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>How to get autosummon covenants to work on PC:

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hey guys
you guys
you guys
what if I infused the uchi with fire?


gentle reminder that sulyvahn did absolutely nothing wrong

In duels people are usually not dumb enough to get hit by it, but during invasions plenty of people run into it.

Don't do that.

reposting question because new thread
Give me those numbers

b-but all the damage tho

I did it as an early level sorceror. Fire pacifies mostly everything that can destroy me at that stage, namely things like dogs. Don't see another reason besides for that

Son of a fucking bitch now Yurt fell off

I think I'm in love with the guiding moonlight again lads.

Sulyvahn did nothing wrong.

Best longsword that inst darksword for quality?

old webms!

>using dried finger
>red invades
>blue comes to assist
>let them have a fair duel
>blue is killed
>second red spawns
>they both try their HARDEST to gank my ass
>mfw summoning 3 whites and ganking their asses so hard i never see them invading in archives for the rest of a day
you redfaggots deserve to get ganked into oblivion

Hey, thanks to the guy who suggested Black Knight stuff, it really goes great with the black robes.

unfortunately I now have to deal with finding a new hat.
any suggestions?


>the trailing fire
Propaned UGS is pure cum.

>tfw just beat ornstein and smough
>tfw got the leo ring
I'm still jittery. No summons either.

Fat minister hat

your only option as a mage is crown of dusk

Reds that come with eye orb don't come for duels, fuccboi

gj qt

>"Kaleesi" died to molten metal
How quickly the tide turns.

Congrats user.

so this...... is the power..... of dragonshitters....

>he was level fucking 111
>still just 1500 hp

can someone with decent photo editing software make this say yes, yes, pickle pee, pickle pee!

>1000 hours in paint

I want to do a Brigand Dagger Bandit Shanker build.

What do I infuse my daggers with?

so you like it?


oh yeah, they will come for being ganked into oblivion then

nothing they do more damage stock

>tfw no souls bf

here you go

I.. I think that was me. I like karlas hat in combination with black dress to be honest since you look like a qt witch with it.

I'm so sorry


Crystal Sage hat.

That's a dragonbro. Everyone knows dragonbros are noodlebois.

Help me /dsg/!

How do I make a good-looking twink?


>enter forest with zero souls
>farming invaders with "tosaka_sara" guy for hour
>obscuring ring guy hiding for ten minutes
This is comical. NG+ forest is best thing in game

/lgbt/ is usually too normie

Lothric Knight, I think

>tfw noone to carry me around
>tfw noone to do lothric and lorian cosplay runs with
>tfw noone to whisper rise if you would.. to

Yeah, I've been struggling with that as well. Any pointers?



>turning the game on and off increases covenant item drops

This has to be confirmation bias right?


Regular Longsword or Broadsword
Lothric knight if you like a stab 2H R2, but its AR is a bit lower refined on a quality build compared to sharp on a dex build

>you can VISCERAL the stray demon after breaking off his legs
This is too cruel

Powerstancing was fun
Or perhaps...

Wimps. Crystals are where it's at.

So, I wanted to try Miracles out but then I remembered that I traded the Soul of the Lords for the Firelink Greatsword...
Do any of the other Miracles do decent damage? I know that (apparently) they do the least damage overall when compared to other spells, but how low are we talking?

I am mostly interested because Crystal Chime turned out to be better than I expected, and I want to take advantage of the fact that it can cast both Sorceries and Miracles.

Drops are seeded in all Das games resetting the game gives you a potentially better rate.

get out.


So I presume entering NG+ at around 90 is the norm? Is it much of a bigger challenge to get to Sully at 120 for the PvP arena behind him compared to when I did him around 50 in my original NG? Missed some items I really want to have on me and am pretty much forced to go through the game again because of that.

Are you genuinely handicapped or something?

playing Dark Souls 3 with.

>dragonsis can't wear armor like that

your mad kid

>the demon before entering the Smouldering Lake soul transposes for more than the Old Demon King
Is this a subtle explanation that the boss gives up after a while? He just doesn't have the strength?

>the demon's items become visible at ludleth after killing the settlement one

Was that one also meant to drop a soul or something, but they realized 20K was too much at that point in-game?

Probably. Looks rushed as fuck.

