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76 Dad is best dad edition

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Previous Thread:

First for high noon


>Your favorite hero to play as

>Your least favorite hero to play against

>Your favorite type of bean

How cancerous are you?

Rare photo of young Zarya

Someone come play with me who isn't shit and a one trick pony. GwenPool#1798

What the fuck are you doing? There's already a thread up and its at 500 replies.

>who isn't shit and a one trick pony
>posts a webm of himself fucking up the stick

>Posting in the fake thread


Where can I find hi res images of skins?

>green beans


So when are we getting some new content (maps, heroes) game is starting to feel stale.

This game is dead. If you're smart, you'd sell it now before the price drop any further.

>Friend and I go two Reinhardts on attack
>Alternate between shielding and shoving the hammer up the assholes of the enemy team
>Mercy and lucio healing us while phara provides cover fire

Reclassify Reinhardt as assault please.

>snipers literally have tunnel vision
You just had to contest the point until we got there but you stood there

If I played pretty much only spy in tf2 is there a class I'd be best suited for in this game?

>Play D.Va regularly
>Ult rarely kills anyone and usually one only person at a time
>Accept it as being an area denial ult
>Run into several enemy D.Vas
>They all get triple and quadruple kills on their ult

Why is it that people suddenly lose the common sense to walk behind a lamp and survive when they're on your team?


"faggot" isn't a class so no

there is still 2 owg threads alive. no need for a 3rd one.




>The kind they put in burritos

navy beans

and again, a skin for a character i never touched, this shit is rigged, it just drops me high tier skins for hero's i never play

fuck you blizzvision


Are they matching you with turds to balance your w/l ratio?

Canadian hero when?

Time for my shitty ideas

Remove reload and add distance/I-frames to his roll.
+50 health
Invincible while teleporting if not damaged within the last X seconds; increased movement speed and lowered duration of his E; more point-blank damage on his shotguns with slightly more fall-off. He should feel more like an assassin than a clumsy Tracer
>Soldier 76
Ult replaced with an airstrike (stole this idea from someone else)
Fine as is

Short of a total rework, give him drastically more setup time on his turret and increase the damage to compensate. He should be rewarded for positioning, not mashing shift when an enemy sees him.
Reduced arrow headshot hitbox; increased projectile speed; ult is given a longer cast-time, more damage and can no longer travel through walls; tapping LMB now fires three multiple low-damage, low-range arrows to compensate for his abysmal short-range game.
Fine as is
Remove from the game entirely
Level 3 turret can be built after acquiring a large amount of scrap; ult can now turn a level 3 into a level 4 turret which is like 3 with an increased rate of fire.
Sniper rifle shots are now projectiles with damage fall-off.

Ult can be used at any time with a long-ass cooldown, damage corresponds with how much it's charged.
Shield is given a longer recharge time and stuns Reinhardt if broken by an enemy; right click is replaced with a vertical hammer strike that requires more precise aiming and does more damage, shield is moved to its own weapon slot.
E is replaced with a toxic cloud that damages nearby enemies and Roadhog himself; ult replaced with an ability that disables an enemy, damages them and heals himself for the amount damages :^)





Never, Blizz already said they're abandoning the game.

You Omnics may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel.



fart beans

No they didn't

If I did that I'd be dead in 5 seconds

Junkrat or zenyatta
>Roadhog or mcree
>Coffee bean

>girls' little beans

Soldier 76


How many ults do I need to reflect as genji to get a shutdown potg, does it just not count? I've gotten it from shooting pharah a bunch of times but never for reflecting it.

Why TorbJorn gets the dumbest PotGs?

Zarya or 76
Good widows, Winston in general
Vanilla bean milkshakes

Right click overloads his weapon creating a discharge that depletes its ammo and damages nearby enemies; damage corresponds with current ammo; 10 second cooldown and the gun cannot be used for any purpose until the cooldown is up.
Given a not-pink hair color, legendary skins are replaced with something that ia not completely fucking terrible.

Healing/speed are buffed; radius is reduced drastically
Pistol replaced with an offensive E ability (channeled beam) that is charged by healing/buffing teammates, this ability can be used with no charge but it won't be very damaging.
Poo in the loo: Remove from the game, try again with a similar concept that isn't just portalslut. I'll come back to this later
Zenyatta: +50 health

Alright fuckers, here's how we fix the game for good

Increase range(just a little) on her primary fire and decrease the spread
She can now fire while using Defense Matrix

Fix arrow hitbox and that's it

His selfheal doesn't work on HIM if he's taking damage

Keep the stun, decrease Fan's damage by a lot. It should be okay for him to kill squishies, but not tanks (35 damage per bullet should be fine)

Change her Ult to charge slower, right now it's probably the fastest one in the game

Increase Teleporting speed, make it cancelable
Clip size increased to 12

Now she can place turrets at X range, doesn't need to be hugging a wall anymore

Turret has a 0.5 second delay before start shooting

Decrease damage on her primary fire, increase clip size to 30

Bodyshots now deal 100 damage, Headshots 300
When her ultimate is active, enemies see a faint red glow surrounding their screens

Increase orb's traveling speed
HP increased to 75
Replace his ultimate. Now, instead of healing allies, he uses his thousand arms to obliterate his foes. He starts punching at the speed of light while screaming ATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA, it deals no damage. He says "Omae wa mo shindeiru!", enemies explode after 3 seconds by number_of_punches_taken X 10


Who /embracetranquility/ here?


