/emugen/ - Emulation General


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first for mame input mapping is still broken on retroarch

inb4 shitposting and drama

>/r/Emulation mod here. This is a misrepresentation of our stance on the matter.
>You weren't banned for "defending open source devs"- we received a complaint in modmail about you doxxing somebody in the thread, and acted upon it in accordance with reddit's site-wide rules. It wasn't an especially severe case, and I understand if you take issue with our calling it that- but you still revealed personal information about another user that they clearly weren't comfortable having out there in public view on reddit.
>If we didn't step in, the site admins would have done so when the user in question let them know. It's one of the few things they don't fool around with.
>We don't exercise editorial control over what gets posted on the subreddit beyond removing rulebreaking posts, removing personal abuse, and redirecting tech support posts to the Weekly Question Thread- which is why that particular post got allowed.
>The implication that we somehow receive revenue from /r/emulation is risible. We're *subreddit moderators*- at best, we're glorified janitors. It's something we do in our spare time to keep a community centred on a subject we're interested in usable. We certainly don't enjoy generating this kind of drama- it's more work for us, after all.
>For what it's worth, I'm sorry it ended up coming to this- your posts were always fascinating to read. Obviously, you're always welcome back, should you wish- so long as you apologise to the user in question.

It's not. You just have to disable RA's keyboard mapping to avoid interference with MAME's.

Can't we all just get along?

>Obviously, you're always welcome back, should you wish- so long as you apologise to the user in question.

What's his name posted those personal details himself on Reddit. Go through his post count. You should be mod so you should know who the person is I'm talking about.

If he isn't comfortable with that info being out there why does he post and talk about it on Reddit to begin with? Sounds pretty stupid to me.

And why should I apologize because some person is stupid enough to divulge personal information about themselves they don't want others to talk about? It's social media, everything you say and do is out there and can be viewed for the whole world to see. They invented 'privacy' for a reason.

>so long as you apologise to the user in question

Kek. You don't know SP very well, do you?

Stick with your guns, SP. Reddit's a blackhole of shit anyways, and /r/Emulation users legitimately see no problem with paying money for emulators that use stolen code.

And for the record, I agree with SP. If you post your embarrassing shit online for all to see, don't be surprised if it gets used against you later. It's all fair game from there.

What was the dox?

>If he isn't comfortable with that info being out there why does he post and talk about it on Reddit to begin with? Sounds pretty stupid to me.
I already find the argument for posting easily googleable info doxxing but if the damn fucker posted it himself on the same fucking site then how in the fuck is pointing or reusing that info doxxing.

Know what this 'doxxing' shit amounted to BTW?

He is 20 years old, male, and he is from Texas, and he plans to retire before he is 40.

Goddayummmmm, that's some incriminating shit right there. BTW, this 'planning to retire before he is 40' guy is the same guy who wants to go all shark tank about 'gotta make that bread', and I guess there are few surprises why he would have such a cutthroat 'screw the other guy, let's just make a profit off his shit so I can retire early' mentality about himself.

This killed the Roger, though.


>in our /emugen/

wat game is that?

Is OGL still bugged to the point of being useless on AMD cards?

I frankly doubt it, might have been a secondary factor and even then nobody kills himself over random people on the internet.

Vagrant Story, if you like that game consider playing Parasite Eve 1.

>He is 20 years old, male, and he is from Texas, and he plans to retire before he is 40.

The fuck part of Texas does he live in. I'd be lucky to be retired after 60.

Probably, the newer beta drivers show signs of progress from what I've heard

>Vagrant Story, if you like that game consider playing Parasite Eve 1.
That's interesting because I thought that game might be Parasite Eve. I really need to start playing PS1 again.

It is pretty dumb to post shit like that online if you don't want someone to find it then have a panic attack because someone noticed.

If someone tried to search for info on me I know exactly what they will find. Not fucking much. Not that anyone should give a shit to look.

