/lisg/ - Life is Strange General #364

"Touching" Edition

Previous Thread: Life is Strange is an episodic interactive drama from DONTNOD Entertainment. Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Maxine Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time. At the prestigious Blackwell Academy, Max must prepare with Chloe Price for the incoming storm of returning to her hometown after five years. Available on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live.

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Is "Santa Monica Dream" from Chloe's perspective over Rachel's absence?

Before Episode 5's release:
>Lol Mari's theories're shitty.It's way more than shitty to become true
>Chloe has to die thing doesn't make sense.Don't worry they will come with unpredictable story
>We're gonna learn everything about Max's powers,Rachel and Prescotts even Nathan,spirit animals..
>Jefferson knows about Max's powers
>Nathan,Frank,David or Samuel's gonna save us
>Victoria's with Max,she'll save her
>(After seeing Cemetery scene from leaks) I'm sure it'll be Williams,Rachel's or Kate's grave.
>Rachel's the doe and Butterfly and probably we'll see her in Max's dream
>Blue Jay's Chloe

After Episode 5's release:
>Mari's shitty cliche theory became right
>We visited the SF art gallery for 3 seconds. FOR 3 DAMN SECONDS
>Jefferson became a silly bad guy from Disney
>David came to save us.He's a former-soldier but he can't even fight,just listens teenager's orders. Even he doesn't know she has some time travel powers.
>Victoria's with us in the dark room.Laying there and we can talk her or not.Just it.
>Nathan get killed,Victoria too
>Nathan knew something about the storm but they cut it.
>Warren explained Max's powers(!) (thanks warryn) We found out her power causes/related with Chaos Theory and storm.It's not like we didn't know or something.
>Storm is only coming for Bay because Chloe lives in there but Max's the one who keep changes the time
>Prescotts story erased.Nobody even mention their name.
>Rachel's story fucked too.She isn't doe,or butterfly,bluejay or even shit.
>Spirit animals thing died.Blue Butterfly's Chloe just it.
>Chloe dies again in one of endings (unpredictable) It gives you a lesson: You shouldn't have used your power.And you shouldn't play this game.Now erase your choices and cry like a bitch.
>Chloe has to die thing comes true, Cemetery scene explained with that.
>The other ending's short but it's less cliché than other.We saved Chloe,storm's hit the town and gone.That's it.
>Epilogue: Use ur imaginations:)muh budget

>As Max and Chloe are leaving the ruins of Arcadia Bay behind, there's one more tragic story unfolding
>Alice and Lisa stuck in Max's room, Alice hasn't eaten anything in days, the dorms are destroyed and no one comes looking for them
>"No one's gonna come save us, this is the end, we'll starve to death..."
>Alice...you can survive this and go back to your owner. All you have to do is... all you have to do is eat me."
>"What? No, fuck that. Lisa, you're my number one priority, I'm not eating you!"
>"Alice, think about it... how many times this week did you try to nibble my leafs? I'm a plant, Alice, you're a bunny, maybe it's time I accept my destiny... OUR destiny."
>"Lisa, I can't make this choice!"
>"No Alice, you're the only one who can"

>eat Lisa

>eat your own foot

it's mixture of Max's and then Rachel's absence

Why was there such a fuss about the Brooke thread?

>daily reminder that it's confirmed that the blue butterfly is storm summoner (the harbinger of disaster) This means, it became clear that storm's still coming in Bay ending

The spammer spammed the old thread with pictures of Emma Watson and other random images just because he wanted the first post

>previous thread: spamfuck's thread

seriously dude?

I messed up.
Last thread :

I don't think so.

The first verse is obviously referencing Chloe's dream of travelling with Rachel, along with Rachel's promises, a dream that is no more because she's missing.

She's once again alone.

I don't think Max's return has sunken in at that point.

>Fifteen kids in the backyard drinking wine
>You tell me stories of the sea

i dunno but this part always reminds me of Max either.

when i hear this song for the first time i thought that it's a song about mixture of Max's and Rachel's absence.

I thought that the sea was Rachel telling Chloe the stories of a future together.

The kids in the backyard drinking wine is a setting, the trailer, Arcadia Bay life that Chloe is apparently going to have to live with.

Reminder that Dementiaz is a great artist!

No, that can't be true... With all these contradictions you just have to believe Michel and use your imagination!

it may sound stupid but i associated wine part with Chloe and Max knocked over Joyce's wine bottle when they were younger and sea with their dreams/ pirates?

>Wondering where you are
>I could call you on the telephone

these parts also made me think of it's about both max and rachel

>ignore all logical evidences
>just believe Mr. Carrothead and his imagination

I can see that, then it becomes more of a reminiscence.

