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Shit spells tbqh



anyone have some decent DaS2 sliders?

Shit most everything desu

Why is poison even in the game lmao.

Post Poise pics

DaS3 is fucking shit it will never be fun, never ever
And we all paid good money for this piece of shit
I even bought the fucking season pass
All for a fucking game where I can't have fun, not even in PvE

I want gwyndolin to pee in my butthole

How the hell would I do it, /dsg/?

Kain seems easier but I like Raziel more.

Leonhard is cute! CUTE!

I want to bang her anus.


>Bleed Infusion
>Black Blade
Anything else that sucks or is just obsolete (that's why the piercing swords are there, they aren't estocs)?

go to /v/

Please stop reminding me. Or I'll remind you in several hours all the plebs are gonna get on and defend this safe play coddling trash.

Bleed infusion makes bleed procs deal more damage

Luckily I didn't buy the season pass.
I just looked up SotFS and apparently it's 25 bucks since I have DaS2 already. Does this price get affected by discounts?

Uchi is fine.
There's at least three top tier greatswords that can stand against anything.
Same with axes but they are just high tier.
Hammers have perseverance which makes them godly by default.


Or, hear me out, I could go Hollow and use Carthus Rouge. Ta-dah!

Don't think so. You could probably get it cheaper on G2A, it's about $18.

>When MLGS, Twincest and Hollowslayer exist

>tfw was hoping DS3 would serve as a decent distraction from my shit life
>it doesn't

Yeah but you'll never proc it without carthus rouge

>anything but a "I AM GOING TO ATTACK THIS IS MY ATTACK WARNING RAA" or "please walk away for a second and a half" button
Yeah man I've used it too, it's shit against anyone who understands just how fucked you are if they don't trade into it, and the shitters that do trade die to anything anyhow.

>Or, hear me out, I could go Hollow and use Carthus Rouge. Ta-dah!
That doesn't increase the damage, that just increases the buildup.

It has potential. I am hoping that once the casuals move on and the DLC drops then they will start dropping fixes that apply to the core fan base again.

>you paid for a shit game
>life gets worse
Thanks Miyazaki

In practice it really does though, it guarantees procs if you land certain combos which is much better than bleed just randomly proccing midfight and dealing some more damage.
Random procs are also really bad since people roll through them.


There's nothing random about it though

There is a person and they have to go get 4 things and one other thing, after getting the 4 things and the other thing that allows them to warp, they go to a castle and fight a boss that was a player character, then they get to choose between light or dark

What game did i just describe?

You will be graded on this test.

Tapers off at anything past the mid-way
Yeah, it's so good. Except it's not, everyone worships this thing and it doesn't do jack. 16 times fought and every single time it failed to impress.
That's a thrusting sword user.

>Worth using against any other katana
Don't mess me around user, please.
Axes that aren't great axes I've literally never seen used by anyone not a new blood. I'm not joking either, I haven't seen one used by a mid-leveled or up player, I'm going off the assumption they suck because of this. Feel free to highlight if I'm wrong about that then.

Daily reminder DaS2 patches brought it to its peak in june, after patches that had already addressed multiplayer issues with the game and improved it.

Why did they have to get rid of both the gravelord and the rat covenant ?
Miyazaki you piece of shit.

>Warping unlocked
Not DS2, BB or DS3
>PC boss
Not DS1 unless you refer to the cut Oscar fight. So I dunno.
Watch it be Armoured Core or something.

Butcher's knife is an insanely annoying thing when used by someone passive because of its reach.
Thrall's axe is just the only good quickstep weapon that also suits any caster.
And dragonslayer axe can reach 500 damage per hit.

No, that was July. June was when they buffed havelmonsters, accidentally undid the monscim nerf, and turned Helixodon into a SSS-tier weapon.

Is there any redeeming factor to blessed weapons? Like, 60 faith, two +10 blessed, Princess ring, Flynn?

Wacky Tanimura-kun, what a wildcard.

Call me when they "patch in" bonfire ascetics, remove blue sentinels and add a gravelord/ratbro-type covenant, make poison not a joke, and add a blue eye orb. Then I'll get excited. Until then the best I'm expecting is one or two more patches to fix exploits before they start shitting out half-baked DLC.

