League of Legends General - /lolg/

>>TFW mastery LVL 7 Draven and Mastery LVL 7 Blitz Pre made Bot are in your game
>>They rape everything

Old Thread eyosongive.us

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1st for shit loot

xth for getting the worst shit out of anyone here

i dont even want to play anymore after seeing these rolls

Is Ryze finally ded with his R nerf?

Xth for best girl

How do you get blue essence?

t. support main

Xth for PoE getting btfo AGAIN

melt down champion shards

Best Sona skin tho

Break down skin shards

valor looked like a dead/sleeping guy at first to me

Which ones do I buy?

gibe buffs

>implying purple man of many roots and shields will ever be dead
Wait for the 27th rework.


How do you get that mystery discount shit?

Post glitches.

None, those are all shit

i make it a habit to play anything but support in normals as well

this is disgusting

no best skin would be old muse with them tiddies

its the bluish purple icon in your league client

turbotits janna ofc

>Everyone is moving from LoL to Dota 2 because they removed SoloQ
>Despite the fact that Dota 2 doesn't have SoloQ either and got removed years ago
I don't get it, we dealed with it, why can't you?

I don't even like Janna though.

>everyone is moving to dota 2
says who? post proofs

the Jeff from Earthbound skin is better than everything there


>I don't get it, we dealed with it, why can't you?
They're bronze babbies and overshills are pushing their shitty game.

>not liking those janna/soraka/sona skins
self-proclaimed pocket sona picker
also janna abuser

at least you don't play soraka... right?

>Everyone is moving from LoL to Dota 2 because they removed SoloQ
nobody is retard

>people leaving to Doturd 2
Yeah, no.
And seriously, dynamic queue isn't the problem, it's the champion select.
Team Builder was almost the exact same thing except it had only 1 role, not 2.

> Dark Star Thresh's star grows as it collects souls for his passive

lurk more retard

Reposting this because I can't believe this Rengar thought ranked was a good idea:
>both his rune pages were empty
>Masteries were 6/6/6
>didn't talk the entire time
>kept roaming, not really doing much but feed the champs he ran into
>took up the support slot as a jungler when we already had skarner lock
>he has two ranked teams which he made for himself
What a boosted little creature

I like the graves skin but that's about it.

>no gravelord


>playing DoTA 2
People do that?

>ping top to be careful because I saw jg heading their way
>top dies
>blames me because I pinged

>not owning both already

Cum on. Step it up.

that still doesn't prove how everyone is moving to dota 2, retard

Wow, this new skin sure looks great, I can't wait to-

What the heck is this garbage?

theyre all bottom tier for each champion though. and yeah sona is still good situationally but why use pentakill when i have her best skin silent night. all i wanted was the marauder alistar and/or maybe warden karma and I'd be happy but riot cant even give me good rng

>at least you don't play soraka... right?

only when i had to which unfortunately was better part of s5..

Why didn't you follow user??????????¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ฯ~§¬´μ·°·¥·¤Ωθ

has tomoka killed himself yet?

theyre shit right

xth for breast waifu

Muh negro

screen clutter

i was support and on the other side of the map

why does riot hate aram players?


>enemy mid is missing
>i ping furiosly
>What the fuck where was the ss?
>enemy mid is missing
>i ss in chat furiosly
>What the fuck where were the pings?
>enemy mid is missing
>i ping and ss furiosly
>What the fuck why didnt you roam?
>enemy mid is missing
>i roam furiosly
>What the fuck why didnt you push the turret?


only the zyra one is good. the rest are pure shit

>he didn't get the FREE Captain Gangplank skin during the Bilgewater event

You don't see the classic lantern sticking out the top and bottom of the star?

You know you can dodge placements and dont take the loss right? Its a free dodge

that's what i thought. i really like zyra and have some spare RP so ill probably end up picking it

ARAM is fundamentally broken. Doesn't matter how much riot changes it, random teams will means no sides will ever be at an even playing field, one side always gets fucked

I really really wish they'd unlock every champ so ARAM only accounts become irrelevant though. That or permanently disable soraka and sona

Open your wallet user, you know you want to.