>Do I really wanna know?

In reference to both Max and Rachel.

I associated it with both too. Max puts the music on after their conversation about Rachel that however also included pieces about Max moving and not keeping contact. It's just representative of the general grief in Chloe's life and where that has landed her - especially of course grief caused by the "abandonment" she experienced with these two. Her "Santa Monica Dream" being both that of a careless childhood, growing up with Max and William like she as a kid just knew had to happen. And of running away to a fulfilling and exciting life with Rachel. Both obviously impossible dreams. One because it just didn't happen, the other because it was a delusion all along.

In Chloe's mind these experiences surely had transformed into the question whether she is undeserving of love and deserving of the shit that happened to her. That's at the center of her abandonment issues and her grief really - a hurt sense of self-worth, which ultimately culminates in her suggesting she is undeserving of Max's love and life itself. Which you better show her she is!


You took the words from my fingers.

Chloe reminds me of Kurt Cobain.

The first night after the ending, William visits Chloe in her dreams and says how proud he is of her and that he loves her. And that he, Rachel and Bongo and, reluctantly, the handful of people that succumbed to the storm are wishing her and Max all the very best for their future together.

>tried to fill Max's absence with Rachel and believed that she's the only person that she'll never leave her
>but still, always been mentioning about Max over five years
>Rachel's gone, but the girl who left her five years ago comes back and fighting the universe trying to keep her alive no matter what the cost

when will I find my Max anons?

Who the fuck is cutting onions here?

I'm not too familiar with Kurt Cobain's life, but wasn't he more the depressed, tired and suicidal type? While I can see Rachel having saved Chloe from drifting into an essentially self-destructive lifestyle, Chloe still always seemed to have a lot of energy and optimism beneath and despite it all. Living through what she did and still managing to go on, laugh and have dreams - that requires positivity and a strong will to live. I never saw her as a broken or tragic character; she's so capable of being happy (which admittedly makes the Bay ending itself more tragic) that she can't help but be elated once reunited with Max, and from there obviously makes leaps in terms of her mental and emotional condition.

I always liked the discontinued size chart on the wall in her room as a symbol for metaphorically stunted growth. We all know the "inner child" trope of pop psychology, but for a large part Chloe really still is that young deeply hurt thirteen-year-old that however like most children has such great potential and eagerness to heal and be happy. Same for Max in other regards - they both stopped growing when they seperated, at which point the size chart stops too. And in reuniting they catch up on that - grow against and with on another.

I actually think it was Rachel telling Chloe stories of her past, and Chloe's place in her future.

A dream that was always a ridiculous idea, now that she's missing, it could never actually be anyway and so she's left to a life of a drinking in the junkyard.

Rachel was the ghost in the back of her head.

She could have gone with her, gone to LA, she could have gotten away from it all, but she doesn't.

Then, when she finds Rachel dead, the overture is the, "We could run away, before the light of day, you know we always could, the mountains say, the mountains say."

It truly will never happen.

Chloe has no hope.

She is being told that, in order to fix everything, she has to die.

That's not brave, or mature, that's just tragic.

That was Kurt Cobain, deeply optimistic as child, then his parent's divorce changed everything for him.

He felt betrayed, he stopped growing, (in his small frame and his emotional fixation) and that resonated throughout his entire life.

There's an undeniable innocence to Kurt's artwork, his Olympian-influenced simplicity, especially.

Watch Montage of Heck, listen to the documentary "About a Son", as well.

Listen to "Sliver" then "Scentless Apprentice", he is looking back at one instance of parental neglect leading up to himself seen as the main character of Patrick Suskind's Perfume, a raging, boarish, petulant figure that echoes in "You can't fire me because I quit".

Like Jean-Baptise Grenouille, Kurt was passed around from family to family, emphasising the unwanted and abandonedness, a lot like the adult's inability to manage Chloe.

Or Nathan, really.

That's how she reminds me of him.

I don't see Chloe ever actually having wanted to just run away. She deludes herself into thinking that, and into thinking Rachel is enough. But Rachel isn't - she doesn't even reciprocate romantically. And running away won't help either. Mountains is an ode to the futility and self-delusion of that entire ordeal.

But with Max, she can face her demons. She finds out about Rachel's relationships and her death and handles it with Max. She spills her heart and stomach out about her father dying and people leaving her in the car with Max. She confronts David with Max. With Max, she is strong enough to confront her inner fears, discover her desires and hope again for a better future. The only thing that's tragic is the idea of letting Chloe succumb to those inner fears and complexes, letting her die thinking she deserves to and without realizing her potential. Not being there for her through to the end.