Unless they back pedal hard enough to lose all their dignity(they won't), the fundamental issues will never get fixed.
The game won't be saved with simple fixes like adjusting hornet damage or fixing AGS

None of the Souls games.
You can warp from the beginning and you don't really have to get anything in Demon's Souls, you just become stronger and then face False King (not a PC)
You get the Lordvessel AFTER Anal Rodeo in Dark Souls, and Gwyn was never a player character.
You can warp from the beginning and fight Nashandra (not a PC) in DaS2
Bloodborne is nothing like what you described.
You can warp from the beginning in DaS3, and SoC isn't technically a PC.

Unless you're talking about the Aged Feather in DaS2 and that Shard in DaS3, in which case you're getting real pedantic.

>removed golf swing
>removed good tracking on greatbows
>removed ALL good powerstance combinations
>dlc added flynns and drowned the game with metashittery
>reintroduced monscimmy for a month because fuck you

If only we had a gravelord covenant..

He is probably referring to something like Dragon's Dogma.

They don't really have to back pedal, and even if they did, that didn't stop the Agape ring from getting made.

Try NG+ run with finger

Rapier is nice you asshole
I can basically be an estoc shitter but don't feel bad about it because it deals a bit less damage and isn't called estoc

That was also when they nerfed Cale's Shoes.

I will never forgive B-Team

Ehh... the only stand out there is Dragonslayer which is hardly among the norm. Butcher's plays more like a spear in that regard and Thrall being the best among quickstep weapons is like being best among the unmoving dead. Otherwise middling then? Well I'll give them a B-, could be better but otherwise lacking in a meta of OP shit, would like to see them as baseline power.

>bonfire ascetics
screw you, that thing killed high sm coop
i'm glad it will never return

Good thing SM doesn't exist anymore and matchmaking applies across every single NG cycle. Faggot.

No point in even arguing that point here, From software won't backpedal so the foundation the game is built on will remain the same i.e mediocre.

At best I can see them overhauling magic and such pretty significantly, but after DaS2 Faith I'm skeptical.

Could someone post the image with the guide to an early sorcerer build, please.

That's kinda the point though. It's poor mans estoc so to speak.

Oh fuck it is Dragon's Dogma! The Shcenenennamsamaladingdong is a PC.

Bows were pretty retarded though, DaS2 didn't have ridiculous tracking and you couldn't do 360 spins mid attack even with slow weapons. Bows just meant you could watch someone roll and shoot as he enters recovery every time.
Probably wasn't necessary to change it the way they did since shields existed, but it was pretty bad.

It would be a pain to try and figure out the timing and build up from person to person but someone suggested using hollow weapons to build up bleed and when you think they are close use the bleed infused weapon to proc it instead for the extra damage.

But you don't get to choose between light and dark in Dragon's Dogma, the Seneschal isn't inside a castle and technically you can warp from the beginning of the game.

Enjoy your high quality NG+ content, including and limited to +rings and soul consumables
Removing ascetics would make sense if they actually put effort into the fucking NG+, but in that regard even DaS had more to offer.

That general in a nutshell :
>Dark Souls comes out
>baaaw it's so fucking filled with cheaters ablublublu
>Dark Souls 2
>baaaaw it's the B-team just trust me when I say that my dad works at From ablublu why is everything so shitty okay they tried to fix the multi but it's honestly worse and the story is shit
>Dark Souls 3
>WHIIIIINE its even worse even through the multiplayer finally limits all the bullshit we got in previous games BAAAAAAAAAAAAW

>summon Hawkwood in dragon area
>sit down to get shiny dragon torso stone
>he sits too
>Phantom Hawkwood returned to their world

>invades another player for the first time
>intends to just fuck around and black crystal out
>he already passed the fog wall and is fighting the abyss watcher
>dunno what to do
>just spam "Hello" stone while hoping he dies
>turns out he had two sunbros to help him
>wasted a cracked eye orb

This was a thing people did sometimes in DaS1. If I remember right there was a weapon (Priscilla's dagger?) that did a ridiculous amount of damage on bleed procs, like 50% or something. It was never really used over just spamming with a Gold Tracer though.

Eh... I could see it yeah but it's kinda wasted effort for the most part.

Fuck! I dunno. I'm normally a racing guy, I just make fast brum-brums go round corners sideways listening to rock music. This is higher brain function I normally don't employ.

