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Previously summoned Elector Count:

Hey guys about to start a campaign as Vampire Cunts, any tips for me? I'm new to the total war campaigns, (not the battles, i exclusively played battles only in previous TW games)

First for Nvidia drivers never

>i exclusively played battles only in previous TW games
Explain yourself.

>can't see ranged unit accuracy and reload speed


I "upgraded" my dwarven catapults to those cannons only to find out they're fucking worthless.



its okay to play at normal or even Easy. The tutorial for Warhammer is really good so just take it slow read everything Birdman tells you and make sure to have fun and get up us posted!





Someone gifted me medieval 2 total war and all I did was play the custom battles.

I tried a campaign once it took too long to get into action, and it was always with boring units

Nth for suicidal orc


Sigvald is the best chaos lord.

I mean I'd like some idea on what buildings and technologies to research :)

Fuck got a dissertation to write for Friday and I just want to play TWW.

Finding out for yourself is half the fun!

More in-depth tips is what "we" excel at! Like this for instance *tips*

VC is the slow and steady expansion faction, they rely heavily on having their target at at least 50% corruption. In the beginning your best bet is to mass zambies, in 2 stacks if you can manage it, and bro-op enemy stacks by surrounding them with worthless zombies and executing their lord with Manny.

>even the monster seems a bit concerned

I miss medieval imagery


Well for Warhammer really every non capital settlement follows the same pattern of

Money Building
Defense Building
Flex slot mostly Growth, but others.

Technologies is kind of a moot point because you just research them all. I guess just get the ones that buff the units you actually use.

I got you f'am

Karl Franz
>Level 21
>All relics
>One Man Army build
>Battle hardened veterans of Archeons invasion
>Balthasar Gelt as his back up army

>assassinated by a Banshee

How does that even happen, that had to be like a 5% chance.

>yfw Araby turns out to also be a copy-paste of The Empire

Keep the starting Varghulf alive, it will slaughter all your enemies for you

Corrupt everything. Build corruption buildings and park your agents in enemy territory. Watch as they take attrition in their own lands and get destroyed by rebels

Terrorgheists will murder everyone and cause the rest to shit their pants, use them

Zombies are disposable currency for raise dead. Just send hordes of them against a town, take it with your real army, and raise endgame units at turn 20


Chaos Dwarves just got added boys

I just used the mod that stops enemies from using Agents on you. I'm not going to deal with the bullshit caused by the AI hitting a 10% chance and killing my main general right before a big battle.

>blob fight#3256

next total...war is...promisingzzzzz

>this game is already unplayable because The Empire is twice as good as every other faction

well they man the hellcannons


Fuck off, Todbringer.

Do you have facts to back up that statement?

>You will never be as happy as this goblin

Learn to read tooltips.

Are all ranged units in this game complete garbage or is my "Shogun 2 is my most played TW game" showing through?

Why the fuck does Skaelig keep declaring on me and me alone before the chaos event?

Impossible to deal with them and expand on turn fucking 14.

Repost in case the poster migrated here first
How to orcs:
>Fight the dorfs while you consolidate the badlands
>Take barak var's clay before they can confederate with Thorgrimm
>if you can't beat them, raid their territory with disposable stacks
>Build boss tents in every non-capital city
>Black orcs are elite
>Goblin wolf riders are the best cavalry in the game, just don't leave them stuck in, micro non stop
>Doom divers everywhere
>don't take too many missiles, two or three max per stack
>trolls are better at fighting off AIs cavalry than yours is

How to sieges:
>all the boys run at the walls with ladders/towers
>trolls to smash down gates and attack whoever is on the other side
>goblins to give the trolls fodder so they don't get mobbed
>expect heavy losses
>sack afterwards

No. Ranged units are amazing. Unless you're talking about goblin archers.

