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too bad the enemy has to literally have an IQ below 80 to get hit by D.Va's ultimate

>those thighs

my dick

is a shit!


>Play three games as McRee
>Get POTG three times in a row
Whoa, what a nice hero.

How do I make a team play like a team and not 5 deathmatchers?

delete mcree

Post times you know you're going to lose

>your teams has 2 widows

We need more hero recolors, Blizzard.



>tfw shutting down double winstons with reaper

If you notice your teammates are really bad you're there for a reason, and you're too dumb to realize.

It's CoD-logic that shotguns become useless after three feet. It's still easy as fuck to hit with them mid-range regardless, they just stop doing damage after a certain point.

Give her an RMB that fires her guns in a tight spread gatling style that's more effective from mid-range. Make it weaker than her normal guns are at close range, but now her toolkit makes more sense. Use you boosters to get to higher ground and lay down some RMB cover fire while providing support with Defense Matrix, then boost through to the enemies back lines when you see an opening to wreak your usual havok.

This is how she fells like she's supposed to play, but because her guns do fuck all unless they're in your face then your "tank" is just running around the sides trying to find a place to flank without melting to enemy fire.

>forced 50% kicks in and you get only retards

Reminder that Widowmaker's ult prevents her or her team from being flanked for 15.5(fifteen point five) seconds, you cannot do anything about it, and the audio cue is quieter than most other ultimates so sometimes you might even have missed the fact that she used it

nth for thick


>double symmetra on attack


healslut song when?

Instead of spamming "We need a healer!" over and over, why don't you just switch to a healer?
I've started seeing this more and more. The team has no healer, yet someone won't stop spamming "We need a healer" until someone finally relents and switches characters. The level of entitlement is extremely irritating.

If you think we need a healer so bad, stop spamming and be a healer. The rest of us aren't here to help you play your "main".

What do you listen to while playing?

I listen to Bloodborne OST
>mfw The First Hunter kicks in as we are in 99/99 OVERTIME

Use calls to group up and announce ulti's, play a team based character, call out particularly shitty team comp, pray to the Iris

>Teleporting behind unsuspecting and unloading bullets all over them
I feel the EDGE

>That obvious cock-hungry healslut stacking with his higher level lover

I love Pharah desu


tfw 54% winrate

There is no such thing as forced 50% you're just shit.

It's balanced, git gud shitter.

>Level 45
>Only 2 legendary skins, both for heroes I have basically no play time with
>No (250) skins for any of the heroes I like
>No POTG intros
>Just sprays, sprays, voice lines and recolour skins for heroes I don't lilke

I don't think I've had a single voice line, POTG, or tracer skin drop once. I have her as my most played hero.

Is Blizzard rigging this shit? In the beta I had legendaries for my favourites and POTGs out the ass.

>wahhhh I hate balanced matchmaking
>everyone is shit except me

>be the only tank
>ask for a healer
>get nothing

t. 56.2% winrate

I listen to this very realaxing

I want to marry genji


>balanced matchmaking is putting 5 retards in my team and make the enemy team have 5 good players
t. blizzcuck

Trick weapon when?

Reminder that the current """pro scene""" is such a joke at the moment that my irl friend who's a dudebro console gamer is in a top 4 team, and he's awful at the game with less than 50 hours, and played heroes of the storm before this

literally everyone is trash. and the best teams have caught hackers that still play for them


That's not balanced matchmaking at all.


post filenames

Hey Veeky Forums /v/

What is your unpopular Overwatch opinion?

lmao sheever is chained to dota, she'll never leave it

Reinhardt's Hammer transforms itself into a shield when you right click.

That is the opposite of balanced matchmaking

>tfw I never will get play of the game as mercy

Nah Imp is cuter love that skin too much

> it's a "two snipers in attack on Anubis and we don't want to change" episode

we lost[/spoiler

4 people insta-lock damage characters

Once you get good enough you stop seeing retards on either team. I've had nothing but good games for two days because I'm good enough to where the game doesn't put me in trash games like yours.

>It's your fault for not being able to carry your 5 sandbag teammates that you got grouped with to balance out their average MMR when the other team actually has functioning players in a heavily team-oriented game

Yeah alright guy

why is there a discord in the OP?

Why don't they just add a cooldown to McRee's RMB like they do to Lucio's?

>entire team leaves point to go for kills
>enemy team takes a different route entirely and I'm the only one that stayed on the point




So I'm a bit lost here on how to play honzo

Do you play him as a widowmaker with more constant vision but shittier long range killing or as a genji by going behind enemy lines and silently hunting them down like a huntsman sniper on hightower?

