Dueling Network General #2194: Dueling Network (No images): duelingnetwork.com
YGOPro: ygopro.co
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That one user is right.
Cute Anime Grill, I'm calling you out. Duel me.
Make a room, then.
shut up
>which Traptrix you want to fug the most
>which Hole
Are they really not traps? Wasted potential
>Seriously, just duel each other.
But they're doing exactly what you asked for, a non-tag duel.
I want them to to tie me up and take turns raping me.
Guess its not rape if I want it, but whatever.
It can still be rape, even if it's wanted.
Here for petdeks, wanting to fug Lunalights and the Eternal Soul
Myrm has worked hardest for my love
What's up my little cute memers.
How's YGO these days?
What decks arent meta but can still be tier 1 in the near future?
What else?
>gets dropped to 400LP on turn 2
>still clutches the win
What the fuck?
Is D/D literally a topdeck meme deck?
>Watch anime
>Actually good soundtrack
>Starve Venom's theme when it OTK's
dd was literally the first deck to run 3 cupidity
so yeah
he didn't use Number 38 on your swamp king contract tho...
As if I want to be known as the weeb who walks around with THAT deck
does anybody have the Cupidity neta before and after image
I really thought he was baiting me out.
Good game, CAG. You're a pretty good D/D/D pilot. That first game was especially nice.
It was just Sylvans, but at least everything's resolved now.
tell me your secrets wise one
Is going first still a good thing now?
If you can establish a field with floodgates and/or floaters, yeah
What would be the best way to run cyber angels in a synchron deck? The value of the ritual protecting and sanctuary resurrecting herald of the arc light is really tempting.
Just throw Resonators in Cyber Angels.
heyyy haha
>get rekt
>start sucking cock
I have always been courteous to my opponents. You're free to duel me, if you want.
Let's have a match.
did Ny33 finish the Amorphage deck?
>Duel against fat 40 year old guy playing performagicians irl
>keeps quoting Yuya
>Match one he says "The only one who can surpass me is myself" and beats me
>Match 2, he locks down my monarchs with mask and finishes me off with odd eyes rebellion dragon while saying "I do believe in myself! Shinjiterunda!"
Seriously nigga?
Is Sora still evil? Secretly evil?
Or did Yuma bring him to the light side?
My dick brought him to the light side
Hey, how are Yang Zing doing at the moment?
Tbh getting a bit tired of Rit beast since it's the only deck I've played ever since they were released.
I borrowed my friends Yang Zing deck once for locals and I actually enjoyed it quite a lot, and since they've been reprinted now they're pretty cheap.
>Yang Zing
not Yang Ying
Sorry, I was in a call with my mother. Sure I'm down for a match, man.
Most of my decks on YGOPro are built for tags with TCG/OCG in mind, sorry. I don't even really know if I have a TCG-only one.
Alright, so TCG/OCG.
>play against Fire King Kozmos
>What the fuck is this solitaire
>end their turn with this shit
>they quit because they used the wrong Dark Lady effect
Fuck you, I wanted to shred the rest of your Life Points through that tin can
Well, that was lame. Want to try again?
>Connection lost
>meme general again
The fuck is wrong with you guys?
Are we finally past Rank 4 degeneracy, /dng/? There's now a meta deck for pretty much every relevant rank.
Rank 3 - Dante & Friends
Rank 4 - Dracopals
Rank 5 - Xyz Monarchs
Rank 6 - Cyber Angels
Rank 7 - Magicians
Rank 8 - Blue-Eyes
They're all evenly powered now that Rank 4 no longer has Shock Master, Lavalval Chain, or Ptolemaeus in either the TCG or OCG. The question is, what rank do you want to see more support for next?
>Cyber Angels
Stop playing fucking tag duels and actually focus on the actual meta dipshit. Every single time with these posts, God damn
They haven't gotten Vishnu in the OCG yet.
Damn, nothing about the text of Treacherous mentioned targeting.
