Steel Ocean Admiral /sog/

Battle For The World Edition


Current events (check in-game Events tab for details):
Kill 2 cruisers for 90 merit daily.
Win 1 match as a DD for a day of Premium

> What is this?
Steel Ocean is a multiplayer arcade game focused about warships from World War 2 era.

> Steel Ocean Info Any way I can play with (You)?
"NA clan: No Botes Allowed"
We have an active clan in the game. Find it on the fleet page and then click application button. Post IGN in thread to get accepted.
Also post a meme.


>Commander calculator
An easy way to come up with commander setups without having to deal with the clunky UI. If you have any issues explain them in the thread.

Launch from there, in game go to Claim, then Storage, Non Battle items, click 'use'

Events: (11am-1pm & 6pm-8pm PST)
Sunday: 5v5
Monday: Helena Overlord
Tuesday: Fleet Battles
Wednesday: Fap to botes
Thursday: 5v5
Friday: Helena Overlord
Saturday: Fleet Battles

Kantai Collection posting allowed.
Feel free to talk about botes here.
If you have any questions, post them in the thread or read the links.
Remember to love your botes.

Previous Admiral~!

Other urls found in this thread:

First for die western pigs

Slowly fading out Haguro bump.


Chinese fleet name. Because it didn't accept No Botes Allowed.

Though we might have another-go at it.

NBA没有Botes允许 = NBA Allow No Botes

ala shitty google translate

how populated is it and how's the ping?

Now we have a ded fleet in two servers, nice!

Right now? at 7 in the morning china-time? slow queues

Then picks up significantly as the day passes.

yeah I know. Just figured since people were looking into China, Might as well plant the stake for now/future use.



xth for normalfags.


Th- thanks


Side tail is worst tail



You're welcome, normalfags are part of the fleet.

What if there's a sidetail in each side? also known as twintails.

Twintails are God's gift to the world. If paired with a tsundere personality it is truly perfection

>Glasses and twintails

How fucking disgusting.


U wot m8?





Logging in.

Honestly, I dislike the idea of (You) testing out the chink server because it splits up the fleet for no reason.

I think I'll leave NBA if it keeps this dead on event times. No point in playing this game alone.

signing on.

Lost track of time, sorry.

The 1 DD win can be completed at any tier as long as it is a PVP match by the way.


So flat bullets just whizz by.

under that mask, there definitely isn't a smile.

maybe a grin, but not a smile.

Such a good girl.

Yet to see a decent yorktown though so can't judge.

Decent you say?

yeah, the guy we kept winding up against was AccFlanX

What a waste of 4 hawkeyes.

I know.

I was there.

Horrible, wasn't it?

Why is Akebono crying?

I'd ask Shigure, but she's suffering from the sight as well.

>honker rush

>Honker rush

such a QT.

Overlord tomorrow.

Might get to play as the Helena someday.

What's your special move, /sog/?


Crippling depression and alcoholism.

Reality ignoring.

The ability to be angry at absolutely anything.


Kaiser flank


What the fuck is going on with her feet?

The artist was up all night working on their Mongolian pictographs and said "Fuck it."

That's beyond fuck imo.
That's like "I'm gonna make some people's eyes bleed" tier.

> Honker rush


Those American camos are so ugly

I can't wait to see RNG and Salt fight over Soccer/Football later this week.

If they care for it at least.


Deutschland will win the whole thing

>Tournament of countries in the Americas
What? I know that you're memeing but please bait harder.

This is not about EURO 16?

Onishi has a skill that gives 10% extra arty range for 20s if you hit an enemy. Being in range of enemies without dying is pretty important in FB/5v5, so I'm wondering if it could be useful for BB builds there. Kinda gimmicky since he's a CV guy and has no other relevant skills, but 10% range is pretty decent, especially if it also increases your effective shell speed.

If that skill is commander only, it's shit for BBs
and maybe useful for CAs but there are still better alternatives.

No, it's a proc skill like Conceit. I find myself often sitting in my Wyo looking at a target just out of range knowing that if I move in range I'll get fired back on.

The issue is that since it's a proc skill it will spend half the time on cooldown and since it's activated by a hit it's not as easy to manually activate as conceit is.

Perhaps on a split Carrier/Ship-type
Yodo or Ise.

Or one of the CV's with artillery mode for its guns.

>Euro 2016
Why would an Argrntinian and a Chilean give a fuck about the Euro cup?

>I find myself often sitting in my Wyo looking at a target just out of range knowing that if I move in range I'll get fired back on.

How is that even possible? THe only this that can outrange you is Bongo and everyone knows wyo is meta at t4

just play kraut

Go! Fight! Win! Ypá

How would I know where everyones from

Everyone is wyo, both fleets are sending fighters over each other, so you have targets but if you move up to shoot them it's guaranteed fighters will be sent to spot you back.

Lurk more

Into the fucking trash she goes.

That's why you do coordinated push and focus everyone on one target. With faster reload skill you're pretty much guarranteed to sink enemy wyo under a minute.

And then it comes down to which fleet aims and coordinates better. Having a guy or two who don't actually need to push to keep applying damage is a big difference; most spottings in FB go unexploited because people are out of range.

Not that I'd spend 300 quali on onishi just for FB.

Who knows you maybe will set new meta for FBs
Just like Dresden tactic became one :^)

New Daily Merit Event:

"In Memory of the Battle of Midway"

Win an Aircraft, Heavy Cruiser, or Destroyer match and get 90 merit.

Running till the 8th

A sad consequence of ded game is that MM finally works. Noobs are fairly rare now, so even when I get put into groups nowadays the randoms I get are usually BP 1k+ too.


>1mil xp til I can introduce the karl muller meta

... well guys, it happened.

Battlepoints barely count for anything other than the amount of time you've sank in. Even Drac0 has high BP.

Why is this guy a meme?

He used to be bad until we tried to be nice to him when giving advice. Now he's occasionally decent.

7.3k total matches
52% W/R
2399 survivals

and a higher damaged number(3003) than damage dealt (2947)

They don't guarantee performance, but lacking them guarantees lack thereof.

He plays a really selfish DD. Back when he first showed up he would suicide charge BBs at t7, and he has improved since then after much ridicule but he still runs gun-heavy builds and charges subs and even BBs sometimes.



Post more please.

more of... what precisely?

More of these cute boys

Cute bote sluts.


>no pan


I had a bad feeling about that match.

And the results didn't lie.

How the fuck did so many ships get in

Scenario mode.

needs 32 players to start but effectively a 12-15 minute no limits TDM.

quite entertaining when people get going.

lol that ise rape squad