New bread.
Old bread.
Old memes edition.
New bread.
Old bread.
Old memes edition.
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first for greg ghostcrawler
Hey guys!
Tomorrow I will reign top lane again.
I want to make Riven emotionally dependent on me then abuse her!
Dota is objectively better in every way.
Can someone explain to me why this new Lucian build is so strong?
I guess it feels weaker than rushing Reaver to me.
>trick2g currently feeding on his silver smurf
Shards for IP when?
But will you though? Or will Jax beat you?
Xth for fabulous dark princes.
Bloodlord lewds when??
Is there a reason to play league anymore? All of Reddit even cries about riot now.
Good evening!
Reddit always cried
who here aram
>Vayne got nerfs a long time ago and was left in the dumpster and still is in the dumpster
>Lucian is overpowered as shit after 12 patches with 40%+ pick rate and gets "power neutral" changes that will make his ult hit even fucking harder as soon as he completes PD
loving every laugh
easy to stack bc
more cdr = more e's = more double taps = more dps
doesnt need attack speed as much as other ad carry's because double taps
scales well with bonus ad
BC + youmuus tears apart metagolem
>dark star thresh isn't fleshy in game
looks like i'm only getting varus then
>tfw do this constantly in real life
>gold gen items removed
>fucking targons removed
Biggest bust
you better post the lewd one with a spoiler you bitch
>tfw she'll never rape you without protection
now it's a more streamlined gaming experience :)
That kinda sucks, it's really annoying when you play a gold dependent champion and getting last hits is almost impossible.
Wtf the horn item is stupidly OP compared to the other items, what were they thinking?
are these being removed from normal or ARAM?
if normal how they hell do you play support without gold items?
>fav champ not meta
Oh well
>Have to choose between one thing of the other till X
Sounds fair since she has invisibility, and a 4 sec Tumble. Having to trade off one thing for makes them somewhat balanced. Last thing I want to see is my HP getting chunked from %max hp every 2 autos
>removes Orb of winter
But that was one of the good items...
>Gaurdian's Horn buffed
Oh boy the bias.
Could the new triforce be usable on ribben? The mana is still useless, but more CDR is good and her passive and playstyle are geared toward weaving auto's and abilities, no?
t. unranked shitter
>orb of winter gone
>no trap detecting items anymore
>guardian horn ruined
Not to mention how fucking ass 40% reduction in summoner spell cooldowns will be.
tumblefu will rise again
she might need a rework?
>removing fucking hextech sweeper and lightbringer
teemo might be shit on summoner's rift but he's one of the strongest aram champ only because of the shrooms, and still you can remove them only if you build these two items or oracles.
now you can't, nice job riot.
>summoner's rift is shit
>riot is now shitting up aram
time to switch to overwatch for good
Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.
her tits are too big desu
>refillable potion added
fucking finally
also guardian's orb is op as shit with ARAM's passive
>Oracles no longer gets removed on death
>still no snowball nerf
can they just remove the cooldown reset on hit and change the cd to 1 minute?
so tired of poke best until someone land a snowball, people need to learn to engage the old way.
Wasn't she just doing the Guinsoo's/Bloodrazor build?
Challenging smite, those two, Bork, 3 defensive items, kill whatever?
>too big
Her children will never go hungry.
>tits are too big
no such thing
>trick's stream right now
not that i'm not a silver shitter myself but it`s somewhat fun to see how onetricks play when they`re not on their onetrick pony
>10 more movement than other boots.
What is the point?
>when you're thresh and you land every hook but your ADC is braindead and backs off every time
why do you keep shilling for him
Dark Star Thresh seems as though it was inspired by Fel Lord Zakuun from WoW. He has always been my favorite (most hated???) boss from Hellfire Citadel. The way he doesn't even take you seriously and just uses the fact that you are fighting him as another way to torture Garrosh just shows how twisted he is and sends chills down my spine. I also play Thresh a lot so I'm pretty excited for this skin right now.
pretty cool my dudes
when what
The slow resistance, slows are way more common than hard CC, so most of the time it's better to build swifties than mercs.
>Removing sweeper and lightbringer
A guy on my friends list keeps building tank elise. Am I missing something here?
