/fgog/ Fate/Grand Order General

Previous >[Shuten-Doji gacha until 15.6]
- Limited 5* assassin Shuten-Doji
- Event CEs
- 3* Benkei CE: blocks debuffs (1 time) | gourd drops (+1)
- 4* Kiyo CE: +25% damage against males | debuff success rate +12% | gourd drops (+2)
- 5* Tamamo CE: NP gain +20% | gain 3 crit stars every turn | gourd drops (+3)

>[Story half ap quests till 8.6]
- Oni event requires you to complete America

>[Oni raid event until 15.6]
- Raid boss Berserker Ibaraki
- 5* assassin Shuten-Doji temporarily added to gacha
- Event CEs help to defeat Ibaraki; Ushi can be purchased from the shop, Kintoki is part of the damage reward pool - both can be dropped from 1-3 BP quests
- 5* Ushi CE: Quick cards +10% | upon death: ally Quick cards +10% | damage vs. Ibaraki 100% (self)
- 5* Kintoki CE: NP charge +30% | battle start: +15 stars (1 time) | Party ATK (includes support) +50%
More information can be found @fgo_english

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
- Siegfried, Spartacus, Stheno, Darius, Memeaxe, Kintoki, Nero, Gilgamesh, Saber Lily, and David have lvl. 10 bonds now
- Stay away from cheatAPK, as damage is being tracked


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


Other urls found in this thread:


Xth for most evil



Yoshitsune when?

The effects for these event CEs are pathetic

When are we getting another one on par with Halloween Princess. Fucking Delight Works. More like Dumb Whores

xth for MVP

Needs bigger tits to be Yoshitsune

best daughteru

9th for Tamamo

As long as her final art is as good as that and not what we got.

Post your 3BP teams.

TL when

15 stars on entering field can be exploited for massive damage if you put it in someone with buffs and just swap them
everything else is kinda lukewarm though I agree, male damage is probably the best one and it's situational.

Let me improve that

>wanting your daughteru to grow up
Look at this cuck.

The casko one seems like a NPspam version of Final Destination

>I will never have a Dantes



Adult jack acting the exact same way would just make her look like a crazy woman and I am okay with this.

Dealt 5.5mil with this but I had to burn a CS to heal Waver in the process


Why is the healthbar and timer gone? Did we did it?

yeah, but we have to wait until the timer was supposed to run out for new ibaraki


Xth for best archer

Global HP bar has been cleared for day 1, so yes. We'll have to do it 5 more times, I think.

Do you guys usually clear Ibaraki's hands too?

Also I know I'm retarded, but does anyone have a webm of how they farm 2BP/3BP? I just can't seem to get it right.

oh yeah I forgot about that one completely cause I couldn't roll it for the life of me

That one is kinda cool in concept I wonder if someone like Hans with a good support NP that doesn't need the extra 50% from petite is gonna make that great.

Probably not noticeably.

>tfw I just realized I have Grand New Year CE
Aw yeah, Mashu taunt tank is a go. I've been trying to skim the cost for Guda Poster Girl when I have this low cost taunt CE all along.

Male Damage up CE looks good on Euryale.

that hasn't been true since gil update poo in loo lover

Is Gudako stealing Mashu's fanfiction.

fuck 3bp

>Do you guys usually clear Ibaraki's hands too?

I don't bother since I don't give a shit about skill lock / stun with my team comp



what director?

I dunno her asking to sleep in the same bed as Mommy(Male) would be sexual and not cute at all


I farm 2BP extremely reliably with Waver and Karna plus a Scathach/Jalter/Jack support with the default uniform.

The first wave I try to build as much NP as possible. Then on the second wave, Waver's shield immediately goes up and I build more NP until I'm able to fire off all 3 NPs at once (this takes 2/3 turns), with as many buffs as possible on Scat's last NP. This usually kills Ibaraki, or leaves her with a couple ten thousand HP that's easily finished.

I farm 2BP with Jack, Waver and AOE Lancer (Liz or Fionn) with Ushi and Kintoki CEs.

Just fire the Waver -> Lancer -> Jack NP chain to wipe out the hands and take down Ibaraki.

