When will the current economic bubble pop?

When will the current economic bubble pop?


I don't know. I can't see the future. The problem is that certain monetary institutions think they know and are probably going to fuck things up in the long term because of that.

next june.

Probably somewhere along the lines of return to normal.

We already had years of huge rallies and dipped quite a bit February and Brexit, but managed to return to "normal", although we cannot simply explain the current situation with this chart because of central bank intervention.

The SP500 at 2500 would bring us to 2008 levels with inflation and average growth factored in, but given that productivity growth is below historical means, we could already be approaching highs before a recession.

I'd say 2200-2300 is our upper limit, and if it goes above such a level, be very afraid.

Personally, I'm pretty diversified and I'm long term oriented, also fetching international stock at bargain levels, so I don't really care but if you have large US exposure, I'd be careful.

Diversify towards other regions, and keep some bonds in your portfolio too.


The 13th day of the 12th month of the 11th year after you stop being a faggot.


some months before the american election, á la 2008

Trump wins
Government lets all their stilts under the elephant economy go, crash happens no more than a month after inauguration, blame president because he absolutely had any power and did all of this.

Think GM with who's her name, but whether or not we climb back up is out of sight.

If this graph was the word of God®, media attention was 2015, and we've kept climbing up since, we are appx. between delusion and paradigim

Im thinking its gonna happen when the next president is elected or right before the next president is elected.

When people stop asking when will it pop. You see all these news and "analysts" morons who are calling for doomsday every week. That's why it's not going to pop anytime soon. Retail participation is very low still on stock market btw

Quite the oppisite. When DOW reaches 23-24 level, that is when it starts to really take off. Like really rocket ship take off cause all bonds are going bust at that point.

You're an idiot please fuck off

The Fed is just barely hanging on. They will keep the economy running as long as they can and will run out of steam by the time the next president is in office.

What happens then depends on who the Fed passes the baton to and what sort of mandate they have. The result of the US election is absolutely critical.

Expect a brexit-style systematic shock on election day if one of the two candidates wins. You should know which one.

The Dow Jones has room to reach at least 40,000 before crashing

>You see all these news and "analysts" morons who are calling for doomsday every week. That's why it's not going to pop anytime soon.


If everyone is thinking it will POP, then it WON'T POP!

The opposite always happens of what the majority of plebs expect.

Do the opposite. People are fearful know, thinking the markets are overpriced and shit. Time to buy.

Once they become comfortable and think it is the norm, that is when a dip occurs and everyone panics. Time to buy some more then.

Lol we're way past that stage

Never. Everyone here ust keeps crying wolf about September or October. A year ago these fags said that by now the West will go up in flames. ZeroHedge and other loons predict the "BIG COLLAPSE" like every single day. Guess what - nothing has happened.
When so many scream about happening it means everything is fine. Real crisis will get everyone (except for a very few) by complete surprise.

thats what they want you to think

actually if they cry collapse long enough, they'll eventually be right. even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>Markets have been hitting new highs never before seen.
>"Its time to buy"
>"The opposite always happens of what the majority of plebs expect."
>If I follow your advice, I should be selling.

Ok, don't buy then. Be a fool and try to time the market except tons of experts suggesting the opposite. Buy a dip in 5 years down the line when DOW will be even higher than now even in a dip.

World is in an unpresidented state with flat interest rate

Fact is 2001 2008 made huge masses of wealth disappear and the result is the taxpayer has to make up the difference on this info alone the ecconomic test was plunged into unknown territory wher bailouts were the new answer to war machine gdp self actualized pictures of growth to the world. Now everyone is trying to see the opposite to a bubble the nex meltdown to capitalize on it instead. This is the means to destroying money's worth.

Pretty confident the real estate bubble im Oslo will pop sometime

Go back to kindergarten.

Thursday August the 18th; day of War Dogs Premier.
Dogs of war will reign.


Heed this warning; Short sell everything before tis coming Thursday August the 18th year 2016.