League of Legends General /lolg/

OT: eyosongive.us

Biggest cowtits, best contest winner edition

Thx for best mage in the game

New skin never

I want to BRAND Riven with my family crest to mark her as my property!

>its a you can crush your laner 1v1 because they build wrong and can't play top so their jungler camps and yours doesn't episode

Xth for Leona

t. Darius main

I play Teemo, Darius, Riven, Cait, and Kata
How cancerous am I?

>Dynamic queue is kill
This is funny news to come home to.

>Not just killing both of them while telling your team to capitalize on the space you're creating.

who should i cute-ify next, /lolg/?


I love Sona!

Sona would like people who are kind and considerate to others, and I want to be someone she would approve of!

I hope you feel the same way about your waifu or husbando, and that they inspire you to be the best version of you!

Post husbandos



Post soraka

lets go

mf pls


>It's a you do pretty well in lane and kill you laner a few times and then suddenly you realize that you're the only one who still has a tower up and then you get 4-manned episode
Wait, Dynamic Queue is kill? I thought it was Solo Queue

>Adc whines because I didn't pick a tanky support.
>Few minutes later
>Get fed as fuck
>Praises me just because I did my job.

I will ignore the fact his build was shit and he did everything in his power to try to die.


>Dynamic queue is kill
Work on your reading comprehension nerffie.

Tbh depends on team comp
Don't be the support who thinks they are the hardest carry
Don't pick a Janna or Lulu when your bullshit team insta locked Quinn top and Yi jungle and you know you'll need a frontline

It is solo queue. I'm tired as shit and had a fucking rough day.

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

play nice

thoughts on solo queue being dead?


Well, mah homie Shen would teach me to be pragmatic and choose what to keep and let go before vanishing,
Soraka would be all "Ara~Ara" and pet me so hard AND soft I couldn't escape
Nidalee would wreck me for playtime
And Sejuani drag me to be more alpha up north in Frejlord Perfect for a Canadian citizen like me :D

>solo queue is not only dead but riot memed all over dynamic queue
>next contest is ranked only

How am I supposed to get my dose of thickness in this state?

Not terribly surprising, still kind of a piss off. I never played ranked much, but I'm probably never going to bother as a result. My friends have such a varying level of skill that we all just prefer to play normals if we're going to play together.

I was first pick its up to my team to compensate instead of blaming me because they didn't pick a tank. If that weren't the case yes I would try to go more tanky to compensate.

It's not a huge problem for me, but that's only because I stopped playing ranked last season



Don't care tbqhwyfampai

>play Karthus
>have fun

Just got Mastery 5 on him, now if only I could actually play him well

all I play is ARAM so whatever

working on a couple requests right now

here's a tahm kench to tide you over

>next contest is ranked only

FOTM of 6.11.

You can now stop predicting shit.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

soraka is not sexy.
prove me wrong.
protip: you can't.


>tristana W no longer does damage
>tristana is now untargetable during W

Would this fix her?

Literally get all the kills

I feel like he'd get a darkstar skin in the future

>he doesn't think penises are sexy

pls let it be mf

Needs more cs senpai

Anything can be sexy if you believe.

>next contest is ranked only
What? When was this stated?

Not enough cs, maybe not enough wards placed.

She's fine as long as you aren't falling for the rageblade meme.

Pools closed.

CS and wards dropped


>tfw playing morde all positions

oh god how do I get gud?

>Thinly-veiled soraka lewds request: the post

desu senpai I'm totally on board for that

Xth for lets play some custom games because now that hide and seek is dead we might be able to rally some fun. Examples of shit I've made in the past that people enjoyed:

ARAZ - All Random All Zeal - reborn for season 6. The game is all about moving fast and attacking fast. Random champion. Everyone takes teleport ghost. 6/18/6 masteries recommended for all attack speed and movement speed effects. rush boots of mobility, then 5x zeals. After you finish the core build you are free to upgrade your zeals into any zeal upgrade. Above all, go fast and have don't be a dodging bitch play the champ you get faggot!

Item cloning: A regular game on summoners rift, with a twist: pick one item. for the rest of the game you can only build that item and its components. an endgame build is 6 of the same item. Honorable mention: build 1 of each boot. Can your 6 trinitys irelia beat their 6 ROA ryze?

Hey nice ms paint the other day, couldnt replay because got perma banned on /b for posting some cp

Hope you draw some more

I don't teally care, I'm on a small server so most of the time I get duos at most.
Besides I almost always duo myself.

He has a sightstone and a trinket, so I assume he dropped plenty of wards. He also got an S, so the factor I'm thinking is CS more than likely.

So when does LoL die and Riot go bankrupt from the autofill role after long queue times?

>those new nidalee splashes






>Sion splash updates next

Are they going to ruin lumberjack sion?

How do people even manage to not ward? It's literally free for stealth wards, and it's pretty easy to afford a pink about half the times you back until 30 minutes when you run out of slots (so like at least 3 pinks). Why is there never any god damn vision?
I don't switch to blue trinket, though, since I prefer having the stealth wards since blue ward radius was nerfed

Rhetorical question, though cs shouldn't be the deciding factor in such a game, and wards placed this game was above the marksman average. System's just broken.

good luck fellow ireliabro, irelia completely shits on naut if you play it right and your team has lucian/ali so it's a free bot lane

wish you were on NA, maybe we could've played together

krepo pls

He mentioned it a few days ago

That was before the dynamic queue shitshow, so there's still hope for change


>tilt down from gold 1 50 lp to gold 5 0lp in 6.9
>get back to gold 1 in 6.10
>worried that 6.11 will fuck me over again and I'll never hit plat (i'm really shitty at laning against decent irelias)


post em

How much of your team's damage did you do? Master Yi and Thresh both got S ranks, so it's possible the system is taking into account the fact that you didn't single handedly carry so it's not S+ worthy


Yeah i was kinda tilted from previous games so decided to go botrk first to change it up a little.
felt super smooth but to be fair they had a low damage comp so i just got to roll over kindred then roll naut once i had botrk


>Dynamic Queue Roundtable
>fat guy (not scarra) talks about quality games
>says the longer he waits the more quality the games have
>but the MMR goes down the longer you wait
>low diamond in master games despite not having their MMR on the same level
>so the quality decreases too while you wait for 30 minutes in higher elos

do they even understand their own system

>Crumbzz wants tanks to be gone from the game
>because the ydon't take skill




so this.. is the face of autism...


grats on p4

was looking through your rune pages, I'm gonna be running the same one 6.11 hits, giving up the 9-10% as from 29% to 19/20% and switching in armor quints

gonna enjoy my freelo and get to d5 maybe

I want an irelia related namechange too now that I can afford it any suggestions

You aint no sex king!

Currently on the Jhin grind baby, He'll bypass blitzcrank in no time

Xth for the biggest and best bust in league of legends

t. maokai

How much money have you spent on league

>Le tilt meme
You belong to gold.

I kind of like this logic.

that rant was fucking stupid. crumbzz is dumbzz. I like playing tanks like malphite and maokai. Malphite is one of the few champions left who still has to manage his mana in the laning phase so that stupid spic can suck a dick pretending like you can't tell the difference between a bad tank player and a good one. Suck a dick /mu/ faggot REEEEEEEE

$65 over 6 years

I want to rape her raw.

that's not tryndamere.

People have been doing that literally forever.