Old: Enlightened One Edition
Also /ss/ edition, god bless the contest
Old: Enlightened One Edition
Also /ss/ edition, god bless the contest
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for waifuposting should be a bannable offense
1920 x 1080 of the new Trundle Trist and Nidalee splashes were all put up.
>Wake up
>No Riven to torture
Why even go on?
You're a good man, user.
xth for more active gay posters NO WAIFU'S ALLOWED
Someone gift her to me
What about husbandoposting and pairings? Because Vlad is prettiest and VxV best shib.
Reminder that this Vlad poster is a self admitted Redditor and tumblrite
Reminder to report this poster at every opportunity.
xth for fuck off fag
New map when ?
I want to kiss Trundle's butt!
Reminder that Twitch mid/top is fucking insane
xth for sharing.
gift 4 u
>"Lil Slugger Tristana"
>laning against yasuo
haha yeah let me just take down that shield and then that barrier and then that mastery sustain senpai
Reminder Vladfag hater is an unskilled fail troll who has horrible taste, is bad at theorycrafting and mostly just jealous of a fictional character getting more love than he ever will.
>Play Trundle
>Press the Q button
>Win trade
>Press the E button
>Walk towards carry
>Win game
nice game lolbabs
>report this person if they go on reddit and tumblr!!!
you can't get banned for going on reddit and tumblr my guy, this is the kind of person you share /lolg/ with, have fun.
>pixelated buff trolls are so hot!
>why dont i have friends or a gf/bf?
lolg everybody
How do I built vayne?
Who's excited for Dark Star Thresh and Varus? Thresh has been by boy since he came out.
No, you report him for his garbage "shipping" shitposting that pollutes every post he/she/xe makes.
Another report for the list. Just skip to the end and get a trip.
Aurelion Sol
t. future insider
i'd like to get the thresh skin but i dont wanna spend money on this game anymore
im torn
> tfw a couple of months ago i mained ekko mid
> tfw i finally get him back tomorrow but this time he's gutted for real
im not ok
in other news am i wrong for thinking this captcha is fucking weird
why is it all one image and burger king isn't a street sign
thanks user but it's been my wallpaper for quite a while now! the artist behind this splash posted it on twitter and i'm using it since then
>implying i want a bf
i'm not even joking, boyfriends are a waste of time, i'd rather fantasize about fictional characters. besides no real life guy will ever be Trundle so i'll never be truely satisfied.
don't forget the R the tank to make you unkillable user.
the version I posted is 1920x1080. idk if you have that res.
>tfw karma and zyra have been my favorite support/mid champs for years
don't nerf them riot they're finally doing fine
the nerfs are pretty reasonable IMO. the only champ that's getting gutted is kindred. Even swain's R nerf is bigger than anything ekko is getting.
>Aurelion Sol
>no one plays him
>eating nerfs every patch because he's actually strong as fuck despite no one wanting to play him
After the nerfs next patch it's going to be Fizz and Cassiopeia mid lane.
So I'm the guy from the previous thread talking about selling my account and going to OW / dota2. Less than 1 hour after I put it up for sale I got an offer of 500 euro.
Should I wait for better offers or go for it?
gp is not fotm, he's foty
You fucking casuals.
Play fucking Dwarf Fortress.
Why no one wants to play it?
>anyone buying an account for 500 euros ever
that's a scam if i've ever heard of one. i just don't know who's scamming who.
wtf do you even mean?
Ez and Cait are only played because they can go even with Lucian.
"I'm so cool and hardcore for liking badly designed games! Bow down to me because I can derive more enjoyment from playing shitty games than you can!"
>Rek'Sai, Elise, Ezreal, Caitlyn
By that logic you shouldn't had listed zed neither, those champions are seeing play because the actual top tier champs have a 90% ban rate
>Doran's Blade
Rapid Firecannon
Berserker Greaves
>Vampiric Scepter
Phantom Dancer/Youmuu's Ghostblade based on matchup
Quicksilver Sash/Executioner's Calling based on matchup
Mercurial Scimitar
Guardian Angel
Last Whisper item
I believe it was ironic
>this underage
DF is a better designed and more fun game than lol of leagues.
yeah i have
actually mine seems to have a better quality
pic related, the scar on his leg looks more finished on my wallpaper
>people in low plat playing ez because that's what high elo players do against lucian
>they do less damage than if they were playing jinx/cait and were half an item behind
>Dwarf Fortress
>Bad design
nah nigga.
