Tell me a secret, goyim.
Old bread:
Tell me a secret, goyim.
Old bread:
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Is Anivia good after the update
looks like you posted the wrong picture there, allow me to fix that
Shit OP
should i buy noxian meme man of dunking?
>They didn't added the thing to get champion shards with IP
I though i would finally get my mastery 7 without buying RP
>tfw you adc tells you "gj"
Which ADCs besides Sivir do you not go APen on?
>Nidalee GUTTED
>Lucian GUTTED
Let the lynchening commence
There's a patch you mong
hello i was wondering if smeone could help me out. I just bought nidalee for fun, and the first game i have played with her, i was executed by the chicken in the jungle. What exactly are you supposed to do to make her clears a bit healthier? A shaco also invaded my blue and that kind of set me off as well, but mainly i want to know how to actually clear with her early. Any help would be very much appreciated!
are you kidding me?
Post your shops like did there and comment.
I'll be getting that Raka. The rest doesn't impress me.
>teemo mains got so tired of waiting for buffs that everyone just plays him AD now
>it actually works
Has anyone tried this build?
>open summer shop
>still no Vandal Vladimir
>but nosferatu
Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.
Arclight Varus is a pretty nice skin desu
Everything works with teemo because hes a piece of shit and is unfun to play against like yorick and the like. That blind is still the bane of my existence and his kit pisses me off so much
At least 516 have
If you've been building teemo any differently without memeing you're silly.
he's just annoying, that's about it. teemo isn't exactly in a good spot with free sweepers. he'll also get fucked the second he gets ganked or gets all in'd because he has no escapes
>tfw Darius is getting older and weaker
>no 70%
pretty unlucky, reaper soraka is not bad, rest is pretty mediocre
as for me
>jhin skin i've wanted for a long time with a terrible discount
>shit ez skin
>cancer nigger skin
>mediocre mf skin
>meh cait skin
>awful lee skin
i dont even play lee
owel might pick up cait
Continuing from previous thread:
For the inevitable wave of bans coming to Jax soon, what are other good carry tops to run with? I have a decent trundle and poppy. Should I look to learning Darius? Is Quinn going to use the new Trinity well?
god damn ghostblade on twitch is so good
>stealth and find a comfy spot for your little rat butt to sit
>ghostblade active
>spray and pray
>free triples and wom teamfights instantly
That itemization looks stupid as fuck, on many levels even if you go full memelord.
Alright guys, stupid question I know.
Is Wukong a mid game champion? You really need your ult to get good ganks off unless you just want to clean up the kill on the 30% enemy, right?
Against which champs does he struggle against?
what's dis and how do I get it ?
I understand he has an assload if counterplay and i can easily trinket where he is hiding, but for some god known reason, as soon as theres a teemo toplane, the jungler suddenly REFUSES to gank top. Like seriously, sure you mught get shroomed, but fucking hell its annoying without help. I actually wouldnt mind it if they removed his blind and maybe decreased the AP ratio on his AA and maybe a few little tweaks here and there, but thats just me
>perseus pantheon
how old is this shit? i've never seen it
should i grab it?
>dat Udyr skin
pretty jelly rn
also why do people call teemo 'teeto'?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Maybe I can bitch and moan about not having that 70% like the redditards did last Christmas. They forced a reroll or something iirc.
But I'm lazy.
and I thougth I got bad, damn
>10% more discount than i had with jhin
I really would appreciate some form of advice as to my problem, i normally play junglers with more sustain or tankiness like fiddle or jax, like with some way to actually survive camps early on.
why would you post that instead of the actual thing you're talking about
I odn't understand how you people think
it's probably the only one I'll pick up. maybe Twitch.
Post em
are you getting your pounce 'resets'?
What the fuck adc am I supposed to play if Lucian isn't good anymore.
Nid can't clear to save her life since the nerfs, you have to ask for a huge fucking leash and do 3x camps and come back with machete
Cait Ez and Sivir
why is everyone posting skins?
Yes, but and im even kiting to an extent. I have a jungle runepage with ap per level and flat resist quints and stuff its all set up. I dont really know what im doing thats causing me to die so much with her. Is there some strategy thst i dont know about her?
>support main
Awwww yis
A potential problem with giving you discounts on champs you play, is that you're often going to have skins for those champs already.
I got pretty lucky with my sales, but I still have an equivalent or better skin for all these guys. In fact I have every single other Sej, Raka, Nami, and Janna skins.
You can do a full clear taking Q then E and 3 pots, but you're very low at a lot of parts
Jax bans are unlikely. Trundle is very high tier tank. Pointless in bronze. Poppy is good. Can tank and deal damage. Darius is exceptional for what you need. Easy to cs with. Easy to bully/kill your laner. High damage. High tankiness. You can't really face roll with him though so he requires a good number of games to understand.
I wish I had that discount on Perseus Panth
fuck off
1 step above myrmidon. Its not bad, but not good either. It doesn't worth to spend RP on it imo.
buy the talon one, bathe in pucci
It's nothing
Purchase the 100% discount on the ticket out of this game
* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
>70% the most ugly rengar skin
i am so sorry
Make sure that you use your heal everytime it comes off cd. Try to clear the little birds with your w and e.
100% garbage
What does it mean?
Only like the Zyra and the Karma skin
>I will never get an S on udyr again
already have better skins for everyone
Riot failed at making me want to spend RP
I have the same problem, I already have the best skins for all of these champs
>tfw Support main
that you should buy the skin of best girl
>these Zed nerfs
excellent time to get none of them
miss fortune skin is le rare
>riot selling traditional karma
>the titties on the new morg splash
Maaaaaaan. They nerfed the fuck out of cookie morg splash and buff that one?
>that w/l ratio
>SG Udyr
I probably got the worst rolls out of everyone in here. Just pure shit
>Forgot pic
I'm shit and so are these skins
if you play MF i recommend you that skin, looks amazing ingame
I would literally suck dick for that tf
those are pretty nice desu
which garen skin is even that
Would buy:
All of those are good.
Mummy and Xin
Janna Morg Braum Annie
Jhin Cait MF
MF Naut
Graves Jhin Trist
I'm sorry friend
Tryn MF
GP Jhin
Leona Taric
Nami Morg
TF Annie Lux Fid
Quinn Cait Taric
I'm sorry friend
Mao Malph Kat Karthus
Sona Karma Morg MF Blitz
Malph Nami Jinx
GP Garen Braum
Braum Lulu Nami Taric
>if you play MF
who the fuck plays MF?
desert trooper
one of his 13 recolors
yoo i got project nerfnigger 70% off too
me and my mates always do it because of this guy
>Your average League player
>hoping I get underworld tf on the sale so I dont have to wait fucking months for it
>tf has like a billion other shitty skins
You an hardly call it a nerf sonce it ficking increases the damage the passthrough shurikens will do, thats almost s straight buff. And minus .1 off his shurkien ratio doesnt even matter because of his absolute bonkers AD and PERCENT TOTAL AD BONUS
Also riot doesnt even know what they are doing wrong with zed. Also bring back QSS to its former glort
I already have 4 Annieskins
Let's make Yugoslavia (great) again.