/utg/ - Undertale General

Return to norm edition.

Previous timeline: Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.

-The Game

-The Demo





-Steam Group


>Channel: Undertale



-IRC Channel:
>#undertalegeneral on Rizon

Other urls found in this thread:


Nth for Omega.


nth for smacking a goatdad on his fluffybuns

nth for best human

Muffet a cute! Even though I hate spiders in real life.




Nth for ghost

I want to taste an user.


xth for flowey

How do I learn to draw
do i need a tablet

you need a lot of willpower and some masochism

practice and don't stop. papyrus believes in you nigga so do it, even if you don't think you can do better, YOU CAN! just keep going.

Please don't do that.

You're all talk, kid.

you're either born with the ability to draw or you aren't

if you haven't picked it up by now, good chance you're the latter, sorry

I've seen artists do nice stuff with just a mouse. I'm sure a tablet would help out plenty though. I'm not an artist myself, but the tablet has be orders of magnitude more accurate than the mouse.

What it boils down to is lots of practice though, yeah. Just like every other artistic trade.

fuck off bugs

Anons are tasty though.
I want to run my tongue over their skin.


who is bugs?

Just spreading the truth senpai. No point in lying to a person and having them waste their time.

Eating your own cummies doesn't count as tasting an user you dummy.

Well that's where I draw the line. Anything beyond that is unacceptable.

Do you believe /utg/ is near the end of its lifespan, user?

There are a lot of guides but as an amateur to another amateur, they can be quite depressing for first timers. It makes drawing seem like a ton of work even though you're doing it for fun. My advice is to draw whatever it is you like drawing or feel like doing. If it's not good then that's ok. Just start another drawing right next to it and keep going. That's how I doodle. It's helps psychologically too since you don't just have an empty blank screen in front of you.

I'm not that flexible. I'll definitely need (You) for it!
Lift your shirt up so I can take a look at you.

Oh and are all mouse and MSpaint. Getting a tablet would probably help a lot but I only suggest that if you're really serious about learning to draw.


do this

no you don't need a tablet


Keep telling yourself that, friendo.

I've seen generals that died. This ain't one. General death doesn't come with drama, posts just get less and less frequent until they're half an hour apart, then no one bothers to make the new thread. They fade away, not explode.

It's not happening here.

Horrortale is shit


Some may be more gifted toward the profession, but that doesn't mean that it's literally impossible to draw well otherwise.

>I'm not that flexible.
There are other ways to seek what that user said without being flexible. I'm not going to spell it out in this thread though.

Generals can suffer more than one death. One when the spark is gone, and one when the general actually stops being made.

If you're an image dump/chatroom, you're already dead. You just aren't gone.



This - at some point sooner or later Undertale will just be another game that occasionally gets a thread made on /v/.

I get what you're saying, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree. To me dead is dead, and dead means gone.

dumb edgy bullshit

It won't die maybe, but will become a masturbatory tool for autists that can't let go.


Sorry your AU is shit but getting mad when someone calls you out in it isn't a meme


best gotes for sexual

asgore > female edgegote > edgegote >>> gote frisk >>> toriel >>>>>>>>>>>> shotegote

>I've seen generals that died. I heard their LAST BREATHS, man. Death ain't no explosion. Death is a slow fade away, man.

>X for sexual

If you're going to post your dumb bullshit at least stitch it instead of wasting multiple image slots on it

>listing asrielle at all

can you just leave

>telling people what not to post
There's a stark difference between initiator and retaliator

she is perfect though


They weren't commanding the other user. They were requesting it not be posted. They even said, 'please'.

>a magic word that makes people do what you want
No thank you


>female edgegote > edgegote
Wow trash

don't respond to him

Why are you so mean spirited towards people making new content, goatmom would be ashamed of you

Well your right about Asgore at least

You're reading into this wrong. It was a polite request to desist the behavior. There was no authoritative tone to the post.




Does Goatmom even do anything? I block them because I figured not.

Way to waste a third of the images on your dumb edgy bullshit user
>skeletonfags judging anyone for shit taste
at least Asrielle is more in character then bullshut like

>Why are you so mean spirited towards people making new content
Only once they get to our nerves.
>goatmom would be ashamed of you
He is a faggot, nothing of value was lost.

no asrielle is about the same

I am so fucking mad that you can make anything, anything, and all they want to do is stick to pre-established rules of our reality seemingly completely missing the point


I'm willing to bet Anons like that are just falseflagging to stir up trouble.
Or maybe I'm just hopeful that they are since I also like Asrielle. Anons who try to start up X > Y > Z discussions usually just seem like troublemakers. Just like what you want, and don't let others taste bother you.


They probaly mean Toriel but then again Toriel is also shit so who cares either way

We've said this before, but Asrielle is the gotefucker's equivalent of edgy Sans

I meant the real goatmom not the namefag

>Toriel being that low on the list

Well, I mean, it is your opinion. But fuck, do I disagree. I'll take her home.


Toriel shifts her morals however it's convenient for her. I don't care to impress her.

Asrielle is still Asriel in all the ways that matter, she's still a very sweet naive young goat who sometimes accidentally hurts people out of her desire for love. Just with a few parts swapped out.

Dom daddy Sans and pedo Papyrus are NOT Sans and Papyrus.

if lurkers like it
i post it
if it pisses anons off
i post it

dammit frisk

that hotdog had rape written all over it

you knew this was coming, sans told you this was coming

>edgegoat not first
shit list tbqh famzilla

Toby hasn't missed out on tapping into the potential player base. All he has to do is port Undertale to Game Maker Studio, since it can export to other platforms. It's tedious, but he would make a lot of money doing it.

Typical skeletonfag

this just looks like you put tits on the edgegoat to me, but I guess a picture speaks a thousand words

>pretending asrielle is made for anything but fap fuel
ok user.

there's a guy here who hates sans with a passion and falseflags and post cringy shit all the time. he's not a skeletonfag.


I think it's cool, kinda a callback to those scary older point-and-click games
People just have a kneejerk reaction to "edgy" content

>sometimes accidentally hurts people out of her desire for love
So it's a Creep version of Asriel, then?


not exactly everyone's cup of tea, but it's nice to see some interesting new content

pretty much this

I just asked if the fucker wouldn't waste so many image slots on his shitty edgelord crap. About a third of this thread is now this comic when he could have taken 5 mins to stitch it into way less parts . Its just the poster being a lazy asshole

>pretending asrielle is made for anything but fap fuel
A large number of things posted in these threads are just eye candy. They're posted specifically because they're entertaining, and not because they're particularly mentally stimulating or game related. Eye candy doesn't mean fap fuel. Asrielle doesn't have to be just for sexual. The people who only request her to be posted in such a way are likely similar to the Sans poster you described.

>stitching gifs of differing frame counts together

>reaching this hard

Greetings and good morning user! It's great to finally be back home, just in time for a rainstorm as well! I hope you had a good day/sleep and will continue that trend for the rest of the week and beyond! I love you user!

Describe what do you like about Asriel without mentioning his appearance.

I like asrie because she's pretty

Going to try and refrain from buying new merch today

oh well, I'm done.
now you one or two whiny cucks can stop crying over what's being posted on an imageboard wherein the majority of posts made are without images