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There will be no Mercy edition

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>Playing Lucio on Ilios
>Blast enemy Lucio off the edge
>15 seconds later I hear a faint scream and killfeed shows that enemy lucio committed suicide.

How do I git gud at Tracer?

>It's a "D.Va has to repair her MEKA with the aid of Junkrat and Roadhog if the three of them are to survive against the Talon hit squad that is after them all" episode

>defend ooga booga
>team starts blaming the one guy playing bastion for losing

This community is more cancerous than that of TF2

>That inhuman whine D.Va makes when shes taking damage

>low hp
>friendly roadhog takes healthpack in front of me

Mercy is cute! CUTE!

>it's a D.Va pick on the enemy team episode

>paying a thousand buckaroos for that shit when BVa exists

Real thread

>spends all episode repairing D.Va's mech
>it gets destroyed 30 seconds into the match

Best skin is deadlock because the tire iron and flames he gets on his turrets.
Best highlight intro is in your face, but I'm using refreshing as its what RNG gave me.

>Already well-documented last thread that B.Va is the worst skin, even by D.Va standards

Let it go, my son

>Play against AI
>restart the match everytime you die
>restart the match if you don't have your Q after 1 minute

>Healing roadhog as mercy for quick ultimates
>Hes already half health and i'm on 10 from getting harassed by tracer
>I go for the healthpack
>He walks over it to heal his stubbed toe
>Eats his gas aswell on full health
>I walk out to torb turret and commit suicide


So this is the true form of a powerful Torbjorn

I will always be second best against such majesty.

>it's a Hanzo tries to outsnipe a Widowmaker episode

>Healslut bait edition

Great real nice start to the thread OP

It's like you unzipped your pants and erected the flagpole of faggotry for the whole board to see

How the fuck do you play Genji? I jump at lone people from behind, kill a squishy and get rekt by a random Junkrat grenade.
Or I move to flank and get 1shotted by a sniper because fuck you.
I sit in my corner waiting for team to engage, press Q, run out and get maybe 1 slash out before getting 2shotted by someone.
How the fuck do you play this?

>it's a widowmaker tries to do anything meaningful for the team episode

>it's an enemy Hanzo uses his ult while your whole team steps 5 feet to the side and laughs on comms

if Hanzo is good for anything he's at least good for a laugh

Flank and harass or assassinate but as you see its mostly suicide so only do it on carries. I mostly just get behind enemy lines and pick off people who are away from their team like widowmaker

How do i git gud as Mercy?
I mean she's a no-brainer to play when all you do is supporting people, but what the fuck do i do when i'm being targeted by the enemy team?
Mercy's little peashooter ain't gonna do shit.


nOBODY ON Veeky Forums cares about other threads based newfriend

>McCree potg
>stuns guy standing still from behind
>fan hammer
>fan hammer
>end of round
>McRee 18 elims, 12 fan hammer kills
>probably died 40 times
The ultimate shitter class. McRee players have no skill

>it's an enemy widow uses ez mode ult and still manages to do fuck all episode
>gets killed by a mercy

>it's another extremely frustrated individual tries to justify picking the worst sniper while somehow calling the best ultimate in the game useless episode

wew lad

>It's a 'pick McCree, Lucio, Reinhardt and Mercy' or lose the game episode

>mfw squishing Mei with my mech call

I feel the same thing but in a "tfw no tracer gf" way

She'd be such fun to go out with and cuddle

Fly away/hide

>it's an enemy Hanzo uses his E around a corner and prays for a kill episode
>it's an enemy Hanzo gets literally any assault character in his face and desperately swings his mouse around trying to get a hit episode


>implying the other threads don't care about having 2 persistent max replies Overwatch threads with 4 new ones gunking up the board every single day while crossposters infect other game threads with waifushit

Hanzo is actually best sniper because he's easy mode. Even shitters can get kills with him. His arrow is roughly as wide as a hallway. I always suck at sniper but can do great as Hanzo.

>people still pick hanzo and try to play as a sniper
Are you simple?

>Mercys pea shooter aint gonna do shit
Let me hold you right there user. Her gun is pretty good.

take off her boots and damage them with her qt sweety feet

>get corned as hanzo
>scatter shot down every single non massive HP tank character
Guess they need to learn to aim

>spamming arrows and getting so many lucky shots

so skilled fuuuuuuuuck

>Playing some salt-powered robot
>Genji on the other team
>he comes at me with his deflect
>I stop shooting because no, I'm not making it THAT easy
>friendly widowmaker near me doesn't get the memo and keeps shooting at him
>I die anyway

why is it widowmakers are either obnoxiously accurate cunts or completely useless garbage with no middle ground

>Post your main
>And their main theme

how come so many people who are really good at widow suck on any other class? I've met like 5 people so far who were raping teams alone with widow but they fucking sucked at anything else when forced to switch (because of winston and such)

hanzo is absolutely the easiest character in the game to hit with (obviously besides heroes with auto weapons)

projectiles got a watermelon-sized hit box so you can spam shits and get "lucky shots" all day

>Playing with my friends
>They're all low level and really bad
>Since this is a team based game I can't carry them
Thank god this isn't ranked.

>Mercy's little peashooter ain't gonna do shit.