Well if that doesn't make sense. Still, depression and world-wearyness, fucking yourself up with drugs and ultimately killing yourself - that's something I never got the impression of with Chloe. If Max had died in that bathroom instead of her, that'd be the end. But until then, she was fighting for her life, hoping, dreaming and not merely going through a history of succumbing to melancholy. Then again, clincal depression aside, Kurt at least artistically wasn't melancholic either, but you'd probably know more about that.

You didn't think what I said made sense?

No I do. I meant that that in like a "it surprises me with how valid the parallels you draw are" way. I just don't like to draw those parallels further to the point of his suicide. Not least because depression is a physiological condition that Chloe just doesn't suffer from.

Did Kurt have anybody in his life that could have helped him, was he even "suicidal"? He was fucked up on drugs when he shot himself wasn't he.

Kurt had attempted suicide multiple times through his life, a suicide attempt just before his successful attempt as well, with a seperate letter- "The Rome Note", I think it is commonly called.

He had a long-standing stomach condition that he attempted to self-medicate with heroin, which he did in 1989 multiple times.

It wasn't as frequent as hysteria tried to paint it as, especially the media, but after he had a child, he didn't take it until 1994, the months that led up to his suicide.

So he'd had suicidal thoughts throughout his life. But he wasn't a character that had given up on life, hopeless and self-destructively addicted to hard drugs. His child and wife must have been sources of optimism too.

As such definitely more reminiscent of Chloe, but still not to a degree where suicide or even just "giving up" or dwelling in melancholy were options for her. Even in the end she is terrified by the prospect of dying. She wants to live and short of Max dying in the bathroom and the onslaught of emotional beatdown thereafter I can't see her inherently buoyant spirit being broken like his must have been in those moments. I don't know whether Kurt can be called a tragic character, but Chloe never was to me.


Glass walls and waterfalls
Can't stop your light from reaching my eyes Kingdoms can rise and fall
I won't lose the key
If you find the door

Aaaaaa aaaa aaaa aaaaaaaaaah~

Look at this, where Courtney and him joke around with the annoying stomach situation, especially in mocking the media coverage of their "current condition".


Courtney had dealt with smililar accusatory retardation, as well.

They both were trying their hardest to not have Frances turn into a "self-destructive death rocker".

His spirit was much less buoyant, but rather bitter and spitefully persistent. Chloe isn't very bitterly sarcastic.

>friendly reminder that turning off your game at the decision screen is confirmed canon ending


Third time in my life a game has made me cry like a lil bitch ;~;

On the subject, I think "Polly" could be a really accurate narrative of Mr Jefferson and Rachel's abusive situation.


Weak-minded FOOL!

Try Steins Gate and To the Moon if you haven't if you're interested in more!

Fault milestone one and two are pretty good too
I hope you didn't pick Bay

What were the other two?

>Not too busy being infuriated with the lack of logic

could be a youtube personality/10

Really? When I reached that point in the game I just stared at my screen for a minute in disbelief. 10 months of build-up for that predictable shit. October 20th was not a happy day for me.

Yeah, I don't see the same bitterness with Chloe either. And again, not the depression. Admittedly there remains the question how Chloe would have handled finding out about Rachel without Max returning to her, but even then I don't see Chloe crumbling, at least not suicidally so.

Thanks. I've listened to a fair share of Nirvana, but never thought to apply it to LiS before.

More Chasefield!

by majority rule chloe is dead so that's the canon ending. most people also gave warren affection.

Valkyria Chronicles (Isara's death / Rosie singing at her funeral)

and the end of season 1 of TWD where (where Clementine shoots whatever that dude's name was)

Yeah looking at it it's pretty ridiculous that there's only 2 endings and that nothing you did actually mattered, but I played through all the episodes over the course of 2 days.

I could see getting pissed off if I was waiting for/playing the episodes as they were released.

Also, Kurt Cobain as a punk icon, similar to Chloe.

Kurt's origins with Krist, was influenced by various genres.

Listen to With The Lights Out, or Outcesticide for a feel of their earlier work.

Have a look in the archives at the threads just before and after the release of Episode 5. The general was not a very happy place at the time.

What song is playing when Chloe switches on the CD player while they're both laying in bed the morning after they les out in the pool?

Can't find it, was something about riding trains and sharing a flask

Reminds me of an old post I stumbled over:

"Just like with the ominous atmosphere, mystery and character involvement/development, there was a ton of tension to this relationship that, given the pro-Chloe ending, never really sees itself unload.

