Hail Noxus edition
Hail Noxus edition
Fuck noxus
Bill Wilson, the CIA Agent
Passive: Upon standing still for 1 second, Bill Wilson grabs his belt and spread his legs to take a sturdy defensive stance, reducing damage taken by 30%. The effect lasts 2 more seconds after moving.
Q: Interrogation at gunpoint
CIA shots in the air to frighten an enemy, silencing it for 1 second.
W:Get them on board, I'll call it in
CIA dashes to a friendly champion and gains his passive effect for 2 seconds. His target and himself are then able to recall in 2 seconds only if they do it within 10 seconds of the spell cast.
E: If I pull that off, will you die?
CIA starts a fist fight with a champion in melee range. During the fist fight, the two champions may only autoattack each other. All their bonus AD, AS and Crit are lost. Lasts 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0 seconds.
During the fist fight or 1 second after the duration, CIA may press E again to cast This can't be happening, I'm in charge here!
This can't be happening, I'm in charge here: The enemy champion that CIA is fist-fighting will be forced to knock CIA back a long distance.
R: Uh... You don't get to bring friends.
CIA targets an enemy champion. After a 1 second delay, all other enemy champions in a 2000 range of the target are knocked back a long distance towards their fountain.
I like waifus with big, thick clits.
4 weeks after you stop posting.
Galio is a filthy slut who loves to get beaten up by noxian soldiers!
xth for fun
>Lucian is fine, other adcs are not
'tis a fine meme
There are alot of fine memes here.
Still, Lucian needs to be nerfed and other shit needs to be buffed, no joke there.
what did they do to lucian for him to become a meme master again?
people realized armor pen was strong
>tfw no one tried armor pen sivir
q damages are crazy
>a complete relaunch doesn't affect the visuals
>as always, you act like a lobotomized fuck who can't string two sentences together without sperging out.
Koreans found a build that abuses armor pen and CDR that makes him practically URF Lucian.
This is also tested on Miss Fortune and works.
Also Lucian has had bouts of being "Losecian" and "Lucian OP"
Everyone else got nerfed
Lucian's itemization got massively buffed
People finally realized that Lucian's tweaked ult is bullshit and can easily 100-0 anyone that isn't a tank lategame
lucian has always been number 1 as soon as they made his Q not shit after release
you can't beat a champion that has
-the highest burst
-the highest sustained dps
-the second highest mobility (kalista got gutted to shit because she had the best)
-doesn't rely on a gimmick to do all of above unlike draven for instance
>can easily 100-0 anyone that isn't a tank lategame
Well 100-20ing a tank is good too
>lucian has always been number 1 as soon as they made his Q not shit after release
I want Lucian nerfed to high hell and even I know this statement is bullshit. He literally has been bad even with that Q change.
>take a death for a teammate near the end of the game so they can live and finish it
>get an A+ instead of S-
i really wanted that token.....
I love Vayne
I love Lissandra!
>he's not Mastery 7 with his waifu
Lucian isn't even that fucking good
Twitch is literally the strongest ADC in the game right now
Does Lucian have the ability to shred an entire team from the back line?
Nah, he has to focus one guy at a time as his team gets mopped up, then he gets mopped up
Karma's not even in my top5 of waifus, i just abuse her for freelo.
the losecian era was the most exaggerated shit ever
he was tier 2 during that era
So what's up with this guy? Why don't I see anyone play or talk about him?
>with just 200 total AD at level 18, lucian's ult does 2700 damage before armor calculations
>but he builds practically full armor pen/CDR
>if he gets 250 AD it does 3000 damage, with 300 AD it does 3300 damage
>for an ultimate that has one of the stickiest hitboxes in the game outside morgana Q, and doesn't restrict his mobility
and it took people this long to realize how busted it was
I want to fuck him
>He doesn't even play his waifu
how sad, Nidalee must be shit waifu then.
