/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

Ded spess edition

Previous ded The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise:
Corneroids, Space Engineers, Starmade, From the Depths, Factorio, Robocraft, Machinecraft, Garry's Mod, Homebrew, Besiege, Medieval Engineers, Infinifactory, Scrap Mechanic, GearBlocks, and anything else welcome. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.

WebM for retards:

Space Engineers:
>SpEngies for retards: i.imgur.com/IZekrGe


>/egg/ approved server:

From the Depths:
>/egg/heim idea bin: pastebin.com/Tmk14sf2 (embed)



>hrpbk2 wix com/machinecraft
>upload/download designs at filescase.com
>TT Mech template: www.mediafire.com/download/0aalnmvvyvm75sq/TT-Mech-Template.rar
>Helpful starter guide: youtube.com/watch?v=iLVnW5exF3Q

Garry's mod:

Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox


Medieval Engineers:


Scrap Mechanic:


Robot Arena 2:

KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People

Other urls found in this thread:


>gmod never

Shamelessly repeating this, because it's a hot topic in FtD:

2nd for ill never make it as a drawfag

/egg/ drama

Space souls drawing when

Don't worry, you can't disappoint us because were weren't expecting anything anyway

What does /egg/ listen to while they /egg/?


oh ok
iam on it now



about the least engineery song you can find

>did first level in KOHCTPYKTOP

shit, that thing is THE shit.

>first level

It needs to be in the OP.
pls do

Geez, i know I am little shit, but dude, working out how N to P and P to N bridges work is fun

what I am seeing there?

Wuts that. looks like the head of this thing.

>in any way representative of how semiconductors work
KOHCTPYKTOP is to semiconductor design as legos are to architecture.


>/egg/ games
>in any way representative of how engineering works
I know man, doesn't mean you can at least get a glance on basics of how this work

>implying a true engineering game shouldn't be bigger than life
>implying a true engineering game wouldn't be almost entirely emergent
If KOHCTPYKTOP is a good way to understand the basics, Spacechem is a good way to understand quantum computing.

>implying our narrow human brains can understand the universe


>implying that matters at all

>implying matters


So you never been to university? If you want "engineering games" just go "play" SPICE and matlab.

I've learnt how to Matlab basics.
Or at least I think so.

I am. Those are not games.


Neither would an accurate representation of semiconductor design be. You'd just be doing tutorials for a design tool. If that's fun for you, those tools exist and you can fuck with them. They're just not games. The second G in /egg/ is every bit as important as the E. Kocklitpop is a p coo game.

/svgg/ laughs at people who think spess games need to be Shuttle study sims, too.

are you actually autistic?
are you really arguing semantics and terminology?
what is the point?
/egg/ is /egg/.
stop shitposting.

I'm not, he keeps talking about how inaccurate Kotchkytop is every time someone posts about it.

ah ok.

>/egg/ is /egg/
no, /egg/ is /svgg/

Architects are the chiropractors of engineering.

TBF KOHCTPKTOP is a good representation of one half of IC design. Yes, in real life p-channel can only pull up whereas n-channel can only pull down, and both sides need to be complementary or else you get either floats or shorts, but matching up the halves isn't really fun. Not even real engineers bother with this; gate level synthesis is usually done by computers.

i guess that means no ftd then.

But KOHCTPYKTOP doesn't even have rectifying

I thought you could make a "logic diode" pretty easily? Although if you have to use those you're fucking up somehow. I remember nets had to be 'one to one' or 'one to many' only, or you would wind up with a weird-ass logic backflow.

Guys, the Avorion dev replied to my question on faggit, early access is expected august

>tfw it's the only game you enjoy at the moment
>don't want to burn out on it before its even released
>but everything else looks so shit

>this is the same kind of people that argue about color of piss on /out/ providing miriad of statistcs to a guy who asked "Hey I'm going to thailand to make a very long trek, any tips" and argue that he should not trust his piss color for indications of hidratation because his autistic reasons and derailed the thread.

I hope somebody capped that thread, looks like it had potential

What the fuck is London?

>not keeping up with memes

SOme dude just said, "Hey OP start drinking water if you notice your pee is getting darker, you are a pale scotsman and you sweat your sould there". Then the dude just went full /pol/ mode and started sperging and providing statistics and saying >you provide no argument, read my sources
>you are wrong read my sources
>read my sources
>read my sources
And the sources barely supported his reasoning, then he entered debate-lord mode and started calling fallacies out. Other good thread was about the guy who said he "shot every dog in a park when he went out" kek
Update your meme repository memefriend.

I've seen it everywhere for the past year, at least, I just never really understood it.

was it real grill
she looks healthy

iirc, it has something to do with a really thirsty autistic londinian trip/namefag begging femanons

can't really remember all too well

Yeah, let's hope she is in London :^)

Veeky Forums is magical place
I want it to stay this way

That almost sounds familiar.

The issue isn't in how much a unit "costs", it's that the best units are simply too bullshit good. It doesn't matter how much a, say, Kobald "costs", one spawning is enough to assrape a path of cheese clear through you until you manage to chip it to death. By which time another is sure to have spawned.

Basing FP on RP cost would also mean that a highly decorated design that spends loads on looking better but not fighting better gets shafted. We WANT things that look good and we want FP to measure combat ability.

Right now, FP is mostly a measure of offensive ability because it's derived from the qualification test score and the QT ramps up in lethality VERY VERY quickly past a certain point.
Where it's lacking is that: A, the QT doesn't really test ability to hit things. B, the QT doesn't effectively assess defense past "exists". C, the fuzzy wuzzy fallacy is fucking things up because the KotLs are making flawed assumptions.

