/fgog/ Fate/Grand Order General

Previous >[Shuten-Doji gacha until 15.6]
- Limited 5* assassin Shuten-Doji
- Event CEs
- 3* Benkei CE: blocks debuffs (1 time) | gourd drops (+1)
- 4* Kiyo CE: +25% damage against males | debuff success rate +12% | gourd drops (+2)
- 5* Tamamo CE: NP gain +20% | gain 3 crit stars every turn | gourd drops (+3)

>[Story half ap quests till 8.6]
- Oni event requires you to complete America

>[Oni raid event until 15.6]
- Raid boss Berserker Ibaraki
- 5* assassin Shuten-Doji temporarily added to gacha
- Event CEs help to defeat Ibaraki; Ushi can be purchased from the shop, Kintoki is part of the damage reward pool - both can be dropped from 1-3 BP quests
- 5* Ushi CE: Quick cards +10% | upon death: ally Quick cards +10% | damage vs. Ibaraki 100% (self)
- 5* Kintoki CE: NP charge +30% | battle start: +15 stars (1 time) | Party ATK (includes support) +50%
More information can be found @fgo_english

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
- Siegfried, Spartacus, Stheno, Darius, Memeaxe, Kintoki, Nero, Gilgamesh, Saber Lily, and David have lvl. 10 bonds now
- Stay away from cheatAPK, as damage is being tracked


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


Other urls found in this thread:


Medusa an ugly slut



My husband on the right.



Do people still want Jack + maxed Ushi or prefer Jeanne Alter + maxed Ushi?

So Japanese Goblins huh?

xth for best archer

>back to 50+ talons thanks to this event alone
Best feeling

Baby Robin a cute!

Xth for assassin Arjuna

xth for going mad trying to clear this store with no drop CEs

Is it better to just spam 1BP over 3BP for currency anyway?
I haven't even tried 1

I'd take Jack. Extra damage against females plus all those stars ensuring Ibaraki goes down sooner rather than later.

Holy shit sauce?

Nobu a CUTE.

Best girl.


Depends, Jack deals more with her NP but Jeanne offers consistant damage with her crits.

If you have enough of the event CEs you may as well do 1BP, it'll probably make up for lower drops.

If this is datamined, are the rewards for the reward/story quests datamined?

The question is just how small drops are we talking about here
Does 1bp drop half or one third less than 2 and 3bp respectively? I know everything on 3BP drops a little more than 2BP but I think per BP it might be worthy to go with either 1 or 2 for drops because you get more runs and can bring more drop CEs I just wish I had them.

Honestly that Melty Blood manga even existing surprises me. There seemed to be a bit of an embargo on Tsukihime-related things for a while, before shit like Strange Fake and Labyrinth suddenly started incorporating DAAs aside from Zeletch into Fate stories.

After all, the reason that French Bread went on to UNIB and the Dengeki Bunko game was supposedly that Nasu isn't letting them work on a new Melty Blood until the Tsukihime remake is out.

Anyone got any team recommendations I should try for BP3? I know my odds of clearing it are slim due to all my best single targets being berserkers so I need a better stall team.

Looking at this, it definitely doesn't seem worth it.
I think 2BP might be better than 3BP specifically for gourd grinding.

They can only get certain things through hex editing, so that kind of datamining is still dead.

Since Okita's illness isn't specified, is it safe to say that it's crippling chronic diarrhea?

Jeanne-Orion and a support Waver. Enjoy Ibaraki never shooting her NP.

It's TB you retard.

What? It's tuberculosis.

What? Tibet?

Tibet diarrhea syndrome

This I just didn't know how to spell it and didn't feel like looking it up.

I could have called it "the consumption" but I was pretty sure someone would make a dick joke if I did.

Diarrhea, got it

How embarrassing for the pride of the Shinsengumi to die of bowel distress?


Oh no, Sakura Saber! Don't do that here!

Sasuga reddit. I guess the rumors were true.

Oh lord, please don't.

Melty manga has been going on for years in ways

Nasu said long ago that as long as there were fans for something, it would continue in some form.

Disgusting pancake ass snek

Fuck off with your magical realm.

There's a new Melty Blood manga?

Reddit not even once.

It's been going on since like January, but nobody's bothering to fucking translate it.

Okitafags everyone.

>they fell for it xD!11!!


Well fuck. Something else I'm never going to enjoy in the next decade.

>it was all a ruse I swear
>okitafags are not this obnoxious believe me

Don't take one man's disgusting fetishes as representative of everyone who likes a character.

I think she has a bubbly personality and a cute voice.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

You reminded me that Okitafags are redditors.

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

Don't need a translation to enjoy this.

F/GO becomes a generic haremshit anime with 5 heroines. What girls and what archetypes do they fill.

It's Melty x GO. It's where Olga and Hairy Wonka ended up after they died.

>I- it was someone falseflagging, we dindu nuffin!

Fuck off reddit.

>People are unironically believing what one shitposter who was assmad about Okita being extremely good eight months ago started spewing

(You) x5

>he keeps trying to damage control

>Liking Fate
Fuck off, Reddit.



>oh shid! they know I replied xD!1!
>better use le ebin inverse falseflagging conspiracies meme

So it's confirmed the everything is reddit fags are the absolute worst part of these threads. Even Jetfag isn't that bad.


Boudica : Non-blood related older sister
Nero : Exchange student
Scathach : Ice queen
Mashu : Kouhai main girl
Nursery Rhyme : Token loli

Is jetfag still alive? I haven't seen him for a while.

Take a hint from the image. What happens on Saturday that might be related to Shuten?

>water is wet


Why do you post this every time?

I think he was the one spamming the threads with Scat and got banned for it.

But where's the ojou?

Nero pulls double duty.

Because he's from reddit.

Remind me why we keep up this "pretend reddit is bad" meme again? There was a time when it was funny, but the joke ran its course long ago.

Honestly surprised someone remembers that.

Getting back on track,

will any of the current meme team actually be viable once the hands change class for the next Ibaraki?

Fuck off /r/grandorder

I'd watch it

Reddit is legitimately bad for a number of reasons.

The issue plaguing the thread is trying to demonize anything you don't like as being related to Reddit.


Carmilla: sexually predacious lesbian minor antagonist.

Fuck off retard, that's not an issue or a meme; it's a fact.

F/GO becomes an otome game, who are the available boys and are there yuri options?

Why has no one translated this? This looks pretty damn enjoyable.

Who /sensei/ here?

You're so new it hurts. Fuck off already.

Oh I know, let's do a round of /tmg/ faggotry next.

Scatfags being jealous of Okitafags again? Forcing scat memes?

How strong are these japanese goblins compared to normal goblins?


Why hasn't Chibichuki been translated? Why hasn't Mahoyo been translated? Why did it take as long as it did for Hollow Ataraxia to get translated?

The English-speaking TM fanbase has always been shit at getting things translated.

Jeanne Alter or Saber Alter
Nobu or FemGil

And (You) as Hakunon

Despite the popularity, there's a lack of dedicated translators for whatever reason.

>everyone shitposter is one guy

I could translate it but I don't like Melty Trash.


Because Type-Moon translators have always been incompetent.

Everyone who like to perform well in this event.
The Caster hands didn't change anything, she's still the best damage dealer.

See this is the exact reason we need to stop. We get newfriends like these that can tell the difference between a joke and what we actually believe. We might actually offend some people if this keeps up.