>score is 3-22
>team refuses to surrender
>ask why
>then they start typing the lyrics to that one instalok song



The jinx one is good imo.

I don't even play any of those champions
I main Singed


its obviously not finished yet you fucking moron

Any day now. I'm waiting for the tomoka suicide post.

i want to know why they havent implemented that mastery system. they did it for all the rotating game modes, including poro king which is basically just ARAM with picks. couldnt they just copy paste that system over to be lazy and have it be done?

What should I be building on singed? Is RoA worth it or straight for Rylais into tank?

Quick guide on nidalee?

I just got french goddess nida shard and I have a mighty need for that pussy.

tfw I caved in and bought two even though I already own multiple skins for all these champs


>surrender is 3 for yes 2 for no
>doesn't matter because majority doesn't win for some reason
i never understood this

Practice a shitload of clears in bot games. Until you get them down you're useless in even normals

> quick guide?
No such thing. Nid is probably the most complex jungler we have, and that was before her first clear got gutted.

>Dyansty Ahri for 60% off
>don't have to hoard skin shards for essence now
>I can finally unlock Winter Wonder Lulu

Ok at least help me understand what I need to do to get a good clear.

>that pic
>removing the brown

>have 3 afks
>just me and some other guy playing
>he is 0/13
>i try to surrender
>he votes no
>"we still have a chance"
i wish you could surrender at 10 with a 3 vote majority to avoid faggots

>i want to know why they havent implemented that mastery system
they said they're planning on it, but they also said the same shit about solo q

Jesus fuck fix the blinking minion health bars in H2K game.
Fix something for once Riot.

Is nocturne good?

what's pulse?

>Autofill is on

I've hated this game for a long time now but today I really don't want to play soloq at all

It's been a long time I know I won't get back to Challenger but there's no point even hoping when the path is now closed instead of rocky

>getting the only good Xin skin
>half-off the K6 skin
>60% off the why didnt you get that free? best GP Skin thats basically a Legendary now

>Winter Wonder Lulu
>Academy Ahri

Good taste user.

you're finally free

tear, roa, rylais, frozen heart, whatever other tank item.

swifites if possible, but it got nerfed so maybe merc treads

Shouldn't top players know how to play every role well?

Watch videos and learn to kite. I cant personally do it with the old resets, Im sure Id be totally fucked with the new. Waste of 3150 ip for me

>mfw just googled about instalok

more cringe youtube.com/watch?v=lBICLteuQs8

>Dude in lobby asks for jungle and I'll get top
>Think sure why not I also enjoy top
>Plat Riven main who went cinderhulk into trinity and did least damage ingame

Honestly I'm not quite sure what I expected.


>check pbe
>IE price down by 100
>yay slight yasuo buff-
>PD price up by 100
>maw price up by 100

How did i do , /lolg/ ?

Really with a tear? Id been told that was a meme on him.

No. We have main roles and play those. We used to be able to play all 5 roles then Riot gave us the option to pick 2 to specialise in and now they've taken it back away from us.

>mana items on Singed
Stop, that is shit advice.

RoA if you need it, Rylai's, Liandry's if you get fed, otherwise General tank items like DMP, Spirit Visage, with Swifties, and maybe even a Warmogs.

I really want the MF and Cho ones, but I'm not sure I should when they're only 40% off

yeah, but he dies really fast and has mana issues. his ult is guaranteed to get you a kill or burn a flash though

unless you build a frozenheart or hog the blue buff then you'll be running out of mana a lot because of his w q e engage


Half of these deals were from my URF picks. Fuck.

T-thanks senpai

Get the Jhin and Lulu ones

>tfw want this vayne skin that's actually the best for only 208 rp but haveo nly 155 rp and the cait 1 is 156 so I can probably get that 1
what do

what the fuck. singed HP scales with mana and you need it if you want to farm effectively with q. RoA or tear is a must on him, not "if you need it".