/dsg/ - Soulsborne General
nth for OP putting pastebin so I can embed it, instead of a shitlong OP.
Your good deeds do not go unnoticed.
>50 posts early
>putting all the links in your own pastebin with ads
>sucks cocks
>dead parents
>hasn't completed a single soulsborne game
Remember that time you dropped out of college?
Two birbs with one stone!
Onto the next lovely lump of ash
Samefagging this hard
Go keep using the other thread until that one hits 750. It still has much life to give.
I'm just getting settled in here while we wait for the next thread to die
>for whatever reason he always seems to transition from sorcerer to curved sword
>can fucking at will summon the crystal soulmasses in curved sword form
Fucking Soul of Cinder
Also he really has a shit ton of HP even just on NG++
Any glaives or halberds scale well with int. that arent trash>
Excluding the tinder.
Did you actually play the game Lucicuck?
Because if you did, you'd probably have some fucking level of understanding that the fight has numerous weapon changes in the extended phase 1, and they can take a random order after the first fight.
This is what the person meant by phase changes.
In effect it's kind of similar to how some say gascoigne has a second phase with a weapon transformation, before his third phase, only more complex.
No it just summons a certain number of waves of soulmasses. Which bleeds over into the curved sword form.
Best SL to invade the wall and undead settlement? SL20?
Yeah, probably +2 or 3 as well.
>Tries various builds
>Unhappy with damage output
>Respecs back to quality
How do I overcome with mental barrier, /dsg/?
Quality is just too good and reliable.
25, +2
Most players will not walk into wall
Can you shot this guy without red ring but with 10% dragon?
Even when somebody is under the effect of lloyds, the whole uhhh wheres my drink animation is faster than standard estus drink to heal was in DS1
Honestly everything about Ds3 just tells me that they focus grouped it with shit for brains casuals and then changed everything to accomodate literal morons
Has anyone tried to make a build using the Cleric's Candlestick or Golden Ritual Spear?
Was thinking of using the Ritual Spear for an int build so I have a useful poke with my sorceries (And Flashsword sounds fun with it) or is it just that shit?
Yeah, that's what I was talking about.
stay away
>Spear and sword
roll behind him and stab him in the ass
Get close and spam R1
Punish his leaps
So when I'm wearing Obscuring Ring, do I get any indicator that my enemies can't see me or do I just have to estimate whether or not I am still at the proper distance?
Wanted to do one using both Candlesticks, then realized I killed Orbeck without buying any of his stuff.
It was a sad day for me.
>everything about Ds3 just tells me that they focus grouped it with shit for brains casuals
They did, it was called Bloodborne.
Estimate. In general lock on distance is a good measure. If you can lock onto them they can see you.
Also any particle effects can be seen at any range.
Holy shit why does nobody use the arbalest in duels? Been using it for the past few hours and it's literally amazing. Hitting people between swings for 200+, stunning running R1 katana users when they run at you, headshotting people when they roll at you for 350, etc.
Just fought a whip user and hit him like 6 times with it. Staying out of range, shoot right when you see them attack and they get hit every time. When they come in close, just slice them up with a fast sword.
No way, Gascoigne would've never been in the game if that were the case
Shit, remember how many people couldn't even do Bloodstarved beast? Boss has 4 attacks and its too complex for people. Those people are in Ds3 with straight sword and phantoms lol look I can play the hard game now too!
In my experience the ritual spear is best left to characters with high FTH and INT, if you plan on specializing in either you should probably look for something else but if you want to be dirty hexer scum then go for it.
daily reminder if you use any trusting weapon, you're shit.
Thanks m8, that sounds pretty useful for Sorcerer invasions.
Well the current balance is literally skewed in favor of quality builds.
Just have to find something in other builds you think is fun and accept it's not gonna be as good.
25 only invades down to 22
that's too high
even if they try chug it's impossible to punish before they roll away
Yeah, for example soul stream swirls can be seen at range. Keep in mind if you want to meme beam people.
The gwyn phase isn't the longsword phase.
>if you want to be dirty hexer scum then go for it.
