League of Legends General /lolg/

Old Thread eyosongive.us

Healthy Assassins Edition

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>Winrate: 49.69%

>People unironically ban Zed because "he's annoying", instead of banning actual busted shit like Annie, Ryze, Ekko,

except for the part where it does

>It's not 20%

Tell me a secret /lolg/

Reminder win rates don't mean shit cause 70% people are silver and below

Bet you thought s3 kassadin was balanced too

>People unironically first-timing Swain in ranked because "he's OP"


I... I guess?

Also I got Annie in Wonderland. Wish I had the fucking essence.

rate my jg yi, what should i change for runes? add one atk spd quin? remove scaling mr for 3 atk spd?

Reminder most sites use plat+ for calculating their winrates and such.


I should dodge

But I didn't

I'm secretly paranoid that you're only asking for secrets to bait people into giving incriminating statements.

>soraka ban
is this Diamond 1?

jesus christ those people are the worst
I had a guy the other day in champ select who had top
>'omg no malzahar ban gg'
>'no ekko ban'
>(talking to mid guy) 'malzahar open pick malzahar'
>comes to his pick
>picks ekko 'because he was open'
>feeds like its going out of style

why don't people understand that its so much better to be good at bad champs than to be bad at good champs

There is no reason to be afraid user, you can trust me.

Champion.gg explicitly states that they don't consider gold and below games to be valuable information so they aren't tracked



far right

>is this some hot new memery

would have dodged like my life depended on it right away if I had some guy speaking like that on my team

Spoken like a true foxslut.

I'm in love with my lolg crush!

one of the worst lolg memes


>another thresh skin

>Solo Q is never coming back -The retards at Riot Games

Fuck this shit, anyone plat- diamond wanna help boost me out of silver and back into gold 3? ive gotten to gold on my own many times, but im so sick and tired of playing against premades with smurfs that are boosting there bronze level fuck buddies to plat or higher.

all i want is to get to gold and ill be fine with that, i just want the end of season skin anyway.

give me your IGN if interested, im a jg main and i shall not feed if im playing shaco/eve as long as you have the ability to carry.

Here, have a riven for some incentive.

post your ign and server

oh right. ChristmasEvelynn and im on NA.

Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.

why cant you move runepages?
I order mine:

but then I made a new AP one and I cant move it to the rest of the AP ones unless I delete a bunch and remake them in the right order

does this make sense for a vayne runepage?
Will not having armour runes destroy me?
I was watching a guide and it said that armour runes are only good for early levels but later on the scaling health works out better

Is it bad idea to premade with strangers?

vlad is the lamest piece of shit ive ever played

Only if you lose more than you win

>yfw they replace elise with a second soraka

Why are people so afraid of Malzahar? Where does his win rate come from? Is it just because he's uber safe now?

He doesn't have his old "flash into range and 100 to 0 you" burst anymore.
He doesn't have as much damage dealt as other midlaners.
You can't really die to him in lane if you're not actively trying to.

He's just safe with great dragon control. Is that enough?

its fine only if you can last hit, if ur shit at last hitting then get more AD instead of AS.


Reminder no matter how much you hate Vayne she and Tristana are both utterly terrible and in dire need of buffs.

What can I do as Gnar against a Pantheon with thundermeme?

I mean, I won the match that made me say this but I got carried off my ass and I don't like it when that happens.

Do I just hope my jungler will camp me to heaven? Just farm with Q?

but thats objectively wrong

Sure i guess but your laning will be hell if they have a poke oriented support

Youre not the real secret user

it's a secret

>tfw balding at 23

what do

Rub glue into your hair so it can never fall out

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Just dont feed him. He's useless unless he gets a few kills early and snowballs to a fast win.

Iktf, havent figured it out... waiting for a sale on cyanide, I guess.

Paste it back, the fuck are you waiting.

I can't imagine how this could be a hard match up for gnar but I don't play either of those champions. Consider getting a mallet into full tank?

RiddlerShen dominating on qtpies stream.

Aatrox is a he, retard.

just shave it off, women like bald heads when u go down on them anyway.

I'll take the lack of responses as a "yes. He's too safe and that's it"

Thanks lolg

>being a transphobic shitlord biggot trump supporter republican

Dont be white or spanish

git gud


Herd mentality

picking up champions for the first time in ranked is literally fine for anyone decent at video games
its people who have fucking mechanical downs that do it wrong and make people paranoid

> too safe

Bit of an understatement for that insane passive

when trump wins I hope he leaves you bernie cucks on the other side

Doesn't explain his still objectively high winrate. I think guaranteeing a non feeding lane might be the sole cause though.

>implying a racist can be president of anything ever

What are some champs that means bad luck to you in terms of teammates and in terms of enemies?

it really isnt

teemo ofcourse

my yasuos are pic related
enemy yasuos are god like killers

is vayne worse than varus? draven? corki?

didnt think so

isn't vaynes laning one of her weaker points, supposedly?
I don't understand why you would go scaling health/mr over flat armour/mr
considering how snowbally she is I would think flat is always better + how much of a party botlane is during lane phase.
i mean mathematically scaling health would obviously pull out ahead but thats assuming you can do everything right in lane and not need any bonus armour.

* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ

Safe lanes don't win games.

>easily winning a game 5v5 on a champ you are trying to learn
>someone goes afk permanently and you lose



Enemy riven is spitpushing machine that wins 1v2
Your Riven is tower diving failure

Only corki, kalista and maybe trist are worse

yeah and since the marksmen are so close to eachother in terms of power anyway that means she doesnt need a buff

inb4 lucian memes, you aren't challenger your games arent "broken" by him

>failing to get S on alt region account in over 10 games
>finally absolutely destroying a match
>teammate dcs and your team starts throwing


welp, rip league of legends season 1-5, was a great game. Too bad Riot had to suicide it.
Atleast I can finally study now. I'm out, peace.

>you aren't challenger your games arent "broken" by him
Not him but if you don't understand why what you said is wrong, just don't bother posting.

>Buffing Vayne

Percent Health True Damage

he was lucky that I even responded to his bait at all

>vayne is worse than varus

literally too obvious 4/10

does it make sense that some adc's have dashes/escapes/blinks etc? I thought the idea was that they become late game hypercarries that shit damage so they should be immobile for the most part

Why did people think soloQ might come back up to now anyway? did they hint at it?

Every role has been mobility creeped.

you can do ahri in the ass without having your soul stolen

no dude shes totally bad because uhhh

wait why is she even supposedly bad
>incredible self peel
>melts tanks like no other
>"weak laning" phase offset by getting gud/having a support of any variety and playing safe

At the start of the season when they released Dynamic queue, they said that they would be releasing Solo queue within the next few weeks.

Our Garen feeds against a melee champion with mana costs, then finishes his sunfire cape rush at 18 minutes
Their Garen fucks our top 1v1, then rushes ghostblade and becomes a splitpushing 2v1ing monster that makes the topside of the map inaccessible for anyone not holding hands with two allies

Yes. They said they were planning on implementing soloq numerous times but bitched out on it and essentially told everyone to deal with it

my biggest fantasy involves cucking an ahrifag with his waifu

but ahri likes girls

Stream hearthstone and buy a lady who cucked you a 30k car

But she is

Check their pick/play rates..

Its called the shaco effect for a reason.

pretty sure ahri is a slut who will do it with anyone

>No Adblocker

lucian is more or less the exception due to how fast he can shit out his combo.