Is dodging regulation in order to destroy an entire industry "innovation"?
Is dodging regulation in order to destroy an entire industry "innovation"?
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My ex who was bad with money bought a new prius on loan so she could make more money with uber and crashed the damn think like 4 weeks in. Her down payment was a loan from friends so she is REALLY fucked.
I cant help but think at least a handful of those regs are there to prevent shit like this...
What regulations?
The ones that apply to legitimate taxi companies, but don't apply to Uber because of their army of lawyers ready to prove that they aren't a taxi company :^DDDD
Uber is a household name now. Its not going anywhere.
The laws are an example of regulatory capture. Can companies want to raise the barriers to entry to prevent competition. Your friend just sounds like a case of being a dumbass.
>Lower the barrier for an employee to enter
>Transfer almost all liability to them
And people bought into this shit for some reason
But taxis are terrible, why would I care about their competition having an unfair advantage over them? They are overpriced and offer an inferior service, they deserve to die.
Two words: structural change.
I hate taxis. It always just dirty foreigners with shitty atitutudes who drive like assholes.
Taxi companies brought this upon themselves.
I think they're gutting themselves and still not turning a profit. Someone needs to explain to me where their valuation comes from because from my understanding they're losing money. The only thing I've been able to understand is that they're hoping to get automated cars to taxi you around to make cheaper than owning a car per yearly expenses.
innovation in achieving maximum profits and providing the service at a lower price so yea.
now fuck off taxi kikes
Is regulation solely designed to lock out competition of an inferior service still considered "regulation"?
taxi shills BTFO
This. Fuck those foreign bottom feeders.
She sounds like a dumbass. No protection from that.
Every innovation is a disruption.
Guys that ran horse and horse carriage business where in denial about the automobile, tried to ban/ostracize it. At first the automobile was a mess because the infrastructure it ran off was dogshit, then asphalt roads took over and horse related transportation business got fucked.
Phone companies were in denial and tried to stop voip over the internet, at first it was a mess but after years it got better. They had to adapt to not disappear, now the whole infrastructure they used to work on has been replaced by internet cable fiber and everything runs under the internet.
Similarly, banks are in denial about Bitcoin, but they will adapt in order to not disappear. Owners of whole bitcoins will become rich as it becomes the backbones/infrastructure of the new monetary paradigm. You can thank you even know it exists. It's like being able to own shares of TCP/IP.
Taxi driver detected
>Similarly, banks are in denial about Bitcoin, but they will adapt in order to not disappear. Owners of whole bitcoins will become rich as it becomes the backbones/infrastructure of the new monetary paradigm. You can thank you even know it exists. It's like being able to own shares of TCP/IP.
yes. fuck taxis. fuck cab drivers. fuck the whole industry.
fuck my government for outlawing uber in my area. if i want to endanger myself i should have the right to do so. i sure as fuck would rather be driven by a kid in a beater if it means paying half price. governments are so supposed to prevent monopolies not help keep them.
What laws or regulations would have stopped her from crashing if she was driving a regular taxi?
She wouldn't have owned the car, and her employer would have soaked the insurance claim.
Granted, in a truly free market she'd have had no barriers to starting her own taxi company and made the same fuckup, but generally people this stupid don't have that kind of initiative.
And she'd have been able to start her taxi business with any old jalopy.
I don't really give a fuck, but Uber has absolutely min maxed the system to offer drivers the worst of both worlds and pocket the difference
>the shit pay and lack of autonomy that comes with being an employee
>the overhead and liability of being an independent contractor
I would have been more against Über if the taxi industry wasn't such a monopolised scam.
Besides the industrt, taxi drivers are always smelly, dirty, crooked and rapey.
So I despise the industry and the people who work for it, makes it hard to care when they get fucking annihilated by some corporate thugs.
I still think anyone willing to drive an über is the a financial cuck, but I'm morally comfortable with taking financial advantage of people who've willingly agreed to be taken advantage of.
>Similarly, banks are in denial about Bitcoin, but they will adapt in order to not disappear.
Not every attempt at innovation sticks user. I remember during the late 90s a lot of talk about how .com business was going to make all brick and mortar stores obsolete.
This. Competition is why we have nice things.
>Similarly, banks are in denial about Bitcoin, but they will adapt in order to not disappear. Owners of whole bitcoins will become rich as it becomes the backbones/infrastructure of the new monetary paradigm. You can thank you even know it exists. It's like being able to own shares of TCP/IP.
Banks are already implementing the Blockchain technology. It is Bitcoin that is going to get fucked since it is not a legal tender.
Thank you. Now if someone could pull an Uber type move for car dealerships I'll be happy.
>dodging regulation
I dunno OP, people seem to love Uber over here and apparently they offer a far better service than Taxis for cheaper.
What kind of regulation other than the satisfaction of the clients is needed here? And for what purpose?
Who is the enlightened human being that knows better than everyone if Uber needs to change or not?
>a lot of talk about how .com business was going to make all brick and mortar stores obsolete
That statement still holds true though.
It's only a matter of time user
Are regulations required to label something an 'industry'?
Bitcoin is dead, only thing keeping it alive is the drug trade. ETC will be the standard as they will function as a digital bearer bond.
>provide the most shit service possible
>spend grotesque profits on lobbying
>pay government to make competition illegal
>enjoy your monopoly by maintaining a gross fleet of shit boxes driven exclusively by fucking weirdos and African immigrants that can not understand a word of English
Gee too bad
>uber banned
Lmoa, what country/state?
>goverments are supposed to prevent monopolies
yeah sure.
laws are guidelines for safe fraud, if you can afford the lawyers.
taxiniggers and government get fuckes with their own weapons, but unfortunately government will just change sides and be on the winners side as always.