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nth for nerf mcmeme

Why is she so perfect


Nth for gramps 76

>when the genji tries to reflect your lightning



>No Torbjorn and TF2 Engineer version of pic related
I wish I was a drawfag

I fixed your game for you.


Who gives a shit

It was dead on arrival

She's Indian, but not smelly, hairy, and/or fat.


Rate my balance patch:

McRee :

-Fan the hammer spread widened by 25%
-Now has a 2 seconds cooldown

Pharah :

-Rockets from Barrage can now block projectiles, this causes them to prematurely explode.

Reaper :

-Reduced health regen from souls by 25%
-Reduced teleportation time by .5 seconds

Bastion :

-Bullets shot by Bastion in turret form now leave a very visible trail, to discourage camping

Mei :

-Freezing an enemy with the blaster takes .5 more seconds of sustained fire.
-Reduced ultimate charging speed by 25%
-Increased ultimate radius by 10%

Torbjorn :

-Turret range reduced to 35m (from 40)

Widowmaker :

-Reduced full charge scoped bodyshot damage to 110
-Headshot multiplier increased by 25%

D.Va :

-Reduced spread on her canon by 20%
-Headshot hitbox now is Hana's body in the cockpit, instead of the whole cockpit

LĂșcio :

-There is now a 2 seconds cooldown when switching from one song to another with Crossfade
-Reduced Ultimate charge speed by 25%
-Ultimate now gives 100 more barrier, barrier reduces faster to compensate (same 6s duration)

Symmetra :

-Increased speed of her alternate fire by 33%
-Turrets now have 2hp and take 1 flat damage from everything but explosive damage, which destroys them instantly.

Zenyatta :

-Health set to 25, Shield to 150
-Orbs now last 4 seconds out of LOS

twitch tv/tpain

potg is always bland as fuck and just pressing q

[ - ] and didn't read past the first line.


What will the changes be to Dva? I mean, we all know Mc "stun them, then bang them" cree is getting nerfed, but they said something about improving Dva but not necessarily her damage. I hope they allow us to shoot while using the thrusters

>Looking at Shitaku Mushroom

>go to friends house
>try overwatch on his ps4
>attacking on numbani
>last point
>get wiped by a good genji ult+winston
>enemy team switches to 2 tracers
>fucking impossible to hit them on controller
holy shit never again

It's how the brain deals with various information. When you see frames in a computer game and perceive it as movement, that's your brain "going wrong" as well. It's just a series of static images but your brain is tricked into seeing movement.

Certain things make the brain think it's experiencing movement when it isn't; the same parts of the brain even have fire off, as if movement is happening when it isn't.

Scroll to the bottom part.

If everything around you seems to move, as it can appear to in a mirror, then your brain believes that you're moving, if only for a split second. People get the same thing when a train starts to move and they think they're moving.

My life is complete.

I bet he makes a sick burger.



Yall jelly.

I don't even play Reinhardt.

What does Athena say on the scorecard screen?
It's very distant and mumbled but it bothers me that I can't understand it.


>potg as 76 without aimbotting
>just me cleaning up my team's kills as the other team retreats

>nerfing everything

please go back to riot forums morello, there is someone attempting to jungle shaco again.

>playing d.va
>enemy pharah ults in my direction
>press e
>block every single rocket


>-Rockets from Barrage can now block projectiles, this causes them to prematurely explode.

What do you see this doing?

>no version of the Moonman pic with Zarya shooting Zenyatta

I like it

I don't know if I'm the only one but I really prefer reinhardt's vanilla skin. The recolors don't look as good and I don't really like the edgelord skins.

Ults should actually have a cooldown. Its really retarded to see a mercy ult, heal for less than 30~45s and then ult again.
Hanzos can do this quite easily as well due to each arrow just randomly giving like 9 charge

>I get potg
>It's me completely whiffing two shots as Roadhog before ulting and getting 3 eliminations

I am powered by the tears of my enemies.



I spent the last 30 seconds of the match (after the cart hadn't even reached the first point) shooting and clapping at one of our widows

He got so mad in chat that he threatened to report me

>tfw gathering a group of good randoms to play with after getting bored of solo
>consistantly winning even against teams with stacked levels

overwatch has become 3x better

>tfw I play junkrat

Or you could kill the mercy

>that skin

>Payload near the end of the map
>Struggle with roadhog a bit
>Change to winston
>Win the game

Switching chars is a good way to win, folks!

>two skins + money

I'm 65 credits away from 1000. The last chest I opened had TWO player icons. And not even dupes. Not getting what you want out of crates before lvl. 25 and having to slog through the 22000 xp is brutal

I've got the train thing when you're on one stopped train but a train next to you starts to move away, and you think your train is moving.


Make Pharah a tiny bit harder to take down so we can actually hear JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE in full instead of JUSTICE RAINS UGH everytime.

It makes her Ult harder to counter by some characters but easier by others (which can reduce its damage considerably as well).

Like Whole Hog.


>get my shitty potg
>the other team starts bitching amongst themselves in match chat for losing to us

anyone else find tracer's ult a bit disappointing from a creative standpoint?

everyone seems to have something flashy while the chick who's stuck in a time loop gets a wimpy sticky grenade


How do I learn SIMPLE GEOMETRY with Hanzo?

