>in stock T32 >come across a maus >try shooting front >can't pen anywhere >start the flank >get around the building after 3 minutes >he sees me and starts to turn >fire a round at him >it doesn't pen >it doesn't fucking pen >m60 behind me tracks and sets it on fire >gives me enough time to reload >I creep forward to get a better shot on his side >the maus slowly starts turning his turret at me >I put a round flush into his side >it blacks his transmission and piss streamed his ammo and crew >he finishes his turret turn and 1 shots me a second later >m60 in back gets the kill 3 seconds after that
Fuck US tanks. Fuck tier 4 and 5. Fuck this forced grind.
Tier 3 for life.
Aiden Thomas
Can I get a list of planes considered "superprops"?
Matthew Roberts
Literally okay pockrt you fucking newfag
Adam Howard
>he thinks the superpershign is more armoured than the m46 >he thinks the superpershing has anything to go for it
Logan Hall
all planes above 6.0 plus beercans
Alexander Davis
>asks what the difference between the spershing and m46 is >gets told the differences >nu uh
Gavin Sullivan
Tempest II, Bearcat maybe.
Gaijin doesn't want anything to be a superprop anymore though, hence why the F8F was nerfed and Sea Fury given civilian settings
Adrian Myers
Superpershing is Pershing with longer gun and two-piece ammo Patton is Pershing with proper engine (M26 was using Sherman's), and cross-drive transmission.
Andrew Collins
I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but why the fuck do people think the J7W1 is a dangerous plane?
Granted, it can dive, recover from them quite good, the cannons are lasers, but it isn't OP material. It can't run, it can't turn or climb.
So what the fuck gives?
Grayson Edwards
>Superpershing is Pershing with longer gun and two-piece ammo That is not the Super Pershing.
That is the M26E1.
Jose Young
both, the E1 and the E1-1 use the same gun....
Colton Ross
M26E1 does not use two-piece ammunition.
Chase Foster
Why don't the Brits have the Fairy Battle as a reserve plane?
Leo Richardson
I've always been confused by all those experimental Pershings
Josiah Cruz
Ok I'm going to spell it out real slow
Both the M26E1 and M26E1-1 are technically Super Pershings. They were given the nickname because of their longer, more powerful guns. I'll quickly correct myself, both of the said tanks use single-piece ammo.
However, because you fucking sperg out at the slightest misunderstanding, you don't seem like you can explain things in a more civil manner.
Cont., albeit your 'Super Pershing' does come with more armour, and should be more heavily armoured, it isn't because Gaijin. Because of this, the M46 is a better choice.
Connor Rodriguez
Holy fuck you dumb nigger the Super Pershing is the tank named the goddamn Super Pershing
When someone refers to the tank "Super Pershing" they are referring to the tank named the goddamn Super Pershing, not the M26E1. If you wanted to talk about the M26E1, you say M26E1, not the Super Pershing. Because we have the Super Pershing ingame, and it is called the T26E1-1.
The SUPER PERSHING has more armour and a better gun than the M46. The M26E1 only has the better gun.
And no, saying "They'd both called Super Pershing Xd" isn't going to cover up your dumb mistake.
Luke Smith
I never made a mistake. Take your autism elsewhere.
The M26E1 came to War Thunder FIRST, and that may be why people are confusing them. Use your fucking head. I'm trying to give a little backstory to which one is which.
You are correct, both Super Pershings have better guns, while the T26E1-1 also gets 'more' armour, but to which extent? The M46 can easily dominate both tanks due to mobilizy alone. A skilled player would pick the M46 over those two tanks any day.
Gabriel Johnson
>Both super pershings
My sides, the autism on this one.
Nathan Martin
David Morris
Christian Torres
>someone tell my why i should drive the superpershing over the m46
Do you know the reasons you'd drive the SUPER PERSHING, over the M46? Because it has MORE ARMOUR and a BETTER GUN. Which is what I said.
The M26E1, not the SUPER PERSHING, the M26E1, only has the better gun. I assumed he was referring to the SUPER PERSHING when he asked about the SUPER PERSHING, and so stated that it had better armour and a better gun.
Those are the reasons you'd drive the SUPER PERSHING over the M46. There are numerous reasons why you'd drive the M46 over the SUPER PERSHING too, but he didn't ask for that, just asked why he would drive the SUPER PERSHING over the M46.
>both Super Pershings Genuinely off yourself. No one's going to start magically calling both tanks, that are completely different, Super Pershings just to coverup your retardation.