>Lucian isn't even that fucking good
This is also False
Twitch is fucking strong but Lucian is STRONGER
No it wasn't
Lucian seriously has been absolute shit before.
sleeper OP but boring as shit
Riots great idea to release a champ that requires its targets to not move in a meta that is full of high mobility assassins
lucian is only a bit too strong
he seems broken because the other adcs are garbage compared to him in every single comparable way
You're in fucking gold and you probably can't deal with a fucking lane bully anyway.
Twitch is a real fucking carry, Lucian is just a baby secondary DPS who can get two pieced by a tank
Is eating ass as fun as it seems?
yes it fucking was
"le losecian" was lucian having garbo wr in solo queue (around 48%) and in LCS, yet still being top 5 most picked ADs in korea with around 50% winrate
get your shit straight, losecian was hilariousli overrated. he wasn't good, but he has never been bottom of the barrel.
Honestly Lucian during Loosian era wasn't even that bad. The problem was that people played him in every game anyways thinking you can just faceroll like you are used to.
>die 7 times in 10 minutes
>blame the jungler because you can't put wards down
like poetry
Ye if the ass is like that.
I want the porcelain rod.
>not protecting your waifu from battle
Looking back, I used to play a lot of things I don't anymore, but my love for her still stays true~
lets talk about him
i wanna lick his feet
Excluding S3 Kassadin, has there ever been a champion as genuinely impossible to deal with as Zed?
tank ekko
whenever maokai was literally invincible, I don't remember when that was tho
also ryze.
How is Zed impossible to deal with?
kz during season 4
Its like im on /vp/ all of the sudden
Yes. There have been and still are many.
xth for Sona producing more milk than Alistar
Kassadin wasn't even impossible to deal with though. Like Kass, Zed gets banned because he can be annoying to deal with an because of herd mentality.
Tryndamere when the attack speed buff was a thing
I hate this meme
There are top laners that could fucking eat this retard up with their eyes closed
Lucian is not strong, you're just shit.
People still bitch about lebonk?
Is this why everyone here is bronze or silver?
>wits end 300 g cheaper
>mfw its still shit
how do we fix wits end
From a man in the 1% of lolg that has touched a female, yes it is
>no support
it'll die by itself
>Lucian is not strong
People are bitching about Lucian, so it doesn't surprise me
I still remember ap tryndamere like it was the other day
people realized that wukong jungle was busted, same with nasus with increased wither range/extra lifesteal, and shyvana smite was pretty annoying to deal with too
>banned across all regions at over 80% average
>hurr herd mentality, h-he is t-totally fine guys, he is j-just annoying, I swear
Fuck Zed, and fuck anyone who plays him.
He needs to be gutted like Kassadin was.
bring back mana burn
have it silence for .5 seconds on hit against manaless champions
>top laner that can deal with lucian
>he dash 18 times before you can even hit him and still damages you because muh armor pen
>check pbe
>no annie nerfs
jailbait slut of big aoe nukes dodges another one
at least ryze is getting some (small) nerfs so I can shift my main ban towards annie
>be silver 2
>lose to a shitter lucian because you were too busy being afraid of him
the only one to blame is yourself
>get W'd by a ryze
>take hands off keyboard because you're already dead
>playing chrononigger
>type lyrics to a song by Tool in all chat in caps
>Bottom to be exact
>after the enemy team wins (normals literally who cares) enemy Veigar with their Hourglass and Protobelt pussy build types in chat mad salty telling me to sing another song
Community a shit.
>this is not strong
come on you can bait better than that
xth for Cute Vi
Gypsylord Edition
>2 dashes and 2 blinks
>deletes everyone if she's even slightly ahead
She another one of those annoying as fuck champs that everyone will always hate.
>i know better than pros and challenger players
Knockup on E Azir
FB every fucking game at 3 top kek how the fuck did riot think that was balanced
Azir and Kindred are getting ultimately gutted where it matters next patch, zed and leblanc are hard countered by cheesy strong laners like Annie so they don't mean shit in soloQ/lower divisions, Nidalee has this weird thing where when she's nerfed she just changes roles and dominates that role instead thanks to the compensations, same with Ekko, and Lucian will keep being top ADC until world championship is over so they can get footage of epic lcs plays for promotional videos
I dont know shit about plank tho
>Ryze getting past ban phase
So he gets killed by one of the most broken top/mid laners?