The game was king's field 2, or 3 if you're a weaboo.

as you can see, the skeleton of this plot was re-used many times.

all those things said were right

>No wanderer set
>No merchant set
>No way to even remotely recreate my favorite 2 looks
This is some absolute bullshit.

The katanas the way I see them:
Bloodlust is complete garbage.
Darkdrift is just slightly above because the WA isn't literal suicide.
Black blade is low damage, shit range, and its "unique moveset" is a straight downgrade from the basic one.
Uchi is better despite lower damage because of better range and moveset.
Oniduchan and Dakukara have some okay combos and can deal high damage with bleed.
Washing Pole's range actually makes the otherwise lackluster r1s decent, massively improves the already great WA/running r1/1hr2.
Chaos blade pretty much just the uchi with much better damage.

What multiplayer bullshit? You're not making any fucking sense

>But you don't get to choose between light and dark in Dragon's Dogma
Debatable, and you need a ferry stone before you can warp.

You go to a castle to fight Grigori. And there are multiple endings. Whether you call them light or dark is up for interpretation.

I am not saying this is the answer he wanted, just pointing out it is the BS trick answer people usually pull on here when asking questions like that. Basically, the obvious answer is DaS1, so it is probably not DaS1.

This guy gets it. This was my point with Uchi, there are just better katanas to use.
I actually forgot Bloodlust and Darkdrift existed, holy shit.

>Favorite DaS2 helmet was the ragged mask variant that goes around your whole head
>Find a ragged mask in the swamp
>It's the shit version that just covers the mouth

I killed hundreds of those god damn zombies farming the one I wanted, and I always ended up getting a dozen of the mouth ones before I got the head one. It felt like a kick in the fucking nuts when I found this stupid thing.

My ng+ content includes countless dried finger way of the blue runs which is WAY funnier than my entire 1000 hours of DS2 experience, thank you.

Between bloodlust and warmth, grapes get the worst covenant rewards ever seen in souls

Full-face ragged mask bro! Shit was so fucking good.

I always keep a bloodlust on me. You never know when you'll want to play a quick game of sudoku.

>that loooooooooooong health bar
0/10 wouldn't invade and wouldn't partake in cooperation with

>Finished DS3, was ok but for some reason doesn't have the magic of DeS/DaS
>Decide to replay DaS1 on PC after ages
>Look up what mods is popular to enhance the game
>HD Textures
>Wulf Connectivity Mod

>Load Game
>Its more beautiful then DS3
>Get to Sens Fundhouse
>Constantly being invaded

I am literally crying.

Got it once, literally discarded it and never went grapist again. It spits on Alonne's memory. That thing was so fucking stupid, Jesus Christ, could you imagine it returned?

>yfw the sudoku can be parried

It's been seven years and no Souls game has had levels better than DeS's 1-1 and 3-2. Why is this allowed?

27 vig?


>tfw my DS1 can't get nodes no matter what I try

You must be one of those guys.

>reading this spoiler

The mininum to have Solaire's armour, a broadsword, a spear and a shield.
I like starting as deprived, but the flaw is that you're always a bit scared of getting overleveled. The fact I barely see any summoning mark means I probably should level more.

nigger you using the latest version?

Click the fucking DSCM-NET checkbox.

Basically a godam realtime database of everyone playing DS1 through steam and making you connect to them.

>invade a seeded ganksquad of absolute faggots
>quickly try to honorably kill self
>host parries your seppuku with caestus and they rape you with their huge gundyr halberds and AGSs
>they all point down and clap

I said vig not vit.

I've done this shit and it didn't work. No fucking nodes.

How does this look? Blessed Weapon buff and some other random spell on a Hollow Uchi. Backup Lothric Holy Sword for the laser.

Never heard of SweetFX and the Wulf Mod

What are they?

Does the color of a boss soul mean anything?
Some are yellow and some are blue.

My vig is probably at 10 then.

you don't need all this endurance for anything but ultra weapons, drop it to 20-25 and you won't lose anything

>have to mod game to enjoy it

Fucking kek

>safe play
>because it's not a completely different 'game' like ds2

I can't wait until the DLC is out so you retards can all pretend like the game is perfect, even when nothing changes.

>try to kill yourself by falling off the map
>can't because it's the high wall and every ledge is an invisible wall