My Cloning Experiments Get To Continue edition
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dead game dead thread
rip sweet princess.
ded awaits
say ur prairs
Just kill them all, DE. But please, just make it fast. Don't make them suffer.
Fuck it, gonna leave these up for whoever wants to see Peacemaker comparisons between Lethal torrent and Hollow Point. First is LT.
And now for HP.
ok, so the new butterfly frame gave me an idea for a moth frame, but i dunno if i should post my ideas here, they feel stupid and incomplete to me. all i have are powers and a basic appearance
She was too good for this world.
Madurai + Mesa, does it work
where do i farm neurodes if i don't have moon unlocked
how long before all frames are killed and Warframe is just a screen with "Buy plat y/n" and choosing n just logs you off
Do the second dream already you fag
i don't want to
Earth - Tikal
But yeah, unlock moon asap
out of the way trin losers, it's oberon's time to shine.
>smite - relatively unchanged. now applies the nukor enlarging effect straight to effected targets' thighs
>hallowed ground - allies standing on hallowed ground gain damage reduction scaling with oberon's power strength
>renewal - instantly heals and revives fallen allies and places a hallowed ground beneath them
>reckoning - something about slamming and jamming
we're in the dark ages now user
everything good is nerfed
everything almost good gets "reworked" into complete shit
soon anything above lvl 30 will be considered high level
>playing with low MR pubbies who still have all their fresh-from-the-womb equipment while trying to farm some resources I somehow ran out of
>speed through it fast as fuck and wipe everything like an ass
>Wow I hope to be as good at the game as you some day!
>all that awaits them is disappointment once they actually get near endgame
>they still think Warframe is a game and not a completely bland and skilless farming simulator
I'm afraid that this will happen to me too.
I'm having a blast playing the game now, even more when I first started in the beta.
I don't want this to end.
so i'm guessing from the silence that i was right not to post the ideas?
It'll happen for you the same exact time it happened for everyone else; the second you can crank out more formas than you need and you start to get sick of seeing anything but the specific drop you want from the void.
Even if that is the case I just want to look cool as everyone else regardless of how dead inside I will become.
Or because this thread is dead as shit. I don't really care if you post them or not. They can't be any worse than what DE came come up with.
Its not like you get an actually good catalysted weapon, an exilus mod and an entire new system when you complete it. And i dont even have to mention the moon missions.
That's gonna take awhile I hope, right now I'm just getting the basic frames that I want (the ones I can get from the starmap) then I plan to get more complicated ones like Mesa and Mirage, move on to primes and that's when I think It'll happen.
I'm also playing with friends so that helps alot to keep it fresh and fun.
The idea of the game becoming boring seems so distant.
unlike the actual death of the game thanks to DE
this i just want to get to the point where i can comfortably farm resources,frames and mods.
but i get burned on the planet missions because it takes a long time to find people if you are not lucky and doing all of them over and over alone is not fun.
you promised me a grind but its locked behind a mission wall.
we grinded for months
an eternity
and we were rewarded with nerfs
Why is Mantis the sexiest space plane?
>game is so repetitive, boring, and low reward that I spend most of my time day dreaming about a third faction of super cute, small, matriarchal furry aliens with beautiful smelly spread pussies that want to kidnap my operator and use him as breeding stock
>only time dopamine is released is a potato alert or good nightmare mod
>it's just fucking key farming, core farming, and void farming. that's it.
The moment I came back was because of all the videos of people going really fast clearing rooms and using skills making it seem really fluid and laid back.
Luckily I still had a rank 30 Ember to farm most of the blueprints for other frames. It's obviously not as fast and cool like in the high level videos but I still had loads of fun and ended up convincing another friend to come back, he still had a Rhino and a Frost.
Just find a couple of randoms that you can tag along and finish the damn starmap, that's what I'm trying to do right now at least.
We can get there user, we can get to the comfy farming state.
>Banshee wears spats
Guess who
>not excalibur lying on a fusion core and a drakgoon
but i just got 8 forma from tikal and that's all i needed
>for one brief moment mag was death, puller of souls
fucking forums and their bug reports
ok, well i guess i'll post them anyways because what else am i gonna do? remember all i said i had was powers and basic appearance things, don't even have a name.
POWER 1, CAMO: moth-frame changes colors to match the environment around him, making them invisible to the enemies. the effectiveness would maybe be effected by how fast you move while activated? i dunno. maybe instead of a simple color change they could do a pose trying to emulate certain objects in the environment while they're idle.
