Pharah is literally perfection. She is the CUTEST of all Overwatches and NOT an amputee.
I'm going to marry Pharah!
Wyatt Turner
Jace Morris
>some random pub used DVA ult with my Mei ult and wall. >wipes team. MUH DICK.
Jordan Perry
>Want to be good with Genji like Seagull >Don't have pocket healslut with me at all times
Aiden Lee
>At loading screen >For a real fucking long time >Attention: If you do not do something you will be kicked for inactivity >Get kicked No, thanks, I love free leaver penalties due to blizzard's incompetence.
Bentley Gray
I'm pretty sure Pharah is a man or at least has a dick.
Kayden Hall
>Reaper potg presses Q to DIE DIE DIE >Then afterwards uses the edgiest emote I bled to death from the sheer edge