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/wfg/ - Warframe General
first for frogbutt
First for fucking magnets how do they work
Sortie 3 today perfectly illustrates everything wrong with this game. Not that DE knows, since they don't bother to play
Frost is good for infested.
Ya'll niggas just need to chill.
1st for Oberon-Valkyr interactions.
[spoer]Valk's a slut for Oberon[/spoiler]
No he isn't.
Toxic Ancients and Eximus are suicide user.
Why don't Frosts put globes at the spawn points for infested?
Reminder to not post your findings here.
Let the mesafags wipe of their tables with Old English wood shiner.
Ignore anyone asking for mag builds or how she works.
Becca has the thickest thighs around
No hotfix yet so thready will stay thready.
Post Volt builds
I dont see what's the big deal about mag, she's just a simple boss slayer.
>mfw I walk into a hallway full of bombarbs
is that what you think I said?
you think reactive armor makes your warframe walk away... thats retarded.
google reactive armor on tanks.
which one?
In all seriousness, if I bring a Frost to infested, I'm spamming high/max strength 4.
>reactive tank armor
>armor that reacts to being damaged
>"hey dude I just got hit by a rocket on the left flank and it hurt like fuck,holy shit you suck at this"
>They killed the hostage. This mission is a failure.
please tell me it was just me not going fast enough and not that they removed the hostage teleport
Level 100 sapping ospreys are some bullshit, I tell you what
Nth for even the shill now know DE knows nothing about making games
he still cucked you all with becca AND megan
>Turn the corner
>5 Heavy Gunners, 3 Bombards, and an Ancient Healer
What rank do you guys have your efficiency mods at?
Shitter who didn't realise there was a cap until it was too late reporting.
your pubshitters didnt reached extract on time his teleport was removed a few hotfixes ago
It's a shame you can't dismantle mods, even if you only get half the cores back or something.
that's not true, hostage still teleports
Incoming Dragon boss patch
Okay, I think I understand her abilities a bit better now. Surprisingly, I don't think she would be OP or even close to before.
The numbers don't matter too much or at least they could make it so. She shouldn't be able to nuke because of the way the explosions spread. The explosion damage diminishes with distance. If they just make it fall off hard after a certain distance they could allow her percentage shield/armor damage. Keeping the example close to her previous state, if they just made it so that 200% strength would allow her to strip all shields + armor, then she would merely strip all armor/shields and nuke groups of enemies occasionally if they're too crowded. But basically it would just allow her to take all in one go instead of having to cast it several times.
What I think would be FAR better than that is to allow her consecutive recastings without dispersing the former waves of polarize. I already mentioned this in a previous threads when I checked out the CP build. Now after considering the damage part I think this would turn out even better and it would justify the decision to keep the damage flat.
That aside, could anyone who knows a bit more about armor response to this? Or at least check my calculations? I really think Fracturing Crush is odd at the moment.
I've been seeing people use ancient healer specters a lot recently. Does it give you the same buff it gives other enemies?
Are Suda drones worth a shit? Having henchmen cheese sounds fun.
that dude needs to step away from the computer for a bit
Dragon Chroma confirmed now boss.
>Umbra Chroma
>Nightmare raid
>He has ten times the shield, health and armor of the actual frame you get for completing the raid
>I want to save the princess. I want to fall in love. I want to fight the dragon. I want I want I want.
Believe it or not Mogamu, Warframe is not all about you.
>Does it give you the same buff it gives other enemies?
Yes, it's not nearly as noticeable on players though since you don't have 99999999 armor and HP from level scaling.
I NEED a bf
>only 10x
Does Ember's WoF prevent Nerkros' desecrate from working?
in reality there are THREE layers of armor modifier
the first one is the base armor, a integer number, the second one is mods like armored agility, this is where the enemy armor scaling is as well
the last one is corrosive projection along with armor sortie modifier, it acts upon all previous layer. likely polarize acts on 1st and crush acts on second layer, leaving CP on its 3rd layer. so they are geometrically adding each other
what have i done.
effciency is still affected by full Fleeting + Streamline.
I was testing an Ember build with a fully ranked Fleeting Exp + a Streamline R2 (175% on screen) and the energy costs were higher than the fully ranked mods.
I'm talking about WOF energy consumption.
I think he just wants the game to be genuinely entertaining instead of about grind.
>How to get a BF (straight): Be female
>How to get a BF (gay): be little spoon
>How to get a GF: Walk on broken glass for 10 years
EZmode get the fuck out
No, but I am desu
Oh, this is interesting! Thank you.
How do you even know that?
>new player
>rank up to 1
>try to rank up to 2
>lel wait 24 hours
But I didn't fail anything...Do I still need to wait 24 hours even if I passed?
>tfw getting star map points and it is being wasted
Punch Through on Peacemaker, Y/N?
Yes, you need to wait.
Also I'm not entirely sure the points are wasted, they should contribute to your next level up.
>tfw getting star map points and it is being wasted
That is not the case.
>@DEMONKINGX5 ok-if that is the true result and not just pitch forking we will respond swiftly. We will make some tweaks tomorrow for some.