You know League is doing bad when the CEO of Riot is doing damage control on leddit.
it's not like that extra 5 to make 15 suddenly lets you break the sound barrier.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Idk about you but he's missing some elo.
*Grom, sorry
fuck how all Orc names are the same.
I want Lulu to go swimming in me.
That article just refers to the percent of players playing league compared to other games. the absolute numbers could very well still be higher if the total market is growing (and Korea is in a boom so that is very likely).
Fucking racist
wasn't my intention (not the user from previous thread)
Have dragonbutt
soushite, toki ha ugokidasu
Man this Dark Star stuff looks pretty cool
>Thresh and Varus skins
Oh boy I almost gave a shit!
Speaking of multiplayer games it's too bad that Street Fighter V is a complete shitshow and that the American FGC actively snubs non Capcom fighters.
They buffed Oracles though. Honestly I'm fine with that, the Oracle items were garbage and the Elixir being removed on death made it pointless.
>previous thread
I want to let Trundle sit on my face while he shitpost on /lolg/!
So pretty much Dota got everything right compared to League in balancing an ARTS right?
>Not being built around stat sticks, CDR and flash.
>Not have retarded hero design
Post husbandos
>actually using the term ARTS
top kek
>Speaking of multiplayer games it's too bad that Street Fighter V is a complete shitshow and that the American FGC actively snubs non Capcom fighters.
implying when evo has 3 fucking nintendo games
Evo in general is going to shit anyways though
>lux in aram
>never die because i'm lux
>buy an oracle
>don't have enough money to buy another
No, it's fine. Just wait for december update so you can get a response to when balrog is coming out
>no Caitlyn
idk senpai
>mfw Teemo ARAM player
Pretty close to quitting. As a solo player I feel pressured into queuing and voice chatting with people to maximize my impact and that significantly raises the time commitment the game requires. Not to mention frequent 10+ minute queues in Gold for jungle/mid. Solo queue without role selection, you shall be missed.
That's different, McRib just likes money enough to tolerate it. That's the entire reason why Smash and Pokken are there, it's free cash.
>Ibuki coming out before Balrog
I've stopped trying to give a shit about SFV a long time ago but this still irritates me.
>no Fiora
would stick my dick in her cleavage desu
>DJ sona
And that's the problem with EVO and (sadly) the FGC now. It's being corporatized, made to appeal to the largest common denominator. Thankfully from what I've heard, everyone hates SFV, showing that at least the FGC has some taste, but as a whole fightan games are starting to become esports, when for the longest time they were holding off since esports is a cancerous term and wanting to "be" esports is fucking shit
>he doesn't know about the new super galaxy skins
It's just different.
A lot of the early game items are stat sticks.
Understanding the game changes how you play champs. Different champions and comps are viable at different levels of play.
League is less fluid and easier to follow. DotA is competitive as shit.
You still see Voker almost every game, just like you see Zed almost every time he isn't banned.
It reduces effectiveness not duration, honestly they aren't very cost effective at all now and I feel like Merc Treads are just flat out better because 30% tenacity of every CC.
>not wanting a waifu immobilized by her giant breasts who you must care for
>not taking her from behind whenever you want because there is literally nothing she can do about it
>not caressing her flesh and letting it completely envelop you
It's not my favorite fantasy but it's also not a bad one.
How about they address the problem of ARAM only accounts
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
Don't worry, Logan calls us entitled for wanting content out on a reasonable time. Then those two retards reveal Ibuki's alt on stream. I wish I could understand how their PR system works, those cunts.
You were fucked from the moment you started playing season 6. Lyte's departure was actually a warning, not a good sign ironically. Boy I love riot games.
So kill yourself and sleep with the dead
>not having an ARAM only account
aram is 100% more fun when you get one
you would have to use a ladder
>all champs owned by all 10 players get unlocked for everyone like in some FGMs
that'd fix it
>tfw you're jealous of /r/dotamasterrace
Aram only accounts are shit with snowball, any team with a couple bruisers can shit on your team of lux/nid/jay z. Now they're even more shit that summoners have 40% cdr
Get married.
Why did Riot jerk everyone around by saying they were working on solo queue when they clearly weren't?
>trap detection items gone
do these people even play this game
>Why does riot lie constantly
Because they want your money.