It was a trap

goddammit Veeky Forums

You know, the scaling of shit in FtD reminds me of enemy scaling in Warframe.
Minute ago I was running away, shooting torps at a Paddlegun, but now A FUCKING PULSAR shits HE all over my poor bote.
And that's a 0.9 Easy plane. Fuckin' a.

I guess it's posts like this that really mess up my meme senses, because I really don't see the connection.

>I really don't see the connection.
>shit taste in said anime
close enough to a femanon to warrant memery

mix of ftd spengies and abortion without keencode when?

Reality would CLANG itself with a game like that

>implying that's a bad thing

>Implying I implied that it would be a bad thing

>Build ship hull using Avorion-like stretchy primitives, automatically nothing adjacency and connections.
>Use primitives again to lay strict grid-based rooms inside the hull. To build machines like engines and reactors, you go close-up and play FtD tetris on the grids. You can also just lay down prefabs instead.
>If a primitive blows up, all the room space inside it is cut at the interface, venting air out into space. Orphaned primitives become a 'ship' of their own instead of vanishing like in FtD and Avorion.

It makes me head spin thinking of how to implement this shit, but fund it for sure.

The reason abortion works at all is a lack of physics calculations. I'm so done with moving parts right now after all the shit we've gone through for the past five years.

>cut off parts of ships vanishing

did you not see the giant wreckage fields everywhere

things get cut in half constantly


I haven't played it enough to notice it, but that's quite cool.

It only cements my conviction that Avorion is the savior of /svgg/.

I hate how the little bits are just wreckage rather than flyable ships

I want to jump into a random piece of shit and ram it into other shit

>enterprise loses one nacelle
>whole thing dead

max salt

If there are enough parts in the piece that breaks off, it remains a wreckage instead of exploding.
Read the wiki.

why are you telling me what i told you

You were not wrong.
But you weren't right either.
I need to sleep more often.

>June 1st
Any minute now.

>yfw the flamethrower update
Factorio is nearly finished.
It's all just one huge metaphor for Vietnam.

>finally got ftd
>finally got factorio
now i don't feel guilty about pirating factorio.
and now i can enjoy autism botes, without pirating it at all.

>see massive spider
>scream like girl
>it runs back into its hidey hole
>spray it's hole with shit ton of killer spray
>a smaller one comes scurrying out
>scream like girl
>spray it until it looks like someone jizzed all over it
>another massive one comes out
>scream like girl
>repeat jizz spray
>ANOTHER massive one comes out from somewhere else
>it manages to scurry back into its hole
>still haven't killed the original massive one

Please send help

Im preparing.

Burn down the house. It's the only way.

>spraying the spider
>not just squashing the bugger, bonus points for stomping him
Check your balls user, you might actually be a girl.

the madman did it
he gassed the devs

Freejews trying to fuck over tesseracts while theya re just starting to get popular again.

Thank god.

They were in an awkward corner and I had no shoes on, fuck letting them climb me like a fucking colossus and biting my weak points to kill me.

So fucking itchy.

>jimmy-jams-jammy-jam factory
>tingle max flavor slip slop solar spread

>euphoric tech
Don't even try to understand.

They have weird shit like that on all the "posters" they make.

Heres the one from when missiles came out.

what the fuck were they smoking



my autismo


Factorio update when

remind me why do we use fun instead of fun again ? i must have memory flaws because I can't remember when this meme came out

Check the website doofus, it's already out

fun is a buzzword

/fcg/ comeback when

>tfw securing fucking huge chunk of land in factorio because fuck bugs biting my precious shipments of iron
>apparently my iron is already too ded to supply shit for ~4k lazor turrets
>can't resign from four layers of lazor turrets because 'muh impenetrable fortress'

Because of the "No fun allowed" rule from /rcg/

I guess...

>see a human
>a towering mound of flesh, its body lacking chitinous exoskeleton, appearing as though a flayed insect dried in the sun for hours
>the few limbs it had moved strangely, articulating at joints that, though fixed by some cruel joke of design like a mundane chitinous leg, were not apparent until the being bent a seemingly straight segment of its body
>the flesh, if flesh it be, peeled back at the top part, barely visible in the heights, revealing sharp outcroppings of stone inside it
>could feel its roar in my legs as it expelled air from the hole that had opened
>a mountain walked or stumbled
>my reason left me then, and as I came aware of my surroundings again, I had, guided by instinct alone, found refuge inside a crevice too small for it to stretch the bulk of its twisting, writhing extremities within
>all the others are dead, covered in a noxious substance the beast (if such a word can be used to describe an abomination of all natural order, not wholly plant nor mineral nor arthropod) blasted from one of its limbs
>I can still smell the acrid, penetrating smell that shook my very being, and hear the terrible roaring and hissing that accompanied the demise of my companions, and I know that even if I should by some miracle survive, neither shall ever leave my dreams

spiderposter pls


You fucker.

Four THOUSAND laser turrents?

We are Cthulhu

>tfw u an alien
>tfw shiny mountain falls from the sky, burning, yet not charred, glowing, yet not molten.
>tfw from this mountain strange creatures emerge, giant birds, turtles and bears of metal, that scream like tortured souls and belch black smoke into sky
>tfw tiny critters accompanying colossi soon start to tear ground apart, impaling mother planet with giant spikes, stacking boxes with some grand, yet completely illogical purpose
>tfw they see you, and almost on spot nearest gigantic crab turns to you and releases short flare from his arm
>tfw before you can react, you're lying on your back staring into first dusk star
>tfw no pain, only weird warmth, and death

go big or go home

so what am I supposed to DO in Avorion

not saying it's not fun, it is, I'm just not quite sure if I should just stick around and mine enough iron to make a giant ass ship or what