Is this shit just a meme or will modafinil turn me into some sort of productive god?
Is this shit just a meme or will modafinil turn me into some sort of productive god?
It will
It's a meme
weaker than Aderall, but yes
It's just different from adderall
They're not really in the same class and it's much safer and cheaper than adderall.
can I order it to PO box if I don't have a perscription or will it look suspicious?
use modafinilcat, it's only schedule IV in the us
What is the penalty for possession of a schedule IV substance?
probably like a misdemeanor and no one really gives a single fuck about arresting people for it
It's drugs with little potential for abuse and that are obtained by prescription but aren't narcotics or serious drugs
Huh, it seems like Modalert is out of stock. Guess I'll be waiting. The general consensus is that Modalert > Modvigil?
I ordered it online before, was very disappointed. It's possible I got bunk shit, but I ordered from a well respected vendor that many people I knew (online) said was good. Then again I have a full prescription for instant release Adderall, so anything short of that kind of high is going to suck IMO. Adderall is really the best thing out there in terms of cognitive enhancers.
Not sure.
I live in Canada so I can't even order from modafinilcat and so I have to take Adrafinil which sucks
Will this shit fuck my health up more or less than adderall and in what way? Will I fuck myself up if I abuse it? Tell me your experiences with this drug anons.
It's much safer than adderall. Adderall is dangerous as fuck
Do your own research, there's plenty available
Also, has anybody experimented with microdosing LSD? My friend swears by it but it smells like a meme.
I tried it. Just made me slightly uncomfortable.
>Adderall is dangerous as fuck
Eh, not really. This is sort of a meme desu. It's a powerful drug, but saying it's dangerous is excessive.
Overuse over many years can lead to heart complications.
lol learn about up/downregulation and how chronic drug use (including modafinil) affects your brain chemistry. this shit might seem good short term, but over 6 months if you keep going you'll be fucked for a while, sometimes very subtly.
28 here, been using it since I was 12, no problems to report, same as literally thousands upon thousands of others.
if i order modafinil online to canada will i go to jail?
Just purchase it with Bitcoin that you bought with cash, use a fake name, etc.
You know common sense shit.
Then if anyone comes asking questions, you say you don't know who made the order.
Worst case they just seize your shipment.
get adrafinil, it's legal here
Alright, I did some research. Basically just don't do too much in too short a time. Not too big of a problem.
It reminds me of Adderall. It's not anything close if you have taken adderall before. You don't feel energized, you just don't feel tired.
I use it for work at this point to work 24 hr shifts if shit gets crazy. I take 200 mg/day sometimes 400 mg. It makes your piss smell horrible, and it tastes like shit if you let the coating dissolve.
It doesn't make me smarter. It can increase productivity in a 24 hr sleep. You will not have laser focus like adderall.
There is a reason it is schedule IV folks.
i wish I could get Modafinil where I live; buttfucking New Zealand. We have irrational import laws when It comes to anything medicinal, even vitamin level nootrpics.
You did 'research'? What's too much? How much time is too little?
coffee is stronger but this last longer and more even so if you are tired of coffee highs and lows then maybe it could be good.
it's not a miracle drug that turns the smarts on in fact it can decrease cognitive abilities. you can't cheat nature if you are tired you need to rest.
no long term use of adderal if you don't have adhd fucks up your natural dopamine system and make you unable to focus when not on drugs.
basically after a while it's just expensive upkeep with no benefits.
How important is productivity anyway?
Charlie Munger advised against using it and similar substances.
I think I will listen to a 93 year old, wise as fuck, self made ultra rich dude than some nobodies on Veeky Forums.
Most of you will probably get addicted, fuck up your dopamine system and crash and burn in a few years with it.
hahahah I live in NZ and have imported it multiple times, no issues.
You're not trying hard enough.
You can do the same with shrooms, it works, but constant drug use will have an effect sooner or later, and tolerance builds up very quickly from LSD use
This. My first order got seized (Western Europe), no concequences. After I told modafinilcat about the incident, they sent a second package. Got my load a week later.
It can also break your brain. Long term adderall users act weird as fuck.
This. Long terrm use of any psychoactive drug is pants on head retarded. Unless you're already psychotic of course.
I'm not saying you shouldn't pop some modafinil in a real pinch, or if you're one of those people even an adderall before a make it or break it exam. But if you can't perform long term without the use of drugs, whatever you're doing just wasn't for you in the first place.
I use modalert and its great, can give me headaches sometimes and a side effect is decreased appetite so only take it when you need it
From my experience it isn't that great. I had no increase in focus and couldn't sleep for a ridiculously long time.
Got it from modafinilcat.
I'm an MD and I have tried both modafinil and methylphenidate in a range of doses. I find they don't do anything significant except from helping you stay awake for longer. All the rest is memes.
Oh yeah but forgot to mention, I don't have ADHD nor any related disease. If you have those kind of problems it could definitely help.
You won't go to jail. Don't get adrafinil, you'll just damage your liver for no reason when you can buy moda or armodafinil.
I take it instead of coffee when I need to get shit done and justify my paygrade. Its ok but not a miracle drug.
Just watch out on the histamines. I got bruises all over on day 3 but I was hooked lol. Love that shit
Who here has actually achieved visible, measurable results in their work when on this shit?
Has anyone here become millionaire with these drugs?
I only plan on doing it maybe once every couple week or so max so it shouldnt be a problem
yeah but then i can just switch to meth or something. again, not that big a deal.
Any word on Vyvanse?
>yeah but then i can just switch to meth or something
if you want to switch to meth i suggest you better start with it.
the first one is awesome i hear, of course you will never again experience that high and your teeth will rot out and stuff, but hey.