POWER 2, FLUTTER/DUST I DON'T KNOW YET: would flutter wings, causing dust to rise up from the ground, blinding enemies. the dust would go around moth-frame 360 degrees, and you could move while casting(at the cost of energy, of course :^)) to spread it around.
POWER 3, COCOON: activating raises armor rating and prevents knockdown and stagger. don't know how much it'd raise your AR yet, though.
POWER 4, PANIC: you ever catch a moth in a bottle? well if you have you know they panic and start darting all over the place really fast. well activating this would cause moth-frame to go crazy and start shooting around the room at top speeds. it'd be hard to control(but not too hard, don't want you shooting off into the atmosphere on those roofless maps), but you'd be invulnerable and cause heavy damage to enemies you bump into.
will talk about appearances later maybe
stopped reading right there
it'd be a boipussy frame like nehza
so i got my starter frame and rhino.
what happens once i get another one and my space is full.
would i need to sell one of my frames?
what if i would want to play it
you got some free starter plat, use it to buy slots
how do i mod akstilletto primes
You have to accumulate items worth 20 platinum then find someone willing to exchange 20 platinum for said items.
Buy more plat, goy.
Nah, man, if we're going full mothfu, either make it cause fear (like in that doujin) or make it slowly eat away at enemy armor, the longer it's activated. Y'know, because moths like to nom on cloth.
i used it for one extra farme slot and 2 weapon slots.
is it even viable for someone who has not unlocked all of the planets yet?
>make it cause fear
>because of doujins
>that's mothlike
i'm trying to make him moth-like, some moths have this weird dust on their wings that they use to blind predators by flapping. i'll admit the armor thing sounds more useful than the blind because of the fucktarded scaling, but i wanted it to be more of a stealthy frame, but i guess the armor-raising power isn't very stealthy either so fuck it.
Does rage work with Valkyr's hysteria or it's just a meme?
Maybe there's more to this Mag meme than I thought. I ran SO many sortie 3s today:
Results are in (total kills rounded to nearest 10):
Mag (1st run): 320 total kills, Mag had 212 kills (66% damage dealt)
Mag (2nd run, another user): 340 total kills, Mag had 215 kills (64% damage dealt)
Mag (3rd run): 350 total kills (pic related), Mag had 309 kills (87% damage dealt)
Equinox (1st run): 360 total kills, Equinox had 317 kills (89% damage dealt)
Equinox (2nd run): 380 total kills, Equinox had 233 kills (67% damage dealt)
Ash: 460 total kills, Ash had 439 kills (95% damage dealt)
Saryn: 530 total kills, Saryn had 324 kills (61% damage dealt)
Mesa: 570 total kills, Mesa had 345 kills (61% damage dealt)
NOTE THAT THESE WERE ALL PUBLIC RUNS, so take them with a grain of salt (because fuck me if I could find people to repeat a dozen sorties with me). That being said, team compositions were relatively constant each time. I used total # kills as an indicator of damage to help normalize pub skill; from the two runs I did with Equinox and the three runs with Mag, total # kills stayed remarkably constant and seems to be a good indicator of overall damage.
Also of note: sortie 3 was Corpus MD with augmented shields. I used toxin weapons.
>Mag still isn’t good, but she actually did much better than I thought (current grade is C, will raise to C+, possibly B-)
>Equinox did worse than I expected (current grade is B+, will not change)
>Ash did better than I expected (current grade is B, will not change)
>Saryn did much better than I expected (current grade is C, will raise to C+. The exact build/weapon required for her really hampers her)
>Mesa did significantly better than I expected (current grade is B-, will raise to B)
Any way I’m too tired to do anything more tonight, will make a post about it again tomorrow
>rage gives you energy from taking damage
>you can't take damage in hysteria
I dunno user, you tell me
actually the more i think about, the more i like the idea of having a cute, fluffy tank-frame. the problem now is what would the first power be now? camo isn't a very tanky ability.
It's not mothlike but it will give us more boner fuel for our journey.
Honestly, I would like to see her eat away at armor. But from there, then what? I'm already thinking an augment for it would be to drop "moth balls" after consuming certain amounts of armor, that maybe either you or your allies can pick up for an armor bonus.
Rage only works when there is health loss, user. So it would be useful to easily restore her energy when she finally exits Hysteria mode. If you're not good enough to actually keep her energy going.
Why do we NEVER talk about Equinox? Does anyone even use her?
