/4ccg/ - /m/ edition

Previous Thread: >Main Page:

>Stuff you need to read:

>Latest Cup:
implyingrigged.info/wiki/2016_Veeky Forums_Spring_Babby_Cup
/m/ are the champions! Yes, really!

>Where can I watch the cup
Literally Shitbox front page, or the wiki front page

>Veeky Forums League 6:
implyingrigged.info/wiki/Veeky Forums_League_6
Qualifiers ended, the cup will begin soon

>Veeky Forums League 7:


>Archived games:

>Next Cup
implyingrigged.info/wiki/2016_Veeky Forums_Summer_Cup

>Stupid dipshit assholes still leaving the Best/Worst Fans option on the Auties here

nothing much

Other urls found in this thread:


first for australia


Saki for /u/

I stream myself making a Blender model, if anyone is interested in seeing how it's done
They don't usually take that long, but this was was a bit more detailed than usual

Just the best monoeye passing through.

I haven't seen a "Just the best pilot passing through" thread in forever. What happened to Jerid?

>ded hours general

Please record it if you can

Which VGL team has the best memes

That is the recording, I streamed like an hour ago by myself
Might do some more in the future

Sweet, thanks based Smug

but really they're all shit

Which team will have this?
Also where can I find your playlist?

/utg/ in the VGL
I was just listening to some calm Undertale music to fit the topic, here's the playlist

Thank you!

>once card per player
will be the most enduring meme

not sure if you use them but there's an addon for blender that shows your key presses on the screen, useful for demonstrations.

Oh that would be fantastic, do you know what it's called?

no clue, sorry, I just know that it exists.

Hey Smugs, if you're here, is there a wiki page detailing EEEE errors? I swear I saw it, but can't find it.

No idea, but I can tell you that it's the face.xml file that contains the EEEEEE
If you need to get rid of one, I can send you the a file with the EEEEEE gone



I do, my model looks fine, but there's a EEEE mouth that sticks out of the throat, it's disturbing.

Stick this in your model folder and replace your current one
This file has the EEEEEE miles under the map, so you'll never see it





I found it, did a test stream with it on
Doesn't come on until 2:30 though, it turned off when I reset blender pre-stream and didn't realize until then
Also the end of the video is a bit buggy and I cut it short because once I had gone onto PES14 to show the model, it wouldn't update blender again, but oh well
Pic related is the finished result

who's that supposed to be?



Only 5 spots left.

Yoyoyo sign me up for that shiz.

I bet you all my rigbux that less than 5 people sign up because of this post.

>using 63* instead of PJ Hughes

Forever 63 not out.
He never retired hurt. Hughesy played till the end ;_;7


I didn't expect powerlevels and lesbians in a mahjong series

And to think. Within six months Shaun Marsh was unironically open the batting for Australia


I remember hearing the news about Hughes getting the ball in the neck. I assumed the fella would be good as new in a few days.

On the day he died, I was checking Twitter and all that to find the latest on his condition. I got the grim news practically instantly. ;_;7

i expected to figure out how mahjong works and by the end i still had no idea

Please save me a spot for that la
I can't edit the wiki at the moment

This. All I got from Saki is that these girls are very, VERY gay for each other.

Haxball for bored people.
PW: rigged

I was actually following the game on the CA website.
Heard he got hit and thought his test chance were over because getting hit is pretty shit technique.

And then suddenly the ABC was all "10 ambulances were sent to the SCG and we could not confirm Phil Hughes was alive when he was taken to hospital"

Veeky Forums Cricket when?




Not even joking.


toki is toki

What`s going on here?

lesbians are gross

Praying mantises having sex.


When is that testcup user finishing the vgl test?

I need spicy banter to live

>need spicy banter to live
Then why are you here? The bantz here are weak sauce as shit


>go to /lgbt/ for the first time
>most thoughtful arguments
>crankiest shitposters
>comfiest circlejerks
>top bantz
>weird, varied politics

I'm mercing this board with no survivors

n-no homo?

>go to /g/ for the first time
>most thoughtful arguments
>crankiest shitposters
>comfiest circlejerks
>top bantz
>weird, varied politics

I'm mercing this board with no survivors

>most thoughtful arguments
This is how you identify bait

>go to /a/ for the first time

>go to /gif/ for the first time
No wonder a BR is the only person who touches it

>go to any board for the first time
>It's shit

Thanks. Please stay gone.

>go to /p/ for the first time
>Become a lifelong /p/ fan

>go to /v/ for the first time
>least thoughtful arguments
>crankiest shitposters
>worst circlejerks
>low bantz
>everyone's a /pol/tard

I'm mercing this board with no survivors

/u/ has beat you to it

Guess who made the post :^)

Myuer please stop giving tactics to failed teams, it's not like they'll give anything back

If I merc /u/ do I get to also merc /v/ for free?

You really need to up your game.

Nothing is free.

No charge for them.

Why would I want them?

Fuck Off.


pass is rigged
4v4 going on

Not Myuer but /uv/ was a lot of fun in the TTC.

I am ready for a change of airs, though.

Don't forget having like the best music in the Cup, too.


What's your favourite celebration /4ccg/?


>go to Veeky Forums for the first time
>most thoughtful arguments
>crankiest shitposters
>comfiest circlejerks
>top bantz
>weird, varied politics

I'm mercing this board with no survivors!

At least you'll do better than current management!

>go to /sp/ for the first time
>get sacked

toki yes

/saki/ team when?

>go to /diy/ for the first time

>go to /y/ for the first time
>browser crashes


>Go to /vp/ the first time

>go to /aco/ the first time

>go to /v/ for the first time

>go to /vr/ the first time
>become radical


>not liking Shadman

>Go on /v/ yesterday
>There was a /u/ age-gap thread
>Today there was Madoka thread
Best neighbours

No wonder /a/ hates the shit out of you both.