understanding


I figured I'd set up a discord for whoever wants to use it for whatever reason.


can anybody who knows ruski tell me what zarya says when she ults?


"Death to all CIS white males"

Death to McCree cunts.

Oгoнь пo гoтoвнocти

only if you tell me what ally genji says
sounds like let the dragon become you

Woodbot is the best Bastion skin.

McCree. Wait for her to blow shield. Also if you can burst the shield that works too. Bastion for example.

>6 soldiers
how do you fight this

can someone recent a good streamer that is online right now

>pick Bastion

the dragon becomes me

>Widowmaker, Hanzo, Bastion, Symettra

>Reaper, Tracer, Genji, Soldier

Are you good at least? kinda worrying you show the playtime but not the stats

6 roadhogs

All bastion?

>a year from now Bliz releases alternate main weapons for each character

what would you want to see on which character?

41 more boxes to go

Widowmaker. Actually seen it, and they got owned by me.

loltyler1 top alpha and great at the game

i cant believe that lolbabbies eat this shit up

Found in the wild

>Headshot a Tracer because she thinks she's a counter
>She comes back
>*teleports behind you*
>*straps a bomb to your back*
>pshh, nothin personnel luv
>teleports away

The activation of the ulti seems to be 竜撃剣 (Ryuu gekiken) which means "Dragon Kendo" (Dragon fencing) and when he sheaths his sword he says 竜のように流れ "ryuu no youni nagare" which means "Flow(stream) like a dragon"

(To the best of my knowledge)

> hook Pharah when she ults and explode her head
> hook Genji when he ults right after and destroy his ass
> finally hook Bastion in turret form and lead the team to victory
> mfw

I kinda want to see a whole submachine gun type deal for Tracer

>voting for you when I could vote for my 15% damage healing for team
I mean come on I earned it

Just started playing this and I'm level 9 and have about 250 of the "Currency"

Should I save to 1000 for one of those better skins? What level do people normally get 1000 currency by? Or shold I just buy one of those shitty 200 skins?

100 crates bought and level 45

Oh no im fucking terrible most of the time but I just love everything about this guy
I do have small killing sprees sometimes at least

>42 wins out of 75 games
I think I'm doing alright. Also yes I enjoy Mei, but I've been playing Pharah pretty much all day today.

Also I can't get masterwatch to work, still isn't pulling up my tag.

If it's payload that's perfectly fine.

>Attack: Nepal
>Leave game immediately
Does Blizzard pay these people?
That Widowmaker was getting her ass beat by Pharah.

tag number and case-sensitive

>get into in progress game
>they're getting stomped
>no tank
>no support
>check social
>had half of them on avoid already

Forced 50 is totally not real you guys

why would she hate human males
she hates omnics already

When is it a "good" time to pick Zenyatta?

Mi o sutete mo myōri wa sutezu.

So how did the fight between 76 and Reaper manage to destroy the entire Overwatch headquarters?

Always, skilful Zenyatta play is pretty amazing.

Also she is from CIS

>I started spamming McCrutch and can't stop
Kill me.

Tried it, still doesn't work.

>player gets a commendation the instant the card shows up

When the enemy is playing a bunch of meaty tanks.

when you have a mercy or lucio to actually heal, with a reinhart to hide behind

>ally gets potg as mercy
>she revives 2 people and flies into an enemy hanzo ult and dies

Well at least I can say I've seen a Mercy potg....

When you hate yourself and want to lose.

When there's no widow
So never

Defend this

When they do have tanky hard to kill heroes and when they don't have a Widow or many flankers. Preferably in combination with a Lucio or Mercy for team healing and ideally with a Sym and or Torb if they do have Widow and flankers.

>20 crates bought
>only one legendary from them
>level 50

>forced 50
Do you Dunning-Kruger faggots ever consider the fact that you're just not that good?

I like fat chicks?


So? If it was only from random crates ok I would understand the feeling of satisfaction, but you paid for it.

Someone with a group add me Swamplobster#1191

>tfw never commend myself and I'm always on the card screen with 0 commendations
At least I keep my dignity unlike the self-commending bastards


When you've learned how to aim your shots.
A discorded enemy will die from 2-3 shots unless they're a tank.
Tanks go down in 5-6.
This is the reason Zenyatta has fuckall for health


Yeah, she is fat, what else is new?

How to fix Zenyatta:

Make his ult give immunity to teammates for a brief duration, much like Taric ult in league.

When you already have a support and tank + they have a lot of tanks.

Generally I like to pick with a Winston or against a Zarya.

Every time she drops tobysteel all her teammates can't help but blow their load looking for the potg. Stuff it with iris.

Point and click

zenyatta's ult is fucking godly you idiot

>games you get thrown into seconds before the enemy team wins permanently count towards your record
>you have no warning or choice in whether you join one of these games, it can happen literally any time you click play

My winrate would be at least 5% higher if all of these times stopped counting.


>bought 5
>2 gold skins

>open the box
>oh shit, yellow drop
>I wonder what it is, please be Barbarossa for Toblerone
>it's Mei fireman lego

I sure hope this isn't how competitive will work.

>caring about w/l

I mean, you're autistic, but you gotta let that shit not bother you.

Can't learn to aim if I don't play him.

22 Boxes left.

Fight me.

What's a pub? What's a pubshitter?

>tfw play neither ever

>level 50
>no creates bought
>5 legionaries
Get good at RNG.