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>idiots in my team actually let a tracer through
>have to be the only one to get her
holy fuck pubs are dumb as fuck
>someone uses 'tfw' in chat
>wonder if they're from here but can't think of any way to ask without sounding like a massive faggot
>Roadhog can out heal Pharahs rockets
tell me why this isn't bullshit
thank you based blizzard for mccree nerfs
First box I opened. Did I do good?
Also what is up with this terrible ass tick rate? I'm constantly being killed from around the corner, shit's getting annoying. I'm not the only one who notices this, right?
D.Va buff incoming.
McCree nerf incoming.
Can't wait for the game to become a shitshow of retarded change cycling like every shitty MOBA.
>Not doing well in some games
>Decide to try out Mccree
>Wow my right click fires all of my bullets?
>Just keep pressing Right click in people's general direction
>They all die
>Only have to use my left click to out snipe widowmakers
What is my weakness?
Literally nothing
>random f-word for no reason
But why? It looks so stupid with the ellipsis too.
Was this made by an indian boy?
>have to go on a trip for 5 days
>craptop can't run Overwatch without overheating and crashing
>can't play until Sunday night
w-well, have f-fun playing this week guys
D.va buff and McCree nerf are incoming soon.
>people actually get upset at "gg"
>not even "gg ez"
>just "gg"
Wow, holy fuck.
>best roadhog skin
did great
>every shitty MOBA.
nigga, thats every online game since 2005
There will always be a best character and people will fall back to it. At least by changing it every so often it keeps it fresh rather.
Stop sexualizing Mercy. She is a pure virgin.
He's the best
>implying best roadhog isn't islander
If you don't play Genji or Tracer the tickrate is in your favor. If you play roadhog the tickrate is your best friend.
The RNG gods smiled upon you, that's my favorite roadhog skin.
>not pigpen
>that roadhog skin
Nice haul, m8.
If you say gg when it was a one sided fight the whole game with little to no back and forth then fuck you nigger it wasn't a good game at all it was a frustrating clusterfuck
Yeah no, that only works to a certain extent.
Even Riot realized they had to shit out new content regularly to prevent people from getting bored.
Dota 2 keeps itself trash and stagnant by never adding new heroes.
Overwatch needs additional heroes and maps to stay fresh.
pharah here
pocket me, not reinhard you dumb sluts
>DVA getting more DPS
there gonna lower the movespeed penalty while firing. they won't remove it, but they'll definitely lower it.
can you go get fucked by an older guy already? come back and post once you've nut.
dumb slut here, that's what I do
> Dicking around in Hollywood
> See this poster
> Realize that Zenyatta's dots are his fucking eyes and not the two black slits
Can't fucking unsee
literally all she needs
No way.
People outside of Veeky Forums use tfw the way people here use t b h
>Hanzo and Widowmaker both on Attacking, in Numbani
>Tell them we don't need two Snipers on Attack
>They ignore me
>I'm even playing Reinhardt just because nobody ever fucking tanks
>We lose
>This happens so often that it isn't funny anymore
Last I checked, I had like a 56% win rate. Yeah, that MMR system works like a fucking charm, I really feel that I am being matched with people of my own skill level here.
>zero mention of zen's hp pool
thanks for making a useless hero people only play to feel pain
Avoid map option when.
i will once you learn to aim you twitchy fuck.
>specifically says she probably won't get a damage boost
They'll probably increase how long her thrusters last, or widen the area her defense matrix covers and make it last longer.
Yeah, I never say GG when I curbstomp the other players because I know it wasn't good on their end and it's no fun when there's no competition. People who say GG no matter what are tools.
Do you think Overwatch is okay solo? I only know one friend of mine that has it and he's in another country. I really want to buy into the meme but if it's only good in a proper team I won't bother or at least not until the price lowers.
Where can I go to find people on here to play with?
Seems like no one friends me if I post on here to play
>insta quit every KOTH map
>Get 4 in a row
Fuck off Blizzard, I'm not playing your unbalanced piece of shit gamemode until you bother to patch your fucking game
as a Pharah and a Mercy main, go to your healer. most of the time, Mercy flying up to pocket a Pharah puts her in a very vulnerable position since Mercy has a lot less control in the air
>janitor finally looked at /owg/
New heroes and maps are obviously coming in future, I say in about a month we'll hear news on them.