His definition of retirement differs from yours

You will find the same shit here. The difference is a name is attached to the stupidity over there and persists while things flow too quickly here and everyone has the same name.

Reddit is much more cringe inducing.

>"The emulation scene was shit for years until the Dolphin devs came on the scene"
is just one example from that desmune thread.

I saw one pretty nice one from someplace else

>"the reason pcsx2 has progressed at all in the past two years is because some of the dolphin programmers had nothing to do because their code base is so tidy and there's so few things even left to improve, and decided to come over and fix its problems in their free time and brought the spaghetti bs it used to be up to an actually workable standard"

Someday DRM and security will get good enough to be uncrackable in practice, which means no emulators for latest consoles, (because of no possibilities for reverse engineering and game dumps) preservation is going to be dead basically. This is also going to fuel the paid emulators thing because everyone and their mother will want to make money off software now that it's impossible to pirate, open source software is going to become scarce and devs are going to be ridiculed for not just selling their work on some app store (Microsoft's UWP platform seems to be built with DRM in mind).

Seeing how new ARM and x86 CPUs ship with hardware DRM-enabling "security" features already and how Microsoft and Apple plan on making use of those, I say it's a matter of few years.

>pcsx virtual memory card is full
>can't delete my progression but can't save anymore

are they fucking serious ? make the memory cards 1mb large ? hello

Configuration > Memory Cards...

Use MemcardRex to edit it, 1MB memcard worked by externally switching which group of 128k you were using on it unlike 16/32/64MB cards on PS2

I am trying to play Days of Ruin on Desmume 9.11 and I ran into a problem. FPS drops down by 20 or so every time I select unit on missions with fog of war. What should I do? I think it has something to do with transparency

Dear god...

Enable dynarec in CPU settings.

Already enabled

post your specs (speccy screenshot)

Still meets the site's criteria, unfortunately- the fact that he wasn't comfortable with that information being used in a personal attack against him is all that matters.

Besides- respecting people's privacy online is a matter of common courtesy. If they're idiotic enough to let some things slip, that doesn't give you carte blanche to use it in a personal attack. Consent matters.

That you *can* do something doesn't mean that you *should* do it.

anyone got the new romancing saga game to work on emulator?


Load the bios, and edit the memory card like you would on the real console.

Your laptop CPU is looking a bit weak for DS emulation, comrade.


By the way, can you delid laptop CPUs, or they use solder instead of shitty thermal paste?

what does it matter. he's got at least 3 other accounts that are obviously him, as if they're needed at at all anyway.
maybe danny feels that because he no longer has any anonymity, no one else should?

Romjacket confirmed doxxer ban him pls

The Emu Mod is "Reverend Sins". Reddit faggot who posts here and on /r/Emulation.

Well, he'll only be posting on /r/Emulation soon enough because clearly he had no friends over here to start with, and he certainly isn't going to get any now that everyone here seems to be on SP's side.

those are two different posts which could be taken completely out of context.

Oh, come on, I was running DS emulation on fucking Pentium IV before

Honestly, I am not man enough to dig too deep into my laptop.

>he's got at least 3 other accounts that are obviously him

Which ones?

you mean...you're not my friend user?

Veeky Forums is anonymous dude. No one cares.

>What should I do?
Maybe try no$gba.

>implying Sins is the only mod who reads this place

>Oh, come on, I was running DS emulation on fucking Pentium IV before
Try running an older version of Desmume then. If that doesn't help, try no$gba. You don't really have a lot of options left outside of buying a new laptop.


He's the only /r/emulation mod here.

There's also that faggot Minty too, but he's irrelevant. In fact Reverent perma banned him recently.

>In fact Reverent perma banned him recently.

What did he do?

This ride never ends

being a fucking faggot Veeky Forums shit poster like usual. this place doesn't bring out the best people.

He posted le happy merchant

>buying a new laptop.
Or buying a desktop like every sane tech savvy person that wants to actually play games.