It's pretty fun.
Idk why he's shilling it here though.
What about shiv?
IS that good or a meme?
I wish you'd go back to parodying me. The "long report I'm so violated by your posts" is absurd it as good as admitting your own incompetence.
I, for one, don't mind season 6 being the experimental season and players needn't throw a hissy fit about it, merely provide good feedback and help riot learn.
Seriously, Riot listens. They've noted pretty much most Vlad posts I've made on the boards because I was civil and clever about it, unlike the other players who cried and screamed all the time.
>"I'm so cool and hardcore for liking badly designed games! Bow down to me because I can derive more enjoyment from playing shitty games than you can!"
A normal LoL player as I see.
I've never "done no damage" as Ezreal.
You're just playing with baddies.
They probably miss their Q and don't know to weave autos between spells.
> patch filled with reasonably sizable nerfs to champs everybody knows are op
> zed once again gets a tiny slap on the wrist and arguably a slight buff to his early laning
another patch of 90% banrate incoming
Same reason no one plays Karthus despite the fact that he stomps every game: AoE dps is the most boring form of damage.
You don't melt tanks
You don't pop squishies
You don't get triple kills in an instant
You can't duel worth a shit
What you do is sit around pinging down enemy hp values until the mobile dickbags on your team can go and Kill Secure everything. Yes, it's a good idea for them to make sure the enemy is dead, but you still miss out on that satisfaction of having a great k/d ratio despite doing most of the work.
>Bad design
I don't know how to play it but punching someone with the sheer force to make their head explode sounds pretty neat imo.
>I, for one, don't mind season 6 being the experimental season and players needn't throw a hissy fit about it, merely provide good feedback and help riot learn.
What experiment are they running? Zed has been 90+% banrate for almost a month now. Several champions have effectively crowded out dozens of others by being "generalists" that are better at the jobs "specialist" champions have.
If the experiment is a grand consolidation of the roster into 40 champs, maybe I see it.
nami makes milk right?
Shiv isn't bad if you need waveclear, but Firecannon enables so much. Resolve Q easier for more mobility, chase better, take turrets faster.
Always get Shiv against Malzahar.
Marksman, mage and assassin update so close together.
DynQ and new client.
That's all pretty big imo.
Amphibians and aquatic animals don't lactate. They don't have nips.
Ye, shes very fertile
It's an oldschool account with 300 skins and 3x diamond placements + currently d3.
Champ Riven, all Riot skins, pax sivir etc.
You know, i know this is just waifuposting, but it really made me wonder why the fuck did Riot put tits on the fish like Nami design would be sleek and fine if it wheren't because of the 2 massive tits she has on the way
people pay for retarded shit
i sold my d1 league account with 300 skins on it in s3 for 1500
They pooped out season 7 in the middle of season 6 because of how garbage it was. Considering the marksman update appears to have failed, and the mage update took a few champs out of the garbage can and threw a rest deeper INTO the garbage can I can't see how any of this is a success.
Unless she's a mammal, no.
Post /ss/.
>k/d ratio
>not (k+a)/d
there's your problem
Darwinism. Even if she can't lactate other males of her species find breasts attractive (since they're half human)
>assassin update
they still haven't confirmed what the next update is going to be. "assassin update next" is a rumor gaining legs in the community because of everyone's hateboner for Zed and Fizz.
Divers actually need the work much more than assassins and I really don't want to deal with the same shit that happened with solo queue when riot decides to go with divers or vanguards and everyone starts crying "but but i thought you were going to nerf zed!"
1. Because big fat tits make everything better, and Riot back then realized it
2. Because Nami is a mermaid. Mermaids have tits
3. Because Nami is a mammal.
>check latest patchnotes
>no Fizz nerfs
what a fucking joke
>Ekko "nerfs"
Not good enough, still permaban status.
>Zed "nerfs"
Won't change a single thing, still permaban status.
sure have some sBard sTitties
>Markman update does nothing but make Graves/Corki/Quinn retarded
>"Ok you adc mains had your time in the sun"
>Graves/Corki/Quinn nerfed
>Immediately buff Mages and Assassins
>Lucian 40% pickrate, Ez/Cait 20% pickrate
Good thing we fixed ADCs mid-way through the season
>aquatic animals
>he doesn't know that there are aquatic mammals
of course, nami is a fish, so she still doesn't lactate.