Ayden Collins
>F-82 gets airspawn now
Eli King
>All this samefagging just to shit up the thread Is this the same guy from last night saying "muh 700 or bust"?
Aaron Taylor
Holy shit are you the same retard that said the XF8B is faster than everything other than "a handful of props"? Now you're shitting up the thread with your retardation about the Super Pershing too?
Dylan Ward
I'm not asking anyone to call both tanks Super Pershings - I pointed out that, TECHNICALLY, both are Super Pershings.
And in the previous post, I said why people would confuse the two.
And IN BOTH POSTS, I was telling you that both the armour and the gun are nothing compared to the overall mobility that the M46 gets. What is it that YOU don't understand?
Asher Davis
Dumb weebs need to go back to the discord.
Kayden Flores
>I pointed out that, TECHNICALLY, both are Super Pershings. When will you learn to quit while you're ahead
>And IN BOTH POSTS, I was telling you that both the armour and the gun are nothing compared to the overall mobility that the M46 gets
And IN MY POST, I was telling you that the advantages the SUPER PERSHING has over the M46 is that it has BETTER ARMOUR and a BETTER GUN than the M46. If you wanted to take the M46 over the SUPER PERSHING, you would do so if you wanted to have MORE ARMOUR and a BETTER GUN than the M46. These are the reasons you would take the SUPER PERSHING over the M46. There are also reasons you would take the M46 over the SUPER PERSHING, but that isn't what the question was asking.
What is it that YOU don't understand about the question?
Grayson Rivera
>B-b-but TECHNICALLY Dude, stop.
Brandon Richardson
Proper Teamspeak address you can use ts.gonnahate.org No password
Camden Thomas
Evan Reed
Is this a good jet?
Ryder King
Kevin Young
A slight misplay or a flanking maneuver is more fatal to a T26E1-1 than it is for the M46.
Only having better frontal armour does not solve issues, and it drains the mobility from a tank that badly needs it.
M82 shells only need to pen to kill. The better gun only allows you to drill some tanks that it faces through the turret frontally. And honestly, those tanks have other weakspots you can pen with the shorter 90mm aswell.
It's honestly stupid to play the T26E1-1. Oh, I'm sorry -
Andrew Gonzalez
>No one said it was faster >Guy asked if there was anything faster because he couldn't remember Nice attempt at bait though
Hudson Ward
Easton Peterson
Ayden Thomas
Julian Carter
I'm not the XF8B guy.
Ethan Thomas
These are the reasons someone would take a SUPER PERSHING over the M46, if they wanted a tank with BETTER ARMOUR and A BETTER GUN than the M46, which answers the ORIGINAL QUESTION.
The question was not "IS THE SUPER PERSHING A BETTER TANK THAN THE M46?" which you seem to have severely confused.
Anthony Stewart
ascended 2bh
Kayden Lopez
Just unlocked Tiger II (P) and the Jagdpanther. What can I expect? Any tips?
Jonathan White
>700 from a prop >Do we have any that go that fast? I don't believe so.
>is given list of props faster than 700km/h and thus faster than the XF8B
>So only a handful of props are faster than the XF8B, then?
The list, btw: >P-47M, P-51D, P-38K/J, F7F, F8F, F-82, Do 335, Ta-152, Fw 190-D12/13, Yak-3 VK107, Griffon Spitfire, Tempest II, Sea Fury
Isaac Jenkins
Cameron White
>Give the long list as argument even though the "only a handful" was in reply to the list of three planes that went over 700
>The statement was still a rhetorical simply made to finish off the post You reeaally want to shitpost don't you, user?
Jordan Bennett
Oh dear, you're the XF8B guy aren't you? Trying to retroactively retcon your retardation as "rhetoric".
Are you still mad people bullied your planefu?
James Ward
I'm repeating what he said last night
Kayden Jackson
>retroactively retcon your retardation as "rhetoric". fug that was bretty gud alliteration
Kevin Ward
>I-I'm not him guys, just defending him personally for the sake of it!
Don't worry user, I believe you!
Brayden Cox
>Literally shitposting for the sake of it You were reaching last night and you are reaching today. >Calling retards out means I'm the same person Literally Triahx tier
Hudson Young
Nolan Edwards
what am I in for guys
Asher Phillips
cancer T-34 tier memebouncing
Eli Martin
The Leopard I, senpai.
Connor Harris
Oh boy yeah you're definitely not the same dude, defending his stupid statement. I too like to help out random retards on Veeky Forums from an entire thread ago!