>Better than Goblins

what kind of cunt names their "empire" "The Empire"

Go run Demigryphs into any unit of your choosing including halberds and spears

Go run Greatswords into any infantry of your choosing including Chosen variants

Go kill any hero/lord of your choosing by cycling Witch Hunter Accusations at no winds of magic cost

Go right click and afk any unit of your choosing with a Steamtank

Well, go on

confident ones

For vampire counts I find it's best to start top left tree to buff your skellies or bottom right to prop up your weak economy

that unit collision blows

how do I use waaghs? Mine disapeared before it could even reach its target which was in two turns

Learn to not be a fucking moron.

Remember to bully Gobbos.

I guess Altdorf's getting sacked instead

Do goblins have objectively the best voice acting in the game?
>aww, this stinks!

>Zombies are disposable currency for raise dead. Just send hordes of them against a town, take it with your real army, and raise endgame units at turn 20

What do you mean send hordes against a town, take it with your real army?

Don't understannd

Thanks for helping :)

Goblins have the best everything in this game

Gonna kill em!

Here comes dat boii!
o shit waddup!


"I am here, mortal. And i bring your end. For Averheim will soon fall, and the rest of your pathetic cities will follow. All those that oppose me will die, and rise again as my puppets. The Undead fear nothing.
Where are thy allies? Hiding beneath the mountains? For the Dark is my realm, the grave, my throne!
Yet you have much to fear, for I am the true ruler of thy Empire. Thine brave corpses will make a fine addition to my army."

What did he mean by this?

Unit Collision you say

Is there a level cap to Generals? This is my first playthrough so I didn't have an idea of what to go for and I'm worried about fucking over a decent build.

not too bad for turn 3 I expect I'll lose all of it soon, since the gobbos are already raiding me and the dwarves are invading, but who gives a shit

Anyone able to explain how Hobodorg can be Snackmaster69 in a duel? Makes no fucking sense, fuck off


he means all who oppose him will be made into fresh meaty corpses 'cuz they probably muscley because they actually wanna fight the vampire counts
while those who don't fight Counts will be free to live normal lives under the protection of the hordes of undead


Aww, poor guy. Feels bad that i'm going to destroy the shit out of him.

Pushed the Kingdom right back to Holy Mousillon before we could stop them. The might of the Black Grail prevailed though.

What does it mean if the force estimator colours during an engagement are checkered red / yellow instead of solid?

that's not total war it's a skyrim mod

Are Vampire Counts the ultimate r9k/robot faction?

>Mannfred has no gf
>raises skeletons to be his friends
>talks to himself at the start of battles
>has a doggo
>been wronged by society
>grudge against everyone else

Pretty good advice, also
>Hope the Top Knots and Bloody Spears don't decide to attack you for no raisin while you seige Karaz-a-Karak on higher difficulties

that's not a skyrim mod that's a mount&blade mod

nth for assless chaps

sorry i made a mistake it's actually oblivion tho

Is there anything I can do to make Nordland become my friend at the beginning of an Empire campaign? They always reject my non aggression pact, even when I tried to give them 600 gold. I know I need to be friends with them for a quest fairly early on but they're being fuckers, and if I start allying with other provinces, then they'll start to like me even less.

Throw a disposable stack of a lvl1 random lord and 19 zombies at a fortified town, just autoresolve and let em die. The huge number of dead will generate a battlefield icon on the map that lets you use your hilariously bullshit raise dead army ability to raise advanced units, possibly even top tier ones if enough units die.

>He picked the Slaneesh fag champion

Greenskin players will understand.

>3/4's of the Reikland seceded from the Empire

What'd Karl do, take their guns?

It's to give you an idea of where about the "random" chance to win an autoresolve is.

In previous games the bar could be favored to you but you'd still lose anyway, which could be really frustrating. No effect on actually fighting the battle yourself, though.

>try and use pistoleers
>they're so bad that I lost a fucking story battle with them
Also skirmish mode only seems to work for the one specific target you pick

Are the leaders of minor factions LLs as well or can they die?

holy shit this seems so OP

how many stacks can you maintain with VCs? Of proper armies I mean, like one or two?