Daily reminder that flashbang isn't getting nerfed and even the designer thinks you're shit

Why the fuck is the UI in Japanese?

You think it makes your screencaps look cooler? Just wondering.

I do much better with 76 or even Tracer than I do with McCree. I know he's OP, but not when I play him. You have to know where to go to make fights 1v1 and stunning two people doesn't mean much if the third gets you.

spic leave

You're there for a reason. You're not as good as you think you are.

>getting into high leveled players
>still don't know how to build teams
>insists on their 'mains' of genji and mcree and get their shit pushed in

welp, this game is getting increasingly closer to the trash can.

>people think winston is easier than roadhog or reinhardt
nah. Being a decent winston is a lot harder than being a decent rein. You have to know when to jump in/out, which characters to prioritize, you need team awareness and map knowledge of where health packs are.

Roadhog you just hide behind a corner until you have E and Shift. Peek out, get a hook (or dont) then hide again and press E. There's more to skill than aiming.

Zenyatta is one of the best heros in the game, you just need proper aim to get the most out of him.

Reminder that there's a guy in this thread that wasn't aware of the existence of Mongolia

Typical FPS I get during a game is


>not wearing a bra
>breasts still pushed together for cleavage

delete this

Zenyatta is my main but I've been absolutely awful with him as of late. My win percentage is only 20% and I'm not getting nearly as many kills as I use too. Any suggestions ?

>enemy team has TWO Roadhogs. TWO.
>farm them for FREE pulse bombs
>they do jackshit to the Roadhogs because 400 damage is not enough and they can be body-blocked like D.Va's worthless self-destruct (see: pulse bomb #2)
>miss two pulse bombs because I'm bad
>still get a clutch fourth at the end to secure the achievement
Now to work on the other Tracer one.

team deathmatch when

i'm tired of being pigeonholed into tank or support roles because of selfish team mates, and sometimes i'd enjoy to just run around like a faggot and kill stuff

This level of delusion
Post your career sheet big boi

I don't understand why people in the Overwatch community are so desperate to shove every character into a tier. There's such a small difference between the perceived top and bottom when it comes to balance, that tier lists here are almost 100% subjective.

>saying gg after a stomp because it's "polite"

I want to strangle every single person who does this shit, especially if you're on the losing team. You got literally spawned camped for 5 minutes and you say that's a good game? Yes I am mad fucking salty. Fuck this game and fuck this "make everyone feel good ^^" community polluting the fucking internet. What a fucking waste of $40 and my time.


I just want you to know you are appreciated, I know you don't hear it enough :D

The way she's mean to be played is by basically being tank mercy.

You zip in between high and low ground and bump into people trying to go on your teammates and then you mow them down with your bullshit close combat damage.

Overall I'd call her playstyle "Interceptor" or something like that. She excels at protecting teammates that are spread out thanks to her mobility.

The D.Va is a flanker meme also needs to die. She's not any better as a flanker than she is as a ranged attacker. Her biggest weakness isn't her big critbox up front, it's her fat behind when you start unloading on someone. If you try to flank you just get focused down by three people if they are competent

Anybody else keep getting this?

>raising arms so elbows are behind head
>not creating cleavage

Someone hasn't met a girl, ever.

Koi no Radio.


t. 6-stack poopsocker

Against many characters direct hits are not hard and you can spam bombs quickly and reload quickly. You can do very well without being precise.

Also, Junkrat does extremely well, arguably even best, when he's far back and launching bombs into densely packed enemies. You can apply pressure with him very safely.

You're the one with the delusion that the game forces you to lost 50% of the time despite there being a lot of people with winrates higher than 50%

maybe she has omnic boobs

Behead all who insult Queen Phara

get gud

i have a real hatred for people who pick zenyetta when the team needs a supporter. by lvl 30, you should have learned that he's complete garbage as solo healer.

Stand somewhere and fling arrows randomly, enjoy headshots. Then ult.


It really looks off. Mercy's breasts in game clearly sag down a bit, looking more wide like ovals.

You're not getting kills bc you're moving up in levels. Just stick with your tank, improve your situational awareness, and learn to aim.

that wouldn't do it either u silly cunt

Junkrat is everything that is wrong with shooters. You don't need to aim, just point in the general direction. Don't need to even see the enemy since the grenades arch and bounce so you'll hide and can't be hit.

There is literally no reason to that kind of game you fucking mong

What is the reason for you getting popped in 15 seconds before match ends with a wiped team nowhere near the objective?