It was just the more obvious example though. Same thing applies to those other things (atmosphere, supporting cast, mystery, etc.) too: how many people would have kept being excited if they had known ultimately the only explanation the game offers for everything was Max's powers being the start and end of everything for no particular reason? - How many if they had known Nathan would die off-screen, Rachel never be on-screen once; the character ongoings surrounding Jefferson, the Prescotts, the school staff never delved into properly; the magical side of the story never explained?

I like interpreting things, reading between the lines, using "imagination" if you will, but not only did they fail to deliver proper closure or culmination for most of everything they'd gotten me invested in, but in the end they failed to deliver a story that even makes me want to "figure it out". Without those months and months of having thought there was going to be a reason to get invested, I don't think I would have wasted energy on thinking about the game too much. So when people talk about "queerbaiting" at least I can understand that sense of feeling cheated on.

Whereas someone that marathons the game now probably wouldn't share our "hatred" for how things went down and the people behind that - but also wouldn't praise or think about the game as much as we did."

Honestly this is something interesting to talk about. How does the experience vary between people that had been there for the wait and for those that come afterwards? That should give pretty valuable insight into the "episodic" quality of the game (disregarding that dontnod's release schedule was iffy and given that the new player actually marathoned the game).

What does Alice think of Max?

lua by bright eyes

Eventually otherwise known as never, he will put together a flowchart of similar music, like the /mu/ ones. Got a few ideas working, but he's too busy to do anything with them.

If you want to contribute, please contact him on steam, or reply to this post.

Thanks to photoshopgril for putting together the background image and the second chart,
polaroidgril for assembling the album covers/artist names/etc. onto the background image,
Dr. Zaius for helping in general.

He has a torrent of all the games music, Morali's OST, the Vortex Club party, all the licensed songs (most in lossless format), and all the albums they were taken from.

Magnet link:

He will be seeding this for the foreseeable future, so even if it says no seeds, leave it up long enough, and he'll come online. PC can't be on 24/7, you know?


Alternative download on MEGA, if you get it from here, please add the files to your torrent folder to facilitate easier downloads for others.


Spotify playlist of the licensed music here:
It's better than the official one. Really.

FLAC rip of official OST from the limited edition, courtesy of polaroidgril.


The tension with Chloe never really did unload, annoyingly.

We already analysed that song, with its meaning.

thank you user

i stayed in bed for that whole song just wanting to cuddle chloe ;_;

It's not about such urges.

It's far bleaker.

>I like interpreting things, reading between the lines, using "imagination" if you will, but not only did they fail to deliver proper closure or culmination for most of everything they'd gotten me invested in, but in the end they failed to deliver a story that even makes me want to "figure it out".

Then you had people who were trying to figure things out realise that the ending's premise fell apart on multiple levels.

>Max never told Chloe that she loves her
>Chloe only does before she dies (AU/Bay ending)

It wouldn't even necessarily had to have been romantical confirmation. Dontnod simply are cruel. The finale (starting with Episode 4) employs various types of emotional torture.


The game came out like 16 months ago, why is there still a general?

Can see Chloe listening to it.

To early Nrivana , that is.


Or youtube.com/watch?v=vwzRhweNF1Y


Reminder that scriptfriend posted a slightly better version of this.


What is that based on?

A meme

Good night /lesg/!

Don't brush your teeth! The fluoride rots your brain!

what kind of drugs did jefferson use to dose all of 'em?


Does Max have a future as a hair stylist?

not gonna bother playing through again since i now know there's only 2 fucking endings

so what happens if kate lives? any significant changes to the world?

or is it just lame shit like different graffiti on the walls

You get an extra scene in episode 4 where you visit her in the hospital.

do you get to morphine her too?

or kiss her at least?


You get to visit her in the hospital in Episode 4 before going to search Nathan's room, Chloe redeems herself and apologizes, Max and Kate being fucking cute with each other and fantasizing about going on a tea shop tour, also Victoria gave Kate a super tsundere get better card where she apologizes. Look for the scene in youtube, it's better that way, although I'd play through it again to make my own dialogue choices.

>saves kate
>read bible together
>marry her
>get out of arcadia bay
>getting old together drinking tea every morning

>wakes up

no. but,we get to see her smile.

for one last time.

>ywn marry Kate and have 3 kids while living in a nice rural house






We're here forever.

I could think of worse places to spend eternity


I'm somewhere. You're somewhere.
I could go there. But I don't.



c-can we start posting lewd-ish stuff?

>swn shout your name in a distance while sitting on a park bench
tbf we need some fresh air /lisg/
we don't need vampyr


I wish we could all walk through the forest together, talking about the game.