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Who is the best hero and why is it soldier 76?
>sustained dps
>burst dps
>team heal
>can move around the map fast
>ult obliterates enemys
Have you played the based robot god of potgs today, /owg/?
based widow ass
Nth for zenyatta
Reminder that you will never be as good at tracer as I am
>Be level 78
>Pubbies keep shaming me for playing so much.
Wish I could hide my level.
Reminder that McCree is going to be carefully balanced by the end of the month Blizzard style. AKA he's going to be turned into utter shit and thank fuck for it.
>manage to get up to 52% wr
>literally can't find a game that's not in progress or doesn't have bullshit like double widow no tank no support and players on my avoid list on my team
Post that one legendary skin you wish you had
Reminder don't bring your team down user.
If you want fun play against bots.
Hey guys I fixed the tier list
I want Mei to shoot me in the head!
>Shitty aim
>got POTG only because of the grenade kill
>can only hit stationary heroes
Okay, user
>awful accuracy
>implying you're even good
The green artic one for Zarya is really good. What are you even talking about.
>tfw blizzard will never add a child hero because of the overwatch porn
by every aspect
i look forward to not getting deleted from 600hp in half a second
>Playing Lucio
>Also bind jump to mouse wheel down
>bunny hopping everywhere
This is so much fun.
How do I play Windowmaker?
Nice try though, I'm not that smug.
I'd be for a total rework of his kit. I like McCree but his gameplay is so boring
you forgot
>hottest dad
>Junkrat that high
>Genji above Pharah
>Genji above Zarya
No, you've still fucked up.
>hit 0 ammo as mercy
>switch to healing rod
>heal for a moment
>pistol is full ammo
>reload as reaper
>ammo counter resets halfway into the animation
>can melee and be at full ammo again
anyone else have any secrets tips or anything?
Not true, user. They're both better than the other in different situations, but neither is better than the other in every situation.
only when you compare it to her other skins
>junkrat on the same tier as widowmaker
my fucking sides
>winston not mid
>mercy not top
at first i just thought it was /owg/ being memesters but her ult charge is actually retarded. i respawned and ulted reviving my entire team twice in a row in the same team fight when the payload was 0.3 meters from destination. we won.
train in UT or quake because it's faster then Overwatch then you git gud
Two things I want fixed that aren't balance:
Reinhardt's rocket charge getting stuck on the gate at Illios (as well as several other places)
Reaper's teleport not going where you fucking point it.
>matchmaking takes 10x longer than usual and the estimate because it's trying to find a forced 50
literally one of the ugliest legendary skins in the game
>playing junkrat on defence
>doing just fine, hell even push out half the enemy team during overtime and we win the game
>this guy comes right out
Why is this game filled with fucking ausitic manchildren, i fucking hate this community so fucking much
Except for doing less healing and being played by tards who only use her ult whenever Reinhardt dies
>tfw hunting down and killing mercy as 76/rape ape gives me the rush that only Jack the Ripper could have felt
It's a good skin in general.
If you want a bad skin, go look at young Hanzo or firefighter Mei.
How'd I do /owg/?
I'll add to that:
Hanzo's wolf skins ult sound is quite as fuck. p2w
>being so triggered by this webm you pretend to be him
You're a Junkrat main aren't you.
Nigger, he has 5 nades and a mine he can blow up immediately after throwing it.
I'm swoller than her.
Finally got it
drop junkrat
drop the symmetry
and its a pretty good list.
>wow look at me my ult killed people.
>killed 1 guy that literally wasn't moving
Go away.
Who's your favorite character personality wise and gamplay wise?
Junkrat is pretty fucking retarded m8
not even talking about M1 spam, his trap is great, his ult can stop pushes on its own, and his concussion mine is basically an impossible-to-miss burst of free damage on par with a direct-hit Pharah rocket
you're an AWFUL person
Mercy is for loving, not for killing!
>click on quick play
>get put in game
>literally 5 seconds later says game is over and we lost
why even put me in there?
>be on hanamura last, defense
>we have one sniper who's good as fuck
>another person goes sniper, we ask him to change and his response is "what does it matter we're going to lose anyway xDD hana last is impossible to defend LOL"
4 of us blocked, avoided, and reported him.
I hope he gets banned. Fuck you.
Winston is the top tank right now. Lucio is the top healer as well.
