Please help Veeky Forums. My boss is literally a bully and abuses and yells at me for no reason on daily basis, and humiliates me in front of all my coworkers. I know that I should quit and i'm still applying for other jobs but no answers for 3 months now
Please help Veeky Forums. My boss is literally a bully and abuses and yells at me for no reason on daily basis...
You could grow balls and fuck his wife
Wtf do you want me to say?
suck it up, you big baby.
Call the local cops on a burner phone and tell them that he shot his wife or he is high on pcp and has an ak47 and has 5 hostages and wants a helicopter to Mexico and every 10 minutes they don't bring $50,000 in a plastic bag he will shoot 1
Record it.
You never know when you'll need it.
Don't forget to mention that he has a grenade and is willing to pop the pin for added effect
Sue for harassment
this OP, what the fuck is wrong with you. you dont even need to buy a recorder, just download a recording app on your phone. when u expect harrassment just open it up and record.
collect like 10 recordings and then you have leverage. grow a set of balls, jesus.
Lawsuit, hazardous work enviorment. Talk to other co-workers and get them to vouch for you, explain your case to a lawyer and threathen to have the workplace shut down if it doesnt stop.
Get a lawyer or get better at finding a job, fag.
>for no reason
I don't believe you.
Opportunity to sue the establishment, or at the least learn how to deal with assholes there are plenty so get to it.
This. If you really need to be told what to do in this scenario that is probably part of the reason it's happening in the first place.
Tape it, get a shark lawyer and get your dues.
>not bro'ing out with top boss
>not being his minion to create the ultimate toxic work empire
>gain power as your middle management influence grows, abusing others to make yourself stronger
feelsgoodman.jpg do you even corporate murica?
Get a new job
Then sue the fucker for hazardous work environment, emotional distress, assault, whatever else will stick.
report it to Human Resources. Just call their number and tell them what's going on.
>1 post by this ID
Prank him until he kills himself. Just make sure he never finds out it's you.
if HR fails just quit. It's not worth it just quit. Don't try to bear it any longer. The money isn't worth it.
I cannot take anyone over the age of 18 seriously who uses the term "bullying" in an even remotely serious context
equip kneepads to please your boss
problem solved
my friend's boss was harassing him and so my friend ended up reporting him to the higher levels and then getting his job
but op is probably too much of an autist and doesn't get any work done whatsoever so fuck off