Speaking of dirty Hexers, do people say Dark spells in 3 are shit because they do poor damage or because it is hard to hit enemies with them?
Or both? Is it both?
Anyone willing to drop me 6 Proof of concords kept? Don't want to deal with farming them
On PC, on bridge where demon is at old wolf of farron bonfire.
Pass is: ears
Good thing every weapon's inanimate then.
You can't drop covenant items
>reading comprehension
You can't trade them. Just use cheat engine.
It really is ridiculous how braindead the early bosses are in DaS3 compared to BB. BB wasn't hard by any means, but compared to anything pre-Abyss Watchers, they can actually kill you.
Play at a soul level too low to pump STR and DEX so hard.
>invaded by aldritch without notification
>end up having a crossbow vs sniper battle
>keeps trying to guess where i am based on silver knight movement because i'm wearing the obscuring ring
i just wanted to "marry" anri
SHIT. I'll just use my collectors edition then
What level player do you want to invade then?
Give me a minimum, I'll give you a level to be.
It can be both depending on the spell. The right build can be decent though, especially since darkfags can generally use every school of magic.
So Yorshka gets special dialogue at 30 ears turned in. Has anybody been lucky enough/absolutely mad enough to turn in 99 ears to see if she says anything different?
Gotta love that PC playerbase
Quality isn't the best at every SL bracket, is it? Just try to make a sl20 or sl50 or something.
i haven't but i'm sure there's a PCbro willing to get the items to see
how do you use CE without getting banned?
I can feel the eventual Dark Souls 3: Less Fucked edition coming. Maybe it'll have real poise.
>oh an artorias pvp video
>i wonder how he does
>he does okay, sounds like someones taking a shit in the video
>all the comments are lol artorias is left handed xD
>lol his left arm is broken thats why
>why no shield? oh he gave it to sif xD
Fucking dark souls 2 faggots i swear.
Yo drawbro, can i get a request?
What are you gonna do at sl20 or 50 with no health and no damage against 3 man straight sword r1 rape squads of estus chug that you get 99% of the time?
I went all in with strength and a greataxe and haven't looked back
>Muh platform
Fun fact: the only reason people on consoles don't cheat is because they currently can't.
Whats the best starting class for paladin knight ?
Since you didn't answer,
SL 11 can invade 9-32,
SL 12 can invade 10-33,
SL 13 can invade 11-34.
>The right build can be decent though
Tell me more...
I'm guessing stats would be around 40/40 INT/FAI but I could use some help choosing a good catalyst and spells.
As long as the DLC adds early game variety and options, I'm set. Right now its kinda at DaS2 levels of slog for the early part (although DaS2 was far, far more tedious). I hope its like BB where you can access it early, and not like DaS1 where its only available in the last third of the game.
Knight, if you want to be really miracle happy then cleric.
Okay, i activated a new account on Steam to solve the summoning problem and it worked quite well, but now i'd like to transfer this save back to my original account for the achievements. Will i get penalized with all the new proff of concords and extra souls gained?
Does anyone know where the sound effect for male chosen undead's hollow form damaged sound is in the files?
I just love that sound, it's a really deep "OHHH" when you get hit in hollow form.
I dont think you can transfer same save files to different steam acc user
I don't know, win? I'm not particularly good at DaS3 and I can manage to beat people with my sl20, sl32, sl45 and sl50 characters, and none of those are quality.
>Going out of your way to talk about Dark Souls 2
Quit being so tsundere user
knight or herald are fine
cleric has 50 luck so it's garbage
>muh justification
And thank goodness for no cheating on PS4, since that means I don't have to deal with a garbage community. The game already makes it crazy easy to mule weapons and armor and shit, literally the only reason to cheat in 3 is to be a lazy faggot and get an achievement you didn't earn.
I've had fairly decent results with PvPing at low SLs as long as I was using something especially viable like straight swords or katanas, and I'm doing pretty well with a 40 strength Heavy Mace + resins at SL60 right now
There is of course a certain level of bullshit that'll be hard to counter regardless
Well, i transfered my SL 130 character to the new account without any problem, the other way around should be doable too. I just don't want to be b&...