Depressingly, he wasn't permabanned. His ban's up in a day, actually.

Mednafen/Beetle PSX HW – Alpha test version


Sorry Plebbit, no plugs today :)

>he doesn't use beetle-psx
>makes a memcard for each game


yo /emugen/ Question
What can this spec run comfortably, or at least at all? Ideally i want to use this for ps1 an ps2 games

It'll work fine for PS1/N64 and anything older. Might be able to handle Dreamcast, as well.

Don't go expecting much success with PS2, though.

The Veeky Forums was not invented for cat videos, childish memes and porn and a bunch of other low-grade degenerate stuff you know, at first it was intended for people to become more enlightened about the world around themselves and to up their level of knowledge so they can move up social stratas.

Is that a fancy way of saying "intended for discussing anime"?

Pretty sure Veeky Forums was invented because 2ch started banning everyone without a Japanese IP from posting, and SA banned loli content around the same time, so moot said fuck it and made Veeky Forums.

I barely knew what a pussy was back in 2010, and I started lifting talking to people and stepping up my game. I was not an expert in girls but I learned as I went along.

you sound like a faggot. you didn't even post any anime

What you are doing is extremely disrespectful and it will make good-willing memers leave in disgust. What you are doing is actually detrimental to the development of memes in general. I think reasonable sane janitors in here should honestly impose some basic decorum here, this is getting out of hand.

Is this some kind of meta trolling?

oh thank you!
That is better results than i expected. but can you tell me why i cant run ps2? massive lag issues, and if possible could i run just the weaker games?

The 2300 GMT+1 shitposting seems to be a thing in more and more generals.

RetroArchism has gone through the roof, people think they are entitled to act extremely disrespectful towards standalone emu users and get away with it because 'muh dynamic ratre control'.

I'm just misquoting shit from the reddit thread.

You have what looks like either a very old or integrated Ati GPU, you're not running any PS2 games with that GPU and your CPU is probably too weak to do SW rendering on anything but the least demanding PS2 games.

Nice job, simias and zeromus!


Isn't he some Desmume faggot who hates Pokemon?



Yes, that Zeromus, and it's not so much that he hates Pokemon, and more that he hates children who can't understand why they couldn't have day zero piracy for the DS Pokemon games like they could back in the GBC and GBA days.

It's 2016 now. Why not have better Pokemon support?

Pretty sure Pokemon has worked fine for years in Desmume.

>paying to pirate


Some people are stupid

>Emulate the Nintendo DS on Android smartphones/tablets with decent accuracy and playable speeds. It's available on the Play Store.

>It's a pretty great bit of work, actually- I recommend it, if emulation's your thing.

These guys are all middle class normies with 700 dollar phones. They see nothing wrong with paying 4 or 6 dollars for a program. Too much money, too little sense.


I only emulate games I legally own, please do not presume. You are putting legitimate emulator users in a bad spotlight.

Squarepusher has quit Veeky Forums like 10 times. He's quit reddit at least 3 times. He's said he's quit all social media multiple times too. He keeps coming back.

Red bricks > purple bricks

i feel sorry for you folks with no disposable income.
the american dream is real.
you can buy a hamburger and a bottle of jaydee from your car window here. it's pretty sweet.

I like the post that really condescendingly says "wait until these guys need to pay for food and rent".

Why not? Cheaper than buying the hardware + games, but a better experience than your average pirate.

you mean danny boy, or twinaphex?

thanks for the help, bro

it's the driver that's bugged


See, LocutusofBorges pretends he has no issues with Libretro and/or SP, yet he thinks nobody will notice these little subreddit drama threads where he talks 'shop' like this.

A backtalking bitch that can only gossip behind people's back.

I also remember when he said he would not be anymore involved in drama on social media.

He just cannot resist fighting with people that do not share his point of view and will always end up shitting on people that are either considered more popular, more successful or more talented than him.
