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What are times you just know you're going to lose?

>Widowmaker and Hanzo on attack
>Have a gold medal in eliminations while playing Reinhardt

>Genji will never be as good of a flanker as Tracer except for niche situations


post cute ships

>2 McCrees on the enemy team

Mercy as heal in koth

im noticing an increase in great tracers and it's fucking annoying

a mercy plus 4 shitters as teammates

>friend invites me to a group mid-game
>game pops up a big message "DO YOU WANT TO JOIN Y/N"
>pick Y
>counts as "leaving" a game

literally what the fuck blizzard? If it's such a big deal why don't you warn people or not let them invite you mid-way through a game?

I don't have a penalty or anything but I had to find out from third party forums that joining a new group fucks you in the ass.

they wanted all the VAs to be native speaker of the character's nationality, i think.

Jesse McCree and ME!
I want to make passionate asslove with Jesse McCree!

Is Bastion playable at all on attacking because it doesn't seem so. He's great on defense though if you find a chokepoint.



What's the best Reinhardt skin and why is it Bloodhardt?

>They play Torbjorn
>Sentry lives forever and gets a quad kill while his user is jacking off

>I play Torbjorn
>Sentry dies to a single person paying attention and never lasts more than a minute


theres literally a giant red banner that appears across your screen and it counts down from 5 with the title "LEAVING GAME..."

what are the penalties for leavefags?



>The enemy team's Tracer, Widowmaker, McCree or Genji are On Fire every time you check the scoreboard

>3+ gold medals on D.Va
>top damage/elims on any support
>more than one person switching heroes every single life
>koth with no Lucio
>koth with a somehow shit Lucio

-75% exp and I've heard it puts you in a leaver-queue so you play with other leavers.

Tracer's voice actor isn't 45, you talk some fucking shit /owg/


If Blizzard told you to give D. Va an ability outside of her mech, what would it be?
Hard mode: No mobility skills
Ultra hard mode: No damage skills

>any healer but Lucio on KOTH
>Zenyatta is your only support and he's dead everytime you check stats
>gold medal in eliminations as Lucio
>gold medal in eliminations when you only have 1 elimination well into the game

How have you not come across a Bastion sitting on the payload with a Reinhardt shielding him?

I love cleavage

Today was a good day.

>Russian tank
>Blocking a dragon in this game
Bretty gud otherwise.

Explains why most of the VAs are their characters nationality.


>This general is one person!
Why does this meme always persist.
One guy can say something retarded and be the only one who believes it

instead of suiting up once ult is ready, toss a beacon that drops in a mech, potentially crushing some scrubs

>just finished downloading the game and opened my first box
>legendary reaper skin Nevermore


>mercy doesn't know she can damage boost

I'm buying a reaper leggo next and plan to make bird puns while using it every match

should I get plague doctor or nevermore

>5 dps and I must healtankescortwtf

>Mercy only damage boosts and heals one guy for the entire match


that skin is pretty good, fellow edgelord.

When I dont play with my friends

I love being able to strategize with my group of 5 friends. Instea of trying to get people to change hero in chat and getting shit for it.

Synchronizing ults is one of the best feelings in the game. But when you are playing solo, it seems like the games always puts me on a losing team. At least 4/5 times.

I just had a sym in koth
we raped them though

>Mercy does nothing but heal the full HP Reinhardt

He is, but you have to be clever and move a bunch. Think of it like playing reaper with the abilities removed in exchange for the ability to basically use deadeye if you can get behind the enemy team with enough time to transform. Also you're huge as shit, it always reminds me of that scene on elf where Ferrel's sneaking around tiny little elf houses or something.

i realized 2d would be better

positioning, hp management, also team awareness matters - if they build their "spam bunker" around your turret you are in for a good time. and feel free to save your turret with molten core whenever even if you're not there, you get ult easily. however when ulti'd you can basically run straight at 5 people and fuck them up.

>entire arcade to play your legolas fantasy weeb autism
>every game both teams no matter attack or defense still have a token hanzo

Why do people do this? Why is he so appealing to retards?

