League of legends General - /lolg/

desperately in need of buffs edition

Reminder that Mordekaiser's W and Mordekaiser's dragon ghost no longer make any sense because they gutted his ability to go bot lane and the whole concept of a non-marksman botlaner.

Nid is dumpsted
Kindred is still strong
Swain might be balanced
Zed is still permabanned

Kindred's early game will now just be bad Graves. If they don't snowball they won't be able to do anything


Please god save me from all these shaco and evelyn picks
>Have to constantly use weird wards
>constantly different inefficient jungle paths
>all of them falling off like migrating bird suffering a heart attack

Why isn't Vayne more popular considering it's League of Tanks at the moment?

>Playing vayne against Cait/Lucian/Sivir/Draven
my sides

>Want to have a fun time playing Shen as I try to get mastery 6 and 7 on him
>Enemy top locks in Ryze
>this happens three times in a row because nobody in silver bans Ryze

The Ryze rework cannot come soon enough, I need this cancer gone. Even if it breeds a new type of cancer

Because lucian and ez kill tanks better

Because it's not anymore. Also when it was tanks were good because of early itemization, not late game which is when vayne is good against tanks

>pick anything fun to play top
>opponent picks ryze
this is the only reason i hate this champion.

we're not really in a tank meta as much as we are in a "maokai is retarded" meta, maokai historically does very well against vayne and vayne has no fucking way to survive caitlyn and lucian who happen to be the two best ADs in the game right now

oh yeah and also all the OP shit right now is amazing against Vayne

can't even be in a fight without dying from 1200 range to Azir Q and 2 autos + thunderlord
ryze's YOU'RE DEAD range is exactly the same as vayne's dps range, one of the biggest vayne counterpicks since forever
yeah good luck surviving that
vayne can't lane against lucian at all, he's more mobile and duels better
see Ryze

Because Vayne+support could get bullied out of bot by Lucian/Ez anything

fuck even a Lucian with Ez support could bully her out of lane.

I've never seen someone go a positive KDA with taliyah except for Bjergsen, who carries like a god somehow everytime I see him on the champion

vayne actually does good against ez, not that it matters at all because ezreal shuts down the lane due to being the only AD that builds armor without giving up damage and being probably the safest laner

I have to take Bandit mastery everytime I get fucked in champ select and someone picks Ryze top and I'm playing Shen, getting as much cs as I can pre level 3 and then from that point on I have to basically stand at the edge of exp range to get gold.

Legit can't even farm under turret because he will just root you and kill you

Does dodging ranked matches lower MMR?

I find it incredibly hard to go negative with her tbqh. Just take it easy during first 5 min and then e+w anyone stupid enough to approach you to hell.


low plat OCE ww@
>up for promotion to plat 4 after dropping back down to plat 5
>basically equal to to obtaining gold 5 teammates because oce is trash
feels weird man

No, which is why you should always dodge if you even feel like you might lose.

In a perfect world, if you got all of both team's bans, who would you ban every game?

How to fix Mordekaiser:
>W steals resistances from enemies trapped in it every second as well as damaging them, does bonus damage if an enemy is hit by all 4 ticks and the harvest at the end (makes Morde tankier and stronger without building tank)
>W has its DoT field up even when alone, the point of casting W on an ally is no longer to get the damage at all but to double down on the damage hitting them with both fields and/or healing + shielding them
>E can be charged for greater range like Sion's Q, at maximum charge it has a pull effect like Darius' E
>Morde's ghosts last indefinitely until either dying or creating a new one

Time-based assasin champion when?

Why isn't Kennen played that much? His ult is great, and he doesn't get deleted instantly like other mages since he builds a lot of health.

Nth for Mortal Reminder is the truest expression of love.

Why play him when you can just pick Swain or Ekko and win the game

zed kindred swain ekko lucian malz.

literally what's happening to me atm

was p4 on oce, dropped to p5 and can't fight through the shitfests to get back up

Idol-based tank champion when?

everyone forgets kennen but his ult does feel super good since the mage update, and his itemization got loads better with cdr access.
zed lucian kindred ryze swain
wukong because i tilt vs wukong but if i had to pick another real ban it would be maokai or nid

Replace Malz with Kindred tbqh

zed, kindred, ekko, maokai, lucian, azir

>Kindred is so op you have ban her twice

yeah when i knew my mmr had dropped when i had someone be like
>this is mid gold nobody does x
I've been in promos 3 times today

I fugged up :DDDDD


Hey guys I got the urge after almost 3 months to play this.
I played until the sky dragon fuck showed up.
How is the game right now?

Why the fuck am I getting so many DCs this week

maybe I should buy overwatch theres no point in trying to climb when you get a dc every other fucking game

one of the worst balance spots it's ever been, there are 10 champs that are so far ahead of everybody else if the enemy has some of them and you dont you most likely lost in champ select

other than that its the same shit as ever

i cant even make it to promos anymore

cant go more than 2 games without getting burnt out either, this game just doesn't seem as fun as it used to

I remember the days when Urgot regularly took a cyborg crab shit all over her in lane.


>Jayce isn't allowed to be ADC because buffing his AA range will just make him even more overbearing top

Jayce's kit is awful for AD anyway, if you want an AD with poke Varus is there.

Why does no one ever punish Azir for wasting all 3 of his soldiers at once?