>May 29
Tomorrow never comes
points carry over
I should play limbo more often
you can only rank up once a day.
your points arent wasted, they continue to stack towards the next rank.
Your points are not being wasted user. They will be added to your next level once you rank up.
So now with Limbo's.passive and he's getting a rework?
Viable Limbo builds? What's your Limbo build /wfg/?
let me carry u bby
>new player
Leave Warframe and never come back. It's for your own good.
What was his passive? I didn't even notice other than being faster but I think someone had a speed aura.
While rifted, he gets a speed boost, holster boost, and a reload boost.
He's basically Volt that has speed for 1 minute.
What do you guys predict Limbo's rework be like?
They take trash, compact it, throw it on a pedestal and call it art.
Oh, look, it's the guy that made the Visage Skin. I want one but I don't have any more TF2 crap to sell.
Oh hey, I was going to go the route of putting a heart over the chest just like that. Ultimately I decided on framing her boob with my mastery sigil instead.
His passive is pretty good however.
It's the same guy who made the Alata skin for mag.
that guy is a genius.
>Regarding Loki's Invisibility, we've decided that the more you recast it, the more energy it will consume
>But don't fret, since the cool down time will only be 1 minute and the cap of energy consumption will only be 2x
>We've also decided that Disarm will now drain energy
>We also have plans to rework the Redeemer weapon, making it so the firing attack will break invisibility or at the very least, alert enemies
Uh i havent played since a month ago and i have two questions;
Is Trinity dead?
Is Mesa usable again?
This guy is fucking rich.
The redeemer part isn't unfair desu. Thing's a fucking shotgun but no sound? lol
I don't think it matters. As long as the team is getting energy.
I see why he is getting a rework though. 1 ability rifts others and another rifts himself.
>Press 1 to cast on to allies
>Press and hold 1 to cast on self
>rift surge
>increase dmg dealt to rifted enemies. The more enemies rifted the greater the dmg multiplier
>Void Plane
>Foes that walk over this will exponentially lose health
>allies will exponentially gain health and overrshield.
>the same but it will give allies in the main rift bubble increased power strength and power capacity and range.
>anything that walks into the bubble with stack knockdown and confusion stagger regardless of level. They are also opened for finishers.
>We decided to make Limbo's 4 a channeled ability now, The augment will also be reworked to compensate this.
>We saw how helpful and successful Volt's speed coil was so Rift Walk will follow the same principles by leaving rift portals for players to enter. Banish will not work on allies anymore due to community input.
>We believe Limbo's Rift Surge can be changed and are furthur working on what changes are made to be done.
if I was rich I would buy that skin in a heartbeat.
There's such a thing as silencers for shotguns. Having a a non-automatic, what pretty much amounts to ye old blunderbuss just with innate suppress is hardly game breaking.
Loki has Hushed Invisibility anyway. It's just a shitty reason to push a useless fucking augment.
You guys are not allowed to make good ideas.
Alata looks so good but I just can't bring my self to sacrifice the power range from the Arcane. Coil is so fucking ugly but I can't get rid of it.
I tried sacrificing Efficiency because Limbo gets 2 energy rifted + Zenurik 4 energy. He basically gets energy thrown at him.
>Cup of coffee is $3.00
>If I don't buy coffee for 3 days, I could pay for skin
>buy coffee for three days
>buy skin too
best thing about it is hitting Random generally gives you decent looking outfits
>Neck coils
But why?
I'm... not very familiar with modding crap, but is this the route I should go for Jutting Kitty?
(Obviously not ideal, because for instance, I have no fucking BODY COUNT MOD ARGH)
prime body.
>3 unanswered friendreqs
>no crushing ruin
>no primed reach
>heavy trauma
I'm still relatively new to the game. (In that I've only been around two months or so.) Cut me some slack and give some advice instead of "wut"ing me, thanks.
>no fun allowed
can't wait for glorious DE to butcher the simplest warframe in the game.
I'll give you 2 tips, grab bodycount & bloodrush. They're used on about every meleeweapon ever and just incredible overall. On top of that, pure physical mods like heavy trauma are a bad idea.
Is there any way to obtain those two without trading people? I thought Body Count was event-only.
wakarimasen lol
>He bought it
Holy shit.
>primed reach
user don't do this to him. he's new
DE being terrible at integrating anything, including their own model system.
my warframe is str_ng.
So Mesa had a heavy falloff like Ember before her "rework". What's her new falloff?
The frames I've lost, The content i've lost.
Won't stop hurting.
my warframe is stank god damn take a bath
If there's no armor, she can probably last a while. She kills level 135s in the simulacrum easily enough.
>my warframe is strapped into a nerf machine that forces her to continue sucking.
Is Ember still worth getting?
for things like exterminate and infested missions?
or is there someone else who is better at all that stuff
>Hallway full of bombards
>Have Hydroid
>Finally able to use 2nd ability un ironically.
stop shilling this shit.
Both drop from orokin spy now. Do second dream and grind those missions if you don't want to trade.
yeah worth it
Did they change on the amount of extractors you can have now?