It predates PSCT.
Anyone up for early morning tags?
You just claimed that cyber Angels were a Tier 1 rank 6 deck so I don't see how a level 10 monster will help them out anymore. You're an idiot
Just Percy being dumb and not updating the errata
When will they update the Kozmo AI with Dark Planet, Dark Lady and Tincan?
>ygorg click baited me "Structure Deck Seto Kaiba has cards from the movie"
>Pyramid of Light
>Peten the Dark Clown
>familiar knight reprint
Does this mean we also get a rare metal reprint?
When will the original blue eyes artwork get a reprint?
>take out brick-iant fusion and add CyDra, 3rd silver gadget and 2 iron call
>deck proceeds to do way better.
when should i buy individual blue eyes cards to make the deck?
>autist summons star seraph scepter
>adds the chair
>tries to retroactively chain that chair's summon-from-hand-effect to the scepter's normal summon
I can't stand fucking Dueling Network sometimes but it's still better than
pic unrelated
Is an Odd-Eyes deck doable without Odd-Eyes Fusion?
>playing blue-eyes vs Yosenju stunshitter
>he opens macro 3 games in a row.
He still got btfo by denko and twin twister, but that was absolute bullshit.
>endless trap hole finally out of beta so I can play my petdecks on checkmate
>first seven matches the opponent opens with denko
>That one dude in your YGO group who talks like he's hot shit and knows everything despite spewing off completely false bullshit
Surely you guys have one of these. Mine insists that breakthrough follows through to the grave, that he's topped multiple YCS, etc. The worst part is everyone believes him except the few people who know what they're doing.
>breakthrough follows through to the grave
give an example.
It's that time again, /dng/, show those meme decks you've been working on. Pic related, does anyone have any tips for a new, budding, fire-fist player?
>Cupidity Soul-Absorption Ritual-Beast just topped a YCS in Nippon
>A meme deck
Petdeck =/= meme
Like if someone breakthroughs an ice hand/graff/etc, it'll still somehow work when veiler apparently wouldn't. Everyone at my college bought it until a simple google search proved him wrong.
It's me though I am right sometimes
Thinking of building a cheap deck; considering Deskbots. Y/N?
They're pretty good. Don't think anything in there goes above a few dollars aside from machine dupe.
How many calculators are you willing to carry on you at any given time?
Should be the other way around.
I've been fixing this deck up lately for casual games. It does ok in a casual setting.
It's not that complicated, is it? Just add up a bunch of 500's?
How do you ever successfully pull off True Name?
Go for it. It can occasionally dunk on Kozmemes if they aren't prepared.
dark magic circle, user, do you not have critical thinking?
so these new decks will be shit?
will the god cards at least have an alternate art?
Don't suppose you have a deck list? Not entirely sure what's needed to make them work. Wondering if I could mesh them with Cyber Dragons or something.
no immortal phoenix Ra?
you could also try to use Dark Doriado to set up the cards
No, I just post before I'm even finished looking at the deck.
I use Dark Magic Circle. It's perfect at 2.
I tried Immortal Phoenix but I wasn't a fan after doing so. I'll look into Dark Doriado but I feel I have enough with Dark Magic Circle, considering the rest of the deck just tries to thin itself or block attacks until I get Ra out.
Don't do cyber dragons. Double summon is a sekrit tech, works super well for plussing. Remove 2 of the upstarts and the chicken game for one 8, one 7, one base, one 9 and either a double summon or raigeki.
So I guess the Legendary Collections II is the TCG equivalent of Milennium Box. Welp, time to give Komoney my money again.
I did see that deck, I guess I'll use it as a template. I might find a way to do without the Maxx C's and Infinities, since, you know, petdeck. I might also chop and change that Extra Deck; this seems like a deck that would have more XYZ opportunities than Synchro.
I'm just testing making webms.
Everything seem okay?
So since Eternal Soul is now confirmed for these new legendary decks, what is the 11th new card in the DP?