>playing VC
>having fun conquering the empire with Manfred who is far away
>out of nowhere comes this dwarven army from karak justfuckmyshitup east of Sylvania that starts razing my minor cities
>can't catch up with them because best mechanic amirite
>finally manage to pin them down with a banshee and defeat their army with ol'Kemmler
>going to raze their capital because I have a personal grudge now
>garrsion is too strong so I send Kemmler back for reinforcements
>chaos warriors enter Ostermark, have to send Kemmler there to defend
>benny hill starts playing, you know the drill
>those dwarves show up again in sylvania and start razing cities once more
>have to go back 30 turns to the last save where shit wasn't fucked yet

Tell me now which mod removes this shit plz

They're all LL's.

Does anyone have cool vampire count wallpaper of the monster units? From WARHAMMER Fantasy I mean

Any terrorgheists, varghulfs or cool undead cavalry/wraiths would be awesome, thanks

I have to agree, I tried to use them as skirmishers to take apart some shitty infantry but it took so long that I'd have just been better off using a regular sword unit in the end. They serve literally no purpose outside of maybe taking out siege units behind enemy lines and even then I think they'd lose that fight.

It's gonna depend on your income obviously but early on one proper stack is all you'll have. You can run 3 or 4 with accompanying fodder stacks pretty easily mid-late game or just swarm the world with infinite zombie stacks if you want.

I'd recommend one full stack until you make around 3-5k per turn, then you can build another using the exact same spot you raised your first army, because corpses don't deplete. VC start in a very defensible position. First you take down any rival vampires to the west. Then you head east and take care of the Dwarves. From there, you can go west or south to your heart's content. Keep the northern nations alive as a buffer.

>build walls in every settlement
>make the enemy bleed for every time they try to sack my cities

There's a mod that gives you increased moment in friendly territory will that help its by Dresden.
Yep pretty much gotta put walls in every minor settlement.

Holy shit empire are so fun and they have so much unit variety when compared to other races. I don't even know what to build for my armies so in the end I went with 4 spears, 4 swordsmen, 3 outriders, 3 mortars and 3 great cannons leaving me space for the general, captain and battle wizard in each army.
>mortars and cannons blow the shit out of them
>outrider teams go flank and harass
>they either chase the outriders and get blasted by the big guns or go after the big guns and blasted by the outriders
>spears eat the charge while swords creep around the flanks
Replace swords with great-swords and spears for halberds late game but I never really had space for the other units.

I allied with the vampires a funneled them towards Kislev with sneaky politics so they would corrupt everything and shield us against chaos.
Come end game the top right of the map was basically fantasy Vietnam, as soon as some chaos hordes approached my guys they would all dive for cover in ambush mode and we would run around trying to out-position each other as the attrition and agents murdered all our troops.

How did you build your armies?
Are the steam tanks, luminark of hysh and demi-gryph knights worth using?
What's the best school of magic in your opinion?

Any combat mods you would recommend? Stuff like tiny fixes to stats or something would be great.

skirmisher cav has always been a meme and is never good.

Alright, how the fuck do you deal with controlling 20+ units on a battlefield?

I can manage up to 20 or so easily enough, but once the bar starts compressing, I just can't keep up. I know I'm losing more men then I have to, just because the AI can react to all this shit instantly.

15 steam tanks
3 demigriffs
1 great sword

ez game

Pause button, don't be afraid to use it.

skip the fluff, just get 4 more steam tanks

>Are steam tanks etc etc

Steam tanks are good. Luminark is shit. It's buffs are more useful than it is. If I ever use it, I actually park it right behind the front lines to give that 12% damage resistance to as many people as possible.

Demigryphs are insanely good.

Use groups user

Also someone get the roll chart out, I need a new campaign after beating everyone and empire twice

Darkfall failed because they only allowed 10,000 people to buy copies on the first day

I remember people on /v/ were all going "WHAT THE FUCK LET ME BUY" and in the end the dream of a mighty /v/ army (since the Darkfall community on /v/ was large and had fucked up shit in the MMO Wurm Online run by the swedish faggot Rolf when we built the glorious city of Brotopia) people rapidly lost interest

The release is what killed it, at least on Veeky Forums

is there a mod to respec my skill points? I kinda fucked up Mannfred because I didn't realize he capped at 30

Does that mod fuck up a lot of the balance or does it work well?