I don't understand why artists don't think of giving ahri a fox shaped cleavage hole when doing that motif.
>tfw you win game after feeding your lane because enemy team never groups up
>(since they're half human)
>Because Nami is a mammal
Is that really confirmed, Riot kinda sparked this whole new zone of "there's a plethora of species under the sea with their own story" and right after Nami they choosed to never touch on it ever again
Marksman update only killed Koggles, made the rest way more fun.
Mage update was pretty cool.
Your average league player everyone.
the cat shape one is closer to a dick shape i guess.
>Start up a game of ARAM, get jinx
>Teammate is lux, good
>Team gets a few kill, everythings good
>Teemo on enemy team: gg afk
>Proceeds to go on and on about how Riot is shit for letting 4 v 5 happen
>Being a top memer. Lux starts insulting him
>Teemo spergs out
>"I'll let you know, I am plat, Thusly, I win"
>"a shame Riot doesn't support 1 v 1, the truest test of skills
>Lux taunts him, asking for a 1 v 1
>"I have no time to waste with the likes of you, get muted"
>Lux and me kills him 5 time in a row
>Lux continues her rampage in the chat
>Teemo calls her a subhuman trash bronzie
>Lux dies to fid, being at 10% health
>Teemo, in a autistic torpor, starts shiposting like there's no tommorow
>"everybody, please report Lux, for harassment"
> For shit and giggle, I report Teemo
30 second later
>A player has been punished thanks to your feedback
>Grinning smugly, I look up his lolking
>Was bronze season 4, got diamond season 5 and is in silver this season
>tfw Lux called him a boosted animal and he said "Uh, you have no proof, I have never been boosted"
>Mfw Teemo probably won't ever play again
Based Lux player, godspeed, you magnificient bastard
I don't have the screenshot on this computer, but someone emailed Riot and they confirmed that she was a mammal. Other cofirmed facts: Soraka has a vagina, and Azir is straight.
>rito doesnt make lewd skins anymore
>sjws ruined the game and no soloq
>releases this
Yeah, they don't make lewd skins anymore. They make previously lewd skins lewder. I would buy this bundle in a heartbeat if only I DIDN'T OWN IT ALL :^)
Most players do not care as much about assists
Thus most players do not care as much about champions that exist to set up their team mates to get kills instead of simply getting kills themselves
You can't really blame them, the game itself doesn't really reward assists very much, especially in the late game. 50% of the gold divided among 4 members of your team feels like the participation trophy of team fights.
Also, the actual kills you DO get are not that exciting. Karthus does get some nice kills from his ult, but a lot of them are just skittle pops that he didn't even realize were going to kill an enemy, and almost every kill Aurelion Sol gets are just from his little boops. Contrast with Zed who does a full combo and then his mark explodes for like 1/3 of their health, Lux who gets a big fucking laser that pops her passive to take down three targets from half health, or Vayne who sees a tank that the rest of her team couldn't make a dent in and then every third hit she deals fucking shreds them.
>and Azir is straight.
Oh my god I was there for that glorious thread. Azir-faggots threw a temper tantrum that lasted an entire week.
Anyone wana play?
Na? :3
Add me el sucrador
>"gg afk"
>doesnt go afk
I love Lissandra!
She's cute
>Azir is straight
That's putting it lightly, he was the Runaterran equivalent of Ghengis Khan he had a bunch of illegitimate sons, Sivir just happens to be one of the few that keept its bloodline relatively pure
Caring how you get kills is assburgers
I really fucking hate the coin toss meta
can games just be 10 mins instead of 40-50 please because honestly this type of bullshit is really boring and not fun at all
all your work wasted because your team goes in 3v5 when you are at base
its even more fucking annoying being on EU because noone understands what the words "im at base" or even just "i b" mean
UK server when
>You will never be a girl in Azir's harem
WHY no one learns from these matches?
This is how every single League of Legends game should be.
>she could clear my jungle, if you know what I mean
that fucking pic
I'm dumb and bad, explain? He's pretty squishy, is it all about kiting?
I really do sympathise with UK. Well, with every euw player. The language barrier must be hard to destroy