Wow, who would have thought?
>if you're not an assassin or Ahri she can W right in your face
>can W again at 6
>can just W back because no delay and dodge abilities
>can dodge Veigar stun even
>can also point and click an amplifier and damage on you
>can also cc you
>at least you can pink rengars ult
Basically if you do not have 1 champion that can kill her u die when they are high elo
>So he gets killed by one of the most broken top/mid laners?
>Wow, who would have thought?
Looks like you just solved the ultimate mystery as to who can kill the almighty lucian
Stop being retarded
>Champion that is neither played nor a threat in silver
>Champion that destroys games in high elo
>Hur dur muh silvers
erry time
>mechanic to counter mana champions
>make it much stronger against manaless
Rengar and Ryze
That is it
Everything else is just OP but those two and S3 Kassadin are literally the only ever BUSTED champions.
but where are the patch notes
>"Cut one down and two more shall take its place"
Killing it is impossible, we need to imprison it.
If only Ryze can stop a Lucian, that means something is very wrong.
A lot of Challenger players admit to how strong Lucian is, I will gladly listen to them over so faggot like you.
>50% winrate
>W-we swear he's ez mode cancer, just not ez enough for idiots to do well with him
Then why ban him at gold you massive idiots? Do you think the opposing midlaner is Faker's NA smurf? Are you playing Viktor or Azir and even the thought of someone even getting into retaliation range scares you?
Zed got his own item, got the QSS changes that made his ult even dumber, and he STILL his less cancer than crap like tank Ekko. And he STILL gets banned more. But no, "its coz he op."
>Queue for draft in pbe
>Estimated Wait: 0:20
yeah no don't lie to me son
Pretty sure they're tomorrow
>tfw I have a shot at Plat this season
I don't understand, I totally suck at this game.
Lebalanced is the most frustrating champion in the game.
At least Zed advertises when he's going to ult/all in on you. Leblanc just deletes you.
So do plats
people suck until diamond 3 user
everytime I get a diamond 5 they seem even worse than gold players
What do you guys do early game when you guys play fiora? I generally feel weak when I just sit up top all game, but tps bot feel pretty bad because most games botlane is a stomp either way so I feel like either I would just go down and die 1v2 or I didn't need to tp at all. I generally just fuck around for 15-20 minutes and then fuck people up in teamfights, but I was wondering if there's anything better I could be doing in the early game aside from sitting in lane. It seems that although her dueling is really good, I have low kill pressure on my laners a lot of the time.
>diamond 3
Come back when you are playing for a top 2 korean team and get voted MVP at least twice in one season.
>sci-fi black hole theme
>for boring-ass Thresh
It's because hes annoying as shit to play against. And while Ekko might also be that's only really a problem for top while Zed shits on everyone.
Banning isn't even about removing strongest champs from the game, but those that take agency away from you.
He's not easy, no one said that, but he is cancerous as fuck, even with a shitty player behind him.
People are done with him. Nerf him to oblivion, or remove from the game, that's what the community wants.
>Not having a single world cup post season 3
literally git fucking gut
Okay /lolg/.
After asking for recommendations yesterday and having nothing interest me, I'm going to AP Tristana mid my way from Diamond to whatever garbage league it puts me in.
Wish me luck.
anyone have any build recommendations?
more than 1 waifu will ruin your laifu.
>People are done with him
This, people tolerated Zed before, then they just go out of their way to buff him and give him more and more shit when he was already overpowered.
I've never seen this much of a movement to say collectively "Riot, fucking do something or no one will play him"
This healthy meme is no longer relevant anymore. Zed either needs a huge nerf (with no compensation buffs) or something significant needs to happen to his kit.
Dont do it friendo. AP trist is dead. Long live the dream.
hextech gunblade, zhonyas, morellos, abyssal scepter, GA, sorc shoes