Finally, PC Built
Wifi Chip got out of Post hell

>bastion team killing on spawn room

The one on the right is a victory pose, but yeah. If it makes you feel any better, I don't have any good skins for the characters I actually play.

>it's a "retards (including the actual game devs lol) know they're too stupid and uncreative to manage a power creep so they just nerf the shit out of everything" episode


>reinhardt not a dad
He's older than everyone else, come on now.


It's a reference to how Egyptian women are only allowed to say 2 words a day. Blizz are deep.

>Winston becomes useless, the mode.

close your eyes and vaguely aim at the person you want to kill

>that skin
why would I think that THAT skin is the edgelord one? it's obvious that I was talking about the ones with thorns and shit

>These players are cheating or have recently cheated and they have been caught, and blizzard is doing fuck all


>People like these will continue to cheat forever because blizzard either can't detect the cheat or is afraid to ban because of bad publicity and drama

I hate Blizzard

Symmetra is fine on offense, if your team is coordinated enough to use teleport correctly.

Her damage is insane if you've got anywhere near a decent tank absorbing blows for you.

I used to joke about this all the time, but I never expected it to be real.

Blizzard in a shellnut

That's not official. If anything Blizzard has been more adamant on not nerfing than any other company.

I'm level 39 and still don't have my 1000. I do have 2 rows of player cards though?

kill me


>shoot into tiny hallway with enemies in it

>Level 30
>Just got my second legendary drop, 500 coins
Alright,my most played classes are Genji and Reinhardt, which skin do I buy?

When are people going to publish more of the IDs

>stuck as Mercy on Hanamura attack to counter their Mercy
>enemy team clustered around a bastion
>team has a Genji, McCree and 76 who all die instantly
>tell team "if we had a junkrat they'd all be softened up and we could take them
>nobody listens
>they keep trickling in 1 by 1
>someone changes to Winston and dies even quicker
>forced to watch a slow loss for 5 minutes

All my games are like this

>Gearbox makes butch darkie tumblr women to appeal to the tumblr crowd
>tumblr loves the girly ivory Korean /m/waifu more

Too delicious an irony.

I mean, it might do it a bit but I don't think her ult actually puts that many rockets in the air. You're still going to hear JUSTICE RAINS UGH like 90% of the time.

I don't think you can fix the way Pharah gets countered by hitscan without nerfing the hitscan side of it.

I think it's more likely they're waiting to just do a massive ban wave all at once. That's how they usually roll with this stuff. Works better in WoW than for a competitive FPS, though.

Why is Tracer the only hero that I can reliably play well? I mean, there's Mercy too but she requires less skill and more awareness and compassion.

I love Pharah, but some days I can lead and direct hit like a mad cunt and others I couldn't hit a Pigstreet at face range.
Junkrat is my alternative to her (I like asplosions) but sometimes I just feel sluggish as fuck playing him.

Tracer, though. Always on point. I can always sense when to hit that recall right before widow's rifle goes off or before Hanzo looses that arrow. I can feel the enemy behind me and my dash is always off cooldown when I need it. I can flank and kill that Mercy, I can take that Browngirl out of the sky and stop that stupid cowboy from realizing what time it is.

I don't get why that stupid slag is my muse. The things I do with her... Oh, it's so fun.

>shoot at feet
>vs. Rein: shoot at ceiling if he's indoors, shoot at walls if he's next to one

Most of the time I just get lucky. He's literally the Lucksman from Tf2.

I agree

Who cares who's at the top of a leaderboard for a game where manchildren pretend to be cartoon superheroes? HOLY FUCK GET LAID, STEVE.


Reinhardt's best skin is a 250 coin epic. Same for Genji. So get the best skin for both.

Someone post the other healslut webms; I need to get back in the mindset before I start playing.

> Genji becomes an unstoppable barrage when using reflect
Just have the whole team shoot him and you can focus down anyone

they're using aimbots, my dude
and they're playing in """pro tourneys"""
shouldn't they be banned? are you stupid?

>These players are cheating or have recently cheated and they have been caught

Gonna need a source on that.


fuck off you faggot nobody here gives a shit about battleborn

50% correct.

Stonehardt is the best. Genji's is carbonfiber

Any NA PC players wanna group up for fun / more exp? Xicutioner#1680

This fandom is weird:


>McRee :

>-Fan the hammer spread widened by 25%

stopped reading there

time to kill yourself you clueless retard lmao

>Genji unleashes the power of 5 turret bastions.

Threadly reminder that the e-sports/ASSFAGGOTS and CS:GO scene is killing Overwatch.

Nah, reinhardt's best skin is the one with the camo pattern and slight remodel. Can't remember the name. Stonehardt is sort of fine. It's definitely better than the other strict recolors.

I agree about carbonfiber.

wait so what other bonuses can you get after winning a match? on wins I ussually get >2500 but no more than 3200 or something, but today after losing a couple of times and not switching I got a win with >4000 exp. What?

> Most of the purple skins are better than the legendaries
What's up with that

This is part of why I play Genji, it's so satisfying. The best part is how they think they can outsmart you by just waiting a second or two and then you grab that hard read and just imagine how angry they are.

chick on the right looks like she's from Jak 2