Is she that bad?
If you have primed mods she's pretty based for CC (although Banshee is better)
I'm asking you guys because the Wiki says otherwise.
I know it's a dumb question but you have to understand there's some contradicting information here and there and as a new player I don't know which one is up to date.
Thanks for the answer tho, I assume I need streamline and narrow minded to keep hysteria up 100%
I think the design would be enough boner fuel, like i said, i want it to be trap-like. so him, not her. i like that mothball idea too, in general it seems like making him a tank was for the best, because none of this is stealthy sounding, at all.
rage + valk is a shitter build used by shitters who somehow can't kill things fast enough to keep her energy up. I guess it's useful at low levels but it's stupid once you get duration + efficiency maxed and have a good melee weapon
also will talk a little more about the design soon, just wanna finish doing some things around the house first
also once you get zanurik up and running rage is a waste of a slot 90+% of the time
Equinox is a great damage frame and I find her incredibly fun to use.
did i jew good?
impressive, very nice
Purdy gud, should of used a booster
2/4 of banshee's abilities are specifically for crowd control and with the right build sound quake makes small map interceptions into a fucking joke
ok, housework done. he'd have a slender, feminine build similar to nehza, except maybe a little more thicc around the thigh/butt area. he'd have a huge collar made of fluffy fur wrapped around his neck, which his wings woulds come down from. wings would be large, but either draped behind him or wrapped around him until a power is activated. head area is where i have trouble, maybe he could look similar to one of the more insectoid karmen rider mask. except with moth features, like antenna's.
would maybe have fur run up his arms, legs, and back. the inside of his thighs and stomach would be bare. his wings and the furry parts of him should have a pattern of some sort. maybe the wings could have the lotus symbol? i dunno, give me your opinions.
just rushed 20 formas
gonna draco all day
Sill clueless, thankfully.
there i also another idea i have, making him big and muscly but keeping everything else because it'd look cool. i figured you guys would prefer the trap, though
why are you hiding your name, babe?
>doing this after the double exp weekend has ended
if he rushed 20 formas I'm assuming he's willing to buy an XP booster
also forgot to mention that the wings would maybe get in the way of capes, but who gives a shit? ivara doesn't look good with capes either and no one complains.
>channeling, leaving you unable to do anything
>incredibly high energy drain if you use augment
>still needs to regain energy between rounds because it's channeling
>"based CC"
>this guy also believes Equinox is a CC frame and not a damage frame
>buffs/debuffs in general
>cast Rest/Rage
>augment continues to spread it to other enemies as you kill them
I've never actually tried this, but I can see where he's coming from.
>ragdoll shout with armor strip augment
>plus weakpoints
>plus stun with +300% finisher damage on downed enemies augment
i did 12 forma over the weekend as well
Equinox's buff are shitty except in very, very specific circumstances with a dedicated team
I have tried Sleepquinox and it's shit. Sleep has a 5m range, which I actually think is literally the lowest AOE cc in the game
Banshee's 1 is literally not even worth mentioning.
What about Pacify with the augment? Is it possible to stack with max Slowva for a 90% slow?
Yes, I have heard it stacks. Some people like to use Peaceful provocation (most notably youtubers), I personally think it's a pain to use for reasons given in the frame guide
Er, I don't know where I got that. 115%
Ivursa's horsecock.
>The people that come up to you in the Trading Relay and ask if you are selling things that you aren't selling
That's not too bad desu
I've made some pretty good deals that way.
>1 post every 5 min
>nerfs out the asshole
>nothing good to look forward too
>slow as balls and visibility confused developer that has no game plan and just wings shit
Someone recommend me a different RNG and grinding simulator.
War Thunder
I am waiting for the new league
2 more days.
I wanna suck your delicious cum right from the source :3
Someone here sold nyx set for 1k that way.
>>Don't have the keys for that thing I want
>>Can't get a stable team together to farm keys
>>Don't have anything worth selling for plat
Welp, guess it's another night for ranking up mastery fodder.
>if they keep nerfing things, maybe the game will actually be stimulating to play instead of mind-numbing
Why extract at 40?
i lurk in the shadowz
Boredom, I could of hit 60. But 40m for 10k without doing Draco is decent for me.
That actually looks kind of nice. If it were a photo effect and not trying to be edgy, it'd be great.
I just sold all those frost primes I've been saving for the last few years.
Thank you DE for this plat you have provided me with. Greatest Ally.