He isn't allowed to be ADC because he isn't a marksman

Why can't I get team mates that don't leave

Because the azir has to be terribad or playing with 1000 ping to "waste" any of his soldiers. Early on you can punish while he uses his soldiers for cs if you're in a good position but most of the time he will use his soldiers poke you for half your health and slow you enough for him to be punished

It happens all the time in pro play where Azir sieges with all 3 of his soldiers then teams just stand still and do nothing when he's completely vulnerable afterwards

>Mordekaiser with a damage dealing, shield charging Darius pull
>Mordekaiser with a mini Trundle ultimate that constantly deals damage

If he blows them all at once, by the time they expire a new one will already be up that he can use to dash away with.

Xth for Katarina
best girl
>ow killed lolg
why are you still playing?

If he uses them to push people off their towers there's a 4 second window to punish him

You mean his soldiers with 9 second lifetime and 4.8 second cooldown?

By the time the previous soldiers die (e.g. the time you can do something) he has 2 soldiers already in his pocket

and he'll just ult

he can also use them from 1000 range, so you better have some really good, lightning fast initiation

because I love playing with DCs

In a siege scenario they don't respawn fast enough and there's a 4 or 5 second window to attack which pro teams never take
Even if the odds are low it's still better than not taking the window at all

Game is over

>Cameraman goes full savage on Kha

Dem gooks

>1/1 in Gold 3 promos
>Queue lasts 23 minutes even though I pick fill
>Both team comps are aids with no real hard engage
>Everyone is 4+ divisions higher than me
>Get camped to shit because top/jg duo
>All the other lanes go even/behind, have to start split pushing
>Stall for an hour (60 fucking minutes!!) because we have to pick/chase them down an entire lane
>End up triple inhibing them twice because fights always ended 2v2 with low hp/no minions to tank nexus
>Sweep jg and start baiting the elder drag
>Half hp the Jhin with QR, Ryze flashes in and kills him
>Win game and skip to Gold 1

Fuck this shit bruh

There is a 0.3 second window where Azir's last soldier dies before he gets a new one even under turret. Did you not read my post at all?

LoL is the only game I can play on my 8 years old toaster

My sides

Yes and at that point he has to E out of an engage and then he has to wait 4 seconds to get a new soldier which is the window for you to win a team fight since Azir will be doing 0 DPS

>That right arm
Looks like a frog leg.

The only time where azir wouldn't have a soldier at his disposable in low rank w and q and when he has no CDR

But if azir doesn't have CDR his build is shit and he is probably shit

Why would the enemy fight if they just disengage

>No real hard engage on either team
You what?
Does Taric ult + E + Volibear not count as hard engage?

>Mordekaiser with even better waveclear
>Mordekaiser with FREE stats
>Mordekaiser with CC

That's like the softest engage you can have





You'd have to get a massive flank on him and or super hard engage to the point it's kind of suicide if the rest of the team is there/unaccounted for in fog of war. And if he still has ult, it's probably a bad engage

>How to fix Morde: [F R E E] stats and bigger numbers so he becomes the cancer he was following his rework


Reminder riot said they're looking at Vayne and are considering reducing her early rank tumble CD

On mobile so can't link it but it's on the boards somewhere

He wouldn't have a soldier disposable if he uses them to push you off your turret which teams do all the time

>Why would the enemy fight if they just disengage
Why would you fight Azir when he has 3 soldiers up and you can't do fuck all to stop him rather than the only window you have to win a fight?

>Play Jhin during free week, love him
>Get enough keyfrags to open a chest
>Jhin Champion shard


>Super-speed invulnerable bear with a stun into flip combo
>Not strong enough engage
Do you define "hard engage" as "AoE hard CC ult"?

Literally any slow or stun will destroy that engage

Get it?

>that zed who shows his mastery 7 every time he presses R on me
Almost triggered, sure was hard to kill a poor Aurelion with Zed.

Please tell me how fighting in this situation where Azir has used up all his soldiers is worse than fighting him when you can't do anything

> picking sol with zed open
Thats your own fault unless a first pick azir went jungle or something. Shoulda played Morgana

Illaoi's not a tank.
Do not build her as a tank.
She has literally NONE of the qualities of a tank.

T'was blindpick.

Why did you quote my post

Well then zed is in every match, so again your own fault

Because you're the delusional cunt that thinks it's better to fight Azir when he has 2 soldiers stored than 0

Give me an example of hard engage that's not stopped by a slow or stun.

I can only think of Malphite, Hecarim and Vi, and that's because they are LITERALLY CROWD CONTROL IMMUNE.

In your mind, can only 4 champions hard engage? Or am I misunderstanding you?

>playing hyperspeed jhin
>reach 100% crit
>force their yasuo to flash away from me in panic because i'm outrunning him

Nice reading comprehension.

Malph, Hecarim, Vi, Taliyah, Corki to name few.

Then there are ton of champs with actual long range engage abilities that don't rely on you running in on a predictable straight line for 3 seconds like Rumble, J4, Lee Sin, Annie etc. etc.
You know champions that aren't interrupted by literal silver Elise player

>illaoi is not a tank

So just like d.va then :^)

>Nice reading comprehension.
No it's a case of you being a fucking dullard that doesn't appreciate there's windows where champions are strong and weak and you just dismiss it because you're incapable of thinking critically about the game

You might want to read the posts again mate


Not the same user.
You OK there, buddy? You sound really worked up.

You might want to stop giving your fucking useless input on the subject

No it's okay I shouldn't have expected the silver shitters of lolg to be able to have a discussion about the game at a deeper than saying someone is cancer or someone is their waifu

Oh, hi there