Fuck off Reddit.

Get a Jack support, have Jack build NP on the first wave and the hands, use NP on Ibaraki. 2BP is not as hard as people think

But I can't be from reddit, I called Scathach Scat.

Yes for Gourd drop.
Running Jack/Fionn/Waver make it kinda easy with Ushi CE equipped on Jack and Fionn.

>how they farm 2BP
As it turns out I wanted to clear exactly 2BP to get 6 by the time the new stage starts so here.

Just use Waver+Karna+Saber Suit, i usually finish it in 1 turn, also leaves you free to get a support with a drop increasing CE.

>no translation

My backrow already has 2 drop increasing CEs.

Usual setup is 1 single target with Ushi CE,1 AoE Lancer and Waver.

Is there a rip of Shuten and the Event CE illustrations without the borders?

So does mine, can always use 1 more if you can still handle it.

I don't have Waver though so I'm fine with this setup. Already have 2 Tamamo CE in the back.

Thanks for the input. I was actually running Jannu Alter, Andersen and support Jannu Alter because those are my best servants for this. I could try swapping out Andersen for Robin and get a Waver support with Gold CE.

>Only two people admit cheating

They could be bluffing. I thought there is no cheatapk for this update

There is, but only no damage taken

Switched the positions of Pirate Sluts and Jeanne Alter


Yeah, I was about to say you should do something like that.

immortality APK.

Could use skills no cooldown though.


Where is that guy who wanted to just ban everyone who beats 3BP in less than 7 turns?

I bring Jack maxed 1st skill, Santa Alter max level prana burst, and supp Waver. Ibaraki never survive triple NP, actually always do overkill.

Jesus christ, Jeannu, calm down.

doesn't the first attack bonus only apply to non-NP attacks? did they fix this or have I been wrong since release?

My friend who hadn't logged in for 200 days vanished from my list

I'm hurt if he actually came back and removed me

Hiding from his stupidity

This type of vid makes me sad that I couldn't roll her during her rate up.

He's not your friend anymore.

>he doesn't equip two Arash's with the Ushi CE and then NP-chain into Scat's Gae Bolg quick buffed out of the ass

NP gives 1st card bonus, but is unaffected by it

I'm surprised you didn't remove his inactive ass after 5 days. Some "friend".

>say I don't really like Jeanne Alter enough to want her
>she's actually fun to use
>Da Vinci event helped her warm her up to me by making her want to star in her own shoujo anime
>now regretting I didn't try for her
A-at least half my friends list have her.

But user, using someone's Jeanne Alter is not the same as owning her. Plus, I wouldn't be able to use another support to increase Jeanne's damage due to not owning her.

I know. To this day, I still want my own Jack.

>tfw no Waver to do double Waver setup

Nothing wrong with that, considering using Jeanne Alter is literally cheating.

If only there was a way to get her materials more efficiently.

It's a bad feel

>there are people in this thread that would rather preferred her to be a torpedo tit muscle girl instead of torpedo tit loli

I'd fucking PREFER to roll her.

A product of DW power creeping at its finest?

No, not anymore. That one guy committed sengoku out of shame when he found out how wrong he was.

>there are people in this thread that wouldn't rather have her be a torpedo tit muscle loli

>Hey, hey, why don't you try to roll me


I'm sorry I don't have shit taste, user.

Give me some quartz first

I will take whatever person actually gives her big tits because flat is shit

I'm waiting and hoping.


You can buy some, can't you? Come on, just this once~

>not a raita small breast torpedo tit muscle loli
Do you even want to live your life correctly?
Those poor fools

Nobu a CUTE.

Give me some money first

The only logical reason she could possibly exist in her current state is that their balance team was drunk when they released her. And the only reason she didn't immediately get nerfed was because they feared a genocide of refund demands.

This should be 100% apparent to anyone playing the game, so people who still insist on using her knowing this are literally cheating. The only difference between Jeanne Alter users and cheatapk users is that DW are struggling to justify banning the former.

I'm trying but andy is being a pain in the ass

Is that cheatAPK or is she just broken as fuck with that many buffs?

The latter