Replace Lucio and Zenyatta's ults
I fixed both of them permanently
Made the shitty edit
>said an absolute retard blinded by waifu worship
I thought that was the easier spray. the pixel one, on the other hand..
>team doesn't care about protecting the supports
>usually play Mercy
>someone picks a second one
>they have a Mercy waifu themed name
>they have a legendary skin and emote
>let them be the support
>they're utter shit at Mercy
Waifufags are the worst
somebody explain symmetras rightclick to me. is it fully charged before it auto shoots or does it auto shoot when it's fully charged?
This guy gets it
>describe the ability as if that constitutes an argument
so what? he's only worth picking on like 2 points in the entire game
Triggered much? Much too much.
got that as well, took a bit more effort though
Junkrat or Reinhardt
Pharah or Zenyatta.
>less healing
i had the opposite happen. they had 2 torbjorns on the last point and out hanzo wasn't doing shit, so i had to go widowmaker and basically spent the last 6 minutes doing nothing but destroying turrets while my team flailed around and did nothing. then they started talking shit to me because "2 SNIPERS OMG" when the other one was literally useless.
>play zenyatta
>6k damage and 6k healing
nah man
reminder that just because somebody plays zeny or symetra doesn't mean you can't still have another support
>this game is so fucking casual that KOREANS are the dominating force behind it
jesus christ lads get a fucking grip
>when your team doesn't bother defending you from the rape ape
>Hanamura last is impossible to defend
Personality wise, I think that Zenyatta is pretty cool, followed closely by Genji. They both have the zen thing going on without being dry tarts about it.
Gameplay wise, Mei is Bae.
i've played with exactly one good mercy in the past 30 games, all the others would just stick to one person and be totally oblivious to health of other people
the one good mercy was me btw and i don't even play mercy
>6k damage and 6k healing
Why is Winston so goddamn good
I've played Reinhardt for 7 hours and thought he was the be all end all of tanks but goddamn can Winston fuck with people so hard
it okay, should focus more on multi kills though or air kills if you do solo kills. Also failed ganks where you win would be a nice change of pace.
Music doesn't work well with a montage too
>Hana last is impossible to defend
What a fucking bold faced lie
>waifuists are the only ones defending that bitch
Lucio isn't ever getting nerfed. Lately everywhere people are screaming harder about everyone else, but support specifically they're yelling for Mercy ult nerfs and zenyatta buffs.
How does that make /owg/ feel?
Reinhardt in both categories.
also, duplicates are worth far more than some spray or shit you won't ever bother with
>constantly gets targeted by the ape
>nobody in the team cares
I'm glad to know this is a common thing.
>a good skin
How in the fuck will I ever get:
>3 wallriding killing blows in one life as Lucio
>Damage all 6 enemies in one Primal Rage usage as Winston
>Dominate enemy team as Tracer
>Destroy 2 teleporters, kill symmetra, widow, mercy repeatedly until my team can get to the first point and cap it
>Dominate the enemy backline on the second point, blinking around just gunning down lucio, mercy while avoiding death somehow despite 4-5 of the enemy team being on me
>The symmetra and widow changed to tracer and hanzo to counter me, I still kill them
>No idea where my team is or how they're having trouble with the 2-3 of the enemy team that aren't being fucked by me
>Pretty much on fire the entire match, die only once early in the game
>Get a 3 player multikill with pulse bomb that lets my team advance and we cap the point finally
>I'm at their spawn stopping them from getting to the point when this is happening to avoid overtime
>POTG is a reaper killing 3 people right at the start of the game in an insignificant place, not even using his death blossom
>I get 0 votes
Why does no one ever appreciate Tracer?
>it's another useless Zenyatta who doesn't do anything and then gets snarky when called out on being shit "FINE NO SUPPORT THEN" match
>unlimited mobility on a tank
>kiting in and out of shield
>pop ult as you're about to die for more shitloads of health
>widowmaker butt tears
monkey man best man
Debuffs, heals and mad damage when protected. Plus hes a chill as fuck robot monk. Hes got some pretty good voice lines
He's best in conjunction with another tank if you're wanting to use him on payload maps. KotH is where he thrives.
Excellent because Lucio is my main support
>genji says he picked genji to counter mccree
>is completely useless all game
>potg shows him getting left clicked to death by mccree
Soldier all day
Soldier has a personality?
Why don't they move symetra to defense why is she in support?
Hey guys I fixed my fixed list (dropped junkrat to high)