How do you prepare for World War 3 and the inevitable economic crash?
How do I keep my money during a crisis?
How do you prepare for World War 3 and the inevitable economic crash?
i keep all my money heavily invested in
Hello, shill. No one wants your scamcoin
Buy bottlecaps
>How do you prepare for World War 3 and the inevitable economic crash?
What makes you think world war 3 will occur?
>How do I keep my money during a crisis?
Buy a bunker underneath the ocean floor, because you won't be surviving pic related.
nimirum is atleast better then trumpcoin lol
>Russia slowly stepping his game up
>Brexit and maybe other exits
>Erdogan going crazy
>Possible Trump as president
>Terrorism, Fear and Hatred gaining more and more control over society
>Civil War between blacks and cops
I'm legit scared. I really think some important person will be killed and things will go batshit.
Like fuck they're gonna kill the pope or something.
There's no point of preparing for something you have no idea if it will even occur or how it will go down.
If ww3 truly occurs there is no safe investment, you will die from the nukes. Even if you survive the markets and countries will all be rubble
So just go and go batshit too?
Russia can't even win a proxy war on their own fucking border. After Crimea I was sure Russia was going to annex belarus and try to take part of Lithuania. That did not happen. Their economy has been dealt a SEVERE blow from low oil prices and their cash reserves will be depleted by next summer unless they make drastic cuts to military and social spending.
Yes it was probably a mistake but should it lead to further Eu exits there will still be economic cooperation in Europe, and I think it's contributions to peace in Europe have been overstated.
Turkey is not a nuclear armed state, I don't like the guy either but it's an internal Turkish matter and not a real concern to global stability.
As things stand now it's pretty clear he's not going to win.
>Terrorism and fear
Stop watching cable news, there's no reason to live in fear. The world is not coming apart.
>BLM and cops
It is disconcerting but learn your rights and knoe how to act around police. Never ever resist arrest ever.
In the past you only ever knew about bad things that happened near you. Now with mass media you know about bad things everywhere. As crazy as things might seem today they're honestly fine.
>/pol tier analysis
Fugging kek
Not that guy but it's pretty accurate. It's also not /pol/
buy guns and oil and food and pick the stronger sides defense contractors.
Sell the losers bonds
Buy the winners bonds
short shipping.
I'm also a fan of chemical companies
>world war
what? wars send the economy into overdrive
if you mean the aftermath, none of us will be alive so it doesn't matter
You've never been to /pol/ if you think that analysis is comparable to the majority opinion there, unfortunately.
>terrorism an fear
there was a terrorist in the same city where I was staying in Germany, a little fear is a good thing, cause the Germans literally don't seem to care. And news in Europe isn't about hyping fear but trying to blow it off like it's nothing.
Buy the WORLD DIP.
I mean, WW3 - biggest dip you can imagine. I will be buying indices like crazy. I have 30k set aside just for that purpose.
>What makes you think world war 3 will occur?
It will occur at some point, but it might as well not occur within out lifetimes. So just waiting for the WW3 dip does not make sense.
I will, however, have some money aside at all times just to by the major recession dips that includes WW.
stock-up on kneepads
What city? Maybe the germans aren't afraid because for some reason their terrorists don't manage to kill anybody but themselves
>wars send the economy into overdrive
This is seriously retarded. Wars wreck economies.
When there's blood on the streets, buy property.
>Wars wreck economies
Where did you learn that?