>because some fucking loser left the game im forced to sit out a match trying to carry shitters

fuck this game

McCree user please post your battletag

Hey i was in that game, you had a reinhardt protecting your sentry didn't you? That was me booooy.

We all do.

Oh I read that as least favorite to play as, to play against would definitely be Widowmaker. My vision needs to be checked.

>Supports are already turning out to be worse than the ones in League
They're all a bunch of entitled fucks that think just because they pick boring shit nobody wants to play that they can say and do whatever they want. Just because they pick Mercy and right click means you can't say shit to them or they'll have an emotional breakdown. Fuck supports I wish the role was removed from any and all games. Who the FUCK plays video games to make other people have more fun? What kind of cuckery is that?

>Soldier 76, Hanzo, Genji, Reaper and RoadHog
annoying pieces of shits:
>Widowmaker, German slut of Nazi heals, Cheers Luv, Russian Dyke and the fat chink

Don't listen to

Faggot is totally a class it's called Tank in this game

Asians need to stop drawing everyone like they get a full body wax every other day

forced fucking 50 is fucking real and it's ruining my fucking gameplay.
top 600 /played just 3 people are above 60% winrate, everyone fucking else is under 60% above 45%.
everyone is fucking equal.
all the extreme shitters who deserve 40% are now around 50% and all legit good players are also around 50% because of this dumb system.
i'm fucking done with this shit




>Soldier 76
>Ult replaced with an airstrike (stole this idea from someone else)
You mean like Battleborn?
Or CoD?

>kill a guy 6 times in the first 3 minutes, including when he tries to ult
>he ragequits
>someone much much better joins and takes his place
>we lose

Well fuck.

REMOVE OMNIC remove omnic
you are worst robot. you are the robot idiot you are the robot smell. return to you're shit scented factory. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole robot stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..robot genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead robot..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot robot and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE OMNICS FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol robots no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the omnic farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo lucio fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

Is Mercy's ultimate too good?

Right now it is basically a mistake forgiveness ability. She gains ultimate pretty fast and there's no counter to it. I think there should be a small cast time to at least try to counter it. Especially since it can go through walls and such. It also pushes the other supports more and more out of play.

Mercy and Rollerblades are so good. Mercy has amazing mistake forgiveness and healing. Rollerblades has great offense capabilities AND great support. There's no reason to play the other supports.

Same here

>tfw no fan art of Torb and Rein having fun drinking beer and playing poker


>+50 health

why does everybody not realise pharah is broken and annoying as hell

>impossible to hit while she's in the sky
>splash damage doing 100 damage per hit, contact damage of 160
>non stop spamming these huge hitbox rockets

Soldier 76

>She can now fire while using Defense Matrix
Would complete break her

When I read it my first thought was Dirty Bomb, actually

Red Beans

>mfw I've come up with five OCs heroes since the games release
Be straight with me, how autistic am I?

We found the retard who tell people to go sniper instead of support.

hey this is OP and I think you're wrong


I love playing support because big green numbers have gotten my dick hard since neverwinter nights
Just stay away from mercy and find lucios and zens, they're 99% of the time more chill and I have no idea why

They need to add a match timer at hero select so I can immediately leave a game with 5 seconds left because some faglord went "m-muh stats"

>wahhh why does matchmaking work
>i should have higher than 50% winrate because I don't understand math


Post them

Reminder that if you play McCree you are fucking cancer.

Reminder that if you play Widow or Reaper you should change your hero because you fucking suck with them.

>Try to play any support that isn't Lucio
>Teammates don't dare even stay in my line of sight let alone protect me from flankers
>Play Lucio
>Bored out of my fucking mind because aside from wall riding and airblasts he's passive as all hell
Fun effective support character fucking when?

Someone lost a few games because "their teammates"

No one does that and it doesn't even make sense. Fuck off supportmonkey.

We'll get ranked within three weeks and probably some new hero/stage reveals at the time as well.

The new heroes will likely be Sombra, Doomfist, that Axiom billboard omnic, a shades-wearing fem Japanese chick and Liao, the last soldier from the original Overwatch team, whom we know nothing about.

Did they nerf Pharah?

Feels like my rockets do literally nothing compared to beta.

>go against a good widow
>still win because racking up sick kills doesn't block the point

>spy uses a revolver
>mcree uses a revolver

There, not only will you be good at it, everyone will hate you too!

If you were a pistol Spy, yes.

If you were a disguising stabber and sapper Spy, no.

>Play a character because you actually like how he plays and his looks
>He turns out to be a broken powerhouse
>People give you shit for playing him

Best dad

A. Relax, they're not that common. Most games I have no supports at all and have to be one myself (if one's eve needed), and when there is one it's 50/50 at worst that they'll be a bitch about it.
B. Go fuck yourself. People are allowed to enjoy things you don't.

>I'm literally retarded

>get into any game
>supports always talking shit, acting like they're pros or saying the team suck
>one thirsty Mercy just fucking clinged next to her Reindick
I'm fucking tired of these COCK HUNGRY HEALSLUT FUCCBOIS .

What were they celebrating?

>massive ban wave for cheaters already
anyone here get banned?

>i-if you play McCree you're c-cancer!
>o-or widow, or anyone I get killed by!

Why would you not abuse a broken character? Nothing changes balance wise if you ignore it and don't use it to every broken advantage.

Holding Reaper's hand

I only bitch whenever we have a sniper who can't hit the side of a fucking barn.
Well not playing poker but

Sucks to be you, now change. You can have him back when he's nerfed. Unless he is still OP.

Posting pics for the person who wanted Gency in the last thread.

What if you play Dad 76?