Tfw dual citizen of the USA and a European country

>tfw dual citizen of the USA and a European country
>tfw America has more opportunity to make money but is a fucking social backwater where religious extremists dictate social values

Is it worth staying here even for the money?

holy fuck you're retarded

I think I'm in pretty much the same shoes as you, fampai. Dual US & Norwegian.

Been living in Northern CA for the past two years. Even though I'm at college (inb4 "he actually fell for the educational jew, I can't believe it!"), I think I can relate. Where in the US are you atm? Considered moving internally?

HSU by chance?

Arkansas doing business with Wallyworld. I have the option to move to NY or the West Coast, but I don't think it will be any better there.

CSUC here wud up

>Religious Extremists.

Oh you poor thing. Please tell us about the mean old Christians who ask you politely to stop acting like a faggot.

Holy shit OP, why would you honestly want to move out of America? You know thousands of people die or impoverish themselves to get here, right?

>he doesn't know how third world his values really are

lol you work for fucking walmart in arkansas. Maybe you should get out of podunk arkansas

Nigga you're in Arkansas.

You're surrounded by some of the nicest people there. Literally, what the heck are you doing to, make living in that state shit?

The rest of the country isn't much better honestly.

>Drive into AR
>This highway is adopted by The Klu Klux Klan

So you've been to every state and major city in the US and you decided to settle in Arkansas?

Here for business because they buy my company's product and require you to have an office in arkansas to do business.

Come back to Europe and you'll see religious extremists make the laws here too now.

I live in Los Angeles and I actually have family in Fayetteville, AR and my sister works for some other company involved with wally world. I'm not going to lie that city is comfy and cozy as fuck.

I've been considering moving there but I have a hard time getting away from the beach.

You talking about the natives or about the "Muslim invasion".

It's the weirdest shit. You see a play at the Walton Arts Center, you go down the street and see a bunch of hippies, then you go to a business meeting with people who think of themselves as urbane and cultured, then you discover that people are out in the street protesting gay marriage, women being remarried after divorce, and alcohol was banned here until recently.

It's like being in Dubai but with forest instead of desert.

Yeah it's an interesting place for sure. It feels like it's going the way of places like Portland or Austin. More and more younger "hip" crowd mixed in with older conservatives.

One thing I noticed right away it's like almost exclusively white people. That's an odd sight for me.

that entire scenario is horseshit.


>He's never been to Dickson street in Fayetteville on a Friday night


>I went to a Favela in Brazil and I've basically seen how much of a shithole country it is I don't even need to see places like Rio de Janeiro it's probably all the same

>Be shitposter on Veeky Forums.
>A board dedicated to business and finance.
>See road is adopted by private organization.
>"Wtf, I hate America now".

Leave the country you commie, there's nothing wrong with free market practices.

I am a grad of HSU. i think we win on weed and climate. Then again, if you like it hot....

Man my roommate is from Rio and she says its all shit basically.

just live in new york or la, what's the big deal?

I'm in the same position. Not planning on going back to Easter Europe (been in TX since I was nice)

This skull? Did this person have syphilis?

Good guess, but no: bone cancer.

Whats wrong with that skull

>Going to a college in California
>Still thinks that it's a social backwater where religious extremists dictate social values where exposing views to the contrary is social suicide

What the fuck kind of views are you trying to pedal where you're experiencing backlash like that, and why not just do ? Are you living in some sort of enclave that's hidden itself off from the rest of the state or something?

You fucking fool should learn to value the freedom you can enjoy in the US.

t. German with neither free speech nor gun rights, who is paying 42% income tax, 30% business tax, and even a tax for owning a god damn dog.

You also can't tell me you can't find whatever commie values you seek in the US when commiefornia exists.

Also you got scientology, that weird Mexican death cult thing and even fucking amish people.
The only thing you probably can't find in the US is shariah law.

What the hell is your deal?

what the hell happened to that skull

Bone cancer on the skull AKA Chordoma/Sarcoma

>social backwater where religious extremists dictate social values

Are you sure that's not Europistan?

I'm actually in the samish boat.
Brit/American but live in the netherlands.

Only been to the us a handful of times, sort of want to move out to the US, but I only make 27,000 euro a year and fuck being poor in the us

Move between the two. Make money in america, stay there for as little time as possible, then flee back to europe with your dollars.