Holy shit, the abyss walkers were a total joke, easily one of the easiest major bosses in a the souls series. Are they pandering to casuals or did I just get good? I'm lvl 30 I don't know if that's overleveled or something...
They're pretty easy but you'll probably be boned on the next boss.
Am how's my level for that area? I'm going to the cathedral of the deep next, figured id save the cata-bones for later.
Man take that idk maybe you should try winning shit and shove it up ur ass. You're not killing shit in this game when rolling and healing can be done in people's faces with no chance of punishment
The multiplayer in this game boils down to abusing broken hitboxes on shit like straight swords or the phantom range on thrusts and spamming the shit out of roll and heal when things aren't going ur way
i really enjoyed them, they had kinda low hp though so ended up being pretty easy considering their nopoise
also no, when i played ds1 and 2 and the DeS i didnt have that much trouble with them, i think you're just getting gud
Any of you PCfags start a new character and want some dancer cheese souls?
SL 20, bout to do dancer. pw dsg.
Notice how the Host does a little flip? his world was so laggy I didn't hear the arrow sound until he did that animation.
Nigga maybe play the fucking game so you can experience Chosen Undead and Gwyn as the final boss.
The first time i fought them, one of that dark assholes followed me through the fog gate and essentially killed the boss for me. Pretty weird, but fun to watch!
When you block something really big and hueg you do the flip.
Drop in front of dancer, btw. Forgot to mention.
>Man take that idk maybe you should try winning shit and shove it up ur ass. You're not killing shit in this game when rolling and healing can be done in people's faces with no chance of punishment
Damn, if you're that salty about people saying that it is possible to make viable sl20-50 characters that aren't quality, maybe you should just go back to quality. Maybe learn to type while you're at it.
nobody is going to help you cheese dancer, shithead. Glitch sword master
This bitch beats the abyss walkers and comes here to ask if he got gud and then wants the low down on the next area. You'll never be gud
My current dark dude is 35/35, and pretty much anything that Karla sells is great for hexers. Cornyx ends up selling some good pyromancies and Orbeck's late game sorceries can come in very handy. The new soul beam is great. Unfortunately offensive miracles kind of suck, but FTH is great for buffs and regeneration.
I'm offering someone who just wants the souls.
I already cheesed my sword master, waiting for someone who wants free souls on a low level character.
>Man take that idk maybe you should try winning shit and shove it up ur ass.
>doing damage on a hexer with only 35/35
That's my point, he plays the little shield block flip animation shortly after the arrow smashed down, I didn't hear the arrow sound at all until he did the animation so it was delayed.
It made me giggle at least.
Thanks m80, I'll give it a shot.
I know it's not going to be stupid strong like it was in Dark Souls 2 but I really like the idea of Hexes so I might as well try it.
>still hasn't crystalled out
>was waiting inside the main anor londo building
>popped seed a little bit before going in expecting an ambush
>run to the big bad beast like a retard knowing he'd follow
>he almost gets murdered when it suddenly turns to target him
>runs off scared shitless and continues to try to snipe me without knowing where i am while being shot by the deacons
>has yet to crystal out
>there are people who wouldn't immediately begin worshiping Aldrich if they woke up as some random fuck in the DaS universe
Do you WANT to get eaten?
Oh. I misread that and thought you were wandering why he did that animation.
Yes, which is why I would worship him.
he ate my waifu
so im going to eat his soul
>I have no idea what I'm talking about
A: The inability to cheat doesn't make a community not shit.
B: There are no mules in DS3, the PS4 won't let you exchange DS3 save files between PSN accounts.
C: Why do you care how people get their cheevos? It's not like spawning covenant items is even remotely similar to invading someone with infinite health & stamina.
Behead those who insult Aldrich
Last call. Some part of 50k souls. Lv10-30, drop summon at dancer. Password dsg.
I try and do this with rands, but they just try to fight dancer and get 1shot.
Sword master glitched, ready to go.