Would you believe it, I'm not actually the guy who posted on the last thread, just someone who wants to call out a retard!
Brayden Smith
I didn't confuse the questions.
Here's what my last post said : >Advantages? TO WHICH FUCKING EXTENT?
The sole thought of picking the Super Pershing over an M46 is ludicrous.
I already meddled enough about the armour and the gun. So I'll leave you with this. Raised by blood pressure high enough already.
>He's still shitposting and pretending he wasn't shitposting last night >Still thinks I'm the guy he was replying to last night >/wtg/ is one person We're anonymous for a reason, but I guess you're too stupid to understand that.
Gavin Martinez
Jackson Perez
Sebastian Rivera
OK user, I'll explain it to you one last time, really nice and slowly and being very clear about it because you appear to be missing this point very badly.
The question that was originally asked was >someone tell my why i should drive the superpershing over the m46
Now, this is asking why someone would want to drive the Super Pershing over the M46. Not WHETHER they should drive the Super Pershing over the M46, why they would WANT to drive the Super Pershing over the M46. Now, the main advantages the Super Pershing has over the M46 is that it has a better gun and better armour. So the logical statement is that the reason you'd want to drive the Super Pershing over the M46 is that it has better armour and a better gun, as those are advantages it has.
There are also reasons you would want to drive the M46 over the Super Pershing, such as better mobility or a HEAT shell. But because the question was not asking this, I didn't reply saying the M46s advantages over the Super Pershing, which is where you seem to have gotten mixed up. Not to mention that you appear to be so fucking criminally retarded that you can't tell the difference between two different fucking tanks in the american tree that you think because both have the same fucking gun then they both should be called the same fucking thing.
I hope you bleed out on a fucking fishing hook for the retardation you have inflicted on TWO threads now via basic misunderstanding of a fucking question.
Have a nice day!
Aaron Howard
Hunter Gomez
>he thinks I'm the same dude from last night
I don't suppose you realise how hypocritical it is that you're both claiming that you're not the same dude from last night and I'm the same dude from last night at the same time.
Easton Nguyen
Jacob Gomez
Thomas Roberts
is there one person who's not underage in this thread?
Jackson Baker
>Implying we're not simply doing that for the memes Wouldn't be the first time in this shithole
Ethan Clark
Parker Robinson
>implying I'm not also memeing
The only thing worth doing in this place when there isn't a patch recently released is to shitpost.
Julian Barnes
Patch when?
James White
Should I even grind the U.S. tree or just play germans now with RB mixed matchmaking system they have coming out? that way I can play germans with friends brits.
Grayson Scott
Daniel Anderson
Either today or Tuesday. We're at DEFCON 2 according to Scarper.
Adrian Hughes
Why? Nothing of value will be added
Ryan Hughes
>Believing Scarper You're right, the XF8B isn't being added.
Alexander Perry
Brody Wood
Scrapers signature on the forum indicates how close the patch is to dropping.
And AFAIK patches only come on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Hudson Thomas
Liam Robinson
Dominic Hill
literal shitposting
Zachary Williams
I will NEVER get banned for posting this ENTIRE comic
Jose James
Matthew Kelly
Owen Rodriguez
>Those large, tender, pent up balls Murr~
Liam Carter
Oh my lord, you're kidding me, aren't you.
I SUNK to your level by reffering to the T26E1-1 as the Super Pershing for your own, LIMITED sake. I know very well about which tanks I'm talking about.
I very well acknowlegde the advantages the Super Pershing has over the M46. But I also said they are not as good as the advantages the M46 has - I gave my own opinion.
Oh, considering the way the question was asked, seems pretty ironic to me. You may have interpreted it as a normal question, which is definately the reason why we're having this 'discussion'.
Chase Lewis
Kill yourself.
REALLY kill yourself.
James Richardson
>Tank literally called the Super Pershing ingame >I sunk to your level by calling it the Super Pershing
You truly are a special breed.
Logan Martinez
Will you autists knock it off already?
Elijah Howard
>its wrong to be specific okay
Dylan Edwards
Jackson Peterson
We're worse than /b/
Alexander Garcia
sauce or I report u
Carson Moore
Jacob Lee
Gabriel Thomas
it's Rebis just look him up on exhentai
Aaron Walker
>Implying we're not all in this collective clusterfuck of a sinking ship together
Caleb James
Can I get a non-Sad Panda link? I'm on Mac and I can't be bothered getting around it.