It's 20 damage per hit at 5rps with a 20 round magazine m8, and gets headshots

Unloading a full clip into bodyshots does 400 damage



Learn to aim with your pea-shooter, it's good for taking out turrets since it has no drop off and no recoil. You can also pop some shitty genjis, tracers, widowmakers, and reapers but if anything else comes in your way you're in trouble.
Make sure to go into hero settings and make your beam toggle and your flight not target your toggle so you can fly around easier and get to safety whilst still healing.


Because they spam it for 15 hours a day

People like that were getting destroyed in ranked back when it was still in the game and it's most likely not gonna change



Get it?




>widow hp to 150
>-33% scoped damage, +33% scoped critical damage
>scoped ammo per shot from 3/30 to 6/30
>slight reduction to scoped fire rate, 15-25%

>flashbang radius halved, no longer deals 25
>35% less damage on fan shots (still doubles dps, still ~270 dmg burst with precise flashbang and proper distancing)
>can't roll during fan and during its special 0.5s recovery time


desu widow scoped shot should pierce shield and 1hit everyone regardless of their status if the shot is scored in the head

and flashbang needs a major radius and duration buff actually, I mean what kind of flash bang that only poof for 0.5 meter and last for 0.5 sec?

did they get rid of the east NA servers? why the fuck am i pinging 40+ now when i used to get 20s in beta

>Genji has his ult up 24/7
Fucking why?

>Complaining about 40+ ping

You continent people don't know how lucky you are. I have to deal with 200+ ping and I still manage to do decent.

Screw Overwatch! I'm taking my Omnic Hating ass and forge to the Junkers! Winston! I've always despised your Peanutbutter Coladas!

I need some healslut boys in my life

Someone actually bought 250 Loot Crates:

If you ever commend anybody except yourself you are a cuck.

Show me your top 5 /owg/

Actually overpowered: McCree, Widowmaker
Could use nerfing, 100% faggotry to play against: Mei, Hanzo
Need buffs: D.Va, Zenyatta, Pharah, Bastion


How do I git gud? Level 13 and I can't find any hero I really like, besides Zarya, but she feels really fucked against certain teams.

Also I really like Mercy but I get pounded in the ass every match by Reinhardt/Winston/Tracer/people diving me, and usually I have nobody I can fly to to get away.
Devil or Valkyrie?

Nope, git gud

If Overwatch is technically illegal according to the Petra act, and Overwatch is filled with super-powered people who are clearly outside the limits of law enforcement, when are we going to see a Petra-backed anti-Overwatch hero that goes above and beyond the limits of legal authorization?

>winning or losing, everyone enjoying themselves on the server unless it's a complete stomp (even then, auto balance/scramble in literally 2 minutes)
>losing feels like shit
>winning feels meh.


Does anyone know if this poster appears anywhere else in the game?
I found it when I went out of bound in spectator mode on the Lijiang Tower map. And there doesn't appear to be a way to see this poster normaly on the map.
Wondering if it could be a hint to a new character.

Roadhog is the ultimate pubstar

that's a spook

>won too much yesterday
>get put in ultra low level games today where I have to carry literal monkeys

>i posted it again

>2 mccree's become the standard in every game

well this game is furthering blizzard tradition by not being able to balance shit

yeah but how do you even get upset at seeing "gg ez" in the chat to the point that you would actually report someone over it
like lol just close your eyes nigga


>tracers and pharrahs getting butthurt when I effortlessly shut them down
feels good being the hog

>Jaina Mei
unlocked by completing the level 100 Mage artifact weapon campaign in WoW as frost mage
>Lich King Rein
limited level 110 ICC raid finder event. Extreme low chance to get it later from loot boxes.
>Stallman Roadhog
unlocked by winning any quick or ranked play while playing from wine
>Steve Jobs for Symmetra
unlocked by winning any quick or ranked play from a Mac
>Nova Widow
do some shit in HotS. Note: Nova already has a Widow skin

>war boy Junkrat
>Immortan Joe Roadhog
>Max 76
unlocked by watching the next Mad Max

That's because TF2 had community servers and no stat tracking.

Overwatch is more like LoL or dota. You just put up against 6 other people and sites track your W/L.

So yeah, TF2 was less frustrating because people just had fun doing their thing.

Also Overwatch matches are too short. and too objective focused.

That pic, those breasts...Have mercy.

>be widow
>run to a mercy and yell at her in chat that i need healing 10 times
>she just keeps running away from me and just lets me die
>i switch to mercy with 5 mins left in the game
>i get gold healing even though she has been mercy the entire match

jesus christ how are people this bad

How about no skins for playing the other garbage games Blizz made and makes?

Hottest 37 years old fuck me

>War Boy Junkrat
Yes. Please.

Gray Fox Genji Legendary when?!


Feels so good /owg/
Post em

D-Does Mercy really have a dick...?

None of the tanks are particularly weak in any one aspect. Winston's kit is just very basic, but that doesn't necessarily make him weak. From a pure tanking standpoint, I'd say Roadhog is thew weakest, because he shines mostly in rooms rather than out in the open, and his only real means of mitigation is to stand in front of people and hope enemies take the bait of shooting him in the head. Yet despite that, he can one shot most 200 and below HP heroes with a proper hook+shotgun. All of the tanks in this game, when played right, are great.

Where's the cheapest to buy the game right now?

So now people are shilling their shitty youtube videos here?

And this is why games should drop these retarded stats except for playtime and maybe K/D ratio.