>the not-german is bothered by the poo in loo
It's the little things.


Trash PC, sorry.

How does the damage boost work? Is there a bar somewhere that you can see fill up and that's how long it lasts or how strong it is? Or can I just Right-click my whole team for a fraction of a second and get max damage buff benefits?

I didnt know OW released on the 3ds

what is KOTH


I only played D.va and Junkrat, but I guess I have to start listening to Linkin Park because it isn't bad.

>Tracer's voice actor isn't an American trying a shitty British accent


It's a beam-staff.

Left-Click is Heal.
Right-Click is Damage Boost.

It applies on hit and is a 30% boost.
It works on everything except turret damage

King of the Hill


Daily reminder. Get behind me, you assholes

It works the same as the heal beam, it only boosts damage for as long as you're holding right click. it's a 30% boost to one person, until you stop holding rmb

king of the memes



The other team is shit.

I see many Torbs doing the TF2 and just standing behind the sentry and hitting it. This doesnt work


imo plague doctor, the black skull on nevermore looks kinda odd


you mean there's only one person here who believes d.va is a viable hero?

thank god, I thought you were all retards


Now make one for Mercy / Lucio.

so i have a friend who plays a lot of reinhardt and goes fucking hard every time

why can't reinhardts on my team when going solo do literally anything? they just hold m2 and die

got this video from here but he basically does shit like that all the time

Anytime anyone instalocks more than one Genji, refusing to switch
Person with GMRGIRL name picks mercy
A player in the 60+ range picks genji
no really they're all fucking bad wtf, never seen anyone at 60 with a handle on the character really

Bot rape poopsocking is real.


Zarya is a really good offtank

>had to knock textures to medium in order to get stable 60 fps
>game still looks almost exactly the same
Someone explain this to an idiot please.

>the same people complaining about McCree are the ones that shoot Zarya's bubble

4/10 stop playin Widowmaker so much. Play more tanks.

r8 back

You might need glasses?

>s76 or mccree ult
>teammates run everywhere but behind the shield

got absolutely grazy games today

Except that she needs to get hit to be effective so not really.

the high setting textures are already pretty shit so it's probably hard to notice when they get shittier
you shouldn't be changing texture quality to get more fps, change settings like shadows and lighting instead

Most people don't "play" Reinhardt, they just know they need the shield.

Me and my buddy have crushed entire teams with Reinhardt / Mercy or Reinhardt LĂșcio. LĂșcio is good vs bad players who panic, Mercy is good against good players.

enemy not shooting means enemy not killing. Seems like a pretty good off-tank to me.

>Genji uses his swipe to move and never to do damage
>he refuses to switch at a choke point because he thinks he's doing well thanks to racking up assists from the few shurikens he can actually hit

Do you think the matchmaking honors your block list? I'm blocking people whom I wish not to play or encounter again based on various reasons, but if it's useless then I'm not going to bother.

i got the black and red one in beta and i didn't even equip it ironically

i wouldn't hate emo fashion necessarily its just... such a sort of teenage phase sort of thing and the OW design is very shitty hot topic. as a grown women you're probably more of an elegant goth and even then Zarya just doesn't seem the type.

>reminder that this is the guy saying ez and rekt at the end of the game

>seagull is making hundreds of dollars in donations while you're sitting on a korean image board complaining about imaginary forced 50

I do wear glasses actually.

jesus fuck

>chase a guy around on the sideline
>kill him
>turn around to cut to the center of the action
>entire ennemy team sitting on it, entire team running back from spawn

why does this keep happening
why can an entire team disappear
why doesn't this game have any information feed to know how wrecked your team is getting

>the 120% pick healer is only good against bad players
loving every laugh

there is a killfeed
it's off by default and pretty garbage

I think I'm done with this game. There's no fucking way I can keep playing with these subhuman pubs. I'm tired of playing as Symmetra just so I can force a victory. I hate them. I hate them so god damn much.


How long does it last?