I'm saying from a meta standpoint, people don't want mccree meta forever so nerfing him and letting someone else take the spotlight for a while is good way to go. It's the best you can do because you can't avoid there being the one op hero everyone picks.
wew jani's here
Fan's getting nerfed.
D.Va will maybe get her LMB slow removed.
D.VA's defense matrix should reflect. Anyone who disagrees is a retard.
I made dis for you guys
Will you guys think I'm cool now?
>can't unsee
But that's what you're supposed to be seeing
You're slow. That's about it though.
enjoy your brief respite.
That skin is super racist.
It's still fun solo. Me and my roommate have it and just today I was playing with some guys from here and it was still pretty good despite only really knowing one other person on the team.
Remove the automatic reload when you roll
There, I fixed flashbang vs tanks.
if Symmetra on attack some kind of new meme? I keep coming across it.
>D.VA's defense matrix should reflect.
spoken like a true shitter
time to kill yourself, my man
That it's been discussed to literal death
It'll do nothing to stop mccree though. Fan the hammer damage drop is fine.
I don't get it
I mean I can clearly see that he's being tased, but is this an extension of a prior joke or something?
>muh meta
Aka shitters who can't learn or play the game that need the things they see most often to go away because they don't know how to deal with them.
a. With the next patch
b. With the next big holiday (holiday themed skins)
c. With the next blizzcon goodiebag
If you've got an alright team with you then it's not too bad. I've been playing solo a lot and I've been having a fun time. It's my first multiplayer based game though, so I can't tell when I have a shitty team or when I'm just being shitty.
i enjoy good fights and not raping a bunch of children ymmv
What about Widow nerfs.
I have exactly 50% winrate right now. As much as I hate losing because MMR says so, I can't think of any other alternative to matchmaking that won't make things worse.
Speaking of which, this happened earlier:
>losing streak
>fucking sick of it
>pick roadhog
>shit on everyone
>still lose like two more times
>4 gold medals and a silver
>no one votes for me
>play with Zarya
>didn't do so hot (2 eliminations)
>still most eliminations on my team
Do people really get to level 35 without improving a little bit?
Here's an idea: Defense Matrix gives the damage absorbed as temporary shields.
>people who play the meta don't learn the game
If noone learned the game noone would identify a metagame in the first place
That was just an airsoft rifle? It was pretty loud.
>it's a rein can't rmb+W so his brain malfunctions and charges into the enemy team even though he'll certainly die episode
Such simple creatures
Do enemies hear your voicelines if you say it right after killing them? I've never heard somebody do this to me in my 30 hours.
Taunting in TF2 made sense because it would freeze on your character after a kill, but it emoting just doesn't work the same.
thought of this on the spot and got it first try, pretty proud of myself tbqh lads
I've been playing exclusively solo and it's not bad at all. You'll still get matched with a team of shitters sometimes, but I've had better experiences with this game than most other multiplayer games I've played.
It helps that this game can still be fun even if you're losing IMO
Defense matrix makes a sound like it's powering up as it destroys projectiles, I kinda like this idea
He's not being tased, that's the sound of a paintball gun being unloaded at point blank range.
Those leave bruises and welts normally, so I'd say that would hurt like a motherfuck.
That kid is a huge asshole.
>D.Va is hard to kill
That sounds reasonable actually.
I want diablo themed skins dammit. The angiris council, the prime and lesser evils
Who is deleting all the lewds!
Who do you nerf and buff and how?
Thank God
Winston is in top five most annoying characters to be killed by
If McCree or Widowmaker shoot me in the head at least I can respect that some level of skill went into it
>TFW your teammates are so useless you end up just simply leaving
But then you're just giving her Zarya's ability.
So I play on minimum settings for better clarity
Even though I have lighting and reflections set as low as it can go, Numbani still has really obnoxious reflective lightrays all over the place that obscure vision.
im impressed
nerf mcree by having his damage lowered but give a bonus to damage vs. max HP