>invade as grape
>Help guy kill invader
>he pops seed of giants
>we clear all the way to Abyss Watchers together
Grapevading is fun.

Because he's defeated

Smouldering lake is very obviously a war ground, with the ballista, black knights, trenches underneath, king's antechamber etc.

The battle seemed to have been Ghru vs Demons vs Carthus/Anor Londo

Presumably, the demon prince lorian fought was slain in this battle as well.

>dragonsis could have looked like that
Oh well, at least she can get swole...

>suddenly can't beat almost anyone anymore

I was winning 2/3 duels yesterday and today I am being shit on constantly. What the fuck happened?

swole and still die in one hit :)

I think they would've just dropped the amount of souls you get from the soul if it was intended.


I've never died in 1 hit from anything, user. Anyone who does is stacking -def rings in every slot.

so it's agreed

You moved up a league. Lose a while longer and it'll drop you back down into shitter league with the rest of the shitters.

Can you imagine if this shit was real

alright sorry 2 hits :)

what the fuck am I looking at?

fucking MMR it's fucking bullshit

NG's are not separated

some hot gwyncest

>+10 raw dragonslayer axe
>+9 saints talisman
>60 faith
>Lightning clutch and Lloyd sword ring
>buff with sacred oath and lightning blade
>899 AR

It's a little arbitrary, I think.

Most of the boss souls that are worth huge amounts of souls are because they have extremely specialized items that don't fit on most builds. Deacons, for example, are worth 20k because both of its items are super specialized int/fth hybrid ones that no other build can really use. Both of the demon's soul items are str/pyro and the enemy itself is an optional encounter you can easily skip by running by, which is why its soul is worth so much.

ODK is a weird exception because it's rewards are a high-req pyro spell and another str/pyro weapon, and it's a completely optional boss that doesn't offer any reward except its soul, yet its soul is practically worthless. I assume it's probably a case like the Stray Demon. Stray Demon's soul is worth fuck all because it can transpose Havel's ring, and they didn't want to give the player any reason to eat the soul when it makes one of the most important build-enabling rings you can get (as well as the earliest a pure pyro can get a non-fire damage spell for clearing the demon ruins). I assume they probably intended for Chaos Bed Vestiges to be the ultimate pyro spell like it was in DaS2, and gated it behind the ODK assuming that the spell itself would have a value on-par with something like havel's ring.

I'm sure the spell will probably get buffed at some point when they actually bother to sit down and start properly balancing magic, since it's basically the only reason to ever kill that boss.

Oh, you're baiting. That's nice.

>still outclassed by hornet bkga

you won't hit anyone with that shitty weapon

Enjoy never hitting someone.

I, for one, will sell all I own if I must as long as I can give our overlord VaatiVidya(tm) the monthly patreon fee he so much deserves.

what the fuck I was using spin2win tryhards and styling on some schmuck and had 3/4 of his life down and then suddenly my spins did nothing and got countered and stunned each hit and fucking went down from full health to zero in seconds.. like he flipped a fucking switch

man this heat is getting to me today

>delaying the third swing of your UGS just enough that it just clocks them just as they try to capitalise on your recovery

Ds3 decided to unistall itself from my cpu and steam.


How'd you get it on your CPU?

>he embedded DaS3 in his CPU
Teach me your techniques of wizard!

>giving money to streamers or youtubers

I'm convinced that's some weird fetish.

>Watching them whiff a parry while you charge up an R2

i have a Str/Fth character and got the Dragonslayer axe at +6 now. do i infuse it with raw or lightning?


Infuse it heavy and buff it with lightning blade.

>instead of protecting his little brother from black slimes of rape and violation, he went to fuck dragons

Raw Corvian Greatdagger is underrated as fuck. I think it's a must have for casters who don't have a better fast option or who want to avoid bestoc shittery

>tfw butting mashing through guarding players and riposting with a 110 modifier
>takes buffs like a champ
>good for resin bundles
>straight sword tier range with dagger speed and stam cost

It's amazing. If you get the hang of it, you can effectively hamper aggressive approaches with straight/surved swords or katanas and whatnot because of the first 2HR1 being a thrusting jab. Try and work your spells and if they get in your face, dagger spam them into submission.