Hellcannon edition
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>Total War Warhammer
Mods -- twcenter.net
Previously summoned Elector Count:
Hellcannon edition
>FAQs & General Info
>Steam Groups
>Total War Warhammer
Mods -- twcenter.net
Previously summoned Elector Count:
1st for Chaos Dawi never ever
> Tomb Kings still not announced
>Lizardmen still not announced
>balance is perfect
>multiplayer doesn't matter
all aboard the meme train
>Chaos Dwarves still not announced
thats second point is true though. MP has literally never mattered, and campaign has always been focus
>Mounted Reiksguard Outriders (Trollhammer Torpedo) (Halberds)
So what's up with the Advisor? Is he an agent of Tzeentch?
>gpu finally dies
>upgrade not ready
I just wanna praise Sigmar
>Pontus still not announced
>multiplayer matters
multiplayer doesn't matter
Its physically impossible to balance a TW game for both campaign and multiplayer, and campaign is more popular
ergo multiplayer is irrelevant
No, it's not expected. It should be close fights in both cases. They are 1300 and 1500 respectively, and shit on the Greatsword's melee stats.
10 extra weapon damage against infantry(THIS IS WHAT ANTI-INFANTRY DOES) should in no fucking way shit all over 90% more Melee Atk/Def.
If you are actually implying that non-Great Weapon Chosen beat Greatswords then it's clear that you're testing on easy AI or not testing at all and making shit up.
I have tested these units to make sure I wasn't talking bullshit, but it's clear that you haven't.
Stay shit, Empirebab. And keep making shit up while you're at it, fuccboi.
It's impossible to balance multiplayer though. Take for example the monstrous units. If you made them cost effective what stops people from spamming them instead of using infantry? There would have to be some sort of unit limit.
>unit balance in campaign
how is that even a topic for discussion
Why are you all such angry people.
You should be happy.
So you admit it, you've been using the wrong units, dont read the tooltips to understand counters and are blaming the game for your own failures.
Warhammer is a game of rock/paper/scissors both in TW and the tabletop, if you refuse to play it that way its your fault, dont pretend the game is imbalanced because you were so stupid you ran Chosen swords into empire Greatswords
"You are no lord of the Empire, Vampire. To even dress as such is a grave insult."
>Grave insult
Oh Karl...
>tfw no legendary lord waifu
you're on the side of the interwebz if you're looking for happy people
>10 extra weapon damage against infantry(THIS IS WHAT ANTI-INFANTRY DOES) should in no fucking way shit all over 90% more Melee Atk/Def.
>tfw eradicating Chaos fuckint Shits once again with glorious Elfendom soon
How do you feel about the combat speed for Warhammer?
>Could be slower
>Great as it is
>Could be faster
>Fuck up the vampires shit hard as the Dawi
>They beg for surrender
Do I go easy on the scum or do I cross out every grudge they've had against Dwarfen kind as my armies steamroll them?
>No, it's not expected. It should be close fights in both cases.
What? No.
Thats not how it works on the TB, or should work in the game. Chosen sword/board get obliterated by dedicated AP units, like they should be.
1st a secret tip, editing the preferences file in %appdata% specifically I turned "sky" down to minimum for no difference in quality and 8-10 fps. Now to my question
have an old i5 2500k at 4ghz and a hd 6950 2gig sitting around that I'm going to install this on as gaming pc broke, what sorta graphics settings an I gonna need to get 40fps lads
>*wrong side
>Its physically impossible to balance a TW game for both campaign and multiplayer, and campaign is more popular
Not really. Balance impacts both the same way. You can steamroll your way through the Empire campaign with spam armies if you really want to. It isn't fun, but you can certainly do it.
Are there any good books with Skaven in them? This game has inspired me to write (again) but I need to know about Skaven to write them.
I'm about to go on shift so I may not be able to reply but I will be watching.
I feel as if its faster than Shogun II's sanic speed. I'm just waiting for a mod to turn it down a bit. Just my opinion though.
Uh can I really lose this?
I'm happy.
I don't give a fuck about multiplayer and the game is fun even though it's totally just a foundation at the moment. Expansions can't come soon enough
Not him but
>My overpowered units aren't overpowered, you just need to counterpick better
>What does it matter that they flat out beat most units in the game
my PC will be a bit around the same level as yours and I get 40-50 FPS on high settings with max unit size and ultra unit detail
Well... I'll just be happy for you guys.
Burn all those fucking necrophiliac shits.
>There are people in this thread who believe in the existence of fucking rat people
How stupid can you fucking be, enjoy the visit from the witch hunters faggots
>Do I go easy on the scum
Dawi never go easy on scum!
I have no doubt about that
It's really not
Units die and rout really fast in Shogun, Warhammer is definitely slower
what's the second army?
people arguing over mechanics is always a good sign
it means the game has at least some intricacy to it
>not him but
We all know its you still.
>>What does it matter that they flat out beat most units in the game
They are the Empires final tier infantry unit made for killing other infantry, no shit they are strong.
This argument was spawned out of you claiming Chaos cant handle them, when in fact the cheaper Chaos Warriors with great weapons do a good job and can easily overcome them with a bit of support, and Chosen great weapons beat them easily.
I think Gray Seer Thanquol has a book series, but other than that I have no idea. Also he just fails fantastically which is kind of what the Skaven did before the End Times.
Alright then. Time to Cross out some grudges.
I do hate this fucking vampiric corruption though. Makes chewing through them a total slog.
Regular Grave Guard or Great Weapons Grave Guard?
Like 5 swordsmen. Auto resolve is broken as fuck
Thanks, i'll be drowning in my pit of anger and self-pity.
Great should be your main troops, regular are better for soaking ranged fire.
Great weapons, no contest.
If you are sieging or in raiding stance you don't take damage from attrition.
Someone give me some tips for the meme counts. I want to overrun the world in undeath.
Slower might be better, lines break too quick and do not give time for some tactics. It's minor though, considering it isn't always a major issue.
>let my two hellcannons pepper a city before going in
>get 700 kills between the two of them
You mean the part AI never played anyway? Yeah that's a shame
You're actually the most autistic person I've ever had the displeasure of talking to on this site. And that's saying something lil' bitch(I hope you don't mind me giving you a nickname), because this is goddamn Veeky Forums.
I can't tell if you're willfully ignorant, a troll, or just a 80 IQ mongoloid. I legit can't tell.
great weapons lad
check the armor piercing
you can see how much damage a unit does if you hover over the weapon strength
There is no way you could lose that fight. Volleys are worthless, rockets/mortars cant hurt armored enemies.
So it was basically your army vs a handful of heroes
that kind of made their charm for 90% of the people who liked them.
>reading felix&gotrek
>you can already tell the plan is a disaster when he spent half the money that went into preperation on coke and hookers
regular is only better if you're fighting savage orcs
Chosen remove Greatswords so hard in TT that you might as well take your Greatswords off the board instantly if they end up in a fight with any Chosen.
The fuck are you on?
>still no balancing patch
>still no patch to make luminark of hysh not a useless piece of shit
>calling others scum
Why was the balance of power so weighted in their favor then?
>tfw i was on your side of the debate
>lil' bitch(I hope you don't mind me giving you a nickname)
>You're actually the most autistic person
>I hope you don't mind me giving you a nickname
i wanted you to win this cyber-battle....
All I did was prove you're a hypocritical lair, if you dont want to be called on your bullshit dont post it in the first place.
You are bitching because you lose against Empire because you are bad, it has nothing to do with the balance between those Chaos/Empire troops because the balance between them is good.
he was talking about a 1v1, because that's the only place "balance" technically matters. in the campaign it doesn't come down to unit balance, it comes down to making the units in the first place.
the game's not balanced to be honest
Not that you need super-elites like Elves to kill Chaos shits because a shit 5'8" humie with a big sword does just fine.
thanks a heap user just installed it.
but what in the fucking fuck?
I'm getting 30fps max and we do have basically the same systems, here is my speccy and I'll upload my in game specs. what am I doing wrong!
Because its broken user
>because the balance between them is good.
Look, the guy you're arguing with is a dick, but you're still objectively wrong dude. Empire vs Chaos balance is horribly Empire-favoured, and not just because of Greatswords vs Chosen.
Dwarf Warriors - Longbeards - Dwarf Warriors - Dwarf Warriors - Longbeards - Dwarf Warriors - Dwarf Warriors Longbeards - Dwarf Warriors
this is my curret main combat lineup for any Dwarf Army, it's cheap and effective, anyone got a better Lineup?
Are Cannons worth it? they seem more devastating than Grudge Throwers but also less versatile.
Are you using the latest drivers for your AMD card?
Because they actually help a lot i've been told.
If orcs can make themselves scale mail vests and big ole metal shoulder pads... then why the fuck aren't they wearing helmets? You have to make it to warboss or be a black orc to get yourself a helmet?
If you manage to take out their cannons with your cavalry - you can probably manage to win. If you can't - you're done for, buddy.
>There is only one person replying to me at all times I refuse to believe that there are a lot of people in this thread hurrrrr
I'm the guy you think he is that you keep strawmanning and deflecting, autist. Sup.
>More than one person couldn't possibly disagree with me, must be samefag
Man you sound like the biggest fucking ass right now. I'll take another one for this thread to deflate your ego further.
i've found that auto-result battles like that, the bar lies anyways and you win around how you should.
a bit slower but I'm mostly ok with the speed
Slower battles mod. Slows down melee combat.
Less versatile, grudge throwers tumble through enemy lines and disrupt entire unit advances. Whereas cannons are basically good for taking down large units like Giants, etc. also good for sieges considering gates and towers fall to them relatively easily.
>Are Cannons worth it? they seem more devastating than Grudge Throwers but also less versatile.
They're useful against high-value units like monsters. Anything from the artillery tree more expensive than cannons is trash though.
I'm dying how are your settings differing to mine?
as for the driver to my knowedge yep just updated a few days ago and autodetect claims I don't need a new one at least.
I didnt feel like gambling on legendary so i put my lord to fist fight him
>tfw humans in my norsca